Medical official path

Chapter 938 Dare to be brave

Zhang Yang's trip to Jiangcheng has achieved the expected effect. After sending experts to inspect their solar self-charging street lamp system, Du Tianye thought that the project had a bright future and decided to cooperate. To Zhang Yang's surprise, Wu Ming, Secretary of Jingshan Municipal Party Committee, also sent people to inspect their lighting system to understand the situation. After that, they immediately decided to buy their solar street lamp system.

This good news has boosted the whole Binhai. The scale of any city in Jiangcheng and Jingshan is larger than that of Beigang University. Moreover, Jiangcheng and Binhai are under the banner of joint production and equal sharing of interests this time. Binhai has no production capacity at all. What they have is technology, and they can start without investing a penny Get a piece of the pie, which is the most ideal result in front of you.

Zhang Yang said at the Standing Committee: "This time we can reach a strategic agreement with Jiangcheng to jointly cooperate in the production of solar self-charging street lamps, which is enough to prove the great achievements made by our Binhai Science and Technology Bureau in research and development, thus proving that it is not that we lack flash points in Binhai, but that we did not The flash point, did not develop its own advantages into economic growth points, and eventually became our victory!"

County magistrate Xu Shuangqi's arrogance and arrogance became more and more unbearable. He couldn't help saying, "Secretary Zhang, I have a question. Since the prospect of this project is so bright, why don't you apply to the city leaders first? After all, we belong to Beigang, not Jiangcheng!" Xu Shuangqi is obviously making a difficult time.

In fact, most of the members of the Standing Committee think so. Although you are the county party secretary. But Binhai is from Beigang, not Jiangcheng, and there is a way that fertile water does not flow to outsiders' fields. With benefits, you don't think about your own people first, but run to hook up with outsiders. This is really unkind and unreasonable. If you let the city leaders know, you are unlucky.

Zhang Yang said, "The county magistrate Xu asked this question. I was just trying to explain to you that I first went to the city with the information of the solar self-charging system. Of course, I understand the truth that fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. Here, I am not afraid to tell everyone frankly that our finances are not optimistic. Although we have such a good project, we can't do it by ourselves. We don't have this strength, and we must use the strength of others. The first thing I can think of is Beigang, which belongs to Beigang in terms of administration. I hope that the city leaders can recognize this project and give us a certain financial allocation with the attitude of help and support.

Zhang Junren paused for a moment, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. Then he sighed and said, "It's a pity that the city leaders are not interested in my project at all. I think I'm fooling around, and I think I'm asking for money in a way. I hope everyone can understand that I'm not for myself, I'm for our whole Binhai. Since Beigang is not interested in our project, we can't let it be abandoned. It would be irresponsible and wasteful if we put such a good project on hold. It's a crime. You may think I'm talking too seriously. I can tell you. That's not what I said. A great man said that any cadres who hinder reform and opening up are unqualified. Any delay in economic development and social progress is a crime against the people.

Several members of the Standing Committee were shocked and were thinking about which great man said this sentence, but they couldn't figure it out. In fact, everyone understands that it doesn't matter who said this sentence, but what matters is Secretary Zhang's attitude.

Zhang Yang said: "According to the initial agreement signed by me and Jiangcheng, the street lamps can be put into production on a large scale within a month, and the first batch of street lamps produced will be installed on the streets of our Binhai. Before July 1, the two major cities of Jiangcheng and Jingshan will complete the upgrading of street lamps, all of which are The street lamp, that is to say, not only can we not spend money to light up our city, but we can also make a lot of money. In this matter, the comrades of the Science and Technology Bureau have made great contributions. I propose here to give the Science and Technology Bureau a total reward of 500,000 yuan, of which Wang Zhigang and Wang Xuening and his wife

The scene is silent and obedient. This reward is so heavy that it has created a coastal precedent.

When Zhang Yang saw that everyone was silent, he looked around the crowd and said, "What do you think of my proposal?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "Secretary Zhang, didn't you say that the county's finance is very tight, and I have no problem with the reward. Is the amount of this reward worth debating?"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't think it's enough. I just want to tell everyone that the money in this province must be saved, and the money that should be spent can't be spent less. The comrades of the Science and Technology Bureau have made achievements for our Binhai, and Wang Zhigang and his wife are the main force of this scientific research The benefits are much greater than we can give. Through this matter, we want to reward meritorious comrades, and let others see that Binhai is full of fairness and opportunities. As long as you work hard, you will have a future. He turned to Wang Junqiang, Minister of Propaganda, and said, "Comrade Junqiang, we must increase our publicity for this matter. Let Binhai, Beigang, and even the whole Pinghai know that Binhai attaches great importance to talents!"

