Medical official path

Chapter 998 Each has its own practice

Most of the members of the Standing Committee nodded. Zhang Yang's words are right. If it is placed on the starting line, Binhai will definitely not be the last winner. Not to mention compared with developed cities such as Lanshan and Nancy, even if it is compared with Beigang, Binhai does not have any advantages.

These members of the Standing Committee have been working in the political arena for many years. Everyone understands that there is a more important reason for Zhang Yang's secrecy, that is, to guard against Beigang. Although Binhai belongs to Beigang, this does not mean that the development focus of Beigang is Binhai. There are so many counties and regions under We must consider the overall situation and level a bowl of water. In fact, the leaders of Beigang City have always lacked the attention to Binhai.

Xu Sheng, political commissar of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, said: "Zhang [Shu] is right. In fact, the fewer people know this kind of thing before it is implemented, the better. Before the matter is finished, the whole world knows it. At that time, I don't know how many competitors will pour out. It is crucial to the future development of Binhai.

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded to Xu Sheng: "Thank you, Commissar Xu, for your understanding." Xu Sheng is one of the members of the Standing Committee who has always been supportive of him. In fact, this is not because Xu Sheng wants to fall into the Zhang Yang camp, but Xu Sheng's style is like this. Whoever is the boss in Binhai, he speaks to whomever he speaks.

Xu Shuangqi said, "Zhang [book], because of the settlement of Binhai in the bonded area, there are more and more businessmen and entrepreneurs who have investment intentions and consulting investment. Our county is still not prepared for this. There is not even a department responsible for reception. When the opportunity comes, we can't let the opportunity slip away? "

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Lao Xu is exactly what I want to say. The most urgent thing we face is the preparation team for the construction of the bonded area. This team is extremely important. In the future, the leadership, investment and construction of the bonded area will be responsible for this team. The requirements for them are quite high. In fact, before that, I was going to let Comrade Hong Changqing take the lead in charge of this matter, but unfortunately, she was sick at this time, and we can't wait for her to recover her health before starting the work in the bonded area, so the formation of the bonded area leadership team is imminent. I decided to be the commander-in-chief of the planning and construction of the bonded area in person. Ha ha, do you have any comments? All Chang Chui heard it clearly. What he said was not a proposal, but a decision. The last questioning was purely a gesture. Who can object?

Xu Shuangqi said, "I think this is the best." Don't you think you're greedy? I'm afraid that others will take away your achievements. It's yours. I'm not interested in fighting, and I can't compete with you. In a word, your bonded area can tosss as much as you like. I don't want grades. If something happens, it has nothing to do with me. What you like.

Zhang Yang said, "My commander-in-chief can only be the honorary old Xu. You will be the deputy commander-in-chief."

Xu Shuangqi was stunned for a moment, and he also had to take himself with him. What do you mean? Does it show that you are half a level higher than me, deliberately asking me to be the deputy commander-in-chief to show your power, or to use this as a stepping stone to prepare for putting a black pot on me in the future? Xu Shuangqi's heart was full of vigilance, but in front of everyone, he couldn't refuse to smile and said, "I'm also in reputation. I have to rely on young people for specific things." What he said is a pun. One is that I have a name, but you are younger than me.

Zhang Yang said: "Lao Xu is right. Recently, I have an imminent sense of crisis. This sense of crisis comes from the crisis of talents. We Binhai is now facing the best opportunity in history. If we grasp Binhai's economy, there is no doubt that we will With rapid take-off, Binhai's urban strength will jump to a level that most people can't imagine. For example, Binhai used to be an old fishing boat, but now it suddenly gave us a 10,000-ton ship. We still use the method of rowing... to take the helm of the ship. Can we drive this 10,000-ton ship away?

The members of the Standing Committee didn't say anything. Although they all knew that what he said was somewhat reasonable, everyone also heard it. Zhang [Book] allemorized to them, saying that they were just some outdated sailors, and they couldn't play with such a high-end thing as a million-ton giant wheel.

