Medical official path

Chapter 758 Stealing Beams and Changing Pillars

Zhang Yang said, "My sister and I just came back from the capital. Who would have thought that we would catch up with this? You can see that we are all healthy. What's wrong? We have to isolate us from the capital for 48 hours regardless of the object. Isn't it a little formalism?"

Chen Guowei said, "There is nothing we can do. Now that the R pneumonia is so fierce, it is also a last resort for the city to introduce such a policy.

Zhang Yang said, "Guo Wei, do you have a way to help us out? I don't want to be quarantined for a child."

Chen Guowei looked around and said, "Now the policy is very tight, if it is found by others..."

Zhang Yang knew that Chen Guowei was a well-behaved person. It was indeed a little too embarrassing for him to do things that violated his principles. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay if it's inconvenient."

Chen Guowei hesitated for a moment and finally made up his mind. He said to Zhang Yang, "Come with me!" After all, he is an old classmate. Besides, Zhang Yang has never begged him for anything. Chen Guowei really can't bear to refuse.

When Zhang Yang was about to go with him," Jiang Liang called and asked him to go to the VIP channel. He had arranged someone to pick him up at the door. Chen Guowei heard that someone had arranged everything for Zhang Yang, and he was relieved. He took Zhang Yang to the VIP channel, and there was a quarantine port on the way to the VIP channel. If it hadn't been for Chen Guowei's lead, Zhang Yang and Gu Yangyang would not have been so easy to pass. Chen Guowei sent the two of them to the Continuing to send it, he said to Zhang Yang, "Zhang Yang, I can only send it here today." Recently, the city has a heavy task, and I can't leave it. When this epidemic is over, I'll treat you to dinner. Let's catch up."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Guo Wei, I should treat you to dinner."

Chen Guowei didn't dare to leave his post for too long." After a few words, he quickly said goodbye to Zhang Yang.

Jiang Liang arranged Liang, deputy director of the Railway Public Security Bureau, to wait for them in the VIP channel. "Zhang Yang and Liang Xing are also old acquaintances. When Liang Xing saw Zhang Yang, he didn't say much. "Take him and Gu Yangyang away from the VIP channel" and sent them to the VIP waiting room. From the small

Jiang Liang has been waiting for them outside in person.

Zhang Yang and Gu Yang got into the car. Jiang Liang couldn't help complaining, "Zhang Yang, you really can really give me a problem. Now the R-type pneumonia is making people panic, and the city must cut off the source of infection of the R-type pneumonia and try to avoid the spread of the epidemic to Jiangcheng. The capital is the most serious place of the epidemic in China, so it has become our key test object. I said where you don't want to go, and you have to go to the capital?"

Zhang Yang said, "Du Tianye is really formalistic. Did he do that? This is called choking and waste food. You can't turn away all the people from the capital because of the outbreak of type R pneumonia in the capital, right? Nancy also has a case of type R pneumonia. Is he the same with Nancy?

Jiang Liang said, "It's not just Jiangcheng that has introduced such a policy. Now almost all cities attach great importance to this matter. R-type pneumonia is too contagious." No one dares to be careless."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a big deal." Oral virus antibodies have been developed, and it won't take long for R-type pneumonia to disappear."

Jiang Liang said, "Where are you going? In the past two days, I really don't have time to accompany you. The city has given us a task. "I'm running almost 24 hours now, and I haven't closed my eyes for several days in a row."

Zhang Yang said, "You can go to my Du Tianye's office." If I get type R pneumonia, he is the one I want to infect most."

Jiang Liang knew the relationship between Zhang Yang and Du Tianye, and he also knew that Zhang Yang was just talking. At this time, he would not go to argue with Du Tianye. Even if he had such thoughts, Du Tianye would not have time to receive him.

Gu Yangyang said, "Brother Jiang, thank you." It's my fault. I don't want to be dragged by them to quarantine for observation, so my brother-in-law came back with me. I'm sorry to trouble you." Gu Yangyang said so." Jiang Liang was embarrassed. He smiled and said, "Miss Gu, it's nothing. What does it have to do with Zhang Yang? Don't say that he doesn't have type R pneumonia. Even if he really has this disease, I also regard him as a friend. Friends not only share happiness, but also have to share difficulties. If he is really sick, I will take the initiative to let him be infected. At that time, the two will be quarantined together and have a companion for drinking.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "That's good, but I'm afraid that you will regret it at that time."

Jiang Liang said, "Where the hell are you going? I'm still waiting for the meeting in my bureau?"

Zhang Yang said, "You send us to Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory!"

When Jiang Liang heard about Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, he couldn't help frowning. He whispered, "Are you here for the matter of Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory this time?"

Zhang Yang recognized that there was something in his words. He looked at Jiang Liang and said, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Liang said, "Do you really don't know or not? Something big has happened to Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory!"

Gu Yangyang panicked when he heard this: "Brother Jiang, what's going on in the pharmaceutical factory?"

Jiang Liang saw that their expressions were quite confused. He should not know anything about the pharmaceutical factory. He sighed and said, "It seems that you two really don't know." Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory's selling fake drugs has been exposed. Now many drug dealers have jointly sued the city and asked the city to give an explanation."

Zhang Yang was also stunned: "Fake medicine? What fake medicine? All the [medicine] products produced by Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory have gone through formal procedures. Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Yang still maintains Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory quite a lot.

Jiang Liang said, "You still remember that there was an influenza in Chunyang last year. At that time, Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory had a specific drug that had an obvious effect on this kind of cold.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Antiviral oral liquid!" At that time, it was the formula he personally improved. Of course, Zhang Guanren knew this matter. "But that kind of medicine was the formula he put out after careful consideration." How can it be said to be a fake drug? Even if the R-type lung is not cured, it can play a preventive role.

Jiang Liang's next words surprised Zhang Yang: "Yes, it's antiviral oral liquid, this year R

After the outbreak of

pneumonia, manufacturers all over the country went to pharmaceutical factories to purchase goods. They often had to go through the back door in order to pick up a few pieces of goods. For pharmaceutical factories, it was a once-in-a-lifetime development opportunity, but the production capacity of Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory could not provide such a large demand. They could not However, they couldn't bear to let these orders slip away in vain, so they came up with a bad idea to buy Banlangen from other manufacturers at a low price, and then package it as antiviral oral liquid and sell it at a high price. This matter has been discovered.

Zhang Yang and Gu Yangyang looked at each other." Both of their eyes were full of worries, and now it was n

When pneumonia is rampant, it is extremely bad in nature to do this kind of thing at such a time. "Zhang Yang knows that this kind of thing will inevitably have a very bad impact on society, not only in the face of the problem of public opinion condemnation and fines" hit the tip of the storm, and probably should be investigated for criminal responsibility. Gu Mingjian really made a leak.