Medical official path

Chapter 964 Transformation Sudden Down

Zhang Yang also laughed. He felt that Xu Kun was a little funny, but it was more or less respectable to say such words in his identity. Hong Shijiao's beautiful face around her is flushed. I don't know whether it's because of drinking or shyness. She looks particularly charming.

After Huo Yunzhu and Xu Kun drank three glasses, Hong Shijiao also toasted with a glass. Xu Kun said, "Wheel battle, I can't drink this much."

Xiang Cheng said, "You can speak better than anyone else, but you can't drink, drink!"

Huo Yunzhu said, "Shijiao, if he doesn't finish drinking, you can stand there and wait."

Xu Kun smiled and said, "I'm afraid of you. I'll finish it!" Xu Kun drank two more glasses of wine and stood up and staggered to the bathroom. Zhang Yang saw that he had drunk too much and accompanied him there.

When he came to the bathroom, Xu Kun smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, I'm used to joking. Don't mind." He speaks with a big tongue.

Zhang Yang said, "How can it be? Mayor Xu is very humorous!"

Xu Kun smiled and stood there for a long time without peeing. He turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Xiao Zhang, go out and wait for me. Someone is looking at me... I really can't pee."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. He really thought who wanted to see his huā raw rice. He nodded and turned around and went out. After waiting for a long time, he saw Xu Kun slowly coming out. Xu Kun said, "It's high. I drank too much today. I just can't bear to refuse the beautiful woman..." He bur Not bad!"

Zhang Guanren looked at him in surprise and found that Xu Kun's eyes looked a little colored. Zhang Yang coughed and said in his heart that you were too reserved. Just an old cow like you also want to eat tender grass? Aren't you afraid that your four hoofs will be wet?

After Xu Kun went back, Xiang Cheng glanced at his feet and said, "It's okay, the shoes are not wet!" Unexpectedly, Xiang Cheng, who had always been old-fashioned, suddenly became silent, and the atmosphere on the wine table suddenly became lively.

Xu Kun talks a lot after drinking. In this scene, he is not the top leader, so the more he talks, the more he drinks. The result must be that he drank too much unexpectedly. Zhang Yang helped him to the room, saying that this man really couldn't get on the stage. When he was about to leave, he didn't expect Xu Kun to hold Huo Yunzhu's hand. He muttered and didn't know what to say. Huo Yunzhu smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense again. Believe it or not, I'll find a bucket of water to wake you up?" I don't know whether Huo Yunzhu's words played a role, or whether Xu Kun was drunk. In short, he fell asleep honestly.

Zhang Yang and Huo Yunzhu walked out of the door together. Huo Yunzhu said, "Vice Mayor Xu is like this. As soon as he drinks, he has to drink too much. Everyone knows his nature, but he is not happy not to let him drink."

Xiang Cheng came over and asked about Xu Kun's situation. Zhang Yang said, "It's okay, I just drank too much."

Xiang Cheng said, "This Xu Kun is really helpless." He said to Zhang Yang, "Xiao Zhang, are you all right this afternoon?"

Zhang Yang wanted to say that he had something to do, but since Xiang Cheng asked himself like this, it proved that there was still a following. Zhang Yang was very curious about Xiang Cheng's performance today. He was very curious about what caused Xiang Cheng's sudden change, so he shook his head and said, "It's okay!"

Xiang Cheng said, "It's okay. You can accompany me to Mr. Xue's place."

Zhang Yang suddenly understood why Xiang Cheng made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, and it was still because of Xue Lao for a long time.

Xiang Cheng's confusion was no less than Zhang Yang's. Another important purpose of his visit to Beijing this time was to visit Xue Lao. But after contacting Xue Lao, he knew that Xue Lao was currently living in Yanxi No. 1. Xiang Cheng had not been there, but Xue Lao told Zhang Yang that he knew the place and asked Zhang Yang to bring him here. Cheng's signal is not clear. Although Xiang Cheng's heart is full of this or that questions, he can conclude that Mr. Xue obviously likes Zhang Yang very much. Before Zhang Yang came to the capital, he did not hear that Zhang Yang and Mr. Xue knew each other, but in a short time when he came to the capital, he had coaxed Mr. Xue. Being so happy, Xiang Cheng had to admire the ability of this speculative franchise. He guessed that Zhang Yang must have contacted Xue Lao through Xue Weitong's relationship, and then won Xue Lao's favor.

It is not a good thing for Xiang Cheng to be too close to Zhang Yang and Xue Lao. When he talked to Xue Lao in the morning, Xue Lao actually said that Zhang Yang was good. It was this sentence that made Xiang Cheng's attitude suddenly change.

