Medical official path

Chapter 892 Who buried you in the last life?

Zhang Yang became a little embarrassed because of Jin Min'er's words. It was very impolite to mistake Jin Min'er for Chun Xueqing. But every time he was with Jin Min'er, Zhang Yang always had such an illusion. Although he knew in his heart that Jin Min'er had nothing to do with Chun Xueqing, he always couldn't .

Both of them were silent. After a while, Zhang Yang took the lead in breaking the silence and said, "I want you to do me a favor." After saying that, he laughed unconsciously: "It seems that I'm always asking you to help!"

Jin Min'er smiled and said, "It's okay. We are good friends." When she said the words of a good friend, Jin Min'er felt a little strange in her heart. She began to realize that she was not satisfied with the relationship with Zhang Yang only at the level of a good friend.

Zhang Yang nodded: "The Bentley we saw in front of Jingfu Palace today.

"Do you want me to help you find out the car and the identity of the woman?"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but his eyes already agreed with Jin Min'er's words.

Jin Min'er said, "No problem, I will try my best to check it, but there are a lot of people going to Jingfu Palace for sightseeing every day, and the traffic is also very large. You don't remember the license plate of the vehicle. I don't think there is much hope of finding her."

"I understand, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Jin Min'er laughed and said, "When did we become so divided? Was it the same when you talked to Chun Xueqing in the past?"

The official Zhang found that the little girl mentioned Chun Xueqing on purpose. He shook his head and said, "It's been too long. I can't remember a lot of things.,,

"How long?"

Zhang Yang stared at Jin Min'er's beautiful face. In a trance, Chun Xueqing sat opposite him and whispered, "It seems to be a thousand years." Only his heart knows that it is not like it, but really a thousand years.

Jin Min'er whispered, "A thousand years!" She shook her head with a smile: "What can be remembered for a thousand years? No one can live so long.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"


Zhang Yang said, "Someone once told me such a story. Once upon a time, a scholar and his fiancee made an appointment to get married on a certain day in a certain month of a certain year. On that day, his fiancee married someone else. The scholar was hit by this and fell ill. At this time, a monk passed by and took out a mirror from his arms and asked the scholar to read. The scholar saw the vast sea, and a murdered woman was lying naked on the beach.

Passing by one person 1 took a look, shook his head, and left: another person passed by, took off his clothes, covered the female corpse, and left: another person passed by, carefully buried the body. The monk explained that the female corpse on the beach was your fiancee's previous life. You were the second person who passed by and gave her a dress, so she fell in love with you in this life just to return your love, but she finally wanted to repay the person for a lifetime. It was the last person to bury her, who was his current husband. "

Jin Min'er was very attentive. She put her hands on her jaw and whispered, "I've also heard a similar story. After people died, they hurried through the bridge. Meng Po said, "People on the road, drink a bowl of Meng Po soup to quench your thirst." The thirsty people drank anxiously, so the man who buried them in their previous life gradually blurred in their minds. They began to look around in panic, trying to find their lover in this life in the vast sea of people. The crowd searched for it thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the dim light. In fact, when you take his hand, it is the remaining memories of your previous life that remind you that the person who buried you in your previous life is the lover who helps you.

There are gentle eyes in her beautiful eyes, and wisps of love are tightly wrapped around Zhang Yang. She is small...

said, "Who buried me in my last life?" Zhang Daguan looked at Jin Min'er in a daze. He couldn't tell whether it was Jin Min'er or Chun Xueqing in front of him. He remembered the moment when the arrow took off at the Meridian Gate, he suddenly closed his eyes tightly. He had never dared to think about many things. Who buried him after he was killed by Emperor Sui Yang?

Jin Min'er said, "I know one thing."

Zhang Yang slowly opened his eyes and said, "What do you know?"

Jin Min'er looked at Zhang Yang's eyes and said, "When you died in your previous life, there must have been a lot of people who buried you, so you will never forget so many girls in your life."

Zhang Daguan picked up his glass and took a sip and said, "You reminded me that if hundreds of girls buried me with a handful of soil in my last life, wouldn't I be miserable in my life?"

Jin Min'er said, "Fate can't escape!"

When he left the Korean House, there was thin snow in the air. Zhang Yang took off his coat and put it on Jin Min'er's shoulder. He stood on the brightly lit street. Zhang Yang noticed two figures coming towards him.

Those two people should have waited outside for a long time. One of them, Zhang Yang, actually knew Ren Changyuan, who was broken by his right leg in the capital. Seeing Ren Changyuan, Zhang Yang was somewhat strange. How could this boy know that he had not been in Seoul for a long time? However, Zhang Yang soon remembered Zhang Bingquan,

Zhang Bingquan learned from Li Daoji, the younger brother of Yu Jin Douluo. Presumably, the news that he arrived in Seoul was leaked by Zhang Bingquan.

