Medical official path

Chapter 891 Seoul on

Facts have proved that Zhang's palace transfer and blood exchange has played a role in reviving the dead, and the RFIV virus could not resist Zhang's strong internal force, which was wiped out by him. After a night's rest, Liv's body has returned to a normal state. Of course, there have been a fundamental change in the The first sentence after waking up was: "Did I suffer a big loss?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you regret it?"

Liv said, "I feel that my feelings have been used by you. You took advantage of my touch, and then did something very ungentle to me."

Zhang Guanren laughed and said, "I never said that I was a gentleman. Now we are cooked rice. Then, little lady, you can do it!"

Liv took Zhang Yang's arm and said, "Zhang Yang, let me ask you something, and you have to tell me honestly."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Say!"

"How many women do you have outside?"

Zhang Guanren coughed and said, "It's a nice day today!" This question is really difficult to answer.

Some problems must be avoided. Zhang Guanren has never been willing to admit that he is a promiscuous person. He thinks that he is a lover, at most affectionate. An affectionate person is a responsible and good man, and a reluctant man like him can also be regarded as an extinct good man.

Liv is an open-minded girl. Although she loves Zhang Yang very much, she also knows that she and Zhang Yang will not have any final result. She said to Zhang Yang, "Let us be lovers for a lifetime. In the future, I don't care about you. Don't restrict me. You marry your wife. How do you think I married my husband?

Zhang Daguan said, "It's not good. You are my woman. Who the hell dares to touch you? I have to castrate him." Zhang Daguan showed an unyed domineering spirit in terms of feelings.

"Why? Why are you so domineering?

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, in fact, I'm relieved to you. Compared with me, the other men in the world are all dung, or what can I say. Once the sea was difficult to make water, but Wushan was not a cloud?

"You think too much of yourself, don't you?"

Zhang Yang said, "How can I be a man without some self-confidence?"

Liv smiled and dragged him up from Hanyu**: "Hey, hurry up and see if there is a way to escape. Are you really going to stay here for the rest of your life?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's really good to live here for a lifetime. You said that we are blind and have no other entertainment. Why don't we... Do it again..."

Liv blushed and pushed him forward: "Go, do the business quickly. I don't want to stay here with you all my life."

This cave is the place where Jin Yuwu practiced kung fu at the beginning. The two did not take too much effort to find the ventilation hole, and after the two discussed it. Use the bomb brought by Zhang Yang to stuff it into the hole.

After setting the time, Zhang Yang and Liv retreated to the distance. Zhang Yang looked at the time of the watch and silently counted the countdown, one minute later. The bomb was detonated on time, the inside of the cave shook, the smoke and dust was everywhere, and a two-meter-square hole was blown open. When the smoke and dust dissipated, Zhang Yang came to the entrance of the cave and saw the sky outside shining in. A cold wind mixed with wet air blew into the cave, and Zhang Daguan couldn't help shivering.

The sky outside is still cold rain, and the peaks of Mount Kumgang in the distance are dyed white, and Zhang Yang took a step forward. Finding that they should be on the cliff of the eagle's sad stream, Liv came to Zhang Yang's side and saw that the exit was on the cliff. She couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. At the beginning, she climbed from the cliff of the eagle's sad stream to the Golden Valley Military Forbidden Zone with the help of advanced climbing tools, In such bad weather, a layer of smooth thin ice has condensed on the steep cliff, and there is no place to start at all. She raised her head and saw Zhang Yang's confident smile. Her worries suddenly disappeared. Zhang Yang's body was so infectious. With him around, there was nothing that could not be done. He could solve any problems, and nothing in the world could be rare for him.

Liv's confidence came from Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang's confidence came from his super martial arts. When he climbed along the straight and steep ice cliff on his back, Lifu put her arms around his neck and put her beautiful face on his body. She remembered Zhang Yang's sentence just now that the sea was once difficult, but Wushan was not a cloud By the way, no one in the world can replace Zhang Yang's position in her heart and let her meet Zhang Yang, which is not only fate, but also her life.

Her feet stepped on the flat ground again, and there was a feeling of life and death. Liv took a deep breath of the cold air, and she still couldn't believe that she had escaped the danger.

Zhang Yang listened and was sure that there was no one around, so he relaxed his vigilance a little. Last night, he sneaked into the Jingu Military Forbidden Zone for a total of four people. Cui Zaiyuan died under Li Changpu's gun. Zhao He and Li Wanji didn't know where they were.

