Medical official path

Chapter 828 Illegal Ban

Xue Wei's way!" What crime have we committed? You arrested us and imprisoned us illegally without asking?" Meng Xiangmin took a look at Xiong Bingkun. He was not clear about the specific situation that happened. The person was captured by Xiong Bingkun. If you want to say that Xiong Bingkun is a trouble, he is the son of Xiong Enbin, deputy political commissar of the Tibet Military Region. Xiong Enbin is a major general and has a .

Xiong Bingkun said, "They promote the anti-revolutionary [revolutionary] life [words] of the division of the motherland." This hat is big enough.

Xue Weitong said, "Since you are the leader here, well, ask the Xiong, why did his wife jump into the Lhasa River? Why didn't he save his life? Why do you avenge his wife's savior? When Meng Xiangmin heard this, he felt that this matter was getting more and more wrong. He noticed that Xiong Bingkun's eyes flashed a little. Obviously, this boy was not too confident. The whole armed police detachment knew that Xiong Bingkun was arrogant and arrogant. Is it really this man's private revenge today? If that's the case, things will be troublesome.

Meng Xiangmin said, "In this way, you surrender your guns first and let go of our comrades. You can't solve the problem with such an extreme approach, which will only complicate the matter. I said that I can guarantee your safety. When you come out, I promise you will investigate the whole process of this matter and not let anyone suffer. Wrong, do you think it's okay?"

Xue Weitong said, "I don't believe you. Your official is too young to make the decision. The captain of the Lhasa Armed Police Detachment is also the deputy division, right? You can't control my affairs. Hurry up and report it to your leader. Your captain, Wu Yaolong, is just a major general. Let him judge!"

Meng Xiangmin was stunned when he heard it. What kind of people did Xiong Bingkun catch? He called their leaders by their names, and listening to her pressure, she didn't pay attention to her as a deputy division-level cadre at all. Meng Xiangmin called Xiong Bingkun aside and whispered, "Who are they?" Xiong Bingkun also thought that something was wrong with tonight and shook his head.

Meng Xiangmin said, "Didn't you interrogate?" Xiong Bingkun whispered, "It's not in time." Meng Xiangmin pointed his finger at him with an indisputable expression. An ordinary girl would not be so familiar with their armed police system. Meng Xiangmin said, "Our leader is not here. We went to the capital for a meeting. If there is anything, you can tell me directly.,,

Xue Weitong said, "Then go and inform Commander Guo of the Tibetan Military Region and say that I have been arrested by you!" The more Meng Xiangmin listened, the more worried he became: "Who are you? Can you tell me your name?" Xue Weitong said, "I'll give you a phone number 8223..."

Meng Xiangmin immediately recognized that this was the phone number of the Tibet Military Region. He pressed the number on his mobile phone and dialed it directly.

After the phone rang a few times, a tired female voice picked up the phone: "Who?"

"You are..."

"What's wrong with you? When you called me in the middle of the night, you actually asked me who I was? The woman over there is full of majesty.

Meng Xiangmin said, "I'm the Lhasa Armed Police Detachment, and I'm Meng Xiangmin, the detachment leader. Now we have a woman here who kidnapped a Wu Gu soldier with a gun. She provided me with this phone number..." Meng Xiangmin noticed that something was wrong.

There has been a voice of concern and anger over there: "I warn you that if she hurts a hair, you and all the officers and soldiers of your armed police detachment are responsible for it!"

"You are..."

"I'm Xue Yinghong!" When Meng Xiangmin heard the name, his hand trembled for no reason. The other party had hung up the phone. Everyone knows the name of Xue Yinghong of the Tibet Military Region. This is not because her husband, the deputy minister of the equipment department of the military region, is grim and strong, but because of the prominent family behind her.

From Xue Yinghong's nervous tone, Meng Xiangmin had speculated that the two young people who appeared surrounded by them must have an extremely close relationship with the Xue family. Meng Xiangmin put down the phone, thought about it, and immediately decided to call the captain Wu Yaolong.

Xiong Bingkun waited until Meng Xiangmin put down the phone before he came to him and said, "Team Meng, what's going on?" Meng Xiangmin's eyes were full of anger. This bastard caused himself a big trouble. He suppressed his anger and said, "Please invite your father over immediately."

Xiong Bingkun disdained and said, "What a big deal is worth shocking him.

Meng Xiangmin said, "Do you fight by yourself, or do I?" Xiong Bingkun realized that it was troublesome just now. He bit his lip and said, "I'll fight, I'll fight myself!"

The first person to arrive at the scene was Wu Yaolong, the captain of the Tibet Corps of the Armed Police. Before he came here, he had understood the situation of this matter clearly. He was still good to speak in front of Xue Yinghong, and he and Yan Yanqiang were good friends. He knew that Xue Weitong was arrested by his men and detained. Wu Yaolong was so angry that he scolded his mother for the crime of killing the suspect.

