Medical official path

Chapter 1054 Fly separately

Qi Shan met Huo Yunzhong on a narrow road in the aisle of the emergency room. The enemies met, and his eyes were very red. Huo Yunzhong glared at Qi Shan. From Huo Yunzhong's walking posture, Qi Shan had noticed that he had drunk. When Huo Yunzhong saw Qi Shan, he rushed to him. The fifth brother stopped in front of

The fifth brother hesitated for a moment and still got out of the way from him.

Huo Yunzhong waved his fist at Qi Shan. Qi Shan dodged, and an accurate hook hit Huo Yunzhong's jaw, which staggered Huo Yunzhong down~~ first release~~ On the ground, Qi Shan did not take advantage of the victory to chase, pointing to Huo Yunzhong and said If you are still a man, go and apologize to Xuejuan! She and I are innocent. Don't use your dirty thoughts to measure our relationship.

After saying that, Qi Shan turned around and left.

Huo Yunzhong sat on the ground. Qi Shan's punch made his drowsy mind clearer. He covered his head and thought about it. After a while, he remembered the purpose of his coming this time. He stood up staggering against the wall and walked to the emergency room.

Huo Yunzhong met Lin Xuejuan's mother in front of the emergency room. He said nervously, "Mom... Xuejuan..."

Lin's mother rounded her arm and slapped Huo Yunzhong fiercely: "Beast... Do you have any humanity?" After beating Huo Yunzhong, she cried because she couldn't control her emotions.

Lin Xuejuan's father calmly came over and advised his wife not to be too excited.

Huo Yunzhong covered his face and stood there awkwardly: "Dad... How about Xue Juan?"

Father Lin said coldly, " Director Huo, don't call me that. I can't stand it!"

Huo Yunzhong said, "Dad, I..." His eyes looked at the emergency room.

Lin's mother cried and said, "Get out of here, get out of here! What does our Lin family owe you? You're going to hurt my daughter like this..."

Huo Yunzhong was dejected and ready to leave, but he heard Lin Xuejuan's weak voice from the observation room, "Let him in!"

Huo Yunzhong came to the observation room. After being slapped by Lin's mother, Huo Yunzhong's mind completely cleared up and looked at his wife's haggard appearance. A trace of guilt appeared on Huo Yunzhong's face. His throat knot moved and he reached out to touch Lin Xuejuan's hand. Lin Xuejuan's voice seemed strange as never before: "Don't touch me!"

Huo Yunzhong's hand froze there. He slowly sat down by the bed and whispered, "Xue Juan. I'm sorry... I... I love you so much that I can't see you with him. I'm crazy with jealousy and out of my emotions, so I hurt you in front of so many people... I'm wrong. It's up to you to beat and scold me."

Lin Xuejuan was surprisingly calm: "Huo Yunzhong, after all, we are husband and wife. I don't want to say anything that hurts people, and I won't say it. Let's break up (www.) When I am discharged from the hospital, we will divorce.

"Why? Xue Juan, I know I'm wrong. I can change it. I swear to God. I won't hit you again. If I do that, I will die..."

"Huo Yunzhong, you don't have to curse yourself so viciously. You have never been really happy in the years when you married me. I'm not happy either. Since our marriage has become an excuse for mutual torture, why should we let this excuse exist? When I beg you, let me go and let go of yourself!"

Huo Yunzhong shook his head hard and said, "No, I'm happy. I won't be happy without you!"

"Stop deceiving yourself, Huo Yunzhong, I don't want to live like this."

Huo Yunzhong roared, "Is it for him? You have never forgotten him for so many years!"

Lin Xuejuan closed her eyes and said, "I decided that divorce has nothing to do with anyone. Huo Yunzhong, you are a man. Please don't let me despise you."

Huo Yunzhong stood up. He shook his head and retreated out of the door: "I won't divorce you. You want to sleep with him and dream! As long as I have a breath, I won't let you get what you want."

Huo Yunzhong turned around and ran out.

Two lines of tears flowed from Lin Xuejuan's closed eyes, and her feelings were just a cruel torture for her.

Because of what happened during the day, everyone's interest was affected that night. Zhang Yang and his buddies ended the bar early and dispersed separately.

After Zhang Yang sent these friends away one by one, he took a taxi to Xiaoxiang Road. Considering that He Chang'an had encountered so much trouble recently, Zhang Yang was still very careful. He was sure that no one followed him, so he slowly walked to No. 26 Xiaoxiang Road.

After listening to Zhang Yang's advice, Qin Mengmeng did not go out all day. He Chang'an was controlled by the procuratorate. At present, outsiders can't get close at all. Her current identity is He Chang'an's assistant He Yumeng.

Zhang Yang came to the small building and was a little relieved when he saw that Qin Mengmeng was safe. Qin Mengmeng asked him to sit down on the sofa and pour him a cup of coffee.

Zhang Yang took a sip of coffee and said, "Does Uncle He have an assistant named Li Dongshan?"

Qin Mengmeng nodded and said, "Mr. He is now in charge of most of his business in China."

