Medical official path

Chapter 868 Political Techniques

Song Huaiming said, "The changes in Pinghai are more frequent than I thought.

Gu Yun knew: "There is nothing immutable in the world."

Song Huaiming said, "Do you have any suggestions for me, Secretary Gu?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "When people are in the system, they must concentrate on the changes in the political situation and always pay attention to the changes in the political situation. At that time, the political sense of smell is naturally sensitive, but when you leave that environment, the whole person will be completely relaxed, and the thinking will not keep up with the times. Although If you don't help you, it will mislead you.

Song Huaiming said, "To tell you the truth, I'm very confused now."

Gu Yun knew: "The more confused people are, the more they have to stick to their true feelings."

Song Huaiming said, "Secretary Qiao's illness is so sudden this time that I'm not ready to replace him."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Then you are not a qualified Communist Party member. When the party needs you, you have the conditions to go, and if you don't have the conditions to create the conditions to go."

Song Huaiming said, "Since the organization has handed over Pinghai to me, I have to take on this responsibility. I'm afraid that I can't do it well."

Gu Yunzhi saw that Song Huaiming was not afraid that his ability was not enough, but because the current situation in Pinghai is extremely delicate. Qiao Zhenliang's departure was definitely not an apparent illness, but the result of the quiet game of several political forces. At present, the Qiao family should have lost a game, otherwise Qiao Zhenliang would not Say goodbye to Pinghai in this way.

Song Huaiming said, "Secretary Gu, I may be an idealist in some aspects. I hope that Pinghai can stay away from political struggles in the future. Pinghai's leadership team can be closely united and devote our energy to the construction of Pinghai."

Gu Yunzhi whispered, "The world where people live is not a simple space. Our political arena is the most complex place in the world. Everyone has ideas. For political elites, they have their own unique opinions and opinions on everything. A successful leader wants to give full play to himself. The greatest strength of the team, the first thing to do is to unify the mind. Only when the heart thinks in one place can the strength be used in one place. Therefore, most leaders inevitably show arbitrariness in their work.

Song Huaiming thought of Qiao Zhenliang, and he nodded.

Gu Yun knew: "Huai Ming, you are a person with high enthusiasm for work and is very pragmatic. I know that you don't want to put too much energy into the political struggle, but you have now taken this position. The first thing to do is to coordinate all aspects of the relationship. Someone once said that there is no eternal opponent in politics, and There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. As the supreme leader of Pinghai, you must find everyone's common interests, make it clear, and let everyone fight for this common interest. Only in this way can you successfully complete the task assigned to you by your superiors.

Song Huaiming whispered, "The political situation in Pinghai in the future is more complicated than in the past."

Gu Yun knew, "What did you see?"

Song Huaiming said, "Secretary Qiao's matter is something I didn't think of before. This matter originated from the senior management, and I always feel that it will not end there."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "If there is a struggle, you have to face the queue. Even if you really want to be neutral, but when the wind and rain come, if you don't choose to go under the eaves to shelter from the rain, you will inevitably be wet by the wind and rain. Everything depends on

Song Huaiming finally raised the most critical question: "Secretary Gu, what do you think of Secretary Qiao this time?"

Gu Yun knew: "Comrade Zhenliang's illness is not necessarily a bad thing."

Song Huaiming was slightly stunned.

Gu Yun knew, "He is still young. Even if he is sick, he will recover soon."

Song Huaiming chewed out the meaning of Gu Yunzhi's sentence. Is he implying that Qiao Zhenliang's political career has not come to an end? Will Qiao Zhenliang still have a bright day soon?

Song Huaiming originally planned to eat here with Gu Yunzhi, but Yan Guotao called halfway and said that he had something important to report to him. Song Huaiming could only give up the idea of continuing to stay, told Gu Yunzhi and left in a hurry.

When Zhang Yang came back from grocery shopping, he found that Song Huaiming had left. Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I can't help myself as a leader. The bigger the official, the less freedom."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I only heard that the greater the official, the greater the power. I didn't hear that the greater the official, the less freedom."

Gu Yangyang ran over and took the vegetables in his hand and said, "Bro-in-law, you have to stay for dinner, otherwise it would be a waste of how many dishes I made."

Gu Yunzhi pretended to be angry and said, "What's the matter? Is it a waste to give me something to eat?"

Gu Yangge walked away with a smile.

Zhang Yang followed Gu Yunzhi to the study to see some of the porcelain he had recently bought. After his retirement, Gu Yunzhi collected a lot of porcelain, but there were not many high-quality porcelain, and Zhang Yang also sent him some. Gu Yunzhi recently collected a set of terracotta warriors, which originated from the Han Dynasty, but Tao Bai also lacks arms and legs. His own value is not high. Gu Yunzhi does not value the value. What he is really interested in is the history and culture behind these collections.

