Medical official path

Chapter 764 Yes

Chapter 964 I have it (middle)

Throughout the afternoon, Zhang Guan was soaked in An Yuchen's room and enjoyed gentle things in the name of healing. In fact, Zhang Yang was by no means a clever name. An Yuchen had such a strange disease. Maybe there was only such a strange way to cure her. However, because An Yuchen is pregnant now, Zhang's behavior has added a lot of scruples. On the contrary, An Yuchen is much more fanatical than him.

After the frenzy, An Yuchen lay quietly in his broad and warm arms, listened to the sound of rain outside the window, and whispered, "You don't seem to be very happy."

Zhang Yang stroked her hair and said, "I'm just worried about your illness."

An Yuchen said, "I don't know how long I can live. I just hope to give birth to this child smoothly."

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but hugged her tightly.

An Yuchen said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, and I won't cause you any trouble."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you think I'm afraid that you will cause me trouble?"

An Yuchen said, "I know you're not afraid, but I don't want you to change your life because of me."

Zhang Yang said, "In a few months, your stomach will be big."

An Yuchen laughed and smiled happily. She has always been a girl who doesn't care about other people's eyes. She dares to love and hate. Since she chose to do so, what can she regret?

An Yuchen said, "I came here to tell you about this. I want to go to Switzerland for a while. Grandpa left me a villa there, next to Lake Geneva, where the air quality is very good. I want to go there to give birth to the baby."

Zhang Yang said, "No, you've gone so far. I'm not with you. What if there's anything wrong with your body?"

An Yuchen said, "But I really don't want to cause you trouble. If your fiancee knows that I have your flesh and blood, what will she think? This is intolerable for any woman.

Zhang Yang said, "It doesn't matter!" Although he said it decisively, he didn't know how to deal with it in his heart.

An Yuchen kissed his face and said, "I know that you did that to save me. You value Yanran very much in your heart. You are not ready to welcome the arrival of this child at all. Zhang Yang, you have done enough for me. If I hadn't met you, I would have left the world long ago. It was you who made Love is you who made me a real woman, and now I'm going to become a mother. I don't have too much prayer. I just ask God to give me another year of life, so that I can give birth to this child smoothly, even if it is the continuation of my life..." Speaking of this, An Yuchen's beautiful eyes are moist.

Zhang Yang said with emotion, "Woman, can we not be so sad? Your illness is not so pessimistic. Have more confidence in me. I have the ability to make you and our future child's mother and son safe. I can definitely do it!"

An Yuchen said, "I believe in you, but I really can't stay with you. If our affairs are known to outsiders, your career and your feelings will all be destroyed by me."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't care, you can't go to Switzerland anyway!" Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the child in your stomach. What if something happens to you and I'm not with you? Who will take care of you? Who will help you?"

When he mentioned the child in his belly, An Yuchen suddenly fell silent. After a while, she said, "If not, I'll go. I promised the little lama Dorji to go back to invest in the construction of a hospital. When the hospital in the Tibetan area is built, I guess I will be about to give birth. I hope our child will be the first to be born in the hospital."

Zhang Yang was still hesitating. An Yuchen put his arm around his arm and said, "Please, I can still ask the Zen Master for advice when I go there. I think his medical skills should not be below you, and I can just practice Mingheng Yoga with him there, which is also very beneficial to my body. Besides, the air there is better than Many, don't you want our future baby to be healthy?

Zhang Yang laughed hoarsely. Of course, he understood the reason why An Yuchen was eager to leave. She didn't want to cause trouble to herself. The more An Yuchen was, the more guilty he felt in his heart. He was really emotionally messed and terrible.

An Yuchen has other ideas in her heart. She is still not optimistic about her condition. She even believes that she can't accompany Zhang Yang for a lifetime. Her greatest hope now is to give birth to this child safely. In her heart, she has regarded this child as the continuation of her life.

Zhang Yang finally couldn't resist An Yuchen. It was difficult to change the girl's decision. She wanted to go there to help build a love hospital, and also to nurture the crystallization of her and Zhang Yang's love on the pure plateau.

Zhang Yang devoted his main energy to his work. The pace of the Provincial Games is getting closer and closer, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Although he has experienced all kinds of criticisms, the torch relay has started smoothly. From the beginning of the first leg of the provincial party committee, it means that the 12th Provincial Games of the Pinghai Provincial Games Curtain.

