Medical official path

Chapter 1053 We are already unfamiliar with it

Wen Haonan said: "There are a lot of doubts on Qishan's body. We have been staring at him for a long time, and according to our news, there is indeed methamphetamine stored in Huiyuan's warehouse, otherwise we will not take action)"

Rong Pengfei said, "There are two possibilities. One is that your line report is wrong, and the other is that we have been tricked. They deliberately released such information in order to let us take action. In this way, not only will our investigation of his affairs be exposed, but I'm afraid that even the identity of comrades ambush in them will

Wen Haonan's face changed. He is a proud person. Since his feelings were frustrated with Qin Mengmeng, he once sank, and time healed his wounds. Since he got rid of Qin Zhendong in anger, he found that he was no longer Wen Haonan in the past. He became indifferent to his feelings, and he regained his He thought that his wisdom was superhuman. Unexpectedly, he was trapped by Qi Shan in this meeting. Wen Haonan's heart was like being bitten by tens of millions of poisonous insects. He was extremely sad. This was an unprecedented sense of frustration, and it was the first time at work.

Huo Yunzhong said, "Rong Bureau, I'm also responsible for this matter. I made a big deal of it. I'm sorry..."

Rong Pengfei looked at Huo Yunzhong dissatisfiedly and said, "I don't need to say that I know that from today on, you have been suspended!"

Huo Yunzhong didn't expect Rong Pengfei to be so ruthless. Even if his behavior today was a little impulsive, he did not think that he had made any principled mistakes and should not be punished so severely.

Wen Haonan also believes that Rong Pengfei's punishment for Huo Yunzhong is too heavy. He said in a hurry, "Rong Hall, I commanded this operation, I..."

Rong Pengfei glared at Wen Haonan and motioned him not to continue talking. Huo Yunzhong's face was earthy at this time, and he was really disheartened. I'm just the executor of the order, and I didn't expect that something went wrong. He has to bear all the responsibilities. He understands that it is impossible for Rong Pengfei to put the big board on Wen Haonan. He is the son of Vice Premier Wen. And he, in Rong Pengfei's eyes, was just a dispensable shrimp soldier and crab general. He nodded and said, "Rong Hall, I'll go first..." Huo Yunzhong staggered away from Rong Pengfei's office. He felt that his legs were weak. If he hadn't held the wall, he might have fallen to the ground. He was so cruel and oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

The real intention of Rong Pengfei's suspension of Huo Yunzhong is not to let him bear the responsibility for the whole thing.

Wen Haonan was also puzzled about this. After Huo Yunzhong left... The book friend uploaded the update} He shouted, "Rong Hall, if you want to deal with it, you should also deal with me. I am the commander of this operation."

Rong Pengfei said, "You hide behind your back. He is a direct executor. I have understood this matter very well. You asked him to act as low-key as possible and bring Qi Shan for questioning. It was his own initiative that he took more than a dozen policemen with live ammunition to arrest Qi Shan."

Wen Haonan said: "Rong Hall, even if the way he takes is a little too radical. But did you deal with him too much?

Rong Pengfei said with a blank face, "What should I do? I don't need your advice." He was obviously a little unhappy.

Wen Haonan said awkwardly, "Rong Hall, that's not what I mean. I just think Huo Yunzhong has not made a principled mistake, and his purpose is also to solve the case."

Rong Pengfei waved his hand and said, "Let's go. Write me a complete report later. You must make a deep self-criticism of what happened today. Also, withdraw our insider immediately. His identity should have been exposed, which is very dangerous."

Wen Haonan silently left Rong Pengfei's office.

It was time to get off work. At this time, Rong Pengfei received a phone call from Director Gao Zhonghe. Rong Pengfei put down the phone and came to Gao Zhonghe's office to report today's events to him.

Gao Zhonghe was quite annoyed by what happened to the Huiyuan Hotel today. The police took such a large-scale action and got nothing in the end. The so-called drugs were just MSG. This matter has become a joke and will soon spread throughout the public security system. Gao Zhonghe said, "Pengfei, Pengfei, you What are you doing? When do we have the right to arrest people at will without having evidence?

Rong Pengfei said sincerely, "Chief Gao, in this matter, I admit that I made a mistake in command."

Gao Zhonghe said, "I heard that you exempted Huo Yunzhong from the West City Branch?"

Rong Pengfei didn't expect the news to reach Gao Zhonghe's ears so quickly. It seems that Huo Yunzhong also has something to do with the public security department. Rong Pengfei said, "I exempt him to protect him. Besides, Huo Yunzhong does have an inescapable responsibility in the matter of Huiyuan Hotel. Haonan is responsible for direct Considering his relationship with Zhang Yang, it is not convenient to come forward directly and let the West City Branch cooperate. Huo Yunzhong could have used a lower-key method to find the suspect for questioning, but he took the most radical approach.

Gao Zhonghe said, "I also heard that Huo Yunzhong slapped his wife in the face in public. It was really majestic. The image of our Pinghai police community ruined his slap."

