Medical official path

Chapter 934 Let you play on

Wang Zhigang, the new director of the Finance Bureau, was undoubtedly one of the focus of the night. His ascending process was full of legends. This is only one of them. Another more important reason is his solar self-charging system. Several business people present have a very keen sense of business opportunities, and they have a lot of Wang Zhigang raised some detailed questions, which also proves that many people still have doubts about Wang Zhigang's system.

Wang Zhigang was complacent and answered the questions that everyone was curious about. In fact, Wang Zhigang has completed the whole process from design to sample, and what is missing now is that it is officially put into production.

When everyone gathered around Wang Zhigang to ask questions, Qi Shan picked up the glass and found Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "Secretary Zhang, congratulations on your victory."

Zhang Yang said, "It's just the beginning. As for victory, there is a long way to go."

Qi Shan said, "I have always been interested in opening a seafood processing factory in Binhai. Recently, I have come here frequently to the inspection site."

Zhang Yanghui smiled and said, "How much is the expected investment? It's too little. I won't take you to play."

Qi Shan laughed and said, "Thirty million, the location has been selected, but I don't know if Secretary Zhang will give me the green light."

Zhang Yang said to Dong Yu Wudao, the executive deputy county magistrate beside him: "Dong County Magistrate, isn't it too strange for Mr. Qi to ask? We are absolutely the green light to the major investors who come to Binhai.

The policy will support you. Under the premise that it is in line with the coastal plan, we will definitely turn the green light.

Ding Gaoshan also came over and said, "Secretary Zhang, I have to make a suggestion. We Binhai is a small coastal city, and we propose to welcome passengers from all over the world with a smile all day long, but our current situation is that there are toll stations at all exits. No matter in and out, you have to pay fees.

Qi Shan said, "Speaking of this, I also have an opinion. Your traffic police in Binhai are not generally cruel. As long as large trucks from other places come and exit from your side, almost all of them will be fined."

Zhang Yang said, "Is there a fine if you don't violate the rules?"

Qi Shan said, "If you violate the fine, you are willing, but there are too many reasons for the traffic police department to punish you."

Zhang Yang said, "Okay, I have written down your suggestions. I have been paying attention to the matter of toll stations, which indeed has a great impact on the city image of Binhai. In the near future, I will discuss with the leadership the possibility of removing all toll stations in Binhai, and truly welcome customers from all directions with a smile."

After the dinner, Zhang Yang and Chang Hailong came to his room to talk. Zhang Yang had a preliminary idea. He wanted to turn Binhai into a green garden city in the near future. Chang Hailong told him that the greening of the city was not as simple as planting a few lawns and trees, but needed a comprehensive plan to comprehensively improve the city. For the level and taste of the city, we must find an urban planner. Chang Hailong recommended his teacher to Zhang Yang, Cheng Runsheng, who is now the head of the Department of Urban and Landscape Engineering at the Chinese Academy of Arts and Crafts.

Zhang Yang looked through some of Cheng Runsheng's design works and was full of praise for this. Cheng Runsheng's strength lies in urban garden design. Zhang Yang also thought of Duval, the husband of Zhu Qiaoyun, another master in the design industry, a famous Australian designer. As long as he opens his mouth, Duval will certainly not hesitate. Give him help.

Zhang Yang closed Cheng Runsheng's design work and said, "Hailong, you must invite Professor Cheng over and ask him to help design the urban greening of Binhai. I want Binhai to become a green garden city in the short term."

Chang Hailong said, "Professor Cheng's vision is so high that he may not be able to like your small city."

Zhang Yang said, "Now it's a small city, and the future development is definitely not limited to this."

At this time, Chang Haixin and Hu Yinru knocked on the door and came in. Hu Yinru smiled and said, "Why are you talking so hard? Secretary Zhang is becoming more and more dedicated.

Zhang Yang said, "As an official, I benefit one party. The leader trusts me so much that I can't make any achievements."

Chang Hailong smiled and said, "Zhang Yang and I are talking about the greening of the coastal city. He wants to turn Binhai into a green garden city in the short term."

Chang Haixin said, "This task is difficult enough, Secretary Zhang, can Binhai's finances support such a grand plan?" Chang Haixin is not pouring cold water. She is realistic. In the past, because of changing street lights and setting up a guard booth, the city couldn't even take out 10 million. Now those two things have just made some clues. To publicize this, we need to engage in urban greening. Every project needs money. The idea is good. There must be financial support Do you really think that with a finance director, all the problems of money can be solved?

Zhang Yang said, "You don't need your heart for the problem of money, Haixin, you just need to do a good job of creation."

Chang Haixin said, "Up to now, I don't know what this creation office is for?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The connotation of the creation office is very rich. Now it is responsible for the withdrawal of counties and cities. In a few days, it will be responsible for the creation of national sanitary cities, the creation of green garden cities, and the creation of livable cities in China."

