Medical official path

Chapter 846 Blocking My Money

Jiang Liang said, "Ephedrine is a drug and the main raw material for extracting methamphetamine!" Qi Shan gaspned. He whispered, "What does this have to do with my brother?" Jiang Liang said, "This batch of wood is exactly what Qi Feng donated to Qiuxia Temple. We have checked the delivery documents, and the consignor is indeed him. Now we have contacted the Beihai police to help us find Qi Feng in order to figure out the ins and outs of this matter."

Qi Shan shook his head vigorously and said, "My brother can't do this kind of thing. He has never been exposed to drugs. How can he sell drugs? Team Jiang, think about it, this matter is not logical at all. For what purpose did he send the wood hidden in drugs to Qiuxia Temple? Is it just to damage the reputation of Qiuxia Temple? Our brothers are not short of money. I donated 20 million yuan to Qiuxia Temple before. Team Jiang, someone must be behind this matter. It's just a frame-up!" Qi Shan's mood seemed very excited.

Jiang Liang said, "It's not clear whether we are framed or not, but we will investigate this matter. If it really has nothing to do with your brother, we will definitely return his innocence." Qi Shan said, "It would be extremely ridiculous for anyone to see this matter, and there is nothing feasible at all." Speaking of this, Qishan's mobile phone rang. He picked up the phone and said in front of Jiang Liang, "Hey!"

Qi Feng's helpless voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother!"

Qi Shan stood up and said: "1 Xiaofeng, where are you?,... Jiang Liang suddenly became alert when he heard him call out Qi Feng's name, but Qi Shan was still calm and did not mean to avoid it.

Qi Feng said, "Brother, I'm leaving!"

Qi Shan shouted, "Xiao Feng, listen to me. I'm in the police station now and dealing with your affairs. We all believe that this matter has nothing to do with you!" Qi Shan is comforting his brother on the surface, and on the other hand, he is also reminding him not to talk nonsense. He is in the [police] inspection bureau.

Qi Feng said with a cry, "Brother, it's useless. Someone wanted to hurt me and set a trap for me to get in. I sent that batch of wood, but I didn't sell drugs. I swear I didn't sell drugs." Qi Shan said, "1 Xiaofeng, you have to calm down. You believe me, believe in [police] inspection, and you can definitely find out this matter!"

"Brother, I have to go. [Police] is coming to arrest me. I'm caught as a dead end. I'm sorry for you." Qi Feng has hung up the phone decisively.

Qi Shan roared, "1 Xiaofeng, listen to me." There was a busy sound from the other end of the phone, and no one answered when Qi Shan called again.

Jiang Liang sat there and looked at Qishan quietly. Qishan put down the phone and said excitedly, "My brother was framed. Why do you misunderstand a good man and force him to escape?" Jiang Liang looked at Qi Shan and said calmly, "No one wants to misunderstand him. We just want to investigate the situation. So far, our people have not found him!"

Qi Shan said sadly, "Although my brother is a little wayward, he never does anything illegal. Who is framing him?" Jiang Liang said, "Mr. Qi, I think the key to this matter is still Qi Feng. I hope you can assist our police to contact Qi Feng as soon as possible and persuade him to come back. If this matter is really framed together, you also need to make it clear."

Qi Shan said, "He is so scared now, how can I contact him?"

Jiang Liang said, "Mr. Qi, for his safety, I think you should do everything you can to find him!"

Pang Qingshan saw the Phaeton car in Qishan. He put down the work in his hand, stood up, and limped to meet him.

Qishan got out of the car far away and came to Pang Qingshan.

Pang Qingshan smiled and said, "I just caught a wild turtle, and I just took a nap for you at noon!"

Qi Shan's expression is still grim: "Lao Pang, you may have to go out!"

Pang Qingshan nodded and said, "Where?" Qi Shan walked slowly to the fish pond. Pang Qingshan limped behind him. Qi Shan said, "Xiaofeng is in trouble. Someone used ephedrine to plant a pile for him in order to get the police to focus on me."

"Where can I find him?"

Qi Shan handed Pang Qingshan a note: "I once told him that if he was in trouble in the North Sea, go to this place to hide. Lao Pang, I only have this brother. You have to ensure his safety." Pang Qingshan took a look at the note, then stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

Without further words, Qi Shan turned to the Phaeton car and closed his eyes very tiredly.

The car quickly drove away from the fish pond, and Qi Shan whispered, "Fifth brother, is there anyone following?" No!"

Qi Shan said, "Ephedrine is related to the goods that have recently flowed into the Dongjiang River!"

"I found some news. Maybe Bangzai is doing it!" Qi Shan gritted his teeth and scolded, " Son of a bitch! He dares not to abide by the agreement with me!" It seems that he wants to get rid of us!"

