Medical official path

Chapter 975 In the sparrow's eyes

Zhang Daguanren laughed and said, "My love for you is ** naked without reservation."

"Oh, my ow! I'll settle accounts with you when I see you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Kis my son for me, and let my son kiss you for me!"

An Yuchen's voice became gentle. She whispered, "When I see you, I will definitely kiss you enough."

Zhang Daguan returned to Hong Shijiao, and Hong Shijiao looked at him with deep meaning: "Girlfriend?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are quite curious!"

Hong Shijiao said, "I heard that your fiancee is very beautiful and rich!"

Zhang Yang said, "You should have a chance to see me in the future. Then, don't always talk about me. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Hong Shijiao looked timid. She shook her head and said, "No!"

Zhang Guanren didn't believe it: "It's impossible. Such a beautiful woman doesn't have a boyfriend? You are not young!"

Hong Shijiao said with a smile, "You really hate it. You change your way to say that I'm old!" Drink!"

Zhang Yang said, "You haven't answered my question yet!"

Hong Shijiao said, "Secretary Zhang, you are so gossip! If you want to know, I gave that glass of wine. She is furious and angry, and she is very good at showing her amorous feelings. Zhang Guanren secretly praised that she is so young and is so good at using her own resources. In time, Hong Shijiao's future is unlimited.

Zhang Daguan drank that glass of wine happily, and Hong Shijiao actually dried the wine in the glass. She brought a catty of wine. It didn't take long to be drunk by the two of them. Hong Shijiao said, "It's really fun to drink with you. Why don't we have another bottle?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's almost enough. Don't drink too much!"

Hong Shijiao said, "What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of a girl!" She waved her hand to drink.

Zhang Yang said, "Well, if you really want to drink it, I'll get it in the car. I'm really worried about the wine outside." He got up and went to the car to get a catty of Mingchun back. Recently, Liu Jincheng sent him a lot, and Zhang Yang was basically prepared with the car.

Judging from Hong Shijiao's behavior, she should not have drunk too much. It's true that she was a little drunk, but she was a little excited. She tasted Da Mingchun and said, "This wine is good, better than what I brought."

Zhang Yang said, "Girls, especially girls as beautiful as you, should drink less outside. In case you drink too much, wouldn't it be troublesome to meet bad people?"

Hong Shijiao said, "I don't think you are a bad person."

Zhang Yang said, "People can't be good-looking!"

Hong Shijiao said, "In case I look away, I will admit it!"

Zhang's official people said that this girl is not simple. On the surface, she pretends to be naive, and her mind is not as deep as usual. He laughed, picked up the glass and took a sip. He thought about it in his heart. After drinking two more cups, he quickly sent her home. Wouldn't it be troublesome if

Hong Shijiao suddenly sighed and said, "I often see the wrong person."

Zhang Yang said, "It is inevitable for young people to mistake people. As you get older, your identification ability will gradually increase."

Hong Shijiao said, "I'm twenty-four years old. You're not much older than me. Don't teach me a lesson like an elder."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Well, I won't say it, you say it! Let's continue with the topic just now. What's your boyfriend doing?

Hong Shijiao said, "I haven't said it. I've had it in the past, but... ah!" She sighed and didn't say anything.

When Zhang Yang saw that her expression had become a little depressed, he knew that he had inadvertently asked someone else's sad thing, so he quickly picked up his glass and said, "Well, I didn't ask, we can't do this."

Hong Shijiao picked up her glass and touched him: "Drink!" With a raised neck, a glass full of white wine dried up.

Zhang was stunned: "Don't drink in such a hurry!"

Hong Shijiao looked at him with an empty glass, and a tear appeared in her eyes. She smiled and said, "It's okay. I don't drink much. In fact, I once loved someone. When I was in high school, he was my teacher."

Zhang Guanren was embarrassed to interrupt, and he didn't want to explore Hong Shijiao's privacy at all, but now that she took the initiative to say it, she was embarrassed to interrupt.

Hong Shijiao said, "Have you seen Qiong Yao's window?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I'm most tired of looking at that thing!"

Hong Shijiao smiled, picked up the wine bottle and poured it for him. She filled another glass: "Zhang Yang, no! Sorry, Secretary Zhang..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. It's good for you to call me by my name. It's not in the unit. It's awkward to call the official title."

Hong Shijiao said, "Then I'll climb high and call you Brother Zhang. I'm only seventeen years old. It's the age of love. In my eyes, he is perfect. Everything about him is full of charm, so I desperately fall in love with him. Although he is married, has a wife and a daughter, I still I can't control myself."

It's not the first time that Zhang Guanren has heard of this kind of story. He really doesn't want to inquire about other people's privacy, but today it is obvious that Hong Shijiao regards him as his confidant, and even such a secret thing in his heart has fallen out.

