Medical official path

Chapter 878 Making Romance on

Zhang Daguan was choked and stared at Cha Wei with two eyes!" What, what, what..." "Well, my parents have returned to the Northeast for the Spring Festival. I didn't go back, and there is no place to eat tonight!" Zhang Yang said, "Where is your hometown in the northeast?,,

Cha Wei said, "My grandparents are gone. I hardly went back."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Don't mention it, we are predestined."

Cha Wei said, "Why don't I think so?"

Zhang Yang said, "Think about it, on New Year's Eve, a pair of lonely men and women came to the same place and watched the body art exhibition. Coincidentally, their families were not around. Is this the classic beginning of a romantic story?" Cha Wei finally couldn't help laughing: "You will talk nonsense, what kind of body art exhibition? It's really a drop to watch the exhibition with an art idiot like you. Zhang Yang looked around and said, "Where are those two people?"

Cha Wei said, "I don't know, Jiang Guangya is waiting to get along with Xu Yi alone."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "In the past, I didn't see that this child valued sex over friends. Before this lover went to bed, he threw the matchmaker over the wall." Cha Wei said, "How do you talk? It's true that the dog can't spit out ivory in his mouth, saying that people value sex more than friends, don't you?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I really value sex over friends. When I saw you, I forgot all my friends, and even my godmother refused to ask me to go to dinner."

Cha Wei didn't believe his nonsense: "Well, don't lie to me here. A married man like you is the most unreliable."

Zhang Daguan looked innocent: "When did I become a married man? I'm not married yet." Cha Wei said, "Comrade Zhang Yang, who doesn't know about you and Chu Yanran now? Don't pretend to be pure love in front of me. You are just a big radish. I have seen through you for a long time." Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Yes, I admit it, but is Huā guilty?"

Cha Wei said, "I think all hu-hearted men deserve to die!"

Zhang Daguan took a breath of cold air: "Dear, there's no need to be so vicious!" Although Cha Wei's curse is vicious, she is obviously hard-hearted to Zhang Yang. In fact, from the beginning of her acquaintance with Zhang Yang, she knows that Zhang Yang is a romantic kind, and the relationship between the two is also between friends and lovers. Almost every time they meet, there is an ambiguous interaction. Cha Wei knows where her anger comes from and listen When it came to the news that Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran were about to achieve success, she was still a little frustrated, although she had long known that the result would be like this. Cha Wei is not a narrow-minded girl. She is very frank and open-minded. Even if she was the scapegoat of the star diamond last time, she did not hate her uncle. Well, it didn't take long to get back together with Cha Jinbei. As for Zhang Yang, another reason why she was angry was that he didn't contact her when he I happened to meet him in the National Art Museum. I'm afraid that the boy can't remember to call himself at all, but Cha Wei didn't know that her meeting with Zhang Yang was not accidental. Zhang's official was not sunny at this point. He wanted to use Cha Wei to achieve the purpose of entering the villa of Cha Jinbei Palace.

Seeing Zhang Yang's heartless smile, Cha Wei suddenly raised her hand and punched him in the chest: "Why are you laughing? He laughs so cheaply!"

Zhang Daguan looked at the frank Cha Wei, and still had a little guilt in his heart. He took advantage of Cha Wei, and his conscience was a little uncomfortable.

Cha Wei punched him again: "If you laugh again, I'll hit you!" Zhang Yang said, "Well, this is the National Art Museum. Pay attention to the image. Why don't you eat..."

Cha Wei said, "It's vulgar. I'm not creative at all. I'll think about it now. Your responsibility is vulgar!" Zhang Yang said, "I am an unbearable master. You are a goddess who does not eat fireworks in the world." Cha Wei said, "Are you mocking me? Satirize me?"

"That's not what I mean, girl, I'm praising you!"

Cha Wei said, "I really can't hear it. Let's go, let's go out for a walk!" Zhang Yang said, "Don't you appreciate the oil painting?"

Cha Wei said, "I can't stand people like you who look at works of art with obscene and vulgar eyes. This is not called appreciation. You are a blasphemy of art.

Zhang Yang said, "This is a big crime. Let's go. Well, if you are with me, you are not afraid of being desecrated by me." Cha Wei blushed and scolded, "Get out of here, believe it or not, I'll slap you!"

The two of them quarreled and walked out of the National Grand Theatre.

Zhang Yang said, "Where do you want to eat?"

Cha Wei said, "Zhang Yang, I think you were not like this in the past. Now you are eating except for eating. This official is regarded as a problem. Don't feel that it's not sad to eat the country's food. You can save more or save more, and the country's money can't be messed up."