Zhang Yang said: "If we want to drive this 10,000-ton ship well, there are two ways. First, we need to learn, and second, we need to introduce talents. For our Binhai, when the opportunity comes, we must grasp it. In a short time, even if we can learn, we may not be able to drive this giant ship well, so We should put the introduction of talents first, but after entering the reform and opening up, talents have suddenly become a shortage of resources, and rare things are precious. I am also thinking a lot for this matter now. I have almost used all my relationships, but I have gained little so far. Now that the matter of the bonded area has been settled, we need to work hard. The first task is to find talents and introduce talents. For young cadres with ability in the system, priority should be given to them. For those who are not in the system but have economic and foreign trade expertise, and excellent cadres with relevant work experience, they should be eclectic. Admission, as the leader of Binhai, I promise to give the green light to real talents. Political and Legal Committee [Book] Zhou Xiang said, "Zhang [Book] There is a sentence that I agree with. There is a shortage of talents now,

If you want to introduce talents from outside, you will pay a lot of energy and cost. I think we should focus on the cultivation of local talents. We can select some excellent young comrades from our Binhai to learn relevant management experience in other advanced regions in China. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This is one of my plans. In a word, everyone should be twisted into a rope, and be sure to set up the leadership team of the Binhai Free Trade Zone in a short time."

Beigang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Chen Gang looked at Hong Changqing, who was crying in front of him, and felt a headache. He sighed and said, "Why are you crying? You messed it up by yourself. What's the use of crying now?

Hong Changqing said, "I have no face to stay in Binhai. Now everyone is watching my jokes." Chen Gang said, "I told Lao Meng of the Organization Department about your matter. He will come forward to deal with your job transfer. Let's go to the port development zone first."

Hong Changqing wiped his tears.

Chen Gang handed her a tissue and said, "This is my office. You cry like this. What will you think when others see it? The bigger you are, the more ignorant you are. Hong Changqing squeezed his lips and said aggrievedly, "Do you think I'm old?"

Chen Gang smiled and said, "I didn't say that. You're not old, you're mature." Hong Changqing wiped the corners of his eyes and flew a wink at Chen Gang. What Chen Gang noticed was the crow's feet on the corners of her eyes. He sighed in his heart that the beauty was easy to grow old. Somehow, he suddenly remembered Hong Changqing's niece Hong Shijiao. His fingers knocked on the table and said, "Is your

Hong Changqing said, "This matter also made her embarrassed, and she hasn't gone back to work until now." Chen Gang said, "Zhang Yang is really harmful. Well, I'll invite you to Baidao for dinner in the evening. You call Shijiao." Hong Changqing immediately noticed something, and her eyes seemed to be a little hesitant.

Chen Gang said, "Please help me tell her that if she really doesn't want to go to the Beijing office, I can help transfer her to the Youth League Municipal Committee and find a suitable job after a while. She is so young and still has a lot of opportunities." Hong Changqing came to the parking lot with great concern. Hong Shijiao was waiting for her in the crown car. When she saw her aunt coming back, she said with concern, "How's it going?"

Hong Changqing motioned her to drive first. After the car left the municipal party committee compound, Hong Changqing just said, "He promised to transfer me to the port development zone, and he said that he could help you transfer me from the Beijing office to the Youth League Municipal Party Committee."

Hong Shijiao nodded and said, "I have no face to go back."

Hong Changqing said again: "Tonight, he invited Lou to Baidao for dinner.

Hong Shijiao suddenly stepped on the brake. Hong Changqing suddenly tilted forward because there was no sign, and her forehead almost hit the windshield. She looked at Hong Shijiao with some consteredment, but soon, her face showed an expression of guilt.

Hong Shijiao said, "Auntie, can I say no?" Hong Changqing did not answer her.

After a while, Hong Shijiao suddenly shouted, "No, never! I won't go to see him,

He is a beast!" Hong Changqing's eyes were full of sadness. She whispered, "If it weren't for him, your brother would have been..."

"Don't mention this to me. I have done what should be done. I don't care about the future. I don't care about the future, because" Hong Shijiao's eyes were full of tears: "Because I don't deserve it..." She suddenly pushed the door of the car and ran away in Hong Changqing's stunned eyes

Hong Changqing reacted and pushed the door open from the other side. She shouted Hong Shijiao's name, but Hong Shijiao still ran farther and farther.

Some things have to be faced after all. The matter of Hong Changqing's transfer was finally put on the table. She summoned up the courage to walk into Zhang Yang's office. Since the last incident, this is the first time she has returned to Binhai, and it is also the first time she has walked into Zhang Yang's office. She has made Come on.

Hong Changqing's eyes dare not look directly at Zhang Yang. The reason is very simple, because he is guilty. Last time she designed publicity, it was easily resolved by publicity. Until now, she can't figure out what's going on with her. At that time, he was evil, and he was honest about everything.

With a faint smile on Zhang Yang's face, he looked as if nothing had happened: "Sister Hong is here!"

Even Hong Changqing had to admire Zhang Yang's mind. Whether he was sincere or hypocritical, after that incident, Zhang Yang did not hold her accountable. Otherwise, her life would definitely not be better.