Medical official path

Chapter 931 Keep silent Next

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiang Cheng said, "Comrade Hong Gang, what do you think?" Seeing that Jiang Honggang was always silent, Xiang Cheng directly called the name.

Jiang Honggang smiled and said, "I think what everyone said is reasonable. Xiang [Book] is right. It is a good thing to withdraw the county and change the city in Binhai. Sooner or later, it will take this step, and it will succeed sooner or later, but this matter must be carefully considered and should not be too hasty."

Gong Huanshan looked at Jiang Honggang and said in his heart, "Say it is like not saying it." If there is one of the most disgusted people in the Standing Committee, it is Jiang Honggang. The reason is very simple. He regards Jiang Honggang as his only opponent on his way forward. Although Jiang Honggang is currently weak in the competition with him in all aspects, he knows that Jiang Honggang has never given up the idea of competing with him.

Jiang Honggang said, "I don't think this matter is so serious. When Comrade Zhang Yang first came to Beigang, the young comrades will certainly not be as thoughtful as the old comrades. Considering that he has just taken office and is eager to make achievements, I also think that he is a little too hasty on the issue of withdrawing the county and Many procedures have not been considered, but we should also affirm his enthusiasm for work and his eagerness to change the appearance of Binhai. Therefore, in the handling of this matter, we can neither let him go nor beat him to death with a stick. We can't criticize, but we can't criticize him too hard.

Gong Huanshan secretly scolded the old fox. This guy wanted to be innocent on both sides.

Of course, Xiang Cheng could understand Jiang Honggang's intention. He nodded slowly and said, "Comrade Hong Gang. It's up to you. Go and have a good talk with Comrade Zhang Yang, so that he can recognize his mistakes. Also pay attention to the good scale and try not to affect his enthusiasm for work.

Jiang Honggang said, didn't you ask Gong Huanshan to talk to him? Let me talk to him again? Isn't this an unnecessary move? But he was still very cooperative in front of Xiang Cheng. He nodded with a smile and said, "Xiang [book]. I will talk to him as soon as possible."

Xiang Cheng said, "The meeting is over!"

The arrival of Zhang Yang has made Xiang Cheng feel more and more unhappy. He always feels that the boy's existence is like a time bomb. I don't know when it will explode, and Xiang Cheng has a hunch. This time, the withdrawal of the county and the change of the city will be successful. Once Binhai County becomes Binhai City, Zhang Yang's wings will become harder. At that time, it will be difficult for him to control the boy. But Xiang Cheng has not thought of a way to deal with Zhang Yang until now, although he really wants to teach this boy a lesson and let him know who has the right to speak in Beigang. However, considering the Song Huaiming behind Zhang Yang, Xiang Cheng still hesitated. If it was best to have nothing to do, he instructed Gong Huanshan to talk to Zhang Yang. The purpose was to let Zhang Yang know how to abide by the rules, but judging from Zhang Yang's reaction after returning, Gong Huanshan obviously did not complete this task well, and Zhang Yang did not pay attention to Gong Huanshan.

What happened at the Binhai Standing Committee was fed back to Xiangcheng's ears that night.

Xu Shuangqi, the magistrate of Binhai County, came to Xiang Cheng's home of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee on the evening of the same day and reported to him the original report of what happened at the Binhai Standing Committee today.

Xiang Cheng listened very carefully, and Xu Shuangqi's expression was very depressed and helpless. In front of Xiang Cheng, he said a lot of thoughts in his heart: "Xiang [Book]. I find it difficult to communicate with Comrade Zhang Yang.

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "He hasn't been here for a long time. It must take a process to get familiar with him."

Xu Shuangqi said, "That's not what I mean. I mean, he is very subjective. If you don't like to accept other people's opinions, you must continue to confirm the matter. Just talk about the withdrawal of the county and the change of the city. He didn't ask anyone's opinion at all in advance, and he won't tell us until the application comes up. Xu Shuangqi deliberately provoked Xiang Cheng's anger, because Zhang Yang did not know Xiang Cheng in this matter, and bypassed all the leaders of Beigang City.

Xiang Cheng said, "You should strengthen your communication with him. Don't forget that you two have been working together in the past few years. If you lack understanding, how will you carry out your work in the future?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "I'm so old. He is about the same age as my son and I. The gap between our thoughts and views is too big. As you know, the financial situation of our Binhai County is not good, and the fiscal deficit has not been eliminated. However, in order to withdraw the county and change the city, he has put forward It will be put into practice. Personally, I think the focus of Binhai's recent work is not to abolish counties and cities, but to eliminate poverty and eliminate fiscal deficits. Our main direction should be to develop the economy, rather than invest money in meaningless face projects.

Xiang Cheng didn't say anything and seemed to be thinking about something.

