Medical official path

Chapter 764 There is ah Next

Chapter 763 has it (Part 2)

Hearing his resolute attitude, Qu Shengming couldn't help but be a little moved: "Zhang Yang, can you enlarge your mind a little? The Provincial Games are not your own business. Only when all the outstanding athletes from our Pinghai Province participate can the Provincial Games be meaningful and represent the highest level of sports in our province.

Zhang Yang said, "Director Qu, you may not understand. I'm not against their athletes coming to participate in the provincial sports meeting, nor do I refuse personnel adjustment. What I oppose is to give the participants a big change in the name of adjustment, which is equivalent to overturning all our previous registration work, which is unfair to us. We don't have that much time, and the work of our Nancy Sports Committee should not be ignored.

"Who ignores your work? Wasn't it because of the special situation of type R pneumonia before? I know what you think. You think that most of the excellent athletes in other cities have not signed up this time, and you have a chance to win the first place in the gold medal. Xiao Zhang, please don't your pattern be so low, okay?"

He became popular. Even if it was Qu Shengming who said this sentence, he shouted, "My pattern has never been higher, but everything has principles. Can the things settled be changed? I'm here today. Unless there are special circumstances, they will not be allowed to change the list at will, thinking that I want to take all the gold medals in my pocket. Yes, who doesn't want to?"

Qu Shengming said angrily, "You bastard, why can't you be confused with you?"

Zhang Yang said, "That's it for me. The registration is settled. We, Nancy, are the host. We spend money and energy. Don't you even have the right to speak in the end?"

Qu Shengming was so angry that he patted the table on the other end of the phone: "Bung-son, be careful, I'll remove you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Why? What's your basis?"

What he said is really right. What Qu Shengming said is just angry words. If he really withdraws Zhang Yang, he really doesn't have that power. The director of the Provincial Sports Commission sounds beautiful, but he doesn't have so much real power.

Qu Shengming gritted his teeth and roared, "Bung boy, you can wait and see." He is so angry! Hang up the phone with a bang.

Qu Shengming's temper has always been very strong. He was so angry that his face turned pale. He grabbed the ashtray on the table and smashed it at the door of the office. The door was originally closed, but it happened that someone pushed the door to come in, but it was deputy director Xie Yunfei. Xie Yunfei knocked on the door, but Qu Shengming didn't hear it, and the door was closed, so he knocked on the door and pushed the door directly and came in. Who would have thought that an ashtray would suddenly come? Xie The ashtray fell on his forehead. The smashed around and sat on the ground. He felt the Venus in front of him for a long time.

Qu Shengming didn't expect this one to come in suddenly. He quickly came forward and helped Xie Yunfei up: "Yunfei, are you all right?"

A big bag appeared on Xie Yunfei's forehead. Fortunately, it was not broken. He staggered to the sofa with the help of Qu Shengming and said with a bitter face, "Director Qu, why are you... so angry..."

Qu Sheng clearly believed that he was fine, so he sighed and said, "I'm not angry with that bastard Zhang Yang. Now the opinions of all cities are very big. I want to readjust the competition list, but this boy is good..."

Xie Yunfei's mind was now clear, and he also sighed, "Director Qu, I've already said that this man is too arrogant. He has no leader in his eyes. With some relationship with the upper class, he doesn't look at others at all."

Qu Shengming said, "I said that there was something wrong with his pattern. Other excellent athletes did not participate. They all let their own people compete with Nancy. There is no doubt that they won the first place in the gold medal."

Xie Yunfei said, "Director Qu, why are you still confused? As early as he first became the director of the Nancy Sports Committee, he shouted the slogan to win the first place in both gold medals and medals at the Provincial Games. Although I haven't had much contact with him, I also know that this boy is so happy. The athletes of the Provincial What is the purpose of choosing when type R pneumonia is rampant? It's not to take advantage of the fear in people's hearts. Think about it, the most fierce place in Pinghai's r-type pneumonia is Nancy. Who is willing to risk their lives to participate in the competition in Nancy? This has caused the collective absence of so many excellent athletes.

Qu Shengming nodded and said, "I can see that he is taking advantage of this matter."

