Medical official path

Chapter 1022 Go as soon as you go

The official listing ceremony of Binhai City was held at 8 a.m. on time the next day. Zhou Xingmin, Governor of Pinghai Province, Yan Guotao, Secretary-General of Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, Jiangcheng City Committee [Book] Du Tianye, Beigang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiangcheng, Nanxi Municipal Party Committee [Book] Li Some famous figures in Pinghai politics gathered in front of the gate of the county administrative center in the past. There are many social celebrities who came to participate in the ceremony, Xue Shilun, Xiao Guocheng, Ding Gaoshan...

Zhang Daguan has been as tired as a grandson since he was busy yesterday. Although he is already a [book] of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, he can only be a host in front of so many leaders.

Governor Zhou Xingmin delivered a speech in deafening applause. He smiled and said, "Dear guests, friends, on the occasion of the official establishment of Binhai City and the official listing ceremony of Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to extend my most sincere greetings to all the people of Binhai and all the cadres and staff of Binhai A major event in the history of development is also a great happy event in the history of Pinghai's development. It is of great significance for the formation of the northern economy of Pinghai, the promotion of the urban development of the northern part of Pinghai, and the balance of the economic development of the north and south of Pinghai. Here, on behalf of the Party Committee of Pinghai Province and the Government of Pinghai Province, I would like to express my warmest congratulations to all the people of Binhai!"

Zhou Xingmin's speech was interrupted by warm applause. He had to stop talking for a while. After the applause subsided, he continued: "Binhai can successfully withdraw the county and change the city, which is inseparable from the pragmatic work style of the current leadership team of Binhai City. This happy event is the result of your efforts, and it is I am an affirmation of your work achievements. I hope that you will be brave and enterprising on the new platform of Binhai City, strive to make Binhai's economy further in a short period of time, thoroughly and effectively implement the principles and policies of reform and opening up, build the first bonded area in Pinghai at a high speed and high quality, and build Bin It has become a star city in the north of Pinghai, making Binhai a bright pearl in the coastal port city of Pinghai!"

None of the people present at the scene are ordinary people. Especially in the officialdom, what they are best at is to understand the spirit of the leader's speech. Most people have noticed one thing, a very important thing. In the speech of the governor Zhou Xingmin, there is no mention of Beigang at all. Although today is the city celebration of Binhai, Binhai is the city under the jurisdiction of Beigang. Zhou Xingmin Hong Kong is very abnormal. Moreover, he specially stressed the need to build Binhai into a star city in the north of Pinghai. It is certainly not unintentional to highlight the important position of Binhai.

A group of Beigang leaders all stood behind Zhou Xingmin, with a formulaic smile on everyone's face. But everyone can't hide the embarrassment in their smile. The Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiang Cheng did not laugh. From yesterday to today, he has not encountered anything that makes him happy. He can't find a reason to laugh, and he can't laugh. Governor Zhou Xingmin is by no means unintentional to make mistakes, and no one in a city as big as Beigang can ignore it, especially on the land of Beigang. The successive cold receptions encountered by Zhou Xingmin made Xiang Cheng a little angry, but he had no choice but to accept it. In front of the leader, he had no right to speak.

After the salute, Governor Zhou Xingmin, Secretary-General of Pinghai Provincial Party Committee Yan Guotao, Beigang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiangcheng jointly unveiled the Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Binhai Municipal Government.

The unveiling ceremony is only symbolic. Intercepting the red silk on the sign means that Binhai's history has opened an extremely important chapter. Since then, there has been one more county-level city in Pinghai. Zhang Yang is concerned about laying the foundation of the bonded area, and he is ready. Try to mobilize Zhou Xingmin to lay the foundation with him, as long as the foundation stone of the bonded area is rooted in the land of Linjiajiao. It is equivalent to completely smashing Taihong's plan. It should be said that this one's plan is quite good.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Gun Governor Zhou, are you satisfied with today's unveiling ceremony?"

Zhou Xingmin said, "Do you value this form of thing?"

The official Zhang immediately shook his head like a rattle: "Didn't you praise me for being pragmatic today?"

Zhou Xingmin couldn't help laughing: "I'm praising Binhai's leadership team. I didn't praise yourself!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not the same. I'm also a member of Binhai's leadership team."

Zhou Xingmin said, "Did you watch the Beigang Night News last night?"

Zhang Yang said with a confused face, "What?"

