Medical official path

Chapter 932 Give You a Good Look

In the meeting just now, everyone's attention was focused on the [main] stage, and no one paid attention to the situation around him. When Zhang Yang said this, they saw that Ding Gaoshan, the original boss of Hengmao Business, was also invited to attend. In fact, it is not surprising. Ding Gaoshan is a member of the Beigang Municipal The president of the association is also a figure who has stepped into the official face.

Ding Gaoshan was named by Zhang Yang, so he could only stand up and walk to the first row to sit down in the eyes of everyone. The reason why he came to the meeting was that Zhang Yang called him to invite him. Ding Gaoshan had to give him the face of the county magistrate. What's more, he had attended his daughter's wedding, the funeral of his son-in-law, and the courtesy. In fact, Ding Gaoshan couldn't figure out the main purpose of Zhang Yang

Zhang Daguan said to others: "I would like to introduce a few friends, Mr. Ding Gaoshan and Mr. Ding, who has gone out in Binhai County, Mr. Qishan of the four seas!"

Qi Shan also stood up from the corner. He raised his hand to the crowd and walked to the first row with Ding Gaoshan to sit down.

"Hu Yinru, chairman of Hong Kong Oriental Advertising, and Chang Hailong, general manager of Jindian Decoration Co., Ltd., have really invited a lot of guests. Xu Shuangqi watched Zhang Yang coldly. In the past, I heard that the biggest strength of this person was to solicit sponsorship. Will the old skills be repeated today?

After introducing the guests, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Guests, don't panic. I invite you over, not for sponsorship. I'm asking you to help Binhai's consultation. Why does Binhai's finance have a deficit for three consecutive years? A county with such good resources, why did last year's financial revenue Ten thousand in the talent area? Ranked first from the bottom among the counties under the jurisdiction of Beigang?

The scene was silent, no one spoke, and even Hu Yinru didn't speak. This time, she still heard from Chang Hailong mention that she thought that Zhang Yang was in trouble, so she came to visit him and see if there was anything she could help. After she came here... she hasn't had a good talk with Zhang Yang... I don't know what kind of chess Zhang Yang is going to take today?

Zhang Yang said, "In fact, this question is very easy to answer, and it is difficult to answer. Although my time I came to Binhai for a short time, I already have some understanding of this county. Today, everyone is here... So let's talk openly and help Binhai consult... Let's see which aspect Binhai is not doing enough? Why has the development stagnated in these years?

No one took the initiative to speak at the venue. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It seems that I can only sing a monologue at today's meeting. Well, I'll go on. I'll talk about my impression of Binhai. The conference room you are in, facilities and configuration are also first-class in all cities and counties in the province... I The public center has a total of 46 million. What kind of concept is this? Measured by last year's annual fiscal revenue in Binhai, more than half of our total fiscal revenue last year. Has Comrade Zhao Haiqing of the Finance Bureau come?

Zhao Haiqing was named by him and stood up from the crowd with some thor.

Zhang Yang said, "Comrade Haiqing, tell me how the total revenue of the county is calculated? What do you carry?"

Zhao Haiqing whispered: "The county's fiscal revenue includes tax revenue, social insurance fund income, non-tax revenue, loan transfer recovery principal income, debt income, transfer income..............."

Zhang Yang nodded and signaled that he didn't have to continue. He said, "Has Song Jiangbo, director of the Family Planning Commission, come yet?"

Song Jiangbo, director of the Family Planning Commission, stood up with a confused face. He didn't know what this matter had to do with him.

Zhang Yang said, "How many people are there in Binhai County?"

Song Jiangbo said, "9.79 million people... There should be one million now."

Zhang Yang said, "Has Director Zheng of the Bureau of Land and Resources come yet?"

Zheng Ting, director of the Bureau of Land and Resources, got up. He was ready for Zhang Yang's question. As soon as Zhang Yang asked, he answered fluently, "Our Binhai County has an administrative area of 6 square meters, with a total of 12 towns and 9 townships."

Zhang Yang said, "We have a population of one million, and the fiscal revenue is ten thousand. Who gave this ten thousand? The people gave it! Each of the people took out 85 yuan to let us do things for them, not to let us sit high in this administrative center in warm winter and cool summer to give orders. The cost of ten thousand yuan means that every common people in Binhai County should take out 46 yuan to add bricks and tiles to this administrative office center. Thinking of them risking the sun. After working hard in the rain, I would like to ask everyone present, how many people can sit here at ease, blowing the warm wind and drinking free tea for the meeting?

The scene was so quiet that he could even hear a needle falling. Xu Shuangqi's face was surprisingly ugly. He never thought that Zhang Yang would openly talk about the administrative office center.