Zhang Yang left Mount Kumgang with Lifu. After careful consideration, he still contacted Quan Zhengtai. An hour later, in the section of the Cedar Forest of Mount Kumgang, Quan Zhengtai appeared in a military-branded old Toyota SUV. Zhang Yang and Lifu walked out of the cedar forest together, pulled the door and sat in.

Quan Zhengtai whispered, "Do you have any news from them?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "Cui Zaiyuan is dead. Li Wanji and Nezhkov fled together. I don't know Zhao He's whereabouts."

Quan Zhengtai said, "I just received the news that Li Changpu was killed, and now the whole Yuanshan is being disciplined."

Zhang Yang said, "Killed? Did Li Wanji do it?

Quan Zhengtai shook his head and said, "I don't know. She hasn't contacted me so far." He looked at Liv from the reflector and whispered, "Have you achieved your goal?"

Zhang Yang said, "After Li Wanji and Nezhkov escaped, they blew up the R&D center. We were trapped in the ground. Fortunately, we found an exit and climbed down from the cliff of the eagle's sorrow."

Quan Zhengtai said, "Has the RFVI virus been transferred by North Koreans?"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know, that's your business. Now the whole Golden Valley Military Forbidden Zone has been razed to the ground. It should be said that your goal has also been achieved, although you didn't blow it up."

Kwon Jong-tae said, "The North Koreans blew up there to cover up the truth about their development of chemical and chemical weapons. Let's get out of here first." He did not drive the car directly to the foot of the mountain, but came to an uninhabited road. Quan Zhengtai explained, "The foot of the mountain is full of North Korean soldiers. If you lack documents, it is impossible for you to leave smoothly. There are the clothes and documents I prepared for you in the trunk. Let's change them!" Quan Zhengtai left the car after saying that.

Zhang Yang and Liv put on the North Korean military uniform he had prepared in advance.

Zhang Yang got out of the car and came to Quan Zhengtai's side. Quan Zhengtai stared at Yuanshan in the distance. He whispered, "Li Changpu's death has made the situation very tense. If we can leave smoothly, you can take a fishing boat to Dajin. As long as you enter our waters, it will be safe."

Zhang Yang said, "You seem to have something on your mind."

Quan Zhengtai said, "Maybe I should listen to you and not let Li Wanji participate in this operation."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you also think Li Changpu may die at the hands of Li Wanji?"

Quan Zhengtai said, "If she is alive, why don't you contact me? Instead, I wish she was dead!"

Down the mountain road, he encountered three checkpoints along the way. Fortunately, Quan Zhengtai was quite well prepared and successfully deceived the North Korean soldiers with forged documents. In fact, the official Zhang also had a licensed pass given to him by Li Yinri, but he dared not take it out now. Li Changpu died. I hope Li Silver Day, don't think of this matter to yourself.

Quan Zhengtai took them to a remote fishing port in Yuanshan and handed them over to a fisherman. The fisherman took them to the fish tank with a fish smell. At 4 p.m. that day, the fishing boat slowly left the fishing port.

Although the cabin was extremely smelly, Liv's heart was unprecedentedly stable. She leaned against Zhang Yang's arms and fell asleep in a daze.

Zhang Yang's heart is not calm. Although Liv has been successfully rescued, he knows that this matter is far from over. If he knows that Liv is still alive in the world, Zhang Bijun will never give up and may launch a new round of persecution. Zhang Bijun worked hard to set up this situation. Her purpose was to put Xing Chaohui to death. Her trip to North Korea proved that Zhang Bijun wanted to use this matter to remove herself. Although he has seen through this woman's poisonous trick, there is no substantial evidence in Zhang Yang's hand. With Zhang Bijun's position in Guoan, it is not so easy to bring her down.

Zhang Yang remembered Zhang Bijun's previous action against Cha Jinbei. What is this woman's real intention? Are there any other backer behind her?

Looking at Liv's haggard face, Zhang Yang couldn't help but have a burst of love and pity. This strong girl suffered cruel torture during this period. He gently stroked Liv's beautiful face and silently swore in his heart that he would protect her well in the future and never let Liv be hurt.

Liv seemed to have a nightmare. She hugged Zhang Yang's body tightly: "Don't... don't... Zhang Yang... Zhang Yang..."

Zhang Yang hugged her delicate body and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here!"

Liv opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were already full of tears. She hugged Zhang Yang with all her strength: "Zhang Yang, I'm so afraid... I just dreamed that they used electricity and beat me with leather whips... How can I call you, you ignore me..."

Zhang Yang held her cheek and kissed her forehead: "Liv, don't be afraid, I won't leave you, never, I swear, I will keep you by my side, take good care of you, love you, love you!"