Zhang Yang said, "Li Dongshan took the land in Nanwu, bribed officials, got a piece of land by improper means, and then used the land as collateral to get a huge loan from the bank. If it was just this matter, it would not have been exposed so early. He used violence on the demolition issue, which led to the death of a local resident.

Qin Mengmeng said, "I can guarantee that Mr. He knows nothing about Nanwu. It's just Li Dongshan's own decision."

Zhang Yang said, "Even if Li Dongshan made his own decision, it was also the company's behavior in the process of taking the land. Now he insists that everything he does is authorized by Uncle He, and he has followed Uncle He for many years, mastered many secrets of the company, and provided a lot of violations to the procuratorial organs. The trouble."

Qin Mengmeng was at a loss about this. She was full of worry and said, "Brother, what should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "According to what I have learned so far, Uncle He may have admitted something, and it is very unlikely that he will be acquitted this time."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Will it be serious?"

Zhang Yang said, "The result may not be too bad." In fact, he didn't know how far things would go. At present, only Luo Huining told him that Wen Guoquan would ask about this matter, but he did not say that he would definitely help He Chang'an.

Qin Mengmeng said, "I'm willing to spend as much as I want."

Zhang Yang said, "You are not suitable to come forward at present. No one knows your relationship except me. If your relationship is exposed, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome."

Qin Mengmeng said with tears in her eyes, "Big brother, but I can't see him in trouble, so I don't care about it."

Zhang Yang said, "I will try my best to find an opportunity to see if I can meet him. Before this matter is clear, you must hide your whereabouts. Who else have you contacted besides me?

Qin Mengmeng said, "Mr. He's lawyer, Yu Dongchuan, he helped to handle the procedures of the handover company this time."

Zhang Yang whispered, "How many property handover procedures have been completed by Mr. He?"

Qin Mengmeng said, "All overseas assets have been transferred to my name, and domestic property and property account for one-third of the total value of his assets, that is, this part has not been completed."

Zhang Yang said, "Does Yu Dongchuan know that Uncle He is controlled by the procuratorate?"

Qin Mengmeng was about to answer, but she heard the doorbell ringing outside.

The middle-aged woman who accompanied Qin Mengmeng came in and whispered to her. Qin Mengmeng whispered, "Say Cao Cao Cao will arrive!" But He Chang'an's lawyer Yu Dongchuan came to find her.

Zhang Yang made a gesture to Qin Mengmeng. Qin Mengmeng immediately understood what he meant and said to the middle-aged woman, "Let him come to the study to see me."

Zhang Yang hid behind the curtains in the study, and the space between the bay window and the curtains was enough for him to hide his body.

He Chang'an still has some cronies around him. Yu Dongchuan is his lawyer. He has been following He Chang'an for 15 years. He Chang'an once told Qin Mengmeng that the most trustworthy person around him is Yu Dongchuan. Even so, Yu Dongchuan does not know Qin Mengmeng's true identity.

In Qin Mengmeng's heart, except for his father and son, the only credible person in the world is Zhang Yang.

Yu Dongchuan didn't expect that there was an eavesdropping person hidden behind the curtains of the study. After entering the study, he called Miss He. Recently, He Chang'an transferred his assets to He Yumeng. Yu Dongchuan naturally doubted He Yumeng's identity. He Chang'an gave him a more reasonable explanation, only saying that He Yumeng was his illegitimate daughter.

Qin Mengmeng sat at the desk. After Yu Dongchuan walked in, she pointed to the chair opposite.

Yu Dongchuan first put the briefcase on the desk, and then sat down opposite Qin Mengmeng. He sighed, "Miss He, I have found a lot of relationships. At present, it can be confirmed that Mr. He was invited to have tea by the procuratorate. As for where he is now, I haven't found out."

Qin Mengmeng said, "How did this happen suddenly?"

Yu Dongchuan said, "According to me, Mr. He is controlled by the procuratorate this time, which is probably related to the land in Nanwu."

Qin Mengmeng said, "That land was created by Li Dongshan himself, and it has nothing to do with Mr. He."

Yu Dongchuan reminded her, "Mr. He is the legal person of the company. If the transfer procedures are completed, I'm afraid Miss He can't get rid of it!"

Qin Mengmeng said, "Lawyer Yu, is there any way to find Mr. He? According to your experience, will this matter be very serious?"

Yu Dongchuan said, "Miss He may not know much about the national situation. If you want to solve Mr. He's troubles, you must use the relationship."

Qin Mengmeng said, "It doesn't matter to me!" She is telling the truth. Except for publicity, she can't remember any other relationship.

Yu Dongchuan said, "It doesn't matter if you have money. As long as you are willing to spend money, you will always find a way."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Money is not a problem. As long as you can solve Mr. He's troubles, you can spend as much money, but Mr. He's domestic accounts have been frozen and it will take a certain amount of time."

Yu Dongchuan said, "Someone is willing to help!"

On the last day, the last fight, whether you can rush into the top ten depends on these more than ten hours! ( To be continued...) RX