Medical official path

Chapter 1010 The name has changed on

Zhang Daguan personally realized the importance of a man having a strong body. Without excellent physical fitness, you can't better serve your loved ones, let alone for the country and the people. How can you sweep the world without sweeping the house? The ancients often made a lot of sense.

Zhang Guanren left the car to An Yuchen. She will go to Chunyang this morning. Tomorrow is Tomb-sweeping Day. An Yuchen is going to Qingtai Mountain to sweep the tomb. Because she cares about her son, she won't stay in China for long this time, and she will return the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Yang asked Zhou Shanhu to go to the dock to pick him up and return to Binhai. This morning, he will preside over the Standing Committee. Zhang Daguan has presided over many standing committees since he took office in Binhai. It is the first time to convene the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, so this time is of great significance and cannot

The news of Binhai's withdrawal of the county and the change of the city has spread all over the streets and alleys of Beigang overnight. Even Zhou Shanhu learned the news. Binhai knows that it is a good thing, but everyone pays attention to different things. Zhou Shanhu asked, "Zhang [Book] Remember, will we Binhai City in the Zhang Yang said, "Yes!"

"Then I will drive for the Municipal Party Committee in the future?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes!" Zhou Shanhu said, "Should we get a raise?" Zhang Yang said, "Do you care about this?" Zhou Shanhu said, "I'm a driver. It's not my turn to worry about national affairs. I can only worry about small things." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's almost the same. I will make everyone feel the benefits of withdrawing the county and changing the city. You are little

Don't worry about it. By the way, Xi Ting will come to Binhai after graduation this year. At that time, you two will live together, and your little life will be more comfortable. Zhou Shanhu is full of longing for the future: "Zhang [book], you gave me everything." Zhang Yang said, "Well, stop it. I'm most annoyed to hear you say this.

The first standing committee meeting after the establishment of Binhai City was held under the auspices of Zhang Yang. Although each member of the Standing Committee did not agree when he applied for the withdrawal of the county to change the city, but when the application for the withdrawal of the county and the city was approved, the documents of the State Council were officially issued. Everyone was happy. Who is Level, but the mayor sounds more majestic than the county magistrate. Binhai upgrade, and all of them have been upgraded. It can be said that the scope of this official upgrade is very large. Whether they admit it or not, everyone has gained publicity in this matter.

Zhang Guanren smiled and showed the documents officially issued by the State Council to everyone: "Comrades, I am very happy to announce to you that our application for the withdrawal of the county and the city in Binhai has been officially approved. This is the approval document of the State Council. Here I solemnly and formally announce to you that from today on, in [in There is one more coastal city on the territory of the country!"

All the members of the Standing Committee applauded together. Zhang looked around the crowd happily, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Shuangqi: "Mayor Xu, tell me your feelings!" At first glance, Xu Shuangqi was still a little uncomfortable when he was called the mayor. He actually looked a little reserved: "Uh...Uh..."

All the members of the Standing Committee laughed at the same time, and Xu Shuangqi himself laughed. It can be said that since Zhang Yang came to Binhai, the atmosphere of the Standing Committee has been so harmonious.

Xu Shuangqi sorted out his emotions and said, "Since Zhang [book] let me say it, I will say a few words 1

I'm as excited as everyone else now. The slogan of Binhai has been called for many years. We have also worked hard for it and failed. Now we have finally succeeded under the leadership of Zhang [Book]. This is an epoch-making event for Binhai, and a major event that will be recorded in the history of Binhai. I believe that each of us is in the same mood. We are all rejoicing for this matter. Binhai's success in withdrawing the county and changing the city is the result of everyone's joint efforts under the leadership of Zhang [Book], which also reflects the great importance that the Party and the country attach to Binhai's construction. From today on, Bin Only by working harder and building Binhai better can we be worthy of the trust of the Party and the country. Zhang Yang took the lead in applauding. After the applause, he smiled and said, "Mayor Xu said very well. In the future, we must build Binhai better. I hope everyone can show their strength. I don't care whether you work hard or not. If you can do the work well without any effort, I will be happier!"

The members of the Standing Committee let out a burst of laughter, and everyone heard that Zhang Yang's words were soft and hard, and tactfully denied part of Xu Shuangqi's speech. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that the success of the removal of the county and the city in Binhai is basically the result of Zhang Yang's efforts, and they have not helped much.

Now, even if someone is not happy to publicize, even his opponents have to admit that this young municipal party committee [book] has a strong memory ability. Whether it is a bonded area or a county withdrawal to change the city, casually take out the same, the political achievements are enough to kill Binhai's successive county party committee [book].

Zhang Yang said, "Yesterday, the mayor of Gong specially talked to me, and the city is going to take advantage of the matter of Binhai's withdrawal of the county and the city to hold a good celebration."

