Medical official path

Chapter 973 Staff on

As soon as he used the money, Zhang Guanren naturally thought of Wang Zhigang, the director of the Finance Bureau. He called Wang Zhigang to his office with a phone call. He called Wang Zhigang not to ask him for money, because Zhang Guanren knew the financial situation of Binhai. He called Wang Zhigang to help him find a way.

The joint production of street lamps with Jiangcheng is progressing smoothly. The first batch of products have been produced, and they can be shipped to Binhai in a day and enter the installation process.

Zhang Yang was naturally gratified to hear Wang Zhigang's report on this situation. He smiled and said, "It takes such efficiency to do things. Zhigang, how is your family?"

Wang Zhigang understood that he was asking Wang Xuehai and said with a smile, "The brother and sister have met. They may not have contacted each other for a long time, and they are a little estranged from each other."

Zhang Yang heard the meaning of his words. Obviously, Wang Xuehai's brother and sister failed to let go of the past. It is difficult for Qing officials to cut off household chores, and it is not easy to ask too much about the affairs of the Wang family. He cut the topic into the topic. The main purpose of asking Wang Zhigang to come today is to help solve the problem of money.

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Wang Zhigang frowned. He whispered, "Secretary Zhang, what is the expected investment of this greening plan?"

Zhang Yang said: "This greening plan is not a simple greening project, but an overall improvement project of the city's image. From road renovation, to bridge renovation, to the redistion of the functional area of the city, it involves a lot of aspects. If you want to complete it all of it, it will take about 500 million yuan, and the "

Wang Zhigang said, "Can the city give support?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy for them to give us some supportive policies. It's impossible for them to take money."

Wang Zhigang said, "Five million is a long-term goal. Let's not think about it. It's not difficult to solve the 100 million capital gap, but I'm afraid it's not easy to solve this problem in the short term."

Zhang Yang said, "Yes, I'm surprised. Why can't the finance come up with such a good resource in Binhai?"

Wang Zhigang said, "During this period, I have also done some understanding and investigation on this matter. According to some of the data learned from the Audit Bureau, Binhai alone, the cost of going abroad on business last year reached 12 million, the purchase and use fee of the bus was 36 million, and the official hospitality fee was 39,000 won."

Zhang's official was stunned and couldn't help swearing: "Damn it, so much? The finances of Binhai are not enough to eat at all.

Wang Zhigang said, "If you want Binhai's finances to improve, you must open source and save money. Open source can find a way, but you can save money from the source. Secretary Zhang, I'll say something I shouldn't say. Now the throttttling has become an interception, and the official expenditure has become For myself, I bought three new cars last year, a total of 110,000 yuan. Up to now, the Toyota commercial car is still in the garage and has run 500 kilometers in nine months. For this reason, it is specially equipped with two drivers. Regardless of their salary, the annual maintenance and repair cost of this car is 36,000,500 kilometers. I don't know how the maintenance cost of 36,000 yuan was generated, but I can check the documents, maintenance fees, tolls, bridge tolls, gasoline fees, which add up to this number. It is unknown how much water there is. The most ironic thing is that these two drivers won a fuel saving award last year. That is to say, other drivers consume more than them.

Zhang Daguan gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, good Binhai will let these moths gnaw empty."

Wang Zhigang said, "The country's policy is good, but there are still many loopholes in the specific implementation process. Some things are up and down. Seeing one doing this, others will follow suit. Now the reality is that it is in a vicious circle. Anyway, it's the public money. You are greedy for your own. In the pocket, others will say that you are corrupt, but I didn't put it in my pocket. I help the public spend money, which is called public expenditure. Although the expenditure is also a lot, in fact, the waste is not much worse than corruption, but because it is given a public word, the behavior becomes natural.

Zhang Yang said, "Now that I have realized it, I have begun to be very evil about this evil wind."

Wang Zhigang said with a wry smile, "Secretary Zhang, this phenomenon is very common. Not only Binhai, but also more serious than Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't care about other places. I'm in charge of Binhai, and I'll start from Binhai."

Wang Zhigang said, "After the throtttt, let's talk about open source and the joint production of energy-saving street lamps with Jiangcheng. This is a kind of open source, because of this matter, we can complete the lighting of the city without spending a penny. When it comes to the city's open source income generation, there are only a few ways to generate income. First, it is to rely on the allocation of superiors. You just said that it is impossible. First, rely on the city's own creativity to make money. Binhai has almost all thought that even if there are new ways and means to make money, it is impossible That is, the most common way at present. Wang Zhigang paused for a moment and then said, "Sup the land!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm afraid the land in Binhai is not so attractive. The economic development zone has been in business for so long, and I haven't seen many enterprises and merchants come to invest."

