Medical official path

Chapter 766 Good or Bad

Chapter 763 Good or Bad (Part 2)

Zhang Yang and Gong Qiwei left together. When they came to the parking lot, they saw Ma Tianyi of the Commission for Discipline Inspection hurried out of the office building. Gong Qiwei wanted to say a few words to Zhang Yang and point out some problems he needed to pay attention to, but when he saw Ma Tianyi, he could only greet him with a smile.

Ma Tianyi's expression was very solemn. He came to Gong Qiwei and said, "Yang Yun is missing."

Gong Qiwei was a little surprised and said, "Isn't she always in a mental hospital? With so many managers watching, how could she disappear?

Ma Tianyi said, "It must have something to do with Xue Zhinan." After he finished speaking, he hurried into the car.

Gong Qiwei looked at his leaving back and couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Yang heard him sigh and laughed, "What worries you like this?"

Gong Qiwei said, "Ma has been investigating the cigarette factory recently. He believes that there is something wrong with Liao Weizhong."

Zhang Yang said, "This matter has been widely spread recently. I also heard that he checked Dacheng's printing, which caused problems with the printing of our advertising leaflets. Dacheng's printing has been very inefficient recently."

Gong Qiwei said, "What have you heard?"

Zhang Yang said, "There are many rumors outside, and there are all versions. It is said that Liao Weizhong's brother-in-law Xue Zhinan was reported by his mistress Yang Jing this time. Others say that Yang Jing is the common mistress of Liao Weizhong and Xue Zhinan, and the relationship is too complicated."

Gong Qiwei said, "I really have everything I want to say."

This matter did not attract much attention. After all, the Provincial Games is about to be held, and he can't even be busy with his own affairs, so how can he take care of other people's affairs? Because other cities in the province were dissatisfied with the results of the registration, they first went to the provincial sports committee and tried to use the influence of the provincial sports committee to force Nancy to change its original intention. Seeing that the effect was not great, the directors of the sports committees of several provinces and cities discussed it and had initially reached a preliminary decision to boycott the provincial sports meeting.

After hearing this news, Zhang Yang did not dare to neglect it. He first talked to the two city leaders to get their understanding and support. Then he turned his eyes on Chang Song and Du Tianye. With the good relationship with them, Zhang Yang can gradually divide the so-called joint boycott, which makes you have a good plan. I have a wall ladder.

The work of persuading Chang Song was handed over to Chang Haixin. Of course, Chang Song could not refuse the request of his precious daughter. As for Du Tianye, Zhang Yang is just a phone call.

After Du Tianye received Zhang Yang's call, he still showed some resentment. He complained, "Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, did you play too much this time? Everyone has a part to participate in the Provincial Games. It's good for everyone to play together, but you're good. You Nancy have sent all the elites. Our cities used to be second- and third-tier athletes, and the best athletes were all excluded from you.

Zhang Yang said, "Big boss, is it unfair for you to say this? Who did I reject? When I signed up, I faced every city fairly. It can be said that everyone's opportunities are equal. In order to allow you to send the best athletes to participate in the competition, I broke my mouth and extended the registration period for you as an exception. But I have to say enough, everyone still got some second- and third-tier athletes to fool me. In fact, we all know that I really can't rely on me to sign up. It's because of R-type pneumonia. Excellent athletes themselves don't pay attention to competitions like the Provincial Games, so they don't want to come. Now that the R-type pneumonia is under control, the big guy has returned again, pretending to be aggrieved. Who do you blame?

Du Tianye said, "Well, I can't tell you. You are the host, so can't you broaden your mind? You all said that it is a special situation caused by r-type pneumonia. It needs to be dealt with in an emergency period. I think you can make do with it. Since it is a competition, you need to compete. Is it boring to lack competition?

Zhang Yang said, "There must be rules in everything. You have known me for so long that you should know that I am a principled person."

"Pull it down, I still don't know about your little Xiaojiu. You praised Haikou in Nancy and wanted to win the first place in the gold medal list and medal list of this Provincial Games. Now it's hard to get a great opportunity. Of course, you don't want to let it go."

Zhang Yang said, "It's boring. Why do you think about me despicablely? I don't want to do this kind of thing at all. I'm not bragging. Even if all your cities send the best athletes, I'm sure to win the first place in the double list. Do you believe it? I can do it as soon as I say it!"