Zhang Yang said, "If I came to Binhai in the past few years, I would be the first to veto the plan to build an administrative office center. A responsible leader can't always talk about serving the people. You have to understand that every bit of the fiscal revenue you control comes from the people, and you must use this fiscal revenue. It is used to build our country, to effectively improve the people's life, instead of improving your office environment first. I never think that a superior office environment can improve the governance level of a leading cadre. Binhai, a county with an annual fiscal revenue of 10,000 yuan, to build an administrative center. This is a It's a great waste, which is a huge mistake in the leader's decision-making. I said this in front of everyone. If anyone doesn't accept it, just stand up and argue with me! Who dares to stand up and say to me that this building is not a waste of people's hard-earned money?

Xu Shuangqi's face was pale. He couldn't sit still. Most of the members of the standing committee present did not look good. The flamboyant bombarded not only the county party committee [book] that had been taken down. Their members of the Standing Committee voted for it when they built the administrative center.

The applause sounded, and the first applause was Qi Shan, followed by the second and third. The deafening applause sounded in the conference room. This applause was the encouragement and support of Zhang Yang, and it was also a mockery of Binhai's past decision makers.

Zhang Yang made several downward pressure gestures in a row to calm down. He whispered, "Every industry in the world has rules, morality, and theft has a way. What's more, we, the national cadres, the people gave the money to you because they believe in you and think you can help him, but we We didn't do it. We didn't shout slogans, but the ancients understood this simple truth. Didn't we understand it? It is said that Binhai is poor, but everyone present, some of you are really thinking about how to change the current situation of poverty? It is said that Binhai is chaotic. Why do you let Binhai be chaotic year after year? How much is the fiscal revenue of this 10,000 yuan to improve the public security of Binhai? What I have said today is not to deny the level of governance led by Binhai in the past. The level of governance is not something I can deny if I want to deny it. The data is there. Whether you do it well or not, the people can see it clearly. Binhai has a first and an unhonorable first. In the whole Pinghai Province, our Bin The bottom is the first, and our Binhai's crime rate is the first.

Zhang Yang drank it. Tea ceremony: "At the standing committee meeting the day before yesterday, I proposed to replace the street lights within the urban area, to realize the lighting and greening of the urban area of Binhai, to build a warning booth at the key intersection of Binhai, and to be on duty for 24 hours. I initially calculated an account, which cost about 10 million. Because of this matter, I discussed with Comrade Zhao Haiqing of the Finance Bureau. Comrade Haiqing told me that Binhai has had a fiscal deficit for three consecutive years, and the fiscal revenue in the first quarter of this year is not even as good as the same period last year. We can't take out this 10 million.

Zhao Haiqing lowered his head, and he felt that the whole audience was looking at him.

Zhang Yang said, "I was very angry at that time and rude to him. I told him that I would give him three days to take out the money. He continued to do it. If he couldn't take it out, he would leave! My attitude is very bad. I didn't consider Comrade Haiqing's feelings. Now I apologize to you in front of everyone. Comrade Haiqing, I'm sorry!"

Zhao Haiqing didn't know what the idea of this one had, and he looked at a loss.

Zhang Yang took out a resignation letter and said, "Comrade Haiqing wrote a resignation letter yesterday afternoon and handed it over. County Magistrate Xu sent it to me and left it to me to decide."

Xu Shuangqi sat next to Zhang Yang and almost tilted his nose. This boy was just talking nonsense. I just showed you the resignation letter. You didn't give it to me, but now you actually dragged me into the water. Zhang Yang said, "After reading this resignation letter, I found that Comrade Haiqing is still a good comrade. He is indeed in trouble He doesn't want to do it well, but he really doesn't have the ability to do it well. So it's wrong for me to impose such a heavy task on him. I didn't take into account the actual situation of Comrade Haiqing. Here, I apologize to him again.

Zhao Haiqing's legs were weak at this time, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley. He said with a voice in his heart, "It's over, it's over. I can't keep it, the finance director."

Zhang Yang said, "Comrade Haiqing can't do it. I don't believe that there are so many leading cadres in Binhai. None of us can do it. Whoever has the ability to solve this matter is qualified to replace Comrade Haiqing, provided that you have to be a cadre at or above the deputy section level."

The public words made the atmosphere at the scene much easier, and some people laughed.

Laugh back to laughter, but who can plug the financial gap of 10 million? Everyone at the venue, look at me and I look at you. Everyone wants to see who dares to stand up today, and who has the ability to solve this matter as the finance director.

Qi Shan said to Chang Hailong beside him, "I don't know if this sentence is not true. If it's true, I will buy a finance director for 10 million yuan to do it!"

Ding Gaoshan also laughed and whispered, "Mr. Qi, Zhang [Book] Remember that there are words first. Above the deputy section level, we have been excluded!"