Zhang Yang said: Is Secretary Song looking for you to learn the scriptures?"

Gu Yunzhi couldn't help laughing: "He should have returned with disappointment. I'm out of date."

Zhang Yang said, "You won't be out of date. You have reservations and are unwilling to pass on your political experience to him. Are you going to leave this precious political wealth to me?"

Gu Yunzhi laughed and said, "You boy, you are slippery. Not every leader likes you like this."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Dad, I came here to ask you for advice. Do you think my future in Pinghai has reached a bottleneck?"

Gu Yunzhi immediately understood why he said this. Song Huaiming's succession as the secretary of the provincial party committee may not be a good thing for Zhang Yang. At least in the future, he will lose a lot of freedom in his words and deeds. In Dongjiang, working under Song Huaiming's eyes, there will certainly be many people constantly supervis The relationship will get a lot of care. Of course, this kind of care is not necessarily goodwill.

Gu Yun knows: "If you sit straight, you don't have to worry too much, but you have too many small problems. It's a live target to put it in Dongjiang."

Mr. Zhang laughed with some embarrassment: "So please always give me some advice."

Gu Yun knows: "Politics also depends on talent. It can't be pointed out. It mainly depends on your own understanding."

Zhang Yang said, "Master leads me into the door to practice. You lead me into the door, and I will do the rest by myself."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "It's been almost five years since I've been in the system. I dare to say that I haven't started. You're not too stupid, but this one is too thick-skinned." Zhang Yang is the same as his own child in his eyes.

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, the most ** sea politics is changing. Although I have never eaten pork, I have seen pigs run. In view of the recent situation, I have also made some analysis."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "You have made progress and know how to analyze problems. Then, you can analyze it for me!"

The official Zhang cleared his throat and said, "You have the right to treat me as a childish. If you are right, you don't have to praise me. If you are wrong, don't hit me."

Gu Yunzhi nodded with a smile.

Zhang Yang said, "This time, the Pinghai incident is not so simple. Qiao Pengju's fund-raising incident is just an introduction. From the perspective of the development of the matter, he should have been trapped by others. Others took advantage of his mercenary mentality to lead him to this illegal fund-raising case, and later benefit Hong Kong's The hat was put on his head, which triggered Qiao Zhenliang's political crisis. I think everything is against the Qiao family behind the scenes.

Gu Yun knew: "Spiracy theory, many people think like you."

Zhang Yang said, "I have evidence." He told Gu Yunzhi that he found out that Cha Jin's NATO met with Yan Guotao two days ago.

When Gu Yunzhi heard this, he knew why Zhang Yang insisted that this was a conspiracy.

Zhang Yang said, "Although Cha Jinbei has some background, the political influence of the Cha family must not be compared with that of the Qiao family, so there must be other people behind him. I haven't been able to find out who this person is, but now I understand."

Gu Yun knew, "Do you understand?"

Zhang Daguan nodded and said confidently, "Whoever benefits from this political struggle is the person who directed the play."

Gu Yun knew: "Comrade Huai Ming is the most profitable. Are you saying that your future father-in-law is the conspirator?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm talking about another Zhou Xingmin!"

Of course, Gu Yunzhi knew that Zhang Yang meant Zhou Xingmin. He said indifferently, "Do you think so?"

Zhang Yang said, "What I'm talking about is not only Zhou Xingmin, but also the political interest group behind him. What happened in Pinghai this time is an action of the Zhou family, the Cha family and other unexposed political interest groups against the Qiao family."

Gu Yun knew, "You probably don't know the relationship between Mr. Qiao and the Zhou family."

Zhang Yangpeng: "There are no eternal friends in politics. In the past, they may have been friends when their political interests were consistent, but now their political interests have conflicted, so it is normal for the Zhou family to fight against the Qiao family."

Gu Yun knew, "You really have a tendency to become a conspirator, full of conspiracy theories."

Zhang Yang smiled proudly and said, "After a long time in the system, your understanding can be improved more or less."

Gu Yun knew: "You ignored a few things. First, before Mr. Qiao retired, the Qiao and Zhou families had always been political allies. Second, Zhou Xingmin himself was the best of the young cadres and one of the most favored successors by the senior officials. He only appeared in the most ** at the most ** time. In the position. Third, there is no reason for the Zhou family to harm the interests of the Qiao family.

Zhang Yang said, "But there is no doubt that the Zhou family has benefited from this political struggle."

Double the next day, you have to ask for it. Now the starting point rule is that you can only vote for up to two monthly tickets a day, so if you still have monthly tickets, hurry up, or it will be too late!