Medical official path

Chapter 949 Seven grades

Zhang Daguan couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "You are so thoughtful!"

Mr. Xue said, "Don't smile bitterly. Everyone in such a big family is staring at my every move. If there is anything unusual, they will see it immediately."

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Xue must be an anti-specialist." There is no doubt that Xue Lao's authority in this family is beyond doubt. The reason why the Xue family can have the current status is related to the existence of Xue Lao. If Xue Lao has anything wrong, then the reputation and status of the Xue family will inevitably be greatly affected. At this point, the Xue family and the Qiao family are extremely similar.

Wealth is no more than three generations. In fact, there is such a law in the officialdom. At least for the Xue family, none of the achievements of the second generation can surpass that of Xue Lao, not to mention Xue Weitong, the third generation.

Xue Lao said, "Now let's talk about your diagnosis and treatment plan. I hope it won't be too painful, and the treatment process will not affect my normal life."

Zhang Yang said: "The treatment of your disease in Western medicine is to rely on the combination of surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and the other is through intervention and radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In fact, it is nothing more than killing cancer first, and then using radiotherapy and chemotherapy to kill cancer cells in the body. These two methods inevitably kill your body while killing cancer cells It is almost impossible not to be affected by the normal cells inside.

Mr. Xue nodded.

Zhang Yang said, "My method is the same, but I use internal force to burn the tumor of your liver. This process must be gradual. First of all, I need to use this special golden needle to pierce your skin, go straight to your liver, go deep into the center of the tumor, and then transmit the internal force to the tumor, using high temperature. Kill the cancer." Xue Lao said, "It sounds like heat therapy. The doctor told me about it."

Zhang Yang said, "They can't be as accurate as I can." He took out the needle box full of gold needles and opened it, and took out a golden needle about 15 centimeters long, which was as slender as cow hair.

Mr. Xue looked at the golden needle and whispered, "Do you just want to pierce my stomach with this golden needle?"

Zhang nodded: "Mr. Xue, don't you worry about me harming you?"

Mr. Xue smiled and said, "If you have such an idea, you are a fool. If anyone knows that I can't live for more than three months, I won't do such a stupid thing."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I will control your acupuncture point during the needle, and it won't hurt very much."

Mr. Xue said, "Can we start?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Mr. Xue came to the free chair for him to rest at ordinary times, took off his coat and lay down. Zhang Yang first routinely disinfected the part of the needle, and then hit many acupuncture points on Mr. Xue's body like a wind. This is to prevent Xue Lao from having pain in the process of treatment, and the subconscious movements of the body .

Mr. Xue closed his eyes and whispered, "I hope you can give me another year."

Zhang Yang then sealed Xue Lao's dumb hole. After twisting up the golden needle in his hand and disinfected it again, his right hand moved, and the golden needle flashed into Xue Lao's upper abdomen. Zhang Yang entered the needle very fast. The tough golden needle was penetrated by his internal force. The rigidity was countless times stronger, and the sharp It penetrated Xue Lao's abdominal skin and penetrated the liver into the tumor.

Because the speed of the golden needle pierced the body too fast, the pain felt by Xue Lao was not very intense. After the initial tingling, he felt that the upper right abdomen gradually began to heat up. With the passage, the place where the golden needle pierced into became hotter and hotter. A burning pain made The ban frowned.

Zhang Yang controlled the continuous injection of his own internal force, followed the golden needle into Xue Lao's body, and the internal interest accumulated in the position of cancer, and the temperature continued to rise with the process of Zhang Yang's operation.

The burning pain continued to increase. Zhang Yang saw from Xue Lao's expression that his pain was deepening. He pulled out a golden needle and pierced his chest and shoulder acupuncture points respectively. After the needle, Xue Lao's pain was relieved a lot. This burning process lasted for about ten minutes.

Zhang Yang slowly withdrew his inner breath, let the true qi circulate around the body, dispelled fatigue, and restarted his treatment after supplementing the internal force. This time, he used the skill of the yin and evil Shura palm to inject it with the power of extreme cold, and heat alternately killed the cancer in Xue Lao's body.

After treating Mr. Xue, Zhang Yang was also sweating profusely. He slowly withdrew his internal strength and untied Mr. Xue's acupuncture point. Mr. Xue lay there and rested for a while. Then he opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, "It hurts! But I can stand it!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have never seen anyone stronger than you." This sentence is clearly flattering Mr. Xue.

Xue Lao laughed.

Zhang Yang asked him to lie flat for 15 minutes. In the process, Zhang Yang wrote a line in front of Xue Lao's bookcase, saying that he came to point out Xue Lao's calligraphy, and he had to leave something behind.