Xu Shuangqi said again, "What's the use of making municipal construction beautiful? No matter how wide the road is, it is still those cars. No matter how the street lights are on, it is nothing more than increasing the consumption of shared electricity. Planting trees and planting cities is nothing more than the surface light of donkey shit. With that money, it is better to buy some good seeds to support farmers in need. We are still mainly agriculture in Binhai. As a part of the book, it's the end.

Xiang Cheng said, "Why don't you say these words directly to him?"

Xu Shuangqi sighed and said, "Xiang [Shu], it would be strange if he was willing to listen to my opinion."

Xiang Cheng said, "Comrade Shuangqi, he is the county party committee [book]. I remember that you are the county magistrate. I don't like your attitude very much. Different opinions should be allowed to exist at work, seeking commons and differences. If you think that some of his practices are wrong, you should argue with the 11 members Only support can be passed. How can we reflect our party's [people] master and fairness and justice? You have worked for so many years that you don't even understand such a simple truth?

Xu Shuangqi's old face was a little feverish. Xiang Cheng's words were both a criticism of him and a reminder to him. As the head of Binhai County, he did not play his due role as a member of the Standing Committee of Binhai County. He was too weak in front of the new county party committee. Xu Shuangqi said, "Shang [book], I understand."

Xiang Cheng said, "Be careful doesn't mean being timid. Being cautious doesn't mean being afraid of things. You are an old comrade who has worked for many years, and you don't need me to remind you of these things."

Xu Shuangqi kept nodding.

The Finance Director of Binhai County ** looked at Zhang Yang with a bitter face and said pitifully, "Zhang [Book], our county really doesn't have so much money. Last year, the county's total fiscal revenue was 85 million yuan, and the first quarter of this year did not end, but from the current situation, that is, about 20 An important intersection builds guard booths and improve the greening of urban areas. These three alone need at least 10 million yuan. We can't afford this money, and we really can't take it out..." ** I'm crying. Now the whole county is staring at him. Every department wants money, but the finance of Binhai County has been in deficit for three consecutive I don't know if the salary of the government department will be sent out this month. The new county magistrate has a whim that he wants to do a lot of municipal construction. How can he get the money?

Zhang Guanren's eyes widened: "How did you become a finance director? Ten million is not a big amount. Can't you take out this little money?

** said, "Zhang [Book], our total annual fiscal revenue is only more than 80 million, and 10 million is not a small amount. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. There will be a problem with the salary of government departments next month.

Zhang Yang said, "I wonder that the administrative center is so beautifully built, and the county leaders live in sea-view villas one by one. Now you tell me that there is no money. Where is the money?"

** Speechless.

Zhang Yang said, "Now that you are crying with me, what did you do earlier?" With the money to build an administrative center and the money to build a sea-view villa, take it out and invest it in municipal construction. Will Binhai still look like the chaos now? Huh? What the hell? What is a face-to-face project? I think this administrative center is the largest face-to-face project. It is a county party committee and county government building. Why is it so styled? Can a county party committee use such a large office? And where these county leaders live, the provincial leaders have not enjoyed such treatment. Zhang's official was angry, and his breath had been in his stomach for many days. ** Unfortunately, he caught up, and a word of no money made Zhang [book] angry.

After waiting for Zhang [Shu] to get angry, ** said, "Zhang [Shu], our administrative office building still owes more than 30 million yuan!"

Zhang Yang pointed to **, didn't say anything, and patted fiercely on the table: "Nonsense! What does it mean that there is no primary and secondary? If I want to build more than 30 guard booths, some people are talking behind their backs. How much does it cost to build such a large office building? How much is the annual electricity bill and how many staff are needed to maintain the building? Why can the county's finance be on government officials? Why should I give money to the people? You don't have money here. Some people over there are people over there who say that I work on face? **, please listen to me clearly. You can find a way for this money. Within a month, all the street lights must be lit, and all the guard booths at major intersections must be built. If you can't afford the money, you don't deserve this finance director.

** I really want to cry without tears. Damn it, it's too domineering. I'm a finance director. Do you really regard me as the God of Wealth? I really don't have any money. Can you print it out as our family? ** said, "Zhang [Shu], if you really say so, there's nothing I can do. I can't afford the money. The accounts of the Finance Bureau are all there. I really can't afford the money."

Zhang Yang said, "Give you three days to find a way to go by yourself."

** With a sad face, he left the office of the County Party Committee [Shu]. This Zhang [Shu] is too unreasonable. Where can I find the money? If the County Finance Bureau takes the money, it should still get some, but it is all paid. Is it necessary to cut off the rations of all cadres for the street lights and guard booths? If you don't have money, you can't put all the blame on yourself, right? If you want to complain, you should also blame these leaders. Who let them manage Binhai like this? The fiscal deficit has been losing money for years.