Medical official path

Chapter 787 The master is here

Zhou Shanhu learned boxing, and his skills were already good. Later, after driving to the Nancy Sports Committee, Zhang Yang specifically instructed him. Ordinary five or six strong men could not get close to him at all. Zhou Shanhu punched up and simply put down two, but his movements did not shock these ordinary people, but were even more aroused. Their anger, seeing that he could fight, the young people did not dare to get close, but women and the old people did not eat this, so they rushed to the front line and fought close to each other. No matter how good Zhou Shanhu can fight, it is not easy to attack women and old people, leaving only the part to be beaten.

When Qin Qing and Zhang Yang arrived at the scene, the battle was over. The consequences can be imagined. This was simply a one-sided battle. The Audi car was full of rotten tomatoes, rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs. Liu Baoquan, the director of the Management Committee, sat on the ground with his hands on his face. Originally, he wanted to The blood stains of the stone can't be covered.

Zhou Shanhu's condition is much better than that of him. His nose is blue and his face is swollen, and his clothes are torn.

Those people retreated quickly. I heard that someone was coming! They all hurried away with three rounds of agriculture.

Not long after Zhang Yang and others arrived, the people of the town *** also arrived, and the town party committee [book] Huang Shiren also arrived. It can be said that this is the first violent confrontation since the construction headquarters of the new urban area came to the local area. Although there was no serious harm, Kaizhi was extremely bad, and the management committee was beaten Is this a good deal?

Qin Qing was sure that Liu Baoquan and Zhou Shanhu were not seriously injured, so she was a little relieved. She sighed and said, "Director Liu, what's going on?"

Liu Baoquan was full of fire, and he walked over to Zhang Yang: "Xiao Zhang, can you pay attention to some working methods? Huh? It's right to shut down these hotels, but you also have to do the ideological work of the people. How can you suddenly pull the switch to cut off the power, causing them economic losses. Can they give up? Ah?"

Zhang Yang looked at Liu Baoquan, and his heart was so angry and funny. He said in his heart that you were beaten, angry with me, and did you do anything? He didn't argue with Liu Baoquan. He came to the Qinglong Town Party Committee [Book] and said in front of Huang Shiren, "Comrade, what do you think we should do with this matter?"

Huang Shiren's expression seemed a little embarrassed. After all, this matter was entrusted to him by Zhang Yang. He didn't do it well. As a result, he made a siege of the leader. In front of so many leaders, Huang Shiren said, "Director Zhang, don't worry, I will immediately let *** comrades arrest people, anyone who No one will let him escape."

Qin Qing said, "If you are not in a hurry, go back first!"

After they went back, they immediately held an emergency meeting. In addition to the cadres of the new urban area headquarters, they specially invited the Qinglong Town Party Committee [Book] Huang Shiren, and Qu Guangqi, the director of Qinglong Town ***, to be present.

Liu Baoquan simply dealt with the scars and also came to the meeting. Although those ordinary people besieged them, they all knew that they were officials, and no one dared to be cruel, so Liu Baoquan was not seriously injured, but a lot of blood stains were scratched on his face, which looked extremely indecent.

Qin Qing said, "What happened today proves that we do not have enough communication with the local people, and they lack understanding of our work, which has caused the current conflict." She turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Comrade Zhang Yang, you have to have a good self-examination on this point. Is there something wrong with your working methods?" It is necessary to play the flamboyant board, otherwise Liu Baoquan's psychology must be unbalanced.

Zhang Yang nodded and looked like he was taught with an open mind.

Qin Qing said, "This matter reminds us that we must pay attention to working methods in the future. How to deal with the same thing so that the people are willing to accept it, which requires us to adhere to a principle in our work to protect the interests of the people as much as possible, so that their interests are less harmed." She said to Liu Baoquan, "Director Liu, do you have anything to add?"

Liu Baoquan said, "I have nothing to add. In fact, I have suffered on behalf of others today. What those ordinary people are looking for is not me. In addition, the reason for the intensification of the contradiction today has a lot to do with Zhou Shanhu's calmness. Although the people protested at that time, Ren did not evolve People, that's why the situation is out of control. He needs to bear the main responsibility for this matter. I suggest that the selection and appointment of staff must be strictly checked. For Zhou Shanhu, a person with a low education level and low quality, he should be resolutely eliminated. Liu Baoshan's last axe directly rushed to Zhang Yang and cut it over. He was very angry and was beaten for nothing, but this did not make him forget about Zhou Shanhu. He just wanted to target Zhou Shanhu and make an article on Zhou Shanhu's affairs and hit Zhang Yang's arrogance fiercely.

