Medical official path

Chapter 982 On the waterlogging

Liu Yanhong said, "Zhang Yang, have you seen a TV series?"


"Plothing policeman! If you go out on the street in a police uniform, the thieves all over the street will not dare to commit a crime when they see you, but if you change into a casual dress, the thief will start to stretch out his hand if he thinks it is safe.

Zhang Yang understood what she meant and said with a smile, "You mean that after I went to Binhai, some corrupt officials dared not reach out their hands. Isn't this just proof that I am a clean official?"

Liu Yanhong said, "I told you a long time ago, don't be too sharp to do things. Sometimes heavy rain can't solve the drought, because the land flows away before it can absorb water. The silent spring rain is the fundamental way to solve the problem."

Zhang Yang picked up the teacup and took a sip and said, "Speaking of it, you still want me to be an undercover agent in Binhai."

Liu Yanhong said, "I just asked you to help me with my work."

Zhang Yang said, "What do you want me to do?"

Liu Yanhong said, "You are a little out of line with Binhai and Beigang now. If you want to find out the problem, you must integrate into it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You mean that they are corrupt, so let me follow the corruption?"

Liu Yanhong said, "That's not what you mean. You have to let others trust you and accept you. In order to achieve this goal, you can make some changes. Being angular is not a good thing."

"If someone really gives me a gift, do you think I will accept it or not?"

Liu Yanhong said, "It depends on whether it is necessary or not. If you can find out the problem of Beigang through these things, then you can accept it. As long as you inform me in time, there will be no problem."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I'll do my best."

Liu Yanhong said, "I forgot to congratulate you. It's a big thing for the bonded area to settle in Binhai."

Zhang Guanren sighed and said, "I was hoping to keep a secret, but today I found that the whole world knew it."

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "Good thing, what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Yang said, "Good things can also become bad things. Now I've been pushed to the forefront of the storm again. Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. Now I don't know how many people envy and hate me behind my back."

Liu Yanhong said, "Didn't you say that it's mediocre not to be envied. Being able to win the bonded area just proves that you are a talent!"

Zhang Yang said, "Not long after I went to Binhai, I have accumulated so many report materials. When the bonded area starts to be built in the future, I don't know how many report materials I need. Well, Director Liu, please help me collect a few creative and representative report materials in the future. I will observe and refer to them."

Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing: "You are optimistic!"

"It's fun in bitterness! They report me all day long, and I also study and learn how to report others. Speaking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered something: "Yes, Chen Gang, Secretary of the Beigang Commission for Discipline Inspection, is very lustful. When he saw the young and beautiful girl, his saliva was about to drip to the ground."

Liu Yanhong stretched out her hand to him: "Evidence!"

Zhang Daguan said: "There is no evidence at present, but that guy is definitely an old pervert. When he was in the capital, he wanted to attack Hong Shijiao, and in the end, I helped her as a shield."

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "But she and Hong Shijiao are fine. In the end, you and Hong Shijiao have a problem."

Zhang Yang was full of grievances: "Wrong, it's just that Hong Changqing's family colluded to hurt me. I don't think about Hong Shijiao at all. Just like her, the whole person is not as good as Yan Ran's toe."

"All right, all right, don't flaunt yourself. I don't know who you are? Eating in the bowl and look at the pot, Yanran really wronged her with you.

Zhang Guanren smiled bitterly and said, "Sister Liu, I'll call you Aunt Liu. You can't say this nonsense. You are the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. We must not label our comrades casually. I'm sincere to Yanran."

Liu Yanhong said, "What are you guilty about? I won't call your little report."

Zhang Yang said, "Sister Liu, I know what you want me to do, but you can't coerce and lure me. I still have this little ambition. I can't be defeated by power, and wealth can't **."

Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing: "Oced, don't make yourself like a revolutionary martyr." The phone ringing on the table interrupted their conversation.

Liu Yanhong got up to answer the phone. Zhangguan didn't want to listen, but his super earpower still searched the content of the conversation. The phone was made by Wu Ming. Liu Yanhong seemed to be in a good mood. She chatted with Wu Ming and made a gesture to her, signaling that she had to go.

Liu Yanhong covered the microphone with one hand and said with a smile, "Don't forget what I just said."

Zhang Yang took the night train back to Beigang. This trip to Dongjiang was very rewarding. At the beginning of his trip to Dongjiang, he did not expect that the bonded area would go so smoothly.

This time he went back without the company of three beautiful women, but he was happy and quiet. After getting on the car, Zhang Yang fell asleep. When he woke up in the morning, he was about to arrive at Beigang. It was raining heavily outside. Zhang Yang packed his luggage and called Zhou Shanhu first. Last night, he contacted Zhou Shanhu before getting on He picked himself up at the railway station this morning.