After 15 minutes of rest, Mr. Xue sat up slowly and felt that his right abdomen was still faintly painful.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Xue, from today on, alcohol must be quit, and the treatment process should be maintained for a month. I will start from the center of the cancer today. In two days, a cavity will be formed in it. With my treatment, the cavity will continue to expand, and finally the cancer will be completely swallowed up."

Xue Lao said, "How many times do you need treatment?"

Zhang Yang said, "I will come back in three days. It is estimated that it will take five times to completely kill this cancer."

Xue Lao said, "That means I can recover?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that simple. Even if everything goes well, you still need to take medicine for a long time. After a period of stability, you must always go to Jiangcheng. Of course, if you are not worried about your illness being known by others, you can also not go."

Xue Lao said, "What are you doing in Jiangcheng?"

Zhang Yang said, "I have arranged the hospital, and I must change the blood for you to completely eliminate the hidden dangers."

Mr. Xue sighed and said, "Sometimes I really don't want to be in trouble. I have to go back sooner or later. I've closed my eyes for a hundred times, but I still have a few wishes. Now that I'm leaving, I'm still a little reluctant."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't think so much when you are old. In short, you just need to correct your mentality, cooperate with my treatment, and leave everything else to me."

Xue Lao said, "I will have a check-up the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Yang said, "You just go, as long as you don't reveal what I'm treating for you."

Zhang Yang stayed in Xue Lao's room for more than an hour. When he came downstairs, Xue Shilun and Yan Qiang were still chatting there. Seeing Zhang Yang coming out, Xue Shilun smiled and waved to him, signaling Zhang Yang to come and sit beside him.

After Zhang Yang sat down, the nanny brought a cup of prepared tea. Zhang Yang was indeed a little thirsty, so he picked up the tea and took a few sips.

Xue Shilun did not ask him what he and Xue Lao did in the room. He said kindly, "Zhang Yang, let's go to Wanfu Villa for dinner in the evening."

Zhang Yang said, "No, I still have friends waiting in the Beijing office."

said grimly, "Put it away. I must give you a few cups tonight."

Wanfu Villa is not far from Yanxi No. 1, less than 15 minutes' drive. The villa is located on a hill. The forest here is lush and the ecological environment is excellent. The car passes through the green trees that cover the sky and the sun and follows the Panshan Highway to the gate of the villa. After entering the gate, the first thing you see is Behind the stainless steel three-dimensional characters is a set of music fountains, which change color with the melodious symphony fountain.

The Mercedes-Benz they took stopped in the parking lot next to the fountain. There were not many vehicles parked in the parking lot, but judging from the model and license plate, it was not ordinary people who could enter the villa.

Zhang Yang walked beside Xue Shilun and couldn't help but raise his head and chest. Xue Shilun was much higher than Zhang Yang. When the two walked together, Zhang Daguan always felt that his momentum was weaker than him.

Immediately after leaving the parking lot, a waiter drove the battery car to the place to eat. The place where Xue Shilun invited them to eat is located in the No. 3 courtyard of the villa. The terrain here is high, located at the height of the villa. The battery car goes along the winding path. The reason why the villa's design is to avoid the Driving causes exhaust pollution.

There are many historical sites on both sides of the road, and stone people and stone horses can be seen everywhere. They walk about 800 meters through the shade path and come to the No. 3 courtyard. The reason why it is called the small courtyard is that they are all quadrangle buildings in the old capital. There are four gates on the gate of the No. 3 So, the number of doors represents the grade of officials. Xue Shilun looked at the door and shook his head and whispered, "A hotel actually used such a door. If it was in the past, only a large person with more than four grades could do this. Maybe he would be beheaded."

He smiled grimly and said, "Three brothers, do you still have such a heavy opinion?"

Xue Shilun said, "In fact, the ancient grade system is not undesirable. Entering modern society, although this difference is blurred on the surface, in fact there is still such a gap." He turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Xiao Zhang thinks I'm right?"

Zhang Yang said, "In fact, there is no absolute fairness in any society in any era. It is not only the social system that causes this gap, but also related to human nature."

Xue Shilun smiled and said, "People are good at the beginning! Do you mean that goodness is the source of the lack of fairness?

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It should be evil!"

Xue Shilun laughed and said, "Big right and wrong, great good and evil are all concepts under certain conditions. Otherwise, how can there be a good intention to do bad things? The positive and negative sides of the contradiction can be changed to each other under certain conditions, otherwise there will be no story of losing the horse."

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue, you don't look like a businessman at all. You feel more like a philosopher."

Xue Shilun said, "I was originally from philosophy. Let's go in and talk!"

Sternly said, "I have a headache when I hear other people talking about the truth. How can I drink happily?"

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