Medical official path

Chapter 1015 The World Is Really Small

"Think about it, how will the people in Beigang feel when they see this report? Will they regard the slight pollution of steel mills as floods and beasts, which will lead to resistance? This is not good for our follow-up signing and future development. Xiang Cheng turned his attention to Publicity Minister Huang Bucheng: "Comrade Bucheng, in the near future, you must pay attention to the publicity work, pay attention to the correct guidance of public opinion, and don't let the people be reported by some ulterior motives and wrong reports."

Huang Bucheng said, "Southeast Daily is a ** news media, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of Beigang, or even under the jurisdiction of Pinghai. If you want to restrain them, you may have to speak up."

Xiang Cheng said, "I'm not asking you to solve this matter. I want you to pay attention to the public opinion orientation in the Beigang area and don't let the masses be misled by these ulterior public opinion."

Huang Bucheng said, "Secretary Xiang, members of the Standing Committee, I think there are internal people who are making trouble. Some people want to mislead the masses in this way, so that the people who do not know the truth will distrust or even fight against our Beigang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. We must be vigilant and strictly investigate the initiators behind the incident.

Gong Huanshan said, "You are an in propaganda matter, Lao Huang, who is making trouble in this matter?"

Huang Bucheng said, "I have checked this report. The author is Liang Dongping. This person was originally a reporter of the provincial newspaper. He was criticized internally for exposing the illegal fund-raising of Jiangcheng Education. Later, he took radical confrontation and chose to jump off the building opposite the provincial government, which caused an extremely bad social impact, and also because of The incident was re-education through labor on the charge of disturbing social security. After coming out, he was hired to Dongjiang Daily. This person's press release has always been very extreme. Later, he offended the newspaper for some reason and was fired. Now he works in the Propaganda Department of the Nancy Sports Commission. At this point, Huang Bucheng paused for a moment, and then continued, "Liang Dongping was able to go to the Propaganda Department of the Nancy Sports Commission thanks to Comrade Zhang Yang, who was the director of the Nancy Sports Commission at that time." Huang Bucheng's words are equivalent to clarifying everything. This matter was caused by Zhang Yang.

Xiang Cheng said, "The celebration of the reform of Binhai County will be held solemnly next Saturday. At that time, Governor Zhou will come to participate in person, and there are also many leaders in the province and heads of brother cities. I don't want to have any accidents at this time. Publicity must be done quickly, and public opinion should serve the government

Jiang Honggang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, heard Xiang Cheng's words and smiled in his heart. Is Xiang Cheng's mind a little confused? Even such words should be said bluntly. As the leader of Beigang, you should pay attention to every wording of yourself. If you don't do it properly, you will laugh generously.

After the meeting. Xiang Cheng left Huang Bucheng, the Minister of Publicity, alone. He once again stressed the importance of public opinion publicity to Huang Bucheng. During this period, the publicity work in Beigang must not go ast-in-proble.

Huang Bucheng vowed: "Secretary Xiang. Don't worry, I will call a meeting of the major news media in Beigang later, emphasize this matter again, and control the news orientation in the right direction.

Xiang Cheng's face softened a little. He whispered, "Step Cheng, you must pay attention to this matter from the bottom of your heart."

Huang Bucheng said, "Secretary Xiang, I dare to say that there is a follow-up to this matter!"

Xiang Cheng's eyes became more and more gloomy, and he squeezed his lips. He didn't say anything.

Huang Bucheng thought Xiang Cheng and didn't understand what he meant. He whispered, "Secretary Xiang, I suspect that someone instigated behind this manuscript written by Liang Dongping."

Xiang Cheng frowned and said, "I know it in my heart."

Xiang Cheng decided to have a good talk with Zhang Yang. He summoned Zhang Yang to his office. Although Xiang Cheng calculated that this article of Southeast Daily was made by Zhang Yang, he has no evidence now. Therefore, his conversation with Zhang Yang began with the celebration of the withdrawal of Binhai County and the reform of the city. Xiang Cheng asked about Binhai's preparations.

Zhang Yang said, "Everything is ready, only the east wind!"

Xiang Cheng said, "What is the east wind?"

Zhang Daguan answered directly: "Money! Secretary Xiang, you know the financial situation of Binhai. It's time to give some support.

Xiang Cheng said, "Every time I see you can't talk about three words, I will ask about money. I'm tired if you don't bother me."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm annoyed, too. But now the plan of the bonded area has come out, and the national allocation has not arrived. The provincial funding has not arrived. The city should take an example first, but..."

Xiang Cheng said, "It's easy for you to say. If you take out 200 million yuan, just take it out? Binhai's financial difficulties and Beigang's finances are not rich. Even under such a difficult situation, you have promised to spend 200 million yuan to support the construction of your bonded area. Can you be more patient? No one owes you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Xiang, don't worry. I'm not alone in the bonded area. Although it is located in Binhai, it also belongs to the whole Beigang. After completion, it's not my achievements and glory alone, but also everyone's."

