Medical official path

Chapter 1007 Between Officials and Commercials

No one expected that it would be Zhang Yang who spoke. Yuan Xiaoshang looked at Zhang Yang strangely, and then his eyes turned his eyes to the waitress. The girl lowered her head. Although she could not see her clearly, it could still be seen that she was quite good in shape.

When Dai Lin heard Zhang Yang say this, she suddenly seemed to have been insulted. She got up and left without even saying goodbye. Chen Qinghong said to the girl, "You raise your head!" The girl raised her head, and her beautiful face was full of panic. Although there was not much makeup on her face, her beautiful face still shocked everyone. Coupled with the pitiful expression on her face, it really made people feel sorry for me naturally. Qi Shan and Yuan Xiaoshang looked at each other. Although they didn't say anything, they both saw the admiration in each other's eyes. The public eyes were really poisonous. As soon as such a watery little girl appeared, she was targeted by him. She was not afraid of comparing goods. Compared with this girl and Dai Lin, it was really the sky and

Chen Qinghong said, "Are you new here?"

The girl nodded tearfully and said, "Don't drive me away. I will come here on the first day, and I will do a good job in the future. My family is really waiting for the money to beg you!"

Chen Qinghong said, "What's your name?" The girl said, "Beibei!" When she said her name, Zhang Guanren flashed an intriguing look.

Chen Qinghong said, "With your mistake, I definitely can't keep you, but Mr. Zhang will forgive you this time."

"Thank you, manager!"

Chen Qinghong said, "Don't thank me. You say hello to Mr. Zhang." She looked at Zhang Yang and said that his taste was really unique, but her vision was really poisonous. The girl named Beibei was really good. Even if she was placed in Tianjie, she was outstanding, but at first glance, she was a girl who was involved in society, and her amorous feelings were much worse.

Beibei lowered her head and timidly came to Zhang Yang to sit down. She helped Zhang Yang pour the wine. Zhang Daguan was not polite. He actually reached out and stopped the girl's slender waist. Beibei resisted and twisted her delicate body: "Sir, I'm sorry, I'm only responsible for pouring wine."

The official Zhang leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Sang Beibei, I'll let you pretend. How long have you been with me?" It turned out that the waitress was dressed up by Sambebe.

No one knows that Zhang Yang and Sang Beibei had known each other before.

Sang Beibei glanced at Zhang Yang with a pair of wonderful eyes, with a naughty smile on his face, spit out the tip of his tongue, and immediately pretended to be pitiful. He picked up his glass and said, "Sir, I respect you!" This glass is a large glass full of wine.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I can't drink it by myself! Otherwise, I'll drink half and you will drink half.

Sang Beibei blushed and said, "I can't drink."

The official said, "If you don't know how to drink, you can learn slowly. Girls have a lot to learn." Yuan Xiaoshang found that since the appearance of the waitress named Beibei, Zhang Yang had become interested in her. He not only drank frequently, but also was in high interest. Yuan Xiaoshang noticed that the man's hand was not idle. From time to time, he hugged Beibei's slender waist and looked for an opportunity to touch her buttocks, but the girl obviously Frightened and helpless, even Yuan Xiaoshang couldn't bear to see it. This man was by no means Liu Xiahui, and he was not the same when he met the one who was moved.

When he left, Zhang Daguan also generously tipped Sangbei a thousand yuan.

Yuan Xiaoshang saw that Zhang Yang was interested in her, which was probably due to his own identity and did not dare to act excessively.

Before leaving, Zhang Yang called Yuan Xiaoshang aside and whispered, "This girl is good. Don't let outsiders bully her!"

Yuan Xiaoshang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will let someone take care of her."

Zhang Yang nodded, patted Yuan Xiaoshang on the shoulder and said, "You are very good. If there is a chance in the future, let's keep in touch often." Yuan Xiaoshang and Chen Qinghong sent Zhang Yang to the elevator entrance together. After Zhang Yang left, Chen Qinghong said to Yuan Xiaoshang, "Is this person the county party committee of Binhai?"

Yuan Xiaoshang smiled indifferently and said, "You are more and more concerned about."

Chen Qinghong looked at him with some resentment and said, "I care about you!"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Check the way of the girl named Beibei just now. Come on, by the way, Zhang Yang seems to like her. Arrange some light work for her and don't let others think about her." Chen Qinghong said, "It's just a waitress. His taste is quite strange."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Don't you think that girl is really beautiful?"

Chen Qinghong said, "If he really likes it, why don't he ask?" Yuan Xiaoshang said, "What is his identity? Besides, he lacks trust in me. Qi Shan and Zhang Yang came to the parking lot together. Qi Shan pointed to his Qifeng and said, "I'll see you off!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, you live in the Crown. I'll ask the driver to pick me up later. By the way, let's walk ahead. I want to ask you a few words.,...