Qi Shan nodded. He took out another phone from his handbag. After turning it on, he dialed a number. After the phone rang twice, the other party connected the phone and said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Qi Shan said, "The wood of Qiuxia Temple is quite expensive, isn't it?" Oh? Got it?" The other party's tone was calm and slow.

Qi Shan said, "Why do you break the rules? Why did you frame my brother?

The other party laughed and said, "I didn't break the rules, because the rules are made by me. Have you made enough money and want to wash your hands? Want to be a good person? Tut-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t

Qi Shan said, "Have you made the goods that have recently flowed into the Dongjiang River?"

"What do you think? Some people want to buy goods, but you don't want to do it and don't want others to do it. What's the reason? Qi Shan said, "You are taking risks. [Police] You are staring so closely. If you insist on doing it, it is equivalent to risking everyone's lives."

"In our industry, we are originally betting on your life. If you can afford to play, you can play. If you can't afford to play, you can get out of the way. Someone has to play."

Qi Shan laughed and said, "Finally, I said the [true] idea, thinking that I was in your way, so you set up a trap to trap me to focus the attention of the [police] on me." You don't want to play by yourself. No wonder others!"

Qi Shan said, "Have you considered the consequences?" The other party laughed again: "This is exactly what I want to ask you."

Qi Shan said, "This is not Hong Kong! You have to be more careful!"

"The person who should be careful is you!, Qi Shan closed the phone. He looked at the street view flying out of the car window and whispered, "It's really their problem.

"Can't they wait?" Qi Shan said coldly, "It's not that I can't wait. I'm looking at the fat meat of Dongjiang. They want to kick me out and reorganize the market of Dongjiang."

"What are you going to do?"

"Fifth brother, you must prepare for a retreat." Do you want to leave?

Qi Shan shook his head: "Find Xiaofeng first and then say that they dare not touch me in a short time. They have my handle, and I also have their handle in my hand, which makes me angry. Everyone breaks up. At worst, they will fight him!"

"Do you really want to go that far?, Qi Shan said, "Stop all production, and all the business on the periphery will stop."

"You are getting more and more careful."

Qi Shan said, "Although they framed Xiaofeng, the police must have begun to pay attention to the fact that I must stop all actions recently and can't let the police catch any of my actions." Yes!"

"Fifth brother, we have worked hard for eight years, and we have made enough money. Even if we don't do it now, we will have no worries about food and clothing in our life. In the past, I kept thinking that one day I would stop when I made enough money, but the more money I made, the more I still couldn't find a reason to stop. Now I think about it because I'm too greedy!" Some things can't be done to you, and people can't help themselves in the world.

Qi Shan smiled and said, "These Hong Kong people are really getting more and more popular. Working with them is just using them as a cover. They just want to use them to attract the attention of [police]. Now they actually want to step on the whole foot."

"What are you going to do?" This is the second time that the fifth brother has asked him.

Qi Shan said, "1 As long as Xiaofeng is fine, they can play as much as they like!" This sentence revealed Qi Shan's uneasiness. He was afraid that something would happen to his brother. Qi Shan pointed to the front: "Put me down on Xiaoxiang Road in front of you." The provincial symphony orchestra is on Xiaoxiang Road. Qishan and Lin Xuejuan often came here when they were in love. He was very familiar with this road countless times. He measured the distance from the street corner to the gate of the provincial symphony orchestra. Qishan's pace was very standard. The old man in the communication room was very familiar with Qi Head.

Qishan is very familiar with everyone here. In the past, his identity used to be Lin Xuejuan's boyfriend, but now, his identity is a rich businessman of kindness. It is because of his support that the Provincial Symphony Orchestra has successfully held many tours in Dongjiang Concert Hall.

Qi Shan came to the piano room and heard the melodious and pleasant violin sound inside. He quietly pushed the door open and walked in.

Lin Xuejuan is playing a song of joy of love there.

Qi Shan leaned against the door and looked at Lin Xuejuan with a smile. Her expression was so focused. Her every move was so elegant and charming. As before, in Qi Shan's heart, Lin Xuejuan's face has always been what he looked like when he first met, and has never changed.

Qi Shan closed his eyes in the melodious sound of the piano. His thoughts flowed with the melody and remembered the past between them. In the sunny spring, they laughed and chased in the golden rape huā. Lin Xuejuan's laughter echoed in his memory. It was so clear that he remembered every subtle expression of her. Change, remember her kiss, remember her whispering piano suddenly interrupted, Qi Shan instantly returned to reality from the dream, he still closed his eyes, searched for the remaining images in his mind, and the sound of high heels in his ear sounded rhythmically.

Qi Shan opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Lin Xuejuan's concerned eyes: "Qi Shan, what's wrong with you?"