Medical official path

Chapter 968 It's hard to stop

There are many ways to express missing between men and women. Zhang Daguan took the most direct and in-depth one, which comforted Qin Qing's bitterness of lovesickness very well. After this tossing, he had to listen carefully to the movement outside and was sure that no one passed by in the corridor, and then quietly left the room.

It is always more convenient for a master to have an affair. What's more, Zhang Daguanren, a master who has learned to counter-track. He came to the hotel lobby comfortably. Then he remembered that he forgot to say hello to Hong Weidong. Just now, when he was lingered with Qin Qing, he was afraid of being disturbed by the The words came in, but Hong Weidong arranged a banquet and asked him to have dinner together in the evening.

Zhang Yang declined his kindness. He just made an appointment with Qin Qing to go out for dinner, and now he is split up to avoid being bumped into by acquaintances.

Zhang Yang drove directly to the agreed Dong Laishun and ordered a small bag. He had just ordered the dishes here, and Qin Qing also arrived.

Qin Qing bathed again and changed into a gray suit, which looked noble and dignified. However, because of the flush brought to her by Zhang's official, she has not been able to completely retreat. Although the Qing beauty has passed, the years have not left any trace on her face, which is related to the internal work taught by Zhang Yang, and since At the beginning of Zhang Yang's study of double practice, her skin became better and better, no less than green girls. Qin Qing rarely uses cosmetics because of his work, and occasionally only uses some light makeup, which has aroused the admiration of many women. Usually, many people ask her about the maintenance secrets. Qin Qing's maintenance secrets are really hard to say. I can't tell others that this is the result of her and Zhang Yang's double cultivation, so I can only say that I There is no secret. Outsiders also think that Qin [book] is born beautiful and can't be learned.

Under the gaze of Zhang Yang's burning eyes, Qin Qing couldn't help but feel that his delicate body was a little hot again. He whispered, "Why are you staring at me all the time?"

Zhang Daguan said: "The more you look at it, the more you love it!"

"Thode!" Qin Qing was coquettish and raised his foot and kicked him gently under the table. Of course, this kick would not be hard. Zhang Daguan said with a playful smile, "I still like you to clip me!"

Qin Qing blushed to the root of his neck and cursed in a low voice: "Holigan! You are all recorded by the County Party Committee. Why are you still so hooligan?

Zhang Daguan said: "For a normal man, it is necessary to be a proper hooligan. This is [true] true. If a man does not say a hooligan in his whole life, then this guy is either abnormal or particularly hypocritical.

"All the way, you always have endless reasons.,,

Zhang Yang said, "Sister Qing, is your work going well recently?"

Qin Qing said, "It's finally a little serious." At this time, the waiter brought the food over, and the two sat upright at the same time. When they met each other, they felt that each other's appearance was very funny, and the corners of their lips showed a heartfelt smile.

Zhang Yang opened a bottle of Mingchun and poured a glass for Qin Qing. He picked up the glass and said, "In order for us to meet in the capital, Yuan Lou revisited it and had a toast."

Qin Qing said, "Don't talk nonsense. I'm not here for you this time. I'll meet for two consecutive days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I'll be back the night after tomorrow."

Zhang Yang smiled and drank half a glass of wine in one gulp. Although Qin Qing did not admit it, it didn't matter what excellent urban planning exhibition she came to Beijing this time. The main purpose was to find an excuse to visit her. After saying that she went to Binhai, the two of them On the contrary, the relationship between them is inconvenient. Qin Qing is the leader of Dongjiang New Town, and Zhang Yang is the leader of Binhai. Both of them are people's attention in the local area. Therefore, although Qin Qing wants to Zhang Yang very much, he should also consider the impact. It is inconvenient to go to Binhai to see him. After Zhang Daguan went to Binhai, at the beginning of the car, the government was busy, and there was no time to visit Qin Qing in Dongjiang, so the two had not seen each other for a long time. They usually communicated by phone. Although there were endless love words, they were not more direct than face-to-face communication.

Qin Qing took a sip of white wine and commented, "This wine is not bad!"

Zhang Yang said, "Da Mingchun, the new product of Jiangcheng Winery, I just told Mr. Xue to inscribe for them."

Qin Qing was a little surprised and said, "You can even ask Mr. Xue to move!"

Zhang Yang said, "What's so difficult? There is nothing difficult in the world, but I'm afraid of people with intentions." He told Qin Qing how to persuade Xue Lao. Zhang Yang never hid anything in front of Qin Qing, and even told Qin Qing about Xue Lao's illness.