Qi Shan nodded, and it's better to say something clearly.

The two left the Crown, walked to the Binhai Avenue, and walked south along the Avenue. Qi Shan said, "Yuan Xiaoshang and I have always had a good relationship. He knew our friendship, so he asked me to arrange for you to meet." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yuan Xiaoshang is not simple!" Qi Shan said, "He is very smart and business-minded, but he is also very principled. Among their five brothers, Yuan Xiaoshang is the most successful one in business." Zhang Yang said, "I have seen three. Yuan Xiaoshang left the deepest impression on me. He is much smarter than his second brother."

Qi Shan said, "I've heard about what happened between you. Yuan Xiaoshang doesn't want to be your enemy!"

Speaking of this, Qi Shan couldn't help laughing: "Actually, it's not my turn to get in the matter between you." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You have been involved."

Qi Shan said, "I seldom be a peacemaker."

Zhang Yang stood by the fence, looked at the sea shrouded in the night in the distance, listened to the sound of waves, and smiled, "Actually, I understand in my heart that Yuan Xiaonong does not want to provoke me. Someone must be instigated behind me to provoke the conflict between me and the Yuan brothers."

Qi Shan said, "With your eyes, you can't see this matter clearly." Zhang Yang said, "Yuan Xiaonong's brain is not smart, but Yuan Xiaoshang is very powerful, which makes me feel very evil. Is he really thorough in his study of law?"

Qi Shan nodded and said, "I'm absolutely not exaggerating. If he goes to be a lawyer, he must be very good." Zhang Yang said, "Is Tianjie his?" Qi Shan smiled and said, "I don't know. In fact, a person really has the ability to control the lifeline of an enterprise. It's the same whether the enterprise writes his name or not.,...

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Qi Shan, I suddenly have a haircut. You are not the only smart person in the world." Qi Shan said meaningfully, "Smart people will not choose to fight with you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Wrong, smart people will not choose to fight against the country and the law." Qi Shan said, "I don't understand the rules in officialdom, but there is a principle in business. The greater the risk, the greater the profit, so many people will do something that wanders on the edge of the law. Really smart people will not let the law catch the braids."

Zhang Yang said, "I know that there are many such people, but there is an old saying that there are no wet shoes that often stand by the river? Walking on the edge, you may fall down if you are not careful. If you fall to pieces, it will be too late to regret.

Qi Shan said, "The officialdom is actually much more dangerous than the mall, so I have always thought you are bolder than me."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Two days ago, someone ambushed me in the sea near Baidao, and I was shot!" Qi Shan said with concern, "Are you all right?" Zhang Yang said, "If something happens, how can I stand in front of you now? At that time, the boss of the boat who took me to Baidao used to be an employee of Yuan Xiaonong.

Qi Shan looked at Zhang Yang quietly: "So you suspect that this matter has something to do with Yuan Xiaonong? Do you suspect that he planned to ambush you?

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It is because of this that I really understand that someone wants to provoke the conflict between me and the Yuan brothers."

Qi Shan said, "I only know that you and Yuan Xiaonong are unhappy. I don't know that someone ambushed you. Yuan Xiaoshang didn't mention it to me."

Zhang Yang said, "I dare to say that this man hiding behind his back is probably Yuan Xiaonong's enemy, and may be his business opponent."

Qi Shan said, "As you said so, it's very possible." Zhang Yang said, "I even think that both Yuan Xiaoshang and Yuan Xiaonong may have thought of who this person is, so they tolerated what I had done to them before and took the initiative to show peace to me."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "Do you want to convey this to Yuan Xiaoshang through me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Let me tell you, I'm not afraid that you will inform him."

Qi Shan said, "I always think that there should be no hostile relationship between officials and businessmen."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "What should be the nose?"

Qi Shan said, "The old saying in the country is very classic. The peers are enemies. There is nothing amazing when you hear it for the first time, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that this sentence is too reasonable. The enemy of officials is always officials, and the opponents of businessmen are businessmen. Although they are all pursuing interests, merchants pursue Only economic interests, officials pursue political interests, and some officials pursue not only political interests but also economic interests. It is their pursuit of economic interests that has led to collusion between officials and businessmen, collusion, and corruption. However, even so, there is no antagonistic relationship between officials and businessmen. Unless an official coves the economic interests in the hands of businessmen, there will be irreconcilable conflicts between them.

Zhang's official carefully tasted Qi Shan's words, and really felt that Qi Shan understood the relationship between officials and businessmen at an extremely thorough level. Zhang Yang said, "You seem to be persuading me to give up my hatred of the Yuan brothers."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I'm just talking about the matter. You have nothing to do with their enmity with me. I'm a businessman and you're an official. The interests we pursue are different. We will never have conflicts with you!"