Wang Zhigang said, "The Binhai Development Zone has failed. Although I am not an expert in urban planning, I can also see the shortcomings of the development zone. Binhai has a big port like Fulong Port, but it has not fully played its due role. With the rise of Beigang New Port, the role and influence of Fulong Port are gradually decreasing. This is a very bad phenomenon. If Fulong Port, the head of Binhai's fiscal revenue, sinks, Binhai's economy will only It will continue to deteriorate. Zhang Yang said, "I also had an idea to introduce foreign investment, expand Fulong Port, make it bigger and stronger on the existing basis, and build it into a first-class port in the northern part of the Pinghai Sea."

Wang Zhigang said, "Since the completion of Beigang New Port, the city's policies have been tilting towards Xingang. Now Fulong Port has no advantage over Xingang. Even if foreign investment can be successfully introduced and Fulong Port can be built, this is not something that can be achieved in the short term."

Zhang Yang said, "I haven't finished my words yet. Beigang New Port is Secretary's achievement project. It is impossible for him to let me dominate, so Fulong Port can only find another way. In terms of scale, we can't compete with New Port."

Wang Zhigang picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. He put forward a proposal that surprised Zhang Daguan: "Since the development zone has decided to move to the vicinity of Fulong Port, a new economic development zone will be formed in the future. Why don't we go further and apply for the establishment of a comprehensive bonded zone?"

Zhang Daguan has never thought of setting up a bonded area in Binhai. The so-called comprehensive bonded area is a special customs supervision area with the function of a bonded port area in inland areas. It implements closed management. At present, it is the highest level of opening, the most preferential policies and the most functional in The complete special customs supervision area is a pilot area and pilot area for the state to open up finance, trade, investment, service, transportation and other fields. Its functions, taxation and foreign exchange policies shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Approval of the State Council on the Establishment of Bonded Port Areas. Foreign goods entering the area are bonded, and the domestic sales of goods out of the area shall go through the customs declaration procedures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the import of the goods, and tax shall be levied according to the actual state of the goods; the entry of domestic goods into the area shall be regarded as exports, and tax refund shall be implemented; the goods transactions between The area is mainly based on the functions of international transit, international procurement, international distribution, international transit trade and bonded processing, supplemented by commodity service transactions, investment, financing and insurance and other functions. It is supported by legal and government affairs, import and export display and other service functions, and has the functions of dispersion of production factors and the transit of important materials.

Wang Zhigang's proposal is tantamount to enlightening for Zhangguan. It can be said that the young finance director has stunned Zhang Yang more than once. If the application of Binhai Free Trade Zone is successful, it is tantamount to adding an important weight to the county withdrawal and city of Binhai, and as long as it covers the light of the Under the focus of the policy, Chinese and foreign merchants are bound to flock to it, and it is difficult for Fulong Port and even the whole coastal coast not to become the regional focus.

Zhang Guanren is rarely as excited as he is now. He stood up and patted Wang Zhigang on the shoulder: "Okay! If this happens, I'll give you a credit!"

Wang Zhigang said, "I am a native of Binhai. Of course, I want to see the development of Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "The sale of land is the worst policy. As long as the application of the bonded area is successful, the surrounding land of our Binhai will definitely need an inch of gold. I'm afraid that the merchants who want to rent will even be squeezed out."

Wang Zhigang said, "If the government wants to maximize its benefits, it must strictly control the land and build a first-class modern logistics park around the port area and the bonded area. If Binhai wants to be rich and strong, it must carry forward its own strengths and maximize our existing advantages."

After Zhang Yang's short excitement, he soon calmed down. He wanted Wang Zhigang to tell him, "You can't mention this matter to anyone else except that you know." Zhang Yang is worried that if this matter spreads to Beigang, it will inevitably be strongly obstructed by superior leaders. If a bonded area can be set up, Beigang will never set up a bonded area in Binhai. This matter is of great significance and must be operated secretly.

Wang Zhigang is shrewd. Of course, he knows what publicity scruples are. He whispered, "The joint approval of the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation and the State Council can be made possible."

Zhang Guanren said confidently, "Prepare 10 million public expenditures. I must do this in person, and I must make it a success!"

I updated two chapters yesterday because of my poor writing state. Since I can't write satisfactory text, it's better to take a break and adjust it. Today's thinking is much smoother. I will update the first chapter in the morning, and continue to code words. The octopus does not rest on Sunday. This diligence is definitely worth a monthly ticket