Medical official path

Chapter 947 Teachings

Life is priceless in the eyes of anyone. Even Mr. Xue can't avoid vulgarity. Before leaving, Zhang Yang wrote a prescription for Mr. Xue to quit drinking from today. Three days later, he will come to treat Mr. Xue for the first time. Xue Weitong was also very happy to learn that her grandfather invited Zhang Yang to be her calligraphy teacher. She knew that her grandfather liked calligraphy very much. In the past, she knew that Zhang Yang's handwriting was very good, but she didn't know when Grandpa and Zhang Yang talked about calligraphy tonight. Xue Weitong sent Zhang Yang out of the gate of the community. Zhang Yang made an appointment with her three days later to come to help Xue Yinghong have a follow-up visit.

Zhang Yang's decision to help Xue Lao's treatment is not just to sell his personal feelings to him. He and Xue Weitong are brothers and sisters. In Zhang Yang's heart, Xue Lao is similar to his elders. He has no special purpose to help Xue Lao. Just like he treated Qiao Lao's illness at the beginning, Zhang Daguan is respectful to I admire him. As long as he can help them, he will do his best. Zhang Yang is not completely sure that he can cure Xue Lao's terminal illness, but he is confident to prolong Xue Lao's life. As long as he can control the development of the tumor and recuperate Mr. Xue's body, there should be no problem for the old man to live for another three or five years.

In the eyes of the teachers and students of the Central Party School, Zhang Yang is an unprofessional guy. In the first few days after the class, he hardly had classes. Most of the time, Sun Dongqiang helped him sign in. Fortunately, the discipline of the party school is not too strict. This kind of training is mainly to give these cadres a platform for communication. What I have learned most is the skills of being an official. As for the ability to govern, it will not be greatly improved.

Everyone understands this truth. Most people regard the party school as a gilded place. With the experience of studying in the Central Party School, they will get a lot of points in the future.

Zhang Daguan's first week in the capital was basically spent in busy entertainment. He had never lived in the dormitory of the Central Party School this week, so Sha Puyuan, Secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, had to accept the fact that he was alone in an empty room. His original purpose of changing rooms with people was to get close to Zhang Yang's In the week of the beginning of school, I didn't see Zhang Yang return to the dormitory at all. Sha Puyuan couldn't help sighing that Zhang Yang's social interaction was really busy. In addition to sighing, he was also a little envious. Looking at their relationship in the capital, these are all political resources. Reasonable development and utilization can pave a It has been a week since he came to the capital. The people around him are still dealing with the department-level cadres in Jiangcheng and Beigang, and then there are several teachers in the training class, which are not very helpful to his political future.

It's already Saturday. Sha Puyuan called Zhang Yang early to remind him not to forget to go to Fengze in Beijing for dinner tonight. Zhang Yang hasn't been idle for a week and soaked in the winery almost every day. Hearing Sha Puyuan ask him to eat, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Brother Puyuan, Is it? I've been in the capital for so many days. I drink every day, and my body can't stand it.

Sha Puyuan said, "Brother, we decided this matter many days ago. Let's get together in a small area tonight. I only prepared a table of meals. You must come. Fengze's office in Beijing is your old stronghold."

Zhang Yang said, "Brother Puyuan, I won't tell you the truth. Secretary Song came to the capital today. I'm picking him up at the airport. I can't go there until I finish my work here. I'm afraid it'll be too late."

When Sha Puyuan heard that Song Huaiming, the secretary of the provincial party committee, came to the capital. No wonder Zhang Yang pushed three times. He could also understand Zhang Yang's difficulties and sighed, "Brother, it's good to be late. I told everyone that you were coming. You see the situation. If possible, it's better ."

Zhang Yang listened to Sha Puyuan's words for this, so it was not easy to refuse. He thought for a moment and said, "Well, I'll try my best to go there. As soon as the things here are over, I'll rush there."

Before hanging up the phone, Sha Puyuan said more, "Help me say hello to Secretary Song." Putting down the phone, I felt a fever on my face. What he said was too out of standard. How could Secretary Song pay attention to a small cadre like himself and say hello to him? I don't have that qualification yet.

When Zhang Yang received the call from Sha Puyuan, he was at the capital airport. Song Huaiming's flight had landed. This time, Guo Ruiyang specially informed Zhang Yang to come to pick him up together. Whether it was for the leaders or the elders, Zhang Yang should have come here.

Song Huaiming's figure appeared at the gate of the airport. He was followed by secretary Zhong Peiyuan. The Pinghai Office in Beijing did not make a grand welcome this time. The Office in Beijing was very clear about the preferences of each provincial party leader. Song Huaiming was low-key and pragmatic, so only Guo Ruiyang and a driver came to In addition, it is the special guest of Zhang Yang.