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, I haven't seen the plan of the bonded area one by one until now. I never like to talk about it. I want to see practical actions. What about your plan?

Zhang Yang said, "Duval has gone to the Australian studio for the final design work. If it goes well, he will be able to complete the planning work recently and give us the perfect plan."

Xiang Cheng said, "Mayor Gong told me that you and Taihong Group were very unhappy!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that serious. I just disagree on the issue of Lin Jiajiao."

In fact, both of them are clear in their hearts. The relationship between officialdom is complicated. Obviously, the things that are on the surface must go around a few more circles. Xiang Cheng said, "It's not a contradiction between the enemy and us. There is no problem that can't be solved!"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, in fact, I have wanted to talk to you about this matter for a long time, but I have been busy preparing for the celebration recently."

Xiang Cheng was quite patient. He nodded and said, "Say it."

Zhang Yang said, "Xian Jiajiao is an extremely important part of the planning of the Binhai Free Trade Zone. It is a green industrial park and a future enterprise office headquarters."

Xiang Cheng said, "I know this, but Taihong Group proposed to build a steel factory in Linjiajiao. In the plan they have come up with, it involves ten square kilometers of land belonging to Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, the palm of the hand is also meat, and the back of the hand is also meat. You won't favor one over the other, will you?"

Xiang Cheng said, "You are right. The palm of the hand is also meat, and the back of the hand is also meat. The bonded area is the focus of our future development of Beigang. After the completion of the Taihong Branch, it will definitely become the future industrial pillar of Beigang. No one is more important. The position in my heart is the What Hong is looking at is the unique geographical location of Beigang. The two can promote each other and be mutually beneficial. Beigang can fully accommodate the existence of the two. I really don't understand why there is a dispute between you.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, the contradiction between the bonded area and Taihong is the Lin family corner. Tai Hong has divided the whole Lin family corner in. If we agree with this matter, we have to push back the previous plan made in the Binhai bonded area."

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, now Taihong is very resolute. If we don't give them the land in Linjiajiao, they will reconsider the plan to build a branch factory in Beigang."

Zhang Yang said, "This is a threat at all!"

Xiang Cheng said, "We agreed at the beginning of the negotiation with Taihong. As long as Taihong comes to Beigang to build a branch, they can choose the address of the factory within Beigang."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, it's not that I'm unwilling to sacrifice or give in, but that Taihong has gone too far in this matter."

Xiang Cheng put forward a compromise plan: "Zhang Yang, I hope you can consider the overall situation. As long as you make a little concession, you can achieve a win-win situation. You give up ten square kilometers of land in Linjiajiajiao, and I have allocated 20 square kilometers of land west of Linjiajiajiao to the bonded area What's it like? Xiang Cheng thought that he had given Zhang Yang enough face and exchanged twice the land for Zhang Yang's concessions.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Secretary Xiang, I specially consulted relevant experts about the construction of Taihong's factory. Taihong's construction of the factory in Linjiajiajiao is quite unfavorable to the future development of Beigang and Binhai, and will definitely become a roadblock hindering the development of our city in the future."

Xiang Cheng frowned. He thought that Zhang Yang was alarmist and said so much just to protect his own interests. Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, Lin Jiajiao's project was first led by the province. If this cooperation fails due to the reasons of Binhai, I think the superior will be held responsible." Xiang Cheng almost made it clear that this matter was led by Song Huaiming. If you do this now, you will not only have trouble with Beigang, but also tear down your own father-in-law's platform.

Zhang Yang said: "Secretary Xiang, Lin Jiajiao is located in the middle of Beigang and Binhai, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the two cities. Lin Jiajiao is the best place in our Beigang ecological environment. If a steel factory is built here, it is bound to have a huge impact on the local ecological environment, and today The development speed is changing with each passing day, and the expansion speed of the city is beyond imagination. Urban integration has become an inevitable trend. If Taihong chooses to build a factory in Linjiajiao, it will have an impact on the urban development of Beigang and Binhai at the same time in the future.

Xiang Cheng said, "Well, I know what you mean, but you also need to see the advantages. As the leader of the domestic steel industry, who doesn't want to invite them to build a factory? How much industrial output value will the annual output of millions of tons bring to Beigang? How many more employment opportunities will be given to Beigang? If the contract is successfully signed, the industrial level of our Beigang can become the leader in the development of Pinghai industry. Compared with the imaginary shortcomings you mentioned, these are all benefits that everyone can see. I know that you value the bonded area very much, and I also attach importance to the construction of the bonded area, but I still say the same sentence. The tax zone and Taihong's factory construction plan are not contradictory. The two can obviously achieve a win-win situation and jointly promote the development of Beigang. Why ignore the overall situation for their own interests?