Medical official path

Chapter 790 Try it yourself

Chapter 790 Try Love (Middle)

When Zhang Yang saw Du Tianye, who was lost, he couldn't help sighing secretly. He went over and helped Su Yuanyuan untie the acupuncture point first. Su Yuanyuan's teeth trembled with cold. After the dumb acupuncture point was untied, she said in a trembling voice, "She said she put the medicine in my pocket

Zhang Yang was stunned when he heard the words, but saw Su Yuanyuan take out a green porcelain bottle from her pocket. Zhang Yang took it, uncocted the porcelain bottle, and poured out a red pill from it. A pungent and spicy smell came. Zhang Yang turned around and couldn't help sneezing. He took out the silver needle pill After hearing it, he was sure that the pill was Rongyang pill, which was specially used to relieve the cold poison of Yinsha Shura's palm. He handed it to Su Yuanyuan for her to take it.

Du Tianye calmed down a little at this time. He whispered, "Will the pill be poisonous?"

Zhang Yang said, "She really wants to kill Su Yuanyuan. She doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Su Yuanyuan was so cold that she heard Zhang Yang that the pill was fine. She immediately swallowed it and felt that the pill melted in the mouth. A stream of heat went straight through her throat through her chest and abdomen, and instantly extended to her bloodline. In a short time, the extremely cold feeling disappeared without a trace. Zhang Yang explored her pulse again and Yuanyuan has returned to normal, and she feels a little confused about what Wen Ling has done. It seems that Wen Ling did not mean to kill Su Yuanyuan. She just forced Du Tianye to confess her heart in this way, but Wen Ling's method was too extreme and surly, and the matter became this situation.

Du Tianye was obviously depressed. He whispered to Su Yuanyuan, "We'll send you back."

Su Yuanyuan nodded. She had already guessed the relationship between Wen Ling and Du Tianye. Although there were many questions in her heart, she would not ask questions at this time.

When Du Tianye left, he said to Su Yuanyuan, "Xiao Su, I want you to keep today's matter secret."

Su Yuanyuan nodded and whispered, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Zhang Yang smiled at Su Yuanyuan and patted Du Tianye on the shoulder, and the two left together.

Back in Zhang Yang's jeep, Du Tianye collapsed in the co-pilot's seat. He whispered, "I stabbed her, very deep!"

Zhang Yang could understand his current psychology and comforted him, "I can see clearly that the knife did not hit her. With her martial arts, that small injury will be fine at all."

Du Tianye nodded, and his expression was still lost.

Zhang Yang said, "I'll buy you a drink!"

When people are in pain, alcohol is often the best way to anesthetize. After drinking a glass of wine, Du Tianye looked at the empty glass and said, "How did she become like this?"

Zhang Yang said, "Anyone will change. She has been lying in ** for so many years and has not been in contact with society for more than ten years. It is not surprising that her personality has changed."

Du Tianye said, "How can she have such a powerful martial arts?"

Zhang Yang opened him in a low voice and said, "There are too many things in the world that you can't think about. Since you can't think about it, you don't have to think about it anymore." He could see that Du Tianye still had an old love for Wen Ling, and no matter who was in Du Tianye's position, it was undoubtedly extremely painful.

Du Tianye said, "She should have remembered the past, but... she was so angry with my father..."

Zhang Yang said, "Brother Du, you have never been a drag on the road. The authorities are fascinated and the bystanders are clear. In fact, the things between you and Wen Ling are very simple. If you can forgive her for everything she has done in the past, you can be together. If you can't forgive, then simply cut off the love Each day.

Du Tianye sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, I have only loved Wen Ling as a woman in my life. If I can immediately let go of my feelings for her, it's bullshit, but... I can never live with a woman who pissed my father, even if she was just unintentional at the beginning..."

Zhang Yang filled the glass again.

Du Tianye picked up the glass of wine and said, "I will never think about her again!"

Zhang Yang whispered, "It's decided?"

Du Tianye nodded: "What happened today made me make up my mind. It should be over between me and her."

Zhang Yang and Du Tianye had a big drink and didn't return to the apartment until two o'clock in the morning. Wen Ling's appearance cast a shadow on his heart. He didn't know what crazy things Wen Ling would do in the future. Too many strange things happened to her that couldn't explain. Zhang Yang became more and more suspicious. Wen Ling has the same experience as herself. The difference is that he has adapted to this era, and Wen Ling can't integrate into this era. She is fighting against this era crazily.