"Don't pretend to be confused. Everything is too much. Taihong wants to build a branch factory in Linjiajiao, which may harm your interests, but this kind of thing can be completely solved through negotiation. You just want to go side by the sword. Do you think others don't know that you can play these means? Anyone with a little brain can see that you want to use public opinion to instigate the people's antipathy to Taihong.

Zhang Yang said with a playful smile, "I'm not doing it for my own self-interest!"

Zhou Xingmin said, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want under the guise of being selfless. I don't care about the enmity between you and Zhao Yongfu. No personal resentment should involve the interests of the country and the people, otherwise it is irresponsibility to the party and the country, and

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't have it!"

Zhou Xingmin said, "The reason why I support you is that your plan for the bonded area is well done. Yours is indeed doing things with your heart. I criticize you not because of this, but because of what you have done to Taihong."

Zhang Guanren was inevitably a little embarrassed. There was no need to defend in front of Zhou Xingmin. He saw it clearly and made sure that this series of public opinion attacks against Taihong were all made by himself.

Zhou Xingmin said, "Zhang Yang, the reason why I came here this time is not to participate in the so-called listing ceremony. I don't tell you the truth. I want to solve the problem of Taihong and the bonded area. On this matter, Song [Shu] and I had a special discussion. Fish and bear paw, In order to protect the interests of the bonded area from being infringed, you have damaged Taihong's reputation in the process of maintaining the bonded area, which has caused many people to misunderstand Taihong. I can say that even if Taihong changes his attitude now and does not build a branch in Linjiajiajiao, they will be under considerable pressure to choose another

Zhang said secretly in his heart, "It's not Zhao Yongfu who asked for it himself!" But in any case, this kind of thing can't be said in front of Zhou Xingmin. Otherwise, he can only let Zhou Xingmin underestimate himself. His public mind is very clear. He also has a certain understanding of Zhou Xingmin. In fact, put himself in Zhou Xingmin's shoes. Standing at the height of the governor, of course, I hope that a leading . Zhang Yang pinched out a sincere and modest look: "Gun Governor Zhou, I really don't consider this matter well enough, but I really can't help it. I'm a deputy provincial cadre. I can't do it clearly. The leaders in Beigang are standing in other people's position. I'm alone, and I don't want I'm afraid that Lin Jiajiao has now been assigned to Taihong.

Zhou Xingmin said, "You, there are many reasons." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Gunchungrate Zhou, thank you for your support. I promise that from now on, I will be devoted to my work. I don't care about how others provoke me." After he finished speaking, he approached Zhou Xingmin and whispered, "Gourten Governor Zhou, what you think about the foundation of the bonded area..."

Zhou Xingmin said, "Don't play formalism. There is no point in unveiling or laying the foundation. Even if you invite the Party [Zhong] President [Book] to lay the foundation for you, the bonded area can't be achieved overnight. It still needs your whole leadership to cooperate and do it in a down-to-earth

Zhang Yang said, "But some situations have to go more or less, even if it's a lottery."

Zhou Xingmin stared at him discontentedly and said, "What's the lottery? You think I don't know your purpose. You pull me over, erect a monument in the corner of the Lin family, and dig a few shovels of earth, which means that I support your work, so as to demonstrate to several leaders in Beigang. What's your name? If it's good, it's called taking advantage of the situation. If it's not good, it's called a fox pretending to be a tiger. Can you do less superficial things? If you have the kung fu of playing with these little cleverness, it's better to think about how to build the bonded area better.

Zhang Daguan was exposed by Zhou Xingmin's original purpose in front of him. His face couldn't help but feel a little hot. He said awkwardly, "Gun Governor Zhou, am I asking for support?"

Zhou Xingmin said, "I met with Zhao Yongfu last night and talked to him very clearly. I clarified my position. The planning of the bonded area is very beautiful. Without this perfect plan, it would not have been so easy to impress me. You still have two brushes."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Thank you, Governor Zhou, for your praise."

Zhou Xingmin said, "Don't do any more things that lay the foundation. This kind of formalism is nothing more than to further stimulate other people's nerves and deepen their contradictions. I don't think it's necessary. In addition, it's time to stop the public opinion offensive against Taihong. Whether you admit it or not,

Zhang Yang said, "It's not me who deliberately target Taihong. Zhao Yongfu has always caused trouble. There are 500 mu of land belonging to Huaguang Group in the central area of the bonded area. Now Zhao Yongfu has reached an agreement with Huaguang. If he wants to take this land, he will definitely continue to cause trouble."