Medical official path

Chapter 953 Sending Roses

That night, Zhang Yang accepted Xue Weitong's invitation to participate in the prince circle party on the top floor of the new century. Speaking of this kind of party, Zhang Yang has attended it once in the past. Last time, in order to publicize the new urban area of Dongjiang, Zhang Daguan came with Gu Yang. Because the party also had a grudge He didn't want to join in the prince's circle, but it was not easy for him to refuse Xue Weitong's invitation. Anyway, Chen Anbang's boy was cleaned up by him several times, and now he should be much more honest. Even if he met him head-on, he didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke himself.

The theme of today's party is charity. When Zhang Yang came to the scene, he found that there were many acquaintances at the scene. In addition to Zhou Xingguo, Xu Jianji and Feng Jingliang, Liang Kang and Chen Anbang, who had been unhappy with him in the past, also came to the scene. What Zhang Yang did not expect was that And At the party that night, his fiancee Liang Baini was with him.

After a period of time, Andawen seems to be more mature, and his figure is stronger than in the past. This is the result of his frequent fitness. He knows shame and then is brave. Since Andavin was slapped in public by Zhang Yang, he has hired several international-level martial artists to teach him how to fight. Of course, he Even if he practiced all his life, he couldn't beat Zhang Yang. It seemed that he was aware of Zhang Yang's eyes. Anda Wen turned around and looked in the direction of Zhang Yang and smiled.

Zhang Yang also smiled politely. Xue Weitong looked at Andawen coldly and whispered, "I really didn't expect that he dared to come!"

Zhang Yang said, "He has always been bold." He couldn't help but think of the last conflict between Xue Weitong and Andawen. Xue Weitong received a phone call under the premise of taking advantage. With Xue Weitong's hot temperament, he actually changed his mind after receiving the call and let Andavin go. Zhang Yang never asked who made the call, no At that time, it could be concluded that the caller had an extremely close relationship with Xue Weitong. With the deepening of his understanding of Xue Weitong, he vaguely guessed that this person was Xue Weitong's father, Xue Shilun. In the Xue family, he was the only one who did business overseas, and only he was most likely to have contact with Anda

Xue Weitong was still dressed in a neutral dress, not powdered, and full of heroia, which made her unique among the many women present that night. The appearance of Zhang Yang and Xue Weitong naturally attracted the attention of many guests. Of course, it was mainly because of Xue Weitong. The black stand-up collar Zhongshan suit, the short can't be short, the small flat head is held high, and the steps are vigorous. No one will feel that she is a woman from a distance.

Xu Jianji came to say hello with the charming Hong Yue beside her. The beautiful host of the general government did not wear a military uniform today, but wore a low-cut long skirt, revealing her white and tender skin.

Xue Weitong said, "Second brother, my sister Yue is so beautiful. You should watch it carefully. Don't be remembered by others." When she said this, she actually looked at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Daguan is so depressed that he has this image in Xue Weitong's heart? Who is Hong Yue? In the future, the second sister-in-law, it's okay for us to be brothers, but there is absolutely no thought. Besides, Zhang Guanren is too busy with his own affairs. How can he be in the mood to think about his girlfriend again?

Xu Jianji smiled and said, "I can't control it when I think about your sister Yue a lot."

Hong Yuejiao said anguly, "I will talk nonsense. Anyway, I only think of you in my heart." From her words, it was enough to prove that she was an extremely intelligent woman, and she cleverly confessed her heart to Xu Jianji.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's really enviable to see you two so in love."

Xu Jianji smiled and said, "What do you envy? Don't you have Yanran?"

Zhang Yang said, "Yanran is in the United States!"

Xue Weitong said, "It's okay, she's not on top of me!"

One sentence stunned all these people. Xue Weitong stared at him and said, "What are you looking at? What's so strange? What's wrong with me accompanying the third brother? You people, your thoughts are really impure.

"Who is impure?" Zhou Xingguo came over happily, and Xu Jianji said, "Who else? Of course, it's the third brother."

Zhang Daguanren laughed and said, "Well, I dare to be a brother. I'm going to take the blame. I admit that I'm not pure, but that's for others. I'm against our brothers and sisters. At that time, I couldn't be purer than distilled water."

Zhou Xingguo laughed and said, "Lao Wang sells melons and boasts!" He asked his brothers to come to their platform and sit down.

Zhang Yang picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip and said, "What's the content of charity fundraising tonight?"

Zhou Xingguo Road: "The guests will take the initiative to provide auction items, and all the donations will be donated to the construction of primary schools in the southwest mountainous area."

Xue Weitong said, "Brother, what did you bring?"