In the dead of night, Wen Ling stood alone at the peak of Longji Mountain. Between heaven and earth, it seemed that she was the only one standing alone under the starlight. Wen Ling's heart was extremely lonely at this moment. Du Tianye stabbed her body with a knife and shattered all her fantasies. For a long time, there have been two extremely contradictory ideas in her heart. She longed for care and feelings. She remembers Du Tianye and her past feelings so clearly that she regards Du Tianye as the only one in the world. With the moored harbor, the wound has condensed, but the wound in her heart can never be healed. Wen Ling finally understands that she is a lonely boat floating in this era and can never dock. She has lost any nostalgia for this place. If she wants to leave, she must leave this place that does not belong to her.

After Zhang Yang woke up in the morning, he first called Luo Huining. Although Wen Ling behaved strangely, Zhang Yang had to tell the Wen family about her. After all, Luo Huining was her godmother. Zhang Yang briefly told what happened yesterday. After listening to this, Luo Huining couldn't help sighing. She whispered, "I just called her, and she said she would return to the capital this afternoon."

Zhang Yang inferred from it that Wen Ling's injury should not be a big problem. He was also relieved and whispered, "Give mother, I think Sister Ling has changed a lot."

Luo Huining said, "Zhang Yang, I understand, but my parents have no choice. She is my daughter, which is a fact that can never be changed!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking of himself against Xu Lihua. Although Xu Lihua did not know, in addition to the body, how much of the consciousness that once belonged to Zhang Yang in the past was left? One thing he believed was that his feelings for Xu Lihua were not out of guilt for taking Zhang Yang's body, but that he really had a flesh and blood affection for Xu Lihua, and the same was true for Zhao Jing and Su Yuanyuan. It seemed that he had also changed. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but calm down, even if Wen Ling really had With the same experience, then she should not have bad intentions against her biological parents.

After a series of intense preparations, the groundbreaking ceremony of Dongjiang New City was successfully held. The salute on the construction site of the new urban area sounded gongs and drums. As Qiao Zhenliang of the Provincial Party Committee said in his speech, this day has important historical significance to Pinghai and an important calendar for Dongjiang The historical significance will be written in the history of Pinghai's development.

Qiao Zhenliang of the Provincial Party Committee and Liang Tianzheng of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee joined hands to carry out the groundbreaking ceremony, and the officials and the people who came to attend the ceremony were full of joy.

After the foundation laying ceremony, Qiao Zhenliang, accompanied by many officials, went to the Qinglongtan levee, the deputy commander-in-chief of the construction headquarters of the new urban area, and Qin Qing, the Party Working Committee of the new urban area, accompanied them to introduce the future planning of the new urban area and the key projects to be built.

Qiao Zhenliang stood on the embankment of Qinglongtan Reservoir and saw the river being dug in the distance. He smiled and said, "It is foreseeable that in a long time, it will become a new highlight of Dongjiang City."

Liang Tianzheng said, "The construction of the administrative center of Dongjiang City will be completed within two years, and all the staff of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will move here to work. The land of the old municipal party committee and the municipal government will be auctioned publicly, and the proceeds from the auction will be invested in the construction of the new urban area.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Okay! The old city of Dongjiang can no longer adapt to the speed of reform and opening up. Narrow streets, crowded traffic and dense population have seriously restricted the development of Dongjiang River. If it is demolished and rebuilt on the original land, the cost is huge. Only by walking out and building a modern new city can we meet the future. For the needs of development, the construction of Dongjiang New City must be forward-looking, have a long-term plan, take into account future development, and ensure the construction of the city. It can't be outdated in 50 or even 100 years!"

Liang Tianzheng said, "Joe, we have done a lot of preliminary preparations around the planning and design of the new urban area. I can be responsible for saying that our urban planning and design can meet your expectations."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded with a smile. He turned to Qin Qing and said, "Xiao Qin, no matter how good the blueprint is drawn, it only exists on the drawings. Whether the drawings can be turned into reality depends on your work!"

Qin Qing said, "Joe, don't worry, all the cadres and employees of our new urban construction headquarters will do their best to build the new urban area as soon as possible."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded with appreciation and said, "Young people should be confident and motivated!" He also said to Liang Chenglong, "Dongjiang has made a lot of steps this year. The construction of the new urban area has been fully launched, and the international industrial park has begun to transform. The burden on your shoulders is very heavy!"

Liang Chenglong said, "Joe, don't worry, my body is okay, I can afford it!"

Qiao Zhenliang laughed loudly. It can be seen that Qiao Zhenliang is in a good mood today.

At noon, Qiao Zhenliang came to the on-site headquarters of the new city to visit and have dinner in the restaurant they had just built. The person who contracted the restaurant was the owner of Laolongtan Restaurant. The headquarters asked him to come to contract, which was also a compensation in a sense. To improve the relationship with the local residents, I heard that the provincial The contractor also showed all his skills, and the four dishes and one soup were extremely delicious. RO