Medical official path

Chapter 769 Is it easy for me?

Chapter 749 Is it easy for me?

Xia Boda's words made Li Changyu's suggestion a little embarrassed, which is equivalent to pointing out in public that Li Changyu actually has double standards. Naked officials are one thing, and children going abroad is another thing. You, Li Changyu, are just pretending, and it must be difficult to implement it.

Many members of the Standing Committee disagree with Li Changyu's proposal from the bottom of their hearts. In the final analysis, Li Changyu's proposal touched the interests of many people. The proportion of their children studying abroad is very high. Although most people's starting point is just to let their children learn advanced experience abroad, they did not give themselves The idea of leaving a way out, but Li Changyu's proposal has the meaning of sweeping a large area with a stick.

Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei saw that the atmosphere in the venue was a little wrong. At the critical moment, he always stood firmly on Li Changyu's side. Gong Qiwei said, "I also agree with Li's proposal. Although the specific analysis of the specific situation, we, as leading cadres, must have an attitude and let the people see us. A clear attitude."

Li Changyu's proposal caused an uproar in the Nancy system. Many family cadres who study and work abroad have to explain the situation to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Zhang Daguan has unfortunately become one of them.

Ma Tianyi of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has personally met a lot of cadres in the past two days. In fact, Zhang Yang has handed over written materials before. Zhang Yang thinks that it is superfluous to call himself to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to explain the situation. Ma Tianyi is too dogmatic. He is serious and not tactable to deal with

Ma Tianyi's expression was as serious as usual: "Xiao Zhang, don't be nervous. I called you here today to understand some information, and there is no other purpose."

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I'm not nervous. If you have anything, just ask. I will definitely cooperate with the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Ma Tianyi said, "According to what we know, your fiancee Chu Yanran works in the United States."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Ma Tianyi said, "Is she an American national?"

Zhang Yang said, "Yes, it is very inconvenient to work in the United States for a long time and manage such a large company without nationality."

Ma Tianyi said, "Xiao Zhang, your situation is very **. The city has just issued a regulation that all spouses and children, who settle abroad or abroad, or become a foreign nationality, or obtain permanent residence abroad, shall not serve as the head of the party and government and the team of important departments. Member, all children studying abroad should explain the process in detail.

Zhang Yang said, "I heard about it, but this matter can't be against me. First, Chu Yanran and I are currently an unmarried couple, which does not belong to the scope of your management. Second, she also obtained permanent residence in the United States for work. I have made it clear in the written materials. You turned me to the Commission for I'll say it again, isn't it necessary?"

Of course, Ma Tianyi can hear the confrontational emotions in Zhang Yang's words. He smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't have emotions. We are just a routine investigation. After all, you are the director of the sports committee and the party group."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not in any mood. I just feel that you have chosen the wrong person to investigate. According to your regulations this time, Governor Song is the one who should explain the situation. Chu Yanran is his daughter. He should explain the process in detail, and this situation is not suitable to serve as a member of party and government officials and important " Zhang Yang clearly carried out his future father-in-law to suppress Ma Tianyi.

Ma Tianyi coughed awkwardly. The investigation could not continue. Zhang Yang was indeed a thorn. Ma Tianyi said, "Xiao Zhang, this time the municipal party committee team is not aimed at anyone. The incident of Liao Weizhong in the tobacco factory shocked us a lot. We have to do it from now on. Be vigilant and try to put an end to the phenomenon of naked officials, so a comprehensive investigation has been carried out on the relevant personnel. You should understand and support our work.

Zhang Yang said, "I understand, and I also support it. Ma, I've finished what I have to say, but the work is mutual understanding and mutual support. The Provincial Games will be held soon. Who understands me? Who supports me?"

Ma Tianyi said, "Xiao Zhang, when you go back, make a detailed explanation of your savings and the income of the past two years, and there will be nothing else."

Zhang Yang said, "Ma, do you still want to spend?"

Ma Tianyi said, "It is necessary according to the regulations."

Zhang Yang said, "I have to go back to the old man who looks at the toilet at the door and ask for the invoice. It's 10 cents a day, and it's not a small amount to accumulate in two years."

"Uh..." Ma Tianyi was choked and blushed. What do you mean, this bastard!

Zhang Yang left the Commission for Discipline Inspection and met Zhao Guoqiang, the director who also came to explain the situation in the yard. The two met on a narrow road and greeted each other. Zhao Guoqiang said, "Come on!"

Zhang Yang said, "You're here too!"

Both of them couldn't help laughing because of each other's words. Zhao Guoqiang said, "What's your problem?"

