Medical official path

Chapter 983 Joy and Sorrow

Jiang Honggang looked at Xiang Cheng's back and chewed Xiang Cheng's last sentence repeatedly. Are there any subtexts hidden after Xiang Cheng's words? He and Xiang Cheng have never been on the same road. The ideal successor in Xiang Cheng's heart is Gong Huanshan, not himself. Jiang Honggang raised his head and looked at the dark night sky without a star. Somehow, an inexplicable expectation rose in his heart. He hoped that Beigang could have another downpour at this time. I hope that this The heavy rain can wash out the original shape of the city and wash away all the disguises of the city.

Jiang Honggang walked in the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee, breathing the humid air after the rain. Now he is not the owner here, and he may not be in the future. Jiang Honggang suddenly thought that if the city really does not belong to me, then what do I need to do for her?

Although Jiang Honggang expected it to rain in his heart, the facts disappointed his expectations, and the facts once again proved that the weather station was unreliable. According to the weather forecast, from tonight to tomorrow morning, there will be heavy rain, and it will gradually stop in the afternoon. It will be cloudy in the afternoon, with light to moderate rain in some areas.

Since there is no rain, it is naturally impossible to stop in the afternoon. What's more ironic is that the afternoon is not a cloudy day, but a sunny day. The whole Beigang city is sunny, including all counties, and there is no place for rain.

Even the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiang Cheng couldn't help scolding the weather station as bullshit, which made him not sleep well all night, making the whole city on guard. But in the end, I didn't see any of the rain.

Gong Huanshan returned to Beigang in this atmosphere of working together to fight against the flood disaster that had not been seen in 50 years. As the mayor of Beigang, he should have been on the front line of flood fighting and drainage, but when he came back, he found that everything in Beigang had returned to normal, which was no different from when he left. It should be said that it is still a little different. The city seems to be cleaner and the sky is bluer, but the streets are full of the smell of stinky mud.

After returning to the mountain, I first went to the office of the Municipal Party Committee [Book].

Although the word is full of words, he still needs to pay attention to the disaster in Beigang.

Xiang Cheng said, "It's okay, there is no big problem. In order to prevent and drain floods, everyone has worked very hard these two days.

Gong Huanshan immediately self-examined himself and said, "Xiang [book], I'm really ashamed. When everyone needs me most, I'm in Dongjiang, and I can't solve the problems for Xiang [book]."

Xiang Cheng said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. You went to Dongjiang for business. No one knows that the rain will rain when you leave."

Gong Huanshan said, "Xiang [Book] Thank you for your hard work!"

Xiang Cheng said, "It's okay!" He took a teacup and took a sip and whispered, "What's the harvest of going to Dongjiang?"

Gong Huanshanxin said that didn't you ask knowingly? He sighed and said, "Xiang [Shu], I went to Dongjiang with hope, and it turned out to be so embarrassing."

Xiang Cheng said, and the expression on his face was like a smile. I really don't know whether he is happy or angry?

Gong Huanshan said, "Song [Shu] has clearly told me that the State Council has specially approved the establishment of a bonded area in Pinghai. After careful consideration, the province has decided to settle the bonded area in Binhai."

Xiang Cheng said, "Binhai is also part of Beigang." When he said this, his mood was very uncomfortable. He believed that Gong Huanshan was not good, but Gong Huanshan had revealed it undisguised, and Xiang Cheng was still covering it up.

Gong Huanshan knew that Xiang Cheng must be unhappy, but he also had to pretend to be full of the overall situation in front of him. As the mayor of Beigang, in fact, Gong Huanshan should also show generousness, but his trip to the Dongjiang River this time was really suffocated. Originally, he had to compete for the bonded area Joke, the bonded area was planned by Zhang Yang from the beginning, and the Provincial Party Committee [book] remembered that Song Huaiming's attitude on this matter was very clear.

Gong Huanshan was embarrassed and knew nothing. As the mayor of Beigang, he didn't know anything about what happened in his county. This matter became a big joke in the eyes of others. He sighed and said, "Xiang [book], Zhang Yang deceived the top and the bottom. It's a good thing to apply for a bonded area He shouldn't have done it without revealing the wind at all. As his superior leader, we didn't know anything about this matter. I also rushed to Song [Shu] to fight for it. What do others think? What do the leaders think? Leaders will think that our leadership ability is not good, and there is a lack of communication with our subordinates. Others will think that there is a contradiction between us. In the past, I always thought that Zhang Yang was just young, but now it seems that this person's thinking is very problematic. He lacks a view of the overall situation and is so happy. He only focuses on A member of Beigang, Binhai is a part of Beigang. Gong Huanshan said angrily.