Others would think that publicity is blowing, but Du Tianye doesn't think so. He believes that Zhang Yang has this ability, and it is also possible to use Zhang Yang's medical skills to get some special drugs to improve the performance of athletes in a short time. Du Tianye said, "It's a good thing to be optimistic, but excessive optimism is not knowing the depth, which is self-expansion!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Big brother, Brother Du, my own brother, I know you have resentment in your heart, but this time you let me do it, just let me get my ambition once, okay? Just let me inflate myself once, okay?

Du Tianye said, "Your boy has always been like this. You are self-centered. Everything you do is right. Can't others give you some advice? Everything is based on your own interests. He scolded Zhang Yang, and his heart was much more comfortable.

Zhang Yang waited for him to scold comfortably, and then said, "Big boss, the matter of the Provincial Games is settled. If your Jiangcheng Sports Committee makes any joint boycott, it is that you don't give me the face as a brother."

Du Tianye said, "Olent it, don't talk nonsense here. Don't you want me to fulfill you once?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I understand, Du is indeed a clear person. With your political literacy, the future must be unlimited."

Du Tianye said, "Don't give me ecstasy. You are using our friendship to pave the way for your future."

"This hat is too big."

"Who let you be my brother? Although everyone knows your Sima Zhao's heart, if I don't support you, who else will support you?"

Du Tianye is not the only one who supports Zhang Yang. Chang Song also supports Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang sent Chang Haixin to come forward. There is no obstacle in this matter. Chang Haixin told Zhang Yang that his father promised to tell the Lanshan Sports Committee not to participate in the so-called joint boycott. Zhang Daguan was overjoyed when he heard the After three circles, he pecked hard on the seductive cherry lips of Chang Haixin before putting her down.

Chang Haixin blushed, raised his eyebrows and stamped his feet and said, "You are getting more and more ridiculous. This is in your office. Even the door is not locked. If someone comes in... What if they see it?"

Zhang Yang laughed. He went to the door and tried to close the door. Chang Haixin shook his head and rushed to the door in front of him. Instead, he opened the door.

Zhang Yang returned to his desk with a bad smile and sat down. Chang Haixin sorted out his mood and sat upright opposite him. He looked at Zhang Yang with a pair of wonderful eyes, and the blush on his beautiful face could not fade in a short time.

Zhang Yang whispered, "If you want to cover up, you will be like this."

Chang Haixin raised his feet and quietly kicked Zhang Yang's calves under the table.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Your father is still happy. Du Tianye complained about me."

Chang Haixin said, "My father also has a lot of complaints. After all, only Nancy has benefited from this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "I have become the target of public criticism now, but if I want to do something, I have to have someone to come out and take responsibility."

Chang Haixin said, "I'm really a little worried. Although there is no big problem in Jiangcheng and Lanshan, what about other cities? The Provincial Games are not a matter of two or three cities.

Zhang Yang said, "Naturally, there are city leaders to do the work in other cities. My task is Jiangcheng and Lanshan. I want to trust our superior leaders. They still have this face. They boycott the provincial sports games and are not afraid of being laughed at?"

Chang Haixin said, "You'd better not be too high-profile, which is easy to offend people."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Care me."

"There are a lot of people who care about you." Chang Haixin's voice became smaller.

When Zhang Guanren was about to speak, Cheng Yandong, the director of the Hexi Branch, came to him. Cheng Yandong passed by here and specially invited Zhang Yang to drink.

Zhang Yang said, "I haven't contacted you for a while. Why do I think of my old friend today?"

Cheng Yandong said, "I've wanted to drink with you for a long time, but I've been too busy recently."

Chang Haixin got up and went to pour tea for him. Cheng Yandong waved his hand and said, "No, Director Chang, let's go to dinner in the evening. It's my treat."

Chang Haixin said, "No, your old friends must have a lot of private words to talk about together. It's inconvenient for me to follow them."

Cheng Yandong smiled and said, "What's the inconvenience? We are all good friends.

Chang Haixin put the brewed tea in front of him: "The Provincial Games will be held soon. The data entry work alone makes our information center very busy. We have been working overtime these days. Even if you sincerely invite me, I don't have time to go there." She smiled and said, "You guys talk. I'll go back first."

Zhang Yang sent Chang Haixin away and pointed to the teacup in front of Cheng Yandong and said, "Try it, Mingqian Longjing was given to me by others."

Cheng Yan said, "I don't know how to taste tea." He took a sip, which was really fragrant. He nodded and said, "That's good, by the way, pack up quickly and let's go for a drink."

Zhang Yang said, "What's the hurry? There is still half an hour before we get off work. Let's go later.

Cheng Yandong couldn't help pulling him up: "Don't wait, you are the top leader of the Sports Commission. Who dares to check your post?"

There is another chapter tonight, which will be posted later! RO