Zhou Shanhu said, "Secretary Zhang, it rained heavily in Beigang, and the section of the road to the railway station was seriously flooded, and the car couldn't pass."

Zhang Yang said, "There is the sea next to Beigang. How can there be water?"

Zhou Shanhu said, "There is no water in the port area, but the drainage facilities in the city center are old, and several underground roads have serious water. I'll find a place to park my car, and I'll take a taxi to pick you up later."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't bother so much. Go back. I'll take a taxi back by myself later."

When the train arrived at Beigang Station, the rain was getting worse and worse. One after another, Zhang Yang came to the exit of the station. When he saw Zhou Shanhu, he stood in the crowd and shouted desperately: "Secretary Zhang, Secretary Zhang!"

Zhang Yang laughed. He squeezed out the crowd and came to Zhou Shanhu. He saw Zhou Shanhu's two trouser legs rolled up high, but his trousers were still soaked. The boy obviously came over. Zhou Shanhu said, "I put the car in the Construction Bureau. It's raining too much now. The weather forecast said that this rain It is the biggest one in 20 years. It is said that the rain has reached 100 mm in a day, and there are waterlogging in many parts of the city.

Zhang Yang is still concerned about Binhai: "How about Binhai?"

Zhou Shanhu smiled and said, "Binhai is fine. Maybe it's because it's at the seaside."

Zhang Yang was relieved to hear that Binhai was all right. Zhou Shanhu took the luggage in his hand and handed him an umbrella. After waiting at the exit for a long time, no taxi came. Zhang Yang pointed to the Wuzhou Hotel in front of him: "The rain won't stop for a while. Let's go there and have a rest first."

Wuzhou Hotel is also one of the five-star hotels in Beigang, which is a foreign-related hotel. The two came to the hotel in the rain. Zhang Yang asked for a standard room. He returned to the room, took a shower and changed into dry clothes. He came to the window and looked out. The heavy rain showed no sign of stopping.

Zhou Shanhu handed over his mobile phone: "There were two phone calls just now."

Zhang Yang took a look. One of the calls was made by the county magistrate Xu Shuangqi, and Zhang Yang went back. Xu Shuangqi rarely takes the initiative to call him. It seems that there must be something urgent to report to him.

Xu Shuangqi said, "Secretary Zhang, are you back? It rained heavily on Binhai, and many farmlands were flooded, and the disaster was serious."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm in Beigang. The water here is serious, and it may take a little later to go back."

Xu Shuangqi said, "I'm organizing cadres and masses to fight floods and floods."

Zhang Yang said, "Semploy all cadres and staff to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the county. I will go back as soon as possible. When I don't arrive in Binhai, you have to be fully responsible for the command."

Xu Shuangqi answered.

Zhang Yang hung up the phone, and his mood couldn't help but feel heavy. It seems that this sudden rainstorm still brought unpredictable economic losses to Binhai. Hearing that some areas of Binhai were flooded, Zhang Daguan couldn't sit still. He called Shanhu last week and decided to return to Binhai as soon as possible.

The two stopped a taxi in front of the hotel and drove in the direction of the Construction Bureau. Because of the heavy rain, taxis started all day. Usually, the starting price was five yuan, but now they don't use the meter at all. As soon as they opened their mouth, it was fifty. Zhang Yang was too lazy to have the same experience as these I dare not pass in front of the Jimin Bridge. The railway overpass is full of water. I don't know how deep it is.

There are a lot of people around, and you can see several cars breaking down in the underpass.

Zhang Yang and Zhou Shanhu got out of the car and were ready to walk around from the side, but they heard people around: "Please, the car will not be seen when it goes in." There is also humanity: "Hurry up and save people!"

Although there are many people shouting, no one goes down. In these years, there are fewer and fewer people who sacrifice themselves to save others, but there are more and more people watching the fun.

A man crawled out of the door of a stalled car. He pointed to the front and said, "Someone is trapped inside, save someone!" Help people!" " He shouted to save people, but he fled desperately to the shallow water above.

Zhang Yang frowned. He handed the umbrella to Zhou Shanhu and whispered, "I'll go and have a look!"

Zhou Shanhu said with concern, "Secretary Zhang, please be careful!" He is a dry duck. If he can get the water, he will definitely grab it. He can only watch Zhang Yang walk into the flood.

Zhang Yang first helped a man trapped in the car get out of trouble, and then continued to walk forward. Within a few steps, the water flooded his chest. He held his breath and dived into the water and swam to the depths. There are many hidden dangers in this sunken overpass. Once the drainage is not smooth, it is easy to cause water If it reaches more than three meters, ordinary vehicles will be completely flooded when they enter.

The second update will be sent, and two more updates will be sent out later tonight. The octopus will continue to code words, and a few will reach 1400. Today's goal is to exceed 1400!