Zhou Xingguo smiled and said, "Keep it a secret for the time being. You will know later."

At this time, the lady of etiquette came to count the auction items of the guests present.

Zhang Daguanren also brought one, which is the great love that he wrote with his own hands. This man's calligraphy once sold a high price of 2 million yuan in those years. Today, he is also eager to try to see what price his calligraphy can get today.

Two famous mouths in the capital jointly presided over the charity auction that night. After a speech, the male and female hosts invited Zhou Xingguo to speak on the stage. Zhou Xingguo was not only the eldest brother of several of them, but also the eldest brother in the capital prince circle.

Zhou Xingguo walked to the [Lord] table. He said with a modest smile, "Guests, everyone present has new friends and old friends. Everyone came here today with the same purpose - charity! Use our practical actions to do something for our country and for the poor children in the mountainous areas of Southwest China!"

There was applause at the scene, and the applause was not warm, because most of the guests present were very rational. They would not follow blindly. They all had a calm mind, were good at analyzing problems, and would not follow blindly.

Zhou Xingguo Road: "It has always been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of social progress and civilization. At present, the spirit of charity, which is the main content of poverty alleviation, honesty and fraternity, mutual help and contribution to the society, is carried forward in inheritance and rich in the development. Charity, happy charity, has become popular in China. In order to raise charity funds and do a good job in charity work, we specially hold a charity auction here. Charity does not need to be mobilized. Next, I would like to ask you to watch a set of videos about children in the southwest mountainous areas first.

The lights at the scene dimmed, and everyone's eyes were focused on the curtain in front of the right, and various scenes of mountain schools appeared on the curtain.

The touch of the audio and painting to the guests on the scene is much more vivid than the language. When this video is broadcast, many people at the scene have red eyes. In fact, everyone has good thoughts in their hearts, which is nothing more than a difference.

Zhou Xingguo Road: "Give people roses, there is fragrance in your hand, charity is boundless, everyone can do it, let's take action, participate in this charity auction, touch everyone with heart, embrace every day with love, join hands with charity, and create the future together!"

The applause this time is obviously much warmer than last time.

The first lot was a pair of emerald bracelets donated by Zhou Xingguo. After the lady came out with the pair of bracelets, there was an exclamation at the scene. Judging from the appearance alone, the price of this pair of emerald bracelets was also more than one million. Zhou Xingguo was really extraordinary. Everyone who would be present as I was shocked, which is also to make a good start.

Xue Weitong glanced at Zhou Xingguo and said, "Well, I thought it was a good thing. It's just a pair of green bracelets, which are so mysterious."

Zhou Xingguo laughed and said, "I know you won't be interested."

The auction reserve price of the jade bracelet is 200,000 yuan. As soon as it was announced, Andavin raised the number plate: "One million!"

The scene was in an uproar. No one expected that such a price would be sold at the beginning. The valuation of the bracelet was about ten thousand yuan, and the price given by Andavin was not low.

There was a faint smile on Liang Bernie's face, and the pair of bracelets were obviously given to her by Andavin.

After Andawen shouted the price, he looked at Xue Weitong. To his surprise, Xue Weitong was very calm and did not mean to join the auction.

Zhang Yang also felt strange. With Xue Weitong's temperament, he lost the last auction to Andawen. This time, he had the opportunity to earn back this face. But seeing that Xue Weitong was indifferent, Zhang Yang quickly figured out the key. Someone must have told Xue Weitong not to conflict with Andavin, otherwise she would not be light It's easy to swallow that breath.

The emerald bracelet was patted away by Andavin for a price of one million without any suspense. He was accompanied by his fiancee Liang Boni to the [Lord] Xitai to receive the award. The host asked him to say a few thoughts on the spot.

Andavin picked up the microphone and said, "Honna, everyone, maybe I'm strange to most people tonight. My name is Andavin, from Hong Kong, and I am currently the president of Hong Kong Century Antai Group."

There was polite applause at the scene.

Andavin said, "I bought this pair of jade bracelets for a million yuan, one is to give love, and the other is because my fiancee likes it."

Zhang Yang whispered to Zhou Xingguo, "Don't be afraid that he will turn around and say that your pair of bracelets are fakes."

Xue Weitong listened attentively. Thinking of Andavin's last approach to Cha Jinbei, she couldn't help laughing in a low voice. Strangely, she was looking forward to such a scene.

Zhou Xingguo smiled indifferently and did not say anything. Although Andawen has some strength, this boy should not dare to make a positive challenge to himself. In the land of the capital, there are a large number of princes, but they really dare to point out that there is no one against Zhou Xingguo, which is inseparable from the legend of the Zhou family in politics.