Jin Min'er didn't know the enmity between Zhang Yang and these people, and looked at Ren Changyuan with some surprise.

Ren Changyuan nodded politely in front of Zhang Yang and submitted a post with both hands.

Zhang Yang unfolded the post in front of him, but this post is a challenge book, Jin Douluo's challenge book. Zhang Daguan does not understand Korean, but from the handwriting above, it can be seen that the lines are full of invincible domineering. From the handwriting alone, it can be concluded that this Jin Douluo is the One of the opponents. The reason why Zhang Guanren used one of the reasons is that Wen Ling is in the front. When it comes to martial arts, Wen Ling has cultivated to a shocking state. He can even conclude that Wen Ling has the same experience as himself, but after the two came to this era, he has well integrated into this society, while Wen Ling and everything around him. It's out of place.

Jin Min'er's voice pulled Zhang Yang back to reality. Sure enough, this post was Jin Douluo's challenge letter. Although the letter was quite polite, the real purpose was to compete with Zhang Yang. Of course, Zhang Daguan understood that he broke his apprentice's leg, and then put Li Daoji in front of martial arts people from all over the After a disgraced face, the sorghum between the two has been knotted since then, although Zhang Yang and this Jin Douluo have never met.

Ren Changyuan said in an unskilled Mandarin, "Mr. Zhang, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, my master will be waiting on time in the Sword Pavilion." After saying that, he arched his hand and turned around and left with his little brother.

When Jin Min'er waited for the two to go far away, she looked up at Zhang Yang and said, "What's going on? How do you know Master Jin Douluo?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not very familiar with him. I haven't met him, but I broke one of his apprentice's legs, and his apprentice Li Daoji was also defeated by me. Now that I know that I come to Seoul, I must regain this face, which is understandable."

Only then did Jin Min'er remember that this matter had something to do with Zhang Bingquan. She couldn't help saying angrily, "It must be Zhang Bingquan who revealed the news. This person is so abominable!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Forget it, people in the martial arts know how to maintain the honor of the master. In fact, I think I will know this Jin Douluo."

Jin Min'er shook her head in a hurry and said, "I think it's better to forget it. Master Jinniuluo is a rare martial arts wizard on the Korean Peninsula for a hundred years. His martial arts are unpredictable and he has never met an opponent." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Your Korean Peninsula is not as big as our Pinghai Province."

Jin Min'er was obviously stimulated by his words: "If you look down on our country, I will ignore you." Zhang Yang said, "In this world, no one likes to listen to the truth." The two got on the SUV, and Jin Min'er started the car and drove to the Blue Star Palace. She was still worried that Zhang Yang was going to fight with Jin Douluo: "Zhang Yang, I think it's better to forget it. Master Jin has a good relationship with my father. Or I'll let my father tell him that Lou thought he would give my Zhang Yang said, "There hasn't been a test yet. How do you know that I will definitely lose to him?"

Jin Min'er said, "Isn't there a saying in your country that it is not appropriate to solve enemies? I don't understand you. Why do you have to fight and kill?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "People live in one breath, and the tree lives in one skin. Jin Douluo wants to save this face. If I leave, others will definitely say that I am afraid of him. You have known me for so long. Who have I been afraid of?" Jin Min'er saw that Zhang Yang had made up his mind and would not listen to his advice at all. She could only sigh and give up the idea of continuing to persuade him.

Back to the Blue Star Palace, I was surprised to find that Jin Shangyuan, the chairman of the Blue Star Group, was also here. Jin Min'er smiled and said, "Uncle, why did you make an exception to live in the Blue Star Palace today?"

Jin Shangyuan smiled and said, "Isn't it rude to have guests at home when the host is not here?" He looked at Zhang Yang with a smile and said, "Where did you go to play today?" Jin Min'er said, "I turned around Jingde Palace"... She wanted to tell her uncle about Zhang Yang's challenge from Jin Douluo, but when she thought about it, it was Zhang Yang himself. She said to Zhang Yang, "You guys talk, I'll take a shower!"

Jin Shangyuan invited Zhang Yang to sit down in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The snow outside seemed to be a little heavy. Jin Shangyuan asked the servant to bring a pot of boiled black tea. He picked up the black tea and took a sip and said, "I heard that you went to the general's mansion today."

Zhang Yang nodded and remembered the unexpected discovery in the general's mansion today. He was quite hesitant. As a friend of the Jin family, should he say this matter or not? If you say it, it is likely to cause a great uproar in the Jin family, but if you don't say it, you can't watch Jin Chenghuan wearing such a green hat. What's more, he is likely to become his future father-in-law. How can he bear it?