The members of the Standing Committee nodded one after another. In their opinion, this decision in the city is normal. Such a big matter as the withdrawal of the county government should be told to the world and celebrate all over the world.

Zhang Yang said, "According to my opinion, the withdrawal of the county and the city is Binhai's own business. There is no need to do it vigorously. It costs money to invite so many guests to carry out such a big event." The members of the Standing Committee all laughed.

Xu Sheng, political commissar of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, said: "Zhang [Book], this is of epoch-making significance for our Binhai. Our [Zhong] Chinese people are the most humane. They have to do it every New Year's Day. There are festivals every year, but it may not be It is also good to establish our coastal city image. Other members of the Standing Committee also nodded one after another.

Zhang Yang said, "The city has directly decided this matter, and I am not firmly opposed to the celebration, but our Binhai financial situation is not optimistic. This celebration will cost a lot of money. I originally wanted to get some funds from the city, but when it comes to money, the mayor of Gong asked me to find a way by myself."

Executive Vice Mayor Dong Yu Wudao: "How much should be given in the city?"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't pull out a dime!" Only he dares to say such words in public.

Since Dong Yuwu was investigated by the working group last time because he received hundreds of gifts from Zhao Jinke, through this incident, Dong Yuwu has strengthened his belief. In the future, he will resolutely follow Zhang [Shu]. Zhang Yang speaks. He is the first to help, Dong Yuwu Dao: "The city means that we are Binhai It's a treat!"

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it? I don't know who will receive the red envelope at that time?" Xu Shuangqi said, "We have to put this wine, and we have to put it on. Now that the city has a clear attitude, we must handle it. After all, it is our superior." Xu Shuangqi is telling everyone the fact that although Binhai has successfully withdrawn the county and changed the city, the status of Binhai City and Beigang City are completely different. It's just that the name has been changed. It is still under the jurisdiction of Beigang. None of you can resist the matter decided by the leader.

Zhang Yang said, "I also think so. Now that the city has been settled, Lou can only do it. The celebration is scheduled for next Saturday. At that time, Governor Zhou will come in person and hold the opening ceremony for our Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government!"

When the members of the Standing Committee heard that Governor Zhou Xingmin was coming, they all understood that this celebration ceremony should not only be held, but also must be held. Dong Yuwu is right. The meaning of Beigang is that Binhai Huāqian invites wine, and they treat!

Cheng Yan, the director of the Public Security Bureau and the new Political and Legal Committee [book] who has never spoken, said, "Can you do big things with a little money?"

Wang Junqiang, Propaganda Minister of the Municipal Party Committee, shook his head and said, "These days, if you want to be popular, you have to have money. If you want to save everything, you will definitely not be able to do a big deal." Everyone looked at Zhang Yang, as if waiting for his decision.

Xu Shuangqi said, "I personally think this celebration must not be saved. The country has promised to allocate 5 billion yuan, and there are still 2 billion yuan in the province, and the city has also promised to allocate 200 million yuan. We are not short of this money, right?" Zhang Yang said, "Lao Xu, I don't agree with what you said. It's all about everything. Those funds are all for the bonded area, and the special funds are dedicated. Financial matters must be clearly divided. What's more, not to mention that a penny has been officially allocated now. For us, we can't quench our thirst."

Xu Shuangqi's old face turned slightly. He also realized that he had said something wrong and was caught by Zhang Yang. He explained, "That's not what I mean. I mean, we have to do a good job so that the guests can see the new style of Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "Tonestly, the current city of Binhai is very chaotic. Most of the city is lit up, the greening project is in progress, and the plan of the bonded area has not been completed. Our current situation is really not something to show off. But when the guests come, we can't help but let people enter the door. The son doesn't think the mother is ugly, and the dog doesn't think the family is poor. We should be what we should be. Now Binhai is poor, and there is nothing to be ashamed to let others see the situation. When they come to Binhai in a few more years

The members of the Standing Committee applauded one after another, and Executive Vice Mayor Dong Yuwu Dao: "Zhang [Shu], you are right, but this is not appropriate to compare." Everyone knew that he meant that the dog was not poor, and laughed together.

Zhang Yang also smiled: "You can't take everything too seriously. You should listen to my words. Although I don't want to hold this event, since I decided to do it, we have to do it as well as possible. Yandong was right just now. We do big things with a small amount of money. We strictly follow the standards of hospitality, that Waste, the specific planning and publicity of this matter is left to Comrade Junqiang.

Wang Junqiang, Minister of Publicity, used to be the honorary director of the Creation Office. Now he has successfully withdrawn the county and changed the city. He should take over the work. Wang Junqiang nodded and had no objection.

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