Guo Ruiyang greeted him with a smile. When he shook hands with Song Huaiming, Zhang Yang had come to Zhong Peiyuan and helped him carry his luggage.

Song Huaiming had known about Zhang Yang's coming to the Central Party School to study before, and smiled at him and said, "You don't have to go to class?"

Zhang was embarrassed to say that he had not taken a few classes at all. He smiled and said, "Secretary Song, today is Saturday, school is closed!" In public, Zhang Yang has always used his official position to address Song Huaiming.

Song Huaiming nodded. He didn't mean to stop at the airport and strode to the parking lot.

Guo Ruiyang walked faster, and he led the way ahead.

After getting on the Toyota business car, Song Huaiming untied the two buttons of the neckline, leaned against the back of the chair and said, "Ruiyang, how did I let you do?"

Guo Ruiyang said respectfully, "It's done."

Song Huaiming nodded. He turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Is it hard to study?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay!"

"What did you learn?"

The official Zhang was stunned when asked: "Uh..."

Song Huaiming smiled meaningfully and said, "Your boy won't be absent from class all day, will you?"

Zhang Daguan's heart said that he was his father-in-law, and he knew his son-in-law. Before he could speak, Guo Ruiyang laughed out loud. His smile was equivalent to indirectly proving Song Huaiming's guess.

Zhang Yang looked at Guo Ruiyang with some dissatisfaction and said in his heart that before liberation, Guo Ruiyang would become a traitor and sold himself before he did anything.

Song Huaiming said, " Cherish this learning opportunity, don't take it seriously!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm quite serious, but when I first came to the capital, Director Guo was very enthusiastic about me. They took turns to pick me up, but I was disrespectful!"

Guo Ruiyang's face turned into a wry smile. The boy's revenge was so heavy that he sold himself in a blink of an eye.

Song Huaiming shook his head with a smile. He knew that Zhang Yang should be telling the truth. The people stationed in Beijing knew Zhang Yang's relationship with himself. Naturally, they tried their best to flattize with Zhang Yang, and it was also human nature to receive him. Song Huaiming said, "It seems that you are quite popular!"

Guo Ruiyang said, "Xiao Zhang used to work in the Chunyang Office in Beijing. The whole system in Beijing is very familiar with him. His work performance in those years was quite excellent, and he got along well with everyone." On the one hand, he speaks for Zhang Yang, and on the other hand, he also speaks for himself in response to Zhang Yang's words just now. He was worried that Song Huaiming would be angry because he was too attentive to Zhang Yang, but when he saw that Song Huaiming's expression was as usual and there was nothing strange, he was relieved.

Guo Ruiyang said, "Secretary Song, do you need a break tonight?"

Song Huaiming shook his head and said, "I have an appointment with Vice Premier Wen in the evening!" He said to Zhang Yang, "You don't have any plans at night, do you?"

Zhang Yang said, "No, I'll go with you!"

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "You took the initiative to go!"

However, after Song Huaiming came to the Beijing Office, he told Zhang Yang that he did not have to follow him. Tonight, when he met with Wen Guoquan, he had something to discuss separately. Zhang immediately understood that his level was obviously not enough for such a high-level meeting. He didn't want to go. After all, this kind of occasion would He will take turns to teach him.

Song Huaiming asked him about Binhai's application for the withdrawal of the county and the change of the city.

Zhang Yang said, "The reason why I promised to study this time is also for this matter. I want to implement the matter of withdrawing the county and changing the city during the period of study."

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "You haven't been to Binhai for a long time, and there are a lot of things to toss around. Why don't you submit your application to the city first? It has not been a year or two since I worked in the system. Don't you understand the minimum procedure?

Zhang Yang said, "Everything is procedural, and the efficiency is low. Although my arrival in Beigang is not long, I feel that the efficiency of Beigang officials is very low. If I follow the normal procedures, I'm afraid that the application for withdrawing the county and changing the city will not be handed over to the State Council next year.

Song Huaiming said, "You seem to have a lot of opinions about the leaders of Beigang City."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that I have a problem with them, it's that they have a problem with me. Since the leader sent me to Binhai, I have to make some achievements for everyone to see, otherwise I will fail to live up to your expectations of me."

Song Huaiming said, "The new official has taken office three times. I hope you can continue your current momentum."

Zhang Yang said, "I just wanted to start a fire, and it splashed water on my head. I feel that they always create obstacles for me." Facts have proved that there is no good end to offend Zhang Yang. He is the future son-in-law of the secretary of the provincial party committee. It is very convenient to sue.

Song Huaiming said, "Don't think about other people's reasons as soon as something happens. You should also think more about your own shortcomings in everything. Is there something you haven't done and don't think about it? Being an official should not only pay attention to the art of management, but also get along with colleagues is a considerable knowledge."

I have been traveling with my son in Beijing these two days. Try to ensure two chapters a day. I hope you will continue to support me!