Luo Anding, director of the Comprehensive Management Bureau, said: "I agree with Director Liu's statement that the black sheep like Zhou Shanhu should be eliminated from the banquet, and we can't let him affect our entire headquarters and management committee."

Zhang Daguan sneered and said, "Zhou Shanhu has offended you? He chose me. It's true that he beat people, but that's also to protect the state property from damage. It's better than pretending to be a turtle in danger, right?

Liu Baoquan's face turned green. Who is this person scolding? Liu Baoquan shouted, "Zhang Yang, what do you mean? Just because you got Zhou Shanhu, do you protect him?

Zhang Yang said unyed, "I've never helped my relatives!"

Qin Qing said, "Zhang Yang, what are you doing? Director Liu is just talking about the matter. Why are you so excited? Pay attention to your words!" I can't help it. Who makes her intimate with Zhang Yang? At this time, she can only talk about her own people.

Zhang Yang said, "Well, don't let me talk. I'm dumb. Director Liu is right. Why don't you control the emotions of the masses with your ability? How did these people regard you as a public enemy and attack you in groups?


Qin Qingshi: "Okay! The matter of Zhou Shanhu will be discussed later. For those restaurants next to Shuixu, it must be closed, and the construction of our new city will officially begin soon. Qinglongtan is the central landscape of the whole new urban area, and the water quality of Qinglongtan cannot let them continue to pollute. Comrade self-reliant, you are an old comrade and have rich experience in handling relevant work. I will leave this matter to you.

Tang Zili couldn't help but be stunned. This matter was originally done by Zhang Yang, but how could he suddenly fall on his own head? Especially now that the situation has developed to such a point, it is simply to help Zhang Yang relieve the siege. Tang Zili was not so stupid. He didn't want to take this thankless job. He coughed and said, "Qin [Shu] Remember, this matter has always been handled by Deputy Director Zhang. It doesn't seem good for me to take over halfway."

What Qin Qing wants is his words. It's not that I didn't give you a chance, but that I gave you a chance. You don't want it.

On the surface, the closure of these hotels is just a small matter, but in fact, this is related to the demolition work in the planning area of the new urban area in the future. Tang Zili is the director of the construction bureau, and the demolition and land requisition belongs to his scope, so Qin Qing said so.

After the meeting, Qin Qing left Liu Baoquan alone. Of course, she saw that Liu Baoquan was very angry. What he insisted on dismissing Zhou Shanhu was actually Zhang Yang. Qin Qing said, "Director Liu, thank you for your hard work today!"

Liu Baoquan said, "I'm not afraid of hard work. Qin [Shu]. Our work has just begun. We have such a big conflict with the local people because of the way we work. In the future, we will face demolition and land acquisition. The next work is more arduous. How should we proceed?"

Qin Qing said, "You're right, Director Liu, don't take today's matter to heart. I understand that you are wronged for everyone. I will deal with Zhou Shanhu's problem seriously. In this way, Director Liu, you should rest for a few days and wait until the injury on your face is healed before you come to work

Liu Baoquan was reminded by her that he realized that he was really indecent now. The scars on his face were crisscrossed. He knew that it was scratched by the villagers. He didn't know that the couple in his family were fighting. Maybe I should rest at home for a few days, otherwise I would be a little embarrassed to meet people.

Liu Baoquan's rest gave Zhang Yang a good excuse. He asked the ** of Qinglong Town *** to go to the owners of those restaurants and told them that the director of the management committee had been seriously injured. Now he has been sent to the hospital. The city is preparing to file a case for this matter. We must find the leading perpetrator and investigate his legal responsibility . Zhang Yang calculated that although these villagers gathered the crowd to make trouble, they really made a big deal of the matter, but no one dared to bear the responsibility. This move was really effective, which scared those hotel owners not to continue to make trouble. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to put forward the conditions for compensation for demolition. Most of these hotels were incomplete. Zhang Daguan and Qinglong The town actually had a miraculous effect on them. These people probably thought that this incident was a big deal, and the director of the management committee was injured and admitted to the hospital. If the management committee investigates it, maybe someone will go to prison. Once people feel that they are at a loss, their confidence is obviously insufficient, and several restaurants have lost bargaining. Relying. In addition, the city's compensation policy for their demolition is still fair, and Qinglong Town also promised that if they went to the township to open a restaurant, they would give them a certain preferential compensation policy, which could be successfully solved in the short term.