Although Xiang Cheng's governing ability is very average, his political sense of smell is very sensitive. There are often such people. The eyes are low, and the officialdom is no exception. Xiang Cheng belongs to this kind. In fact, the eyes are low is not a derogatory word. People who have low eyes but can't recognize the situation are ridiculous. Xiang Cheng's greatest strength is not only that he has extraordinary eyesight, but he is also very self-aquained. In the past, his confidence came from Mr. Xue. He knew that with his relationship with Mr. Xue, no matter how much trouble he got into trouble, Mr. Xue would come forward for himself. Mr. Xue was affectionate and righteous. In those years, Mr. Xue would not forget his life-saving kindness to Mr. Xue, but now Zhang Yang doesn't know what His advantages are gone, and he must re-examine his relationship with Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang drove his sitting tiger. Xiang Cheng insisted on letting the driver of the Beijing Office drive. He said that this was for the sake of Zhang Yang. It was a small matter to be caught drunk driving, but in case of a traffic accident, it would be troublesome. Xiang Cheng is a steady person, which is also a commendable point in his personality, and Xue Lao Place.

The reason why Zhang Yang's car was used is that the license plate of Zhang Yang's car is much more awesome than any one in the Beijing office. The license plate is often a pass. Xiang Cheng also took Zhang Yang's off-road vehicle for the first time. He felt that the space was really large, which was much more comfortable than his Audi.

Xiang Cheng said, "This car has a lot of space!"

Zhang Yang said, "Old Maozi's stuff is big and solid! It's just an oily tiger."

Xiang Cheng said, "It's rare on the street."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Xue Weitong gave me and Yanran's engagement gift!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Xiang Cheng's heart was tight again. He knew that Zhang Yang and Xue Weitong were brothers and sisters, but he didn't expect their relationship to be so close.

When Zhang Yang's sitting tiger entered Yanxi No. 1, he saw Xue Weitong rushing up in a Lamborghini behind him. Xue Weitong went around to the left side of the sitting tiger and looked up to see that it was not Zhang Yang who was driving. Behind him, Zhang Yang fell off the window and said with a smile, "Girl, I

Xue Weitong smiled and took the lead in driving the sports car into the door of the villa. The flamboyant sitting tiger did not drive in, but stopped outside. Xiang Cheng brought some local specialties, but there was nothing valuable. Zhang Yang helped him carry it down. He still showed respect for the leaders and let Xiang Cheng go ahead and take a step behind.

When Xue Weitong saw Xiang Cheng, he was surprised and said, "Uncle Xiang, when did you come to the capital?"

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "Kong Tong, it's getting more and more beautiful. I arrived in the morning."

Xue Weitong is wearing an American military uniform today. Recently, he has been running outside all day. His skin has sunburned into a healthy wheat color. In addition, his hair is only an inch long. At first glance, he thought he was a boy, and he has nothing to do with beauty.

Zhang Yang said, "My hair is getting shorter and shorter!"

Xue Weitong smiled and said, "It is said that the hair is short, so I simply cut it short, so that the knowledge can become long."

Zhang Yang and Xiang Cheng both laughed.

Mr. Xue was sitting on the balcony on the second floor enjoying the afternoon sun. Hearing the movement below, he opened his eyes and said, "Xiang Cheng is coming!"

Xiang Cheng said kindly, "Mr. Xue, it's me. I'm here to chat with you!"

Xue Lao smiled and waved to him, "Come up!"

Xiang Cheng walked up quickly. Zhang Yang raised his head and smiled at Xue Lao. He did not follow, but stood in the yard with Xue Weitong. Xue Weitong said, "Why are you two getting together?"

Zhang Yang said, "What are you talking about? He is my immediate boss. Isn't it normal for me to be with him?

Xue Weitong smiled and said, "But I heard that you two have always been wrong?"

Zhang Yang said, "The public is public and private, and the differences in work are not personal grudges. I have always respected leaders."

Xue Weitong looked unbelief. She smelled the strong smell of alcohol on Zhang Yang's body: "Did you drink?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "The leader is coming. Don't talk and drink more. This is the rule of officialdom."

Xue Weitong smiled and said, "What the hell are the rules? Don't fool me. Come on, are you all right tonight?"

Zhang Yang said, "If you have something to do, I have to accompany the [book]."

Xue Weitong said, "You don't need to accompany him. Every time he comes to the capital, he always chats with my grandfather endlessly. I don't know when to leave tonight!"

From Xue Weitong's words, I can hear that the relationship between Xue Lao and Xiang Cheng is really very close.

Zhang Yang said, "What's the business you have?"

As soon as Xue Weitong heard this, he was a little unhappy: "Third brother, you buried me, didn't you? What do you mean by my business? I'm all business. I'll take you to a place tonight to open your eyes.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't show off, make it clear, or I won't go!"

Xue Weitong smiled and said, "If you dare not go, I will call my future sister-in-law and report to her that you are hooking up in the capital."

Zhang's official complained bitterly, "How can I have it? I live like an ascetic now. After leaving Yanran, I dare to look at other women at all, not to mention hooking up. We can't hurt our brother.

Xue Weitong said, "I'm not a woman?"

Zhang Yangxin said that I really didn't regard you as a woman. You can't say this. If you say it, you have to hurt her self-esteem. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are my sister. It's different!"

Xue Weitong said, "I don't care. You must go tonight!"