Qin Qing heard that Xue Lao was seriously ill, and Zhang Yang could help him treat him. In this matter, Xue Lao obviously owed Zhang Yang a lot of favor, so the Beigang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiang Cheng's attitude towards Zhang Yang suddenly changed. Qin Qing said, "In the past, I have been worried about your bad relationship with Ling Ao Gao in Beigang City. Now it seems that the problem has been solved."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "I also felt that the problem had been solved, but the Ministry of Agriculture seems to continue to investigate the responsibility for occupying agricultural land in Binhai Development Zone, and take this matter as a negative example."

Qin Qing was keenly aware of something and whispered, "How is the relationship between the Xue family and the Qiao family?"

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that Qiao and Xue have been old friends for many years."

Qin Qing said, "Friendship is not about politics. Great people like them are more clearly divided."

Zhang Yang said, "I picked up this matter. At the beginning, Minister Qiao was a little hesitant, but now he doesn't want to stop."

Qin Qing said, "Of course, he knows that Xiang Cheng relies on Mr. Xue behind him. If he doesn't want to stop, he is not afraid of offending Mr. Xue. What kind of things can motivate him to do so?" Qin Qing closed his beautiful eyes and whispered, "Is the Xue family related to the previous accident of the Qiao family?"

Zhang Yang said, "I also think so. If the previous things of the Qiao family were caused by the Xue family, then it is very possible for Minister Qiao to take this opportunity to retaliate against the Xue family."

Qin Qing said, "We can't guess the matter of the senior management. Even if we guess the reason, nothing can be changed." She stretched out her hand and held Zhang Yang's big hand and said, "But I'm afraid your life in Binhai will not be better." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If Xiang Cheng is too kind to me, I'm really not used to it."

Qin Qing couldn't help laughing.

Xue Shilun has been in the capital recently. Every day after dinner, he will take time to accompany his father to the hill behind him for a walk. Xue Lao's stride is very large, but the frequency is very slow. Xue Shilun patiently follows his father and walks silently.

Xue Lao stopped and looked at the sunset glow in the western sky, which was like a brocade and magnificent. Xue Lao said, "When I was young, I rarely knew how to stop and pay attention to the scenery around me. When I was old, I recalled that countless scenery had been missed."

Xue Shilun smiled and said, "Dad, you're talking about me."

Mr. Xue shook his head and whispered, "You don't have to stay in the capital to accompany me. There are so many businesses overseas. You just have to be busy. My condition has stabilized. You can also see the examination results. I'm in the process of recovery."

Xue Shilun said, "My business is on track. In fact, there is no difference between my absence."

Mr. Xue said, "Do you think I don't have much time left, so I want to find some time to accompany me?"

Xue Shilun said, "I didn't think so, Dad, you are a lucky man, and you will be fine.

Xue Lao smiled and said, "People will die sooner or later!" He had walked to the top of the hill, with his hands on his hips, and stood there watching the sunset in the western sky.

Xue Shilun stared at his father. He noticed that his father's straight back in the past had been a little rickeled, and his father's temples were all white hair. No matter how strong a person was in those years, he would eventually bow his head in front of the years. His father was old!

Xue Lao said, "Sh Lun, after my death, I will remove my ashes on the mountain. I want to watch the sunrise and sunset, and I want to see the clouds!"

Xue Shilun's heart suddenly felt an indescribable sadness. He whispered, "Okay!"

Mr. Xue turned around and looked at his son with a calm expression. On his son, he found too many shadows of his former self. He patted his son's shoulder and whispered, "When you were young, I liked to touch the top of your head. If you were bigger, I could put it on your shoulder, but now, I want to I have to raise my arm. If I want to touch the top of your head again, I need to stand on tiptoe.

Xue Shilun bent his legs, took his father's hand and fell on his head. He smiled and said, "Dad, you can still touch my head easily. In front of you, I can bend my knees and kneel at your feet at any time."

Mr. Xue stroked his son's short hair. He sighed and said, "The man has gold under his knees. Don't kneel down easily to anyone."

"You are my father!"

Xue Lao said, "I can stop the wind and rain for you to live, and protect you from holding your head high. If I'm dead, can your chest withstand the blow of wind and rain?"

Xue Shilun said, "I won't embarrass you!"

Xue Lao said, "If you want to be a decent person, you have to do things decently. Among so many of my children, I don't worry about others, because I have watched them grow up since I was a child, and I have cleared everything about them, but for you, my son, since you went overseas, I have become more and more Solve you."

Xue Shilun said, "Dad, don't worry, I won't do anything wrong!"

Xue Lao said, "You are too smart to think about everything, even more thoughtful than me as a father. I also know that your Mou has always been very big, but"

Xue Shilun seemed to guess what his father wanted to say. He shook his head and said, "Dad, needless to say, everything in those years was all my fault."

Xue Lao said, "Sh Lun, am I too cruel to you?"

Xue Shilun smiled and said, "Dad, if there is a person in the world who is really kind to me and has no selfish thoughts, that person is you, and no one can replace him!"