Xie Yunfei said, "Now that the R-type pneumonia is under control, all cities want to adjust the list of participants. In fact, this is an understandable thing. Whether as a host or an ordinary sports worker, you should have this mind to tolerate brother cities. The Provincial Games are not their own business in Nancy. Love, let alone Zhang Yang did it himself. Don't we often say that friendship is the first and the competition is the second? The game hasn't started yet. He is already using means to target brother cities. This is not good. Sports is sports, and it should not be mixed with too many political factors and utilitarian ideas. Although Xie Yunfei was hit in the head, his thinking was very clear and he was right.

Qu Shengming has little problem with Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang's back to him today made him quite angry. He stood at the height of Pinghai Province. Of course, he hoped that all the best athletes in Pinghai would appear on the competition field. Qu Shengming said, "This bastard is very stubborn. I talked to him painstakingly just now. He didn't give me face.

Xie Yunfei smiled and said, "Director Qu, you are the director of the provincial sports committee. He is the director of the municipal sports committee. What level are you at? What level is he at? What do you talk to him? Go directly to his leader. He is ignorant. I don't believe that the leaders of Nancy are ignorant? Don't you have any view of the overall situation, and you don't have the mind to tolerate others? Xie Yunfei said that these words contained many elements of revenge. He had always had a grudge against Zhang Yang, but he was also scared by Zhang Yang and let him go directly to Zhang Yang's bad luck. He didn't dare to kill him, but he made trouble behind his back and incited the leader's anger, which was originally his strength, and there was

Qu Shengming then listened to Xie Yunfei's advice and called Xia Boda, the mayor of Nancy City. The reason why Qu Shengming looked for Xia Boda was that they were very familiar with each other and it was easier to communicate.

After Shaberda learned about this matter, he also attached great importance to it and specifically raised it at the subsequent Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

After Gong Qiwei finished his recent work report, Xia Boda cleared his throat and put the matter on the table. Xia Boda said, "Other cities in the province have a lot of opinions about the work of our sports committee. They think that our previous registration work is not in place, and we exclude all their excellent athletes, so I hope we Be able to reconsider the registration of the Provincial Games.

Li Changyu of the Municipal Party Committee laughed. He glanced at the standing committee members present and said, "Isn't Zhang Yang responsible for the specific work of the Provincial Games? Lao Xia, if you feel anything wrong, just tell him that there is no need to discuss this kind of thing at the Standing Committee, haha..." Li Changyu smiled twice again.

Xia Boda scolded Li Changyu in his heart. Li Changyu absolutely deserves the word cunning. First of all, he pointed out that Xia Boda was targeting Zhang Yang, and then lightly pointed out that this matter is not important. There is no need to make a fuss. To put it plain, he is not maintaining publicity. Xia Boda said, "Li, this is not a trivial matter!" You said it's not important, but I have to emphasize the importance of this matter. The tit-for-tat relationship between Xia Boda and Li Changyu has become clear recently.

Li Changyu said, "Lao Xia, then you can talk about it."

Xia Boda said, "Our party and our society all pay attention to a stability and unity. Only with stability and unity can the society develop steadily. Although the Provincial Games are held in Nancy, it is a sports event in the whole Pinghai Province. It is not our own business in Nancy. If this sports meeting is held behind closed doors, it is the city. It's the Games."

Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei has always been in charge of this work. Xia Boda's words are very directional. He can't leave without saying a word. Gong Qiwei said, "Mayor Xia, our organizing committee has never closed the door and opened the door to all sister cities. I know very well about the registration of the Provincial Games. When the work was started, we spent a lot of effort to send the best athletes to each city. Not only did we extend the registration period for them, but also the sports committee called one by one to do the mobilization work in each city. The fundamental reason was the r-type pneumonia, and many athletes were afraid. We Nancy are regarded as flood beasts. They are afraid of coming to Nancy, so they have caused the collective absence of so many excellent athletes. Now that the R pneumonia is under control, they regret it and want to readjust the list of participants, so the problem is not with us, but on their side. It's not that we don't work in place. It's not that we are not broad-minded enough. To put it simply, that is, we begged them not to come at the beginning, but now things are almost ready, and they have to go back on their word and want to do everything again.

Xia Boda said, "You also said that it was a special situation at that time. R-type pneumonia was rampant, and it was inevitable for others to be afraid? As the host, I think we should have that kind of mind to make this Provincial Games a sports event in which the people of the whole province participate.

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