Hong Shijiao picked up the wine glass and wanted to drink again. Zhang Daguan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Xiao Hong, don't drink it. It's even more sad to drown your sorrows with wine. Things have passed for so long, and you should have forgotten it for a long time." Although I don't know what happened later, Zhang Guanren has guessed the ending.

Hong Shijiao said, "I saw the wrong person. I fell in love with a man without responsibility..." Speaking of this, her tears fell down.

Mr. Zhang quickly looked around. If others saw this situation, he might misunderstand what he had done to her.

However, Hong Shijiao still controlled her emotions very well. She picked up a tissue to wipe away her tears, and smiled shyly at Zhang Yang and said, "Let you laugh. I don't know what's wrong today. Maybe I drank some wine, and I even told you this kind of thing."

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. It proves that you treat me as a friend."

Hong Shijiao said, "Since that incident, I have had an indescribable fear of feelings. Maybe this is the psychological shadow. For so many years, I have never been in love again."

Zhang Yang said, "Where there is no grass in the world, it's not a good thing for you."

Hong Shijiao said, "Thank you for listening to my nagging so much. I respect you!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's better to drink less wine, and it will hurt your body more."

Hong Shijiao said, "I'm really fine. I can usually drink half a catty of pot head."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's usually normal. When people are in a bad mood, their drinking capacity will be greatly reduced. Let's drink less and eat more vegetables, and I'll send you home safely later."

Although Zhang Yang said that Hong Shijiao should drink less, she still drank a lot. Zhang Daguan can't take her cup. She had to drink more by herself, and finally finished two catties of wine. Zhang Daguan estimated that Hong Shijiao also had to drink seven or eight taels.

All the way to get on the car, Hong Shijiao behaved normally, but after the car started, she seemed to be a little drunk. When she drove halfway, she sat in the co-driver and fell on Zhang Yang's shoulder.

Zhang Daguan was quite helpless. He drove to the Ocean Garden and sent Hong Shijiao to Hong Changqing's door. Usually, Hong Changqing rarely lived here. Zhang Yang saw that there was only a small light at home and pressed the doorbell. He didn't see anyone coming to open the door for a long time.

Hong Shijiao actually woke up now. She whispered, "My aunt may have gone for a walk... Zhang... Big brother... I'll just sit at the door and wait for her. You can go back first..."

When Zhang Guanren saw her staggering out of the car, he almost fell to the ground without taking two steps. He quickly held her and looked around. Zhang Guanren still took care of the influence. If he had known that Hong Shijiao would drink too much tonight, he would not have gone to dinner with her.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang took Hong Shijiao to his house to rest first. This guy has always been a master of pity for the fragrance and jade. This sounds good. The bad thing is that when he sees a beautiful woman, his will is a little unsteady. Zhang Yang took Hong Shijiao to his home and called Hong Changqing. No one answered the phone, and Hong Shijiao had vomited over there.

Zhang Daguan is so embarrassed. He hurriedly went to get the basin and scolded himself in his heart. Isn't there nothing to do? What's wrong with you tonight? Did you drink so much with her?

Hong Shijiao seemed to be awake again after vomiting, and said with a ashamed face, "I'm sorry, I... I drank too much..."

Zhang Yang said, "Did I tell you not to drink so much?"

Hong Shijiao said, "Secretary Zhang, put it down... I'll clean it up later..."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll do it. You go to the bathroom to wash. It's not good for your aunt to see it later."

Hong Shijiao stood up from the sofa. Although her body was wobbly, she could basically walk in a straight line.

The official Zhang rarely served others like this. He frowned, swept the puddle of filth on the ground, and pulled off the sofa towel. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Isn't he unlucky? I don't know Hong Shijiao very well. I have nothing to drink so much. Why do you talk so deeply?

Zhang Yang was tidying up. Suddenly, he heard a scream from the bathroom. Zhang Daguan was stunned. Not long after Hong Shijiao went in, would there be any trouble again? Considering the difference between men and women, he did not rush in immediately and said loudly, "Xiao Hong? What's the matter?

Hong Shijiao rushed out in her close-fitting bra shorts. Her hair was still wet. She seemed to be scared by something. She screamed and rushed into Zhang Yang's arms, hugged Zhang Yang's body tightly, and said, "Help! Help! Snakes... There are snakes in your bathroom..."

Zhang Guanren is a little confused. How can there be snakes in this bathroom? Before he could clear his head, he heard it coming from outside! With a loud noise, the door of Secretary Zhang's house was kicked open.

A man and a woman rushed in outside. The woman was Hong Changqing, the director of the county party committee office. The man was in his forties. He was in his forties, with a strong figure and a broad waist. At first glance, he looked like a practitioner. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes He said, "You bastard, how dare you bully my daughter!"

Holding a seductive body in his arms, he heard the roar of the other party, and Zhang's head buzzed loudly. He was paralyzed. I played with eagles all day long. Unexpectedly, today, several sparrows pecked their eyes, traps, such a low-level trap, actually wanted to circle me in!