He didn't dare to neglect. This matter must be solved before Xue Yinghong came. He was very clear about Xue Yinghong's temper. Even the commander of the military region was afraid of the strong temperament. If anyone provoked her, it would be unlucky.

After Wu Yaolong got out of the car, he got angry at Meng Xiangmin: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Who gives you the power to arrest people casually? Meng Xiangmin's face turned red, and he couldn't explain what happened in his jurisdiction at all. Meng Xiangmin was angry. Today's things were all caused by Xiong Bingkun. He thought about it in his heart. When this matter is over, let's see how I deal with you.

Wu Yaolong saw that those armed police soldiers were still loaded with live ammunition, and the fire came again: "Are you going to war? Even if there is a war, you have to figure out the target. You can use weapons against class enemies, but how can you point the gun at your comrades? Meng Xiangmin, all of your detachments should be self-criticism, in-depth self-criticism!"

Meng Xiangmin was so wronged that he had no choice but to nod.

Wu Yaolong's action show is more important. On the surface, he scolded Meng Xiangmin, but in fact, he tried to find a way to find a step for these subordinates.

Yanqiang and Xiong Enbin arrived almost at the same time. They are very familiar with each other. Xiong Enbin is higher than the Yanqiang couple, but when it comes to the background, Xiong Enbin can't beat the horse and chase them. So far, Xue Yinghong and his wife have not known that what happened tonight was provoked by Xi He said in surprise, "Commissar Xiong, why are you here?"

Xiong Enbin coughed. It was not that there was something wrong with his respiratory tract. This matter was indeed embarrassing. His son detained the precious daughter of the Xue family, and his son poked a leak. I had to come and wipe his buttocks. Xiong Enbin said, "My son works here." Yan Qiang and Xue Yinghong are not ordinary people. Although Xiong Enbin said this sentence very gently, they also heard it. This matter must have something to do with his son, otherwise Xiong Enbin would not have come all night.

Wu Yaolong saw that several masters had arrived, and Hua greeted them with a smile with Meng Xiangmin.

Wu Yaolong said, "It's clear. It turned out to be a misunderstanding." Xue Yinghong didn't care about any misunderstanding. She said with concern, "Is Tong Tong all right?" Wu Yaolong said, "It's okay. It's good, but I don't want to come out.

"He said in his heart that there is still one of us who has been taken hostage, and this Miss Xue is also troublesome enough. Meng Xiangmin handed the walkie-talkie to Xue Yinghong. Xue Yinghong shouted, "Tong Tong, are you in there?" Xue Weitong said, "Auntie, this has nothing to do with you!"

Xue Yinghong said, "You come out first!"

Xue Weitong said, "Why? Did they say they would close me? Are you going to let me out again now? I won't leave. I also said that I was an anti-revolutionist separatist, and said that I kidnapped armed police soldiers. I'm guilty. Aunt, don't worry about it. Call my family later and tell them that I'm in prison in Tibet. It's a heinous crime, and I can't go back for a while

Xue Yinghong said, "Who said you were guilty? Isn't this inverted black and white? Let him stand up for me. I'd like to see who is so bold and dares to frame good people?" She stared at Xiong Enbin angrily. Although Xiong Enbin was the deputy political commissar of the military region, Xue Yinghong didn't pay attention to him.

Xiong Enbin smiled at Yanqiang and said, "Comrade Junqiang, you see." He wants Yanqiang to persuade Xue Yinghong. Now that the matter has happened, it must be solved. Anyway, it can't be deadlocked all the time.

Wu Yaolong also advised Xue Yinghong to let Xue Weitong come out first.

At this point, Zhang Yang thought that it was almost time to stop. He couldn't be deadlocked for a lifetime. He whispered to Xue Weitong, "Sister, it's almost done. It's time to talk to them."

Xue Weitong smiled and said, "Who caught us in, let us invite us out." She picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Let the bastard surnamed Xiong come in. He caught us in and asked him to invite us out."

There are two people surnamed Xiong outside, but Xiong Enbin knew that the bastard surnamed Xiong in Xue Weitong was his own son, but he also felt a fever on his face. Today, the face of the old Xiong family was a failure.

Xiong Bingkun didn't say anything at this time. He also saw that he had caused a lot of trouble, and even the old man did not dare to offend the role. He arrested him in confusion. He also heard the request of the nose boy, but he didn't dare to go in. When he saw his father staring at him fiercely, he was little

said, "They have guns in their hands... Xiong Enbin scolded a coward in the bottom of his heart. He whispered, "Come in with me." At the critical moment, Lao Xiong still showed considerable courage. Xiong Bingkun still had some scruples, but when he saw that his father had walked in with his head held high, he no longer hesitated and followed his father into the room.

Now no one believes that Xue Weitong will really shoot. Wu Yaolong quietly made a gesture of dissolution to Meng Xiangmin. Meng Xiangmin hurriedly disbanded those armed police. Today, it is not a contradiction between the enemy and me, but the internal contradiction of a group of high-level cadres. There is no need for their armed Chaos.