From Gao Zhonghe's words, it can be heard that he didn't mean to speak for Huo Yunzhong. Rong Pengfei nodded and said, "At that time, he happened to see his wife dancing with Qi Shan. I know that Qi Shan and Huo Yunzhong's wife Lin Xuejuan used to be lovers. Maybe it was the scene at that time That's why the contradictions suddenly intensified and made the sword tense. All this was beyond our pre-planned scope. By the time Haonan rushed away, everything was irreparable. Rong Pengfei's words are obviously enlightening Wen Haonan.

Gao Zhonghe sighed and said, "There is no distinguish between public and private. It is always a hidden danger for such a person to put him in the position of leader. Your handling it is very appropriate."

Rong Pengfei was recognized by Gao Zhonghe and relieved. In fact, Gao Zhonghe did not make it clear about something. Now Zhang Yang and his friends are also very angry. The energy of these young people cannot be underestimated. Zhou Xingguo, Xu Jianji and Xue Weitong are all people with a deep political background. Now their anger All pointed to Huo Yunzhong. If they don't respond in time, I'm afraid it's not so easy to finish this matter. Huo Yunzhong was suspended on the surface, which is actually a kind of protection for their own people. They punished Huo Yunzhong first, which helped to calm the anger of the public side. Maybe they will give up the idea of continuing to Law.

Gao Zhonghe added: "It is necessary to remind young people that they should not be too radical." Although Gao Zhonghe did not explain who he was, Rong Pengfei already understood in his heart that what Gao Zhonghe said was Wen Haonan.

In fact, sending Wen Haonan to his department gave Rong Pengfei quite a headache. He admitted that Wen Haonan had some abilities, but Wen Haonan also had the problems of the children of high cadres. His family background was destined to be a little arrogant, and he was full of confidence and vigorous. Perhaps these high-level children think that they had no In terms of what kind of leak was made, his family helped him clean up the mess.

Rong Pengfei said, "I told him, but Haonan's personality is very strong, and he may not make a change." Rong Pengfei gently showed Gao Zhonghe that Wen Haonan's head was not so easy to shave.

Gao Zhonghe was able to understand Rong Pengfei's difficulties. At the beginning, the purpose of giving Wen Haonan to him was to be afraid of putting more trouble elsewhere. Gao Zhonghe said, "The purpose of Vice Premier Wen put him on our side is to exercise him more, Pengfei. Don't have too many scruples."

Rong Pengfei smiled bitterly in his heart. If you don't have any scruples, it's useless to say it lightly about Wen Haonan. If it's serious, I'm afraid it will offend people. If I had known this, I shouldn't have promised to put this prince under his command.

Gao Zhonghe said, "Is there any problem with Qishan?"

Rong Pengfei said, "This man is very suspicious, but very cunning. We haven't caught any criminal evidence of him so far, but I firmly believe that he will not be so innocent."

Gao Zhonghe said, "We have to rely on factual evidence, and we can't do things by subjective assumptions. I hope this oolong incident will not happen for the second time today."

Rong Pengfei said, "Don't worry, I will restrain them."

Gao Zhonghe sighed and said, "Today's matter has made everyone disgraced. I can't speak well in front of Secretary Song. Come by the way, take time to talk to Zhang Yang and try to get their understanding."

Rong Pengfei was a little helpless. His men poked the leak, but asked him to apologize in a low voice. Although // The fastest text update of the book fan building has no pop-up windows and no advertisements // However, Zhang Yang and he are old friends, but today's events do make Zhang Yang lose face in He also felt a little sorry for Zhang Yang.

Rong Pengfei thought about it again and again and went to the Huiyuan Hotel in person. When he came to Huiyuan, he saw that two cadres of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were also there. Rong Pengfei thought there was something wrong again. After understanding it, he knew that Zhang Yang reported his gift list to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After all, he I am much more thorough.

Zhang Yang was talking with Margaret with Chu Yanran. The old lady was also a little uneasy about the police coming to the wedding site today. Zhang Yang explained the cause and effect of the matter to her. Hearing that Rong Pengfei was coming, Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning. It was a lie to say that he had no objection to Rong Pengfei. Today's matter made Zhang Yang quite uncomfortable, but everyone's past friendship was there, and Zhang Yang was still clear about Rong Pengfei's person, so naturally he could not avoid it.

After the two met, Rong Pengfei's first words were: "Zhang Yang, aren't you angry with me?"

Zhang Yang said, "You are the leader, I dare not be angry!"

"That's still angry!" Rong Pengfei patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder with a smile. The two came to the stone table in the yard and sat down. Rong Pengfei said, "Today's action is not aimed at you. I miscalculated the situation, so there was a deviation in the specific action process."

Zhang Yang said, "Is there any problem with Qishan?"

Rong Pengfei shook his head and said honestly, "We didn't find it." ( To be continued...) RX