Chang Haixin said, "It sounds like a lot of power! I can't afford such a big responsibility. Fortunately, I'm a deputy.

In front of his own people, Zhang Guanren doesn't like to beat around the bush: "Wang Junqiang is a famous Gui Ren, and you are responsible for all the specific things."

Hu Yinru smiled and said, "Hai Xin, you have a lot of power!"

Chang Haixin said, "I came to Binhai as the secretary of the county party committee. Now you have to give me an additional deputy director of the creation office. I'm under a lot of pressure."

Zhang Yang said, "There is no pressure. Yes, your most important task at present is to contact and convince Professor Cheng to help us design and plan a green garden city in Binhai. We will definitely not let him work in vain. There must be a reward."

Chang Hailong said, "Zhang Yang, my teacher doesn't care about money. He will have a lot of income if he designs a garden sketch. Can you invite him? First, it depends on your sincerity and second, it depends on his mood. I think it's better for you to take time to go to the capital in person and see if you can invite him.

Zhang Yang didn't expect this matter to be so complicated. He thought that as long as Chang Hailong came out, it could be easily solved. If not, let Chang Haixin go there in person. It seems that Professor Cheng Runsheng is also a very character. Zhang Yang said, "Let's talk about it in a couple of days. Anyway, I have to go to the matter of withdrawing the county and changing the city."

Zhang Yang's appointment of Wang Zhigang was soon accused of the city. After a series of drastic actions by Zhang's officials, the leadership of Binhai County was quite stormy. Zhao Haiqing, the director of the Finance Bureau, was taken down so suddenly, which made many colleagues feel that the rabbit was dead and the fox was sad. No one could What happened to Zhao Haiqing will not happen to him tomorrow.

Although only the county magistrate Xu Shuangqi protested to Zhang Yang, this does not mean that other Binhai County cadres agree with Zhang Yang's approach. Many people privately jointly sent a letter of paper to Xiang Cheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. After reading the letter, Xiang Cheng was so angry that he slapped the letter on the table fiercely. It happened that the mayor of Binhai City, Gong Huanshan, was in his office, and Meng Qizhi, the head of the organization, was also there. The two came to talk to Xiang Cheng about the issue of publicity, and they were shocked by Xiang Cheng's Xiang Cheng said angrily, "It's simply nonsense and arbitrary. How can you treat being an official as a child's play?"

The two looked at each other, and then they knew that Xiang Cheng's anger was also caused by publicity.

Gong Huanshan said, "We also came here because of him. Many cadres in Binhai County came to react to his problems. Secretary Xiang and Comrade Zhang Yang were too impruly. He did not pass the normal procedures of the organization at all, but dismissed a cadre who had worked for many years without any mistakes in his work, which was even more ridiculous. Unexpectedly, he appointed a person who did not even have a formal establishment to serve as the director of finance. He did not report to his superiors, did not communicate with any cadres in Binhai County, and did whatever he wanted and acted arbitrarily!" Gong Huanshan was a little indignant, and his chest was full of anger.

Meng Qizhi said, "Secretary Xiang, I have also received a lot of complaints. It is not compliant for Zhang Yang to do this. I think it is necessary for the city to have a good talk with him. If he is allowed to do so, Binhai's leadership team will become a mess." Xiang Cheng said, "Then go and talk to him!"

Meng Qizhi was choked by Xiang Cheng. He didn't expect Xiang Cheng to be so neat and pushed to himself. If Zhang Yang is the kind of person who can talk about reason, does he still need to find Xiang Cheng? Meng Qizhi smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary Xiang, in fact, I have tried to communicate with him before, and this comrade Zhang Yang is unwilling to accept other people's opinions." Although Xiang Cheng said that he wanted Meng Qizhi to talk to him, he was also angry and said it casually. He soon calmed down and gave the joint complaint letter of Binhai County cadres to Gong Huanshan and Meng Qizhi. After reading it, Gong Huanshan said, "Secretary Xiang, I think we must ring the alarm bell for him to let him realize his Wrong." Xiang Cheng said, "Didn't you knock on him once last time? What's the result?"

Gong Huanshan is speechless.

Xiang Cheng said, "Well, since he insists on going his own way and thinks that his governing method is right, well, let's give him a certain amount of space and give him a period of time to see what fame he can make.

Gong Huanshan thought he had heard it wrong: "Secretary Xiang, do you mean that this matter is over?"

Xiang Cheng refused to do so, but he always felt that since Zhang Yang dared to risk the world to do such a thing, he must have something to rely on. Maybe he had asked for the consent of a superior figure in advance, otherwise he would not dare to do so. If his reaction was too fierce, he would become passive. Since you are small I want to toss around. That's good, I'll let you toss around. First, let you climb up hard. The higher you climb, the heavier you fall!

Ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday (to be continued)