Wang Junqiang nodded, and Xu Shuangqi said strangely, "Secretary Zhang asked the daughter to buy horse bones, right?"

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't buy a horse bone. I bought a swift horse. I bet with you that it won't be long before our solar street lamp system will become the trend of the times, so that the benefits will make you unimaginable."

Next, Dong Yuwu, the executive deputy county magistrate, reported to the Standing Committee on the recent comprehensive road remediation. Through the rectification in recent days, the road occupation operation problem that has been plaguing Binhai in the past has been solved, and the traffic jam has also been reduced.

Xu Shuangqi is very disdainful of this kind of superficial kung fu. At least a few things that Zhang Yang has grasped at present are things of face, and he has not grasped the essence of the problem in Binhai, but this should also be a good thing.

After Dong Yuwu reported the situation, Zhang Yang said, "Next, let's talk about the problem of toll stations around Binhai. On the first day I came to Binhai, Binhai left a bad impression on me. A big reason is the toll station. I want to ask everyone. I used to laugh and welcome all the guests. When the guests If you still collect the money, which guest will feel comfortable? Not to mention the guests, even the Binhai people also have a lot of points. The common people hold the Binhai ID card and don't feel like a master at all. Have you ever seen anyone who has to collect money when entering their own house?

Liu Jianshe, deputy secretary of the county party committee, said, "Secretary Zhang, the surrounding counties and cities are also like this. If we don't collect money from others, don't we lose a sum of fiscal revenue in vain, not to mention that our Binhai's fiscal revenue is not surplus in the first place."

Zhang Yang said, "Because the fiscal revenue is not good, you want to reach into the people's pockets and the guests' wallets? I said, who made this policy in the past? Why don't you have a big picture at all?

County magistrate Xu Shuangqi said, "Secretary Zhang, the policy was not formulated by us. It cost money to build the road at the beginning. If there is no charge, how to maintain the road?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "As far as I know, the road from the county to the outside has been repaired for more than ten years, and the money for road repair has long been collected, but what about the road condition? It's potholes, sunny and dusty, and it's muddy in rainy days. I feel ashamed to charge money on such a bad road. Binhai is not fake, but we can't be poor in face. People should have face, and the city should also face. If you don't make a little appearance, others look down on you, and even From the beginning, remove all the toll stations around Binhai City. I can't control the provincial highway, but I have the final say in the county road!"

Liu Jianshe, deputy secretary of the county party committee, said, "Secretary Zhang, this is a lot of fiscal revenue!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm never superstitious, but some things in Fengshui are still very reasonable. Several toll stations around Binhai have stuck Binhai's neck and blocked our Binhai's wealth, so I'm going to dismantle them. Only in this way can we get wind in all sides. Only in this way, our Only Binhai can take off.

All the members of the Standing Committee can't figure out what this toll station has to do with Binhai's economic take-off, but since Secretary Zhang said it has something to do with it, he should have something to do with it.

Zhang Yang's words are not finished yet. His next topic came to the Binhai Development Zone. Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Through this period of observation, I have found that there are many unreasonable places in Binhai. The biggest unreasonableness is the location of the development zone. I want to ask who chose the Binhai Development Zone at the beginning? After relocating so much land, I chose a plot so far away from the port. What are the advantages of Binhai? We are a coastal city, and we have a big port like Fulong Port. Instead of focusing on our own advantages, we give up our strengths. How confused is such a decision?

The standing committee on the scene did not say anything. At the beginning, the site selection of the development zone was proposed by Zha Shijie, and they all voted in favor. Although some people felt that the site selection was unreasonable, no one publicly objected in the end. Time could prove everything. At the beginning, the vigorous construction of the development zone was built, but When it comes to the development zone, there are only two or three enterprises settled in the development zone, and the business situation is generally sluggish, and a large area of land is barren and idle. Although Yan Shijie has never admitted the mistakes of the development zone, the people of Binhai regard the development zone as a joke in their hearts.

Zhang Yang said, "Since you find a mistake, you have to correct it immediately. Don't care about your face. I have investigated that the current development zone is all good fields, turning good fields into wasteland. This is simply the style of an asshole, which is a shameless crime. No matter who I face, I will say so!"

The members of the Standing Committee looked at each other in consterious. Well, they scolded again. The county party secretary was really worried. He pointed at his predecessor, and he didn't give any mercy at all. ( To be continued)