Zhang Yang told Chu Yanran's story.

Zhao Guoqiang sighed and said, "My wife helped build it in Africa."

Zhang Yang said, "What the hell! Isn't this horse a little bit of holding chicken feathers as an arrow? It's too fuss.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Liao Weizhong's matter has greatly shocked our Nancy leadership, and the leaders have good intentions to introduce this regulation." Speaking of this, he nodded to Zhang Yang and said, "Thank you very much this time!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Thank me for what?" But he guessed that he knew about his treatment for Yang Yun.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "If there is a chance, let's have tea together." After saying that, he got up and left.

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at Zhao Guoqiang. In his impression, Zhao Guoqiang was rarely so pleasant to himself. Does this mean that their relationship is about to break the ice?

As soon as Zhang Yang returned to the office of the Sports Commission, Gao Lianming ran to his office full of complaints and shouted angrily, "I said Director Zhang, I won't do it anymore. Is it now? I didn't go to study in the United States at the beginning. How could I be tried as a prisoner? It turned out that Duan Jianzhong, the head of the discipline inspection team, learned about Gao Lianming, who had overseas experience according to the instructions of his superiors. How could Gao Lianming stand this? He quarreled with Duan Jianzhong on the spot.

Zhang Yang said, "Do I mean you? Even I was called by the Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate. What is your legal adviser?

Gao Lianming said, "I'm different from you. You are the official establishment of the country, and I'm a mercenary you hired! Why does Duan Jianzhong take care of me?

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Duan also acts according to the requirements of his superiors. What are you doing with him?"

Chang Lingfeng came in from the outside at this time. He had also studied abroad in the past, so he also wrote an explanatory material. Chang Lingfeng told Zhang Yang about the preparations for the Provincial Games. There are still six cities in Pinghai Province who are resistant to the Provincial Games. They insist on asking Nancy to reconsider the list. Otherwise, it is not ruled out to boycott the Provincial Games.

Zhang Yang said, "Did they really say that?"

Chang Lingfeng said, "I have called to communicate. They did say so, Director Zhang, didn't you say that the city leaders have promised to do a good job in the communication work of brother cities? Why do some people want to boycott the Provincial Games?

Zhang Yang said, "Li and Mayor Gong have promised me."

Gao Lianming said, "You also believe the leader's words. It's one thing to say, and it's another thing to do."

Zhang Yang stared at him and said, "You talk a lot of nonsense." He said to Chang Lingfeng, "I know about this. Don't worry about them. Whoever likes to boycott, just boycott. We can't miss the provincial sports meeting. Whoever the earth leaves will turn around."

Chang Lingfeng said again, "Liao Weizhong of the tobacco factory had an accident, and the promised sponsorship money has not been in place for a long time. There are also problems with the printing of tickets and advertising brochures. In front of me, I have contacted the second color printing factory in Nancy City."

Zhang Yang frowned and said, "Please, this Liao Weizhong didn't have anything to do early and nothing to do later, but something happened at this punch. Isn't this tearing down my stage?"

Gao Lianming said, "I heard that Liao Weizhong was very unfair. He didn't embezzle much in the past. It was Ma Tianyi who pushed too hard, so he stretched out his hand to the public funds and planned to make a sum of money to leave. Who would have thought that he would be caught again?"

Zhang Yang said, "If you reach out, you will be arrested. His man is not worthy of sympathy. Even if there is no corruption, Yang Yun's is enough for him to drink a pot."

Gao Lianming sighed, "It seems that the crime rate of domestic officials is really high. There is no such ridiculous thing in the United States."

Zhang Yang said, "The moon is full in the United States. Why don't you go to the United States? You are begging for help from me as a legal adviser. How much have you helped me since you came to me? How much business have you done? I'm eating a whole meal."

Gao Lianming was anxious as soon as he heard it: "Director Zhang, you should be kind. Ask Director Chang how much work have I done during this period?"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "Lian Ming has indeed helped a lot. We don't know much about the law. With Lian Ming here, we have saved a lot of trouble."

Zhang Yang said, "Why didn't I see him work?"

Gao Lianming said angrily, "Why don't you be a leader? You are not a big official, but you have learned how much work I have done and how much effort I have made. You can't see it at all. I'm an unknown hero. Among other things, do you remember Fan Siqi's case? After I ran for so long, how could you say that I didn't do anything? I have to go through every cooperation agreement signed by the Sports Commission. I must make sure that there are no violations in the law. Is it easy for me? Gao Lianming is like a bullied little old lady.

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