The problems also began to appear one by one. First of all, all cities asked the provincial sports meeting to re-register. Because of the impact of the previous r-type pneumonia, other sister cities did not send the strongest lineup. Most national athletes gave up the provincial sports meeting, and now, with the r-type pneumonia is completely charged. The shadow in people's hearts has gradually faded, so the leaders of the sports committees of several cities discussed it, and they asked to re-declare the list of the provincial sports meeting.

Zhang Yang is very annoyed by this. In fact, it is allowed to make some adjustments to the list of athletes before the game, but the range of adjustments in various brother cities this time is extremely huge. Taking Dongjiang as an example, almost half of the participants in the event want to make adjustments.

"It's too fucking too much!" Zhang Daguan patted heavily on his desk and stood up, which well interpreted the essence of these four words.

Li Hongyang, deputy director, said, "It's not a city problem now. Almost all cities require the adjustment of the participants, and the adjustment list has been specially handed in."

Zhang Yang said, "Is this an adjustment? It's just a big change of blood. What the hell? At the beginning, I didn't give them a chance. I called them one by one and begged them to send the strongest lineup and the best athletes, but how did they do it? They all emphasized to me the reasons. What kind of national training, what kind of participation in the World Series? To put it is to put it, I'm not afraid of R-type pneumonia. Now it's all right. The pneumonia is under control, and I immediately changed my face and want to participate in the competition again. The national team is not training? Has the World Series also been cancelled? The good horse still doesn't eat back grass. How can these people change their faces so quickly?

Li Hongyang said, "When signing up, the r-type pneumonia is still fierce, and everyone has a psychological taboo."

Zhang Yang said, "I set the rules at the beginning, and I also extended the registration time for them. It's not wrong for some athletes to adjust, but under the premise of accidents, now it's better. They just made a big change. What about my previous registration?"

Li Hongyang said, "Director Zhang, now other cities are united to make an article on the list of participants. I don't think we can be too tough."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not tough. I'm arguing with reason. It's for making rules to abide by. If the rules can be broken casually, then our provincial sports meeting should not be done at all, so as not to make a pot of porridge."

When he spoke, Qu Shengming, the director of the Provincial Sports Committee, called. Qu Shengming was also for the list of participants. The person in charge of sports in each city had found him. He just wanted Qu Shengming to speak out and put some pressure on the Nancy Sports Commission to reconsider the registration of the Provincial Games.

Qu Shengming said, "Zhang Yang, now everyone thinks that there are some problems with the registration of the Provincial Games, so I hope to adjust the list of athletes."

Zhang Yang was not happy to hear: "Director Qu, when I signed up, I told you that they were unwilling to send first-class athletes to participate in the competition. I called one by one and begged my grandparents. In order to let the best athletes in Pinghai participate in this provincial Games, I specially pushed the registration date back. It's more than a week late. Ask the directors of the sports committees of those cities. Which one hasn't received a call from me? I'm not talking hard to anyone. After all the good words, they still insist on sending these second- and third-rate athletes to participate in the Provincial Games. Now the list has been set. It's less than a month before the Provincial Games will be held. You told me to adjust the list of athletes. Isn't it in vain that we have done so much work Are we going to start all over again?

Qu Shengming smiled and said, "Just adjust the list of athletes, and they don't ask too much."

"Isn't it too much? Director Qu, if it's really a problem for individual athletes, I have nothing to say. They don't want to adjust, they want to make a big change. Can you put yourself in our shoes and think about it for us? How much time, energy and money did we spend to prepare for the Provincial Games? It's not that they didn't give them a chance. It's because they didn't cherish it. When they signed up at the beginning, because of the rampant R-type pneumonia, they were selfish, so almost all the first-class athletes didn't sign up. Now that As soon as it comes out.

Qu Shengming said, "You also know that there are objective reasons, so you have to give others a chance."

Zhang Yang said, "Give it, they don't want it. Now I want it. I don't have time to pay attention to them. If they feel that the new sports center is not well built, will I also remove the heavy cover? Director Qu, the time of our Nanxi Sports Committee is also very precious, and we don't have time to serve these masters!"

Ask for a recommendation ticket again. Although the number of updates has decreased, the octopus is still very dedicated. Everyone will know it by comparison. Ha ha, I wish you all a happy New Year! RO