Xiang Cheng smiled, and his smile was a little helpless. Although he could understand the mood of Gong Huanshan, and his own heart was not better than Gong Huanshan, but this matter has become a fact. For what has become a fact, they are unable to change the bonded area and settled in Binhai. After all, they are still on the ground of The coastal coast has been developed. In the future, the increase in economic income will also be counted as part of Beigang. Xiang Cheng said, "For a young man like Zhang Yang, let go and give him a greater reason.

" Xiang Cheng said this sentence helplessly. At first, he also wanted to control Zhang Yang in his own hands, but later he found that the tighter he grasped, the more fierce the resistance was. With Zhang Yang's ability, it was difficult for him to hold him in his hands. In this case, it would be better to give him more [self]

Gong Huanshan said, "Xiang [Book], you are too tolerant of him. I'm worried about the ups and downs. In the future, other cadres will learn from him, which is not good for us to carry out our work in the future."

Xiang Cheng said: "It is of great significance for the bonded area to settle in Binhai. Therefore, the long-term benefits are immeasurable. Binhai will become the fastest development link of Beigang. Similarly, the development of Binhai will also drive the development of Beigang."

Gong Huanshan said, "The bonded area may lay the foundation for Binhai to withdraw the county and change the city. Will Binhai become the next Lanshan?"

Xiang Cheng didn't say anything, but he had already understood in his heart that it had become a foresur for him to withdraw the county and change the city in Binhai. After Zhang Yang came to Binhai, he was moving towards his set goal step by step. He could not control him, and it was also a choice but to give him more space.

Professor Cheng Runsheng also heard about the discovery of the Tushan Han Tomb in Binhai. He called from the capital and will come to Binhai to have a look in a few days.

Zhang Yang has always attached great importance to the protection of cultural relics, and specially called Zhao Ziwen, the director of the County Cultural Heritage Bureau, to his office to understand the situation.

Zhao Ziwen made a brief report to Zhang Yang on the maintenance of the Han tomb in the past two days. He smiled and said, "The tomb road is very deep. According to our previous understanding of the structure of the Han tomb, there should be three gates. The heavy rain only washed the first door open, and the people rushed into this door, in which the Less, after these two days of ideological mobilization, most of the people who participated in the looting of cultural relics on the same day handed over the things at hand. Now we have strengthened the entrance of the tomb, and the public security organs have also sent people to guard. However, the level of excavation in our county is limited, and we are contacting the Provincial Bureau of Cultural The home will come. As for whether the tomb is for archaeological excavation or wait for the experts to come and listen to their opinions.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Your comrades from the Cultural Heritage Bureau have worked hard."

Zhao Ziwen said, "We don't work hard. It's our job to investigate cultural relics. Binhai hasn't made any major archaeological discoveries for so many years. If Tushan is really a big tomb, the scale will not be small."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Excavation archaeology should be put second, and protection should be put first. If the archaeological conditions are not met, I would rather protect this Han tomb than damage these historical heritage for technical reasons."

Zhao Ziwen said, "Zhang [Shu] I remember what you said in my heart."

At this time, Fu Changzheng called in, but a reporter wanted to interview him.

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't I say that? I haven't been interviewed by reporters recently.

Fu Changzheng said, "Zhang [book], don't you know that you are in the headlines of the newspaper again?"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned: "What do you mean?"

Fu Changzheng said, "Today, there is a photo of you on the front page of Beigang Daily."

Zhang Yang frowned. He looked at it without hesitation and found today's Beigang Daily from the table.

When Zhao Ziwen saw that Zhang Yang had something to do, he quickly got up and said goodbye.

Zhang Yang got up to see him off. After Zhao Ziwen left, his eyes fell on the newspaper. Sure enough, isn't the photo printed on the front page of the newspaper himself? Zhang Guan looked at it carefully, and the photo was quite clear. It was exactly the scene of him saving people at Jimin Bridge that day. At that time, he was only concerned about saving people, and he didn't notice that his actions to save people would be photographed. Looking at the photo he saved, the corners of Zhang's lips not only showed a wry smile. He didn't save people to show off. When he first came to Binhai, he saved Li Mingfang's mother and son from the tower crane. Because of that incident, he became a popular figure in Beigang and even the whole Pinghai, and was even reported by CCTV news. He was shaped into a hero of a new era, but at that time, because Wu Yi happened to be on the scene, the last incident also had a lot to do with her efforts.

This time, I waded in the water to save people. At that time, it rained so heavily, but I didn't expect to be caught by the reporter's camera after all. No wonder it is said that fire prevention and anti-theft reporter. Despite this, it is still impossible to prevent it.

Zhang Daguan looked at the photos in the newspaper and said to himself that he was going to be famous again. I don't know how many people will say that they will take the opportunity to show off. Shouldn't the city leaders get themselves to report on their advanced deeds again? The more Zhang Guanren thinks about it, the more he has a headache. It is difficult for a key figure like him to keep a low profile.