Zhang Guanren smiled bitterly and said, "I pay for it myself. Do you think I'll treat you to public money?" Cha Wei looked up at the gray sky. Zhang Guanren looked at the sky like her. He felt that the sky was much gloomy than before he entered the National Art Museum. There was a sign that it was going to snow. Cha Wei said, "You know what I'm thinking about to tame"

Zhang Daguan scratched his head and said, "How can I know what's going on in your mind? Am I not the firefly in your stomach?"

Cha Wei sighed, closed her eyes, and looked at Cha Wei in a stateful state. Suddenly, he remembered the romantic night they had ferryed on the ferry, and immediately understood what Cha Wei was thinking.

A piece of snow fell leisurely on Cha Wei's beautiful face, which made her feel a trace of coolness. She opened her beautiful eyes and whispered, "It's snowing!"

Zhang Yang nodded and walked aside and made a phone call.

Zhang Bijun picked up the phone in the car more than 200 meters behind them and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yang said, "You have to do something for me."

"Say!" Do you remember that French meal? On the ship!" Of course, Zhang Bijun remembers.

Zhang Yang said, "I think the operating fee should be increased this time."

Zhang Bijun looked at the young men in the distance and couldn't help sighing, "Are you on a mission or chasing a girl?"

Zhang Daguan said: "There is no mistake in both work and relationship! I want to have a French meal on the ship again!" Zhang Bijun said, "Is there any mistake? It's snowing!" Zhang Yang said, "As long as you want to do it, there is always a way. By the way, it's better to have a pianist. There is no need for candlelight dinner. You can let people make a few braziers around."

Zhang Bijun was completely shocked by this man's whimsical imagination: "Don't you want me to find someone to help you bake whole lamb on the deck?"

"That thing is not romantic enough. I want a French meal, red wine and music. It's eleven o'clock. Can you prepare it at twelve o'clock?"

Zhang Bijun almost dropped his mobile phone: "In such a short time, where do you want me to prepare for you!" Zhang Yang said, "I don't care. If you don't meet my condition, our cooperation plan will come here." This person has always been a good bargainer.

"Are you going to blackmail me?"

Zhang Yang said, "I dare not. At most, a cadre at my level is to complain and make a little emotional. How dare I blackmail you."

Zhang Bijun said, "An hour and a half, you will arrive at the West City Stadium in an hour, and I will arrange someone to pick you up!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I knew you had a way."

Zhang Bijun has nothing to do with him now. He wants to hang up the phone, but he remembered another thing: "You have to make her dizzy before getting on the plane!" Cha Wei had a lot of opinions about Zhang Yang who kept calling today. When Zhang Yang came over, she smiled and said, "What do you want to eat?"

Cha Wei said angrily, "Fried noodles with soy sauce!"

"For the Spring Festival, I don't have any creativity. Why don't we eat Northeast dumplings, which is better than noodles with soy sauce!" Cha Wei angrily walked to the parking lot not far away, where her car was parked. Zhang Yang followed. Cha Wei opened the door, and he also pulled the door from the other side and sat in.

Zhang Yang said, "West City Stadium, I know there is a Northeast dumpling restaurant over there that tastes great." The grievance in Cha Wei's heart, how did this guy become like this? Thinking about his past romance, it was simply day by day. Cha Wei recalled the romantic scenes between them like a movie in her mind. Didn't Zhang Yang even remember what happened in the past at all?

"Red light!"

Cha Wei stepped on the brake. The front wheel of the car had crossed the marking line, and the snow outside began to get bigger and bigger. Cha Wei's mood became lower and lower with the gloomy sky. After restarting the car, she said to Zhang Yang, "I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat. Go by yourself." Of course, Zhang Guanren could see that Cha Wei was in a bad mood, and he still smiled heartlessly: "Don't worry, people are iron rice and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. That Northeast dumplings are really bad..."

Cha Wei said loudly, "I'm not hungry! I don't have any interest in Northeast dumplings. I just want to go home and have a good sleep now.

"But with such heavy snow, do you let me go alone? Even if you don't want to eat, you have to send me somewhere, right?

Cha Wei stared at him. If she didn't say anything, her little face was covered with frost and drove to the West City Stadium.

Zhang Daguan is still a little unsaware: "Oh, open it through the south gate!"

Cha Wei said, "Is your northeast dumplings in the stadium?"

"Did, are you so angry? Can you give me an extra ride?"

Cha Wei stared at him and drove in through the south gate of the stadium. She also felt a little strange. On New Year's Eve, the gate on the side of the stadium was open, and no staff asked.

Zhang Yang looked at the time, pushed the door open, then went around to the other side, and dragged Cha Wei down from the car. With obvious negative emotions, Cha Wei resisted, "Don't pull me, I'm bothering you today..." She heard the sound of propellers in the air and looked up to see a helicopter slowly landing from the air, The snow huā rotates crazily around the airflow rolled up by the propeller (to be continued).