Medical official path

Chapter 1060 Creativity Next

Zhang Daguan was full of surprise and said, "Can they believe such a strange lie? Did you say that the business elites were kicked in the head by donkeys?

Chu Yanran said, "Your head has just been kicked by a donkey."

Zhang Daguanren laughed and said, "I said something wrong. How can these business elites whose heads are squeezed by the door believe that the world of 2012 will be destroyed? Normally, they are all human spirits. Is it possible that the brains are short-circuited together?

Chu Yanran said, "Think about it, these people have a successful career, have no worries about food and clothing, and have nothing to worry about in front of them, so they have to worry about the future. 2012 is not close, and it is not far, and it is only 15 years. Do you think it is difficult to understand?"

Zhang Yang nodded. He really couldn't understand this matter. He thought 2012 was an irrelevant joke.

Chu Yanran said, "Actually, you should understand that when people reach a certain height, they like to be forward-looking and worry about the future. If you don't understand, it proves that your height is not enough.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Well, I'm not high enough. Not to mention that I'm really a little nervous now, girl, you can easily fool more than 200 social elites. Like me, don't you have to help you count the money after selling me?"

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "Don't be so simple. Who lied to whom? You lied to me from the beginning.

Zhang Daguan said: "Who lied to whom? Of course you lied to me.

"What did I lie to you about?"

"You have so much money. Of course, you don't like my salary. You lied to me."

"Get out of here. Zhang Yang, your face is hopeless!"

Ding Gaosheng of Hengmao Business was taken away by the police at one o'clock in the morning. The incident happened very suddenly. Ding Gaosheng was escorted into the police car by the [police] before he even had time to make a phone call.

After knowing this, Ding Gaoshan immediately called Su Rongtian, director of the Xingang Branch. Su Rongtian was also puzzled by this. He did not receive any notice to arrest Ding Gaosheng at all. In other words, this matter was not done by their Xingang Branch. The first person Su Rongtian thought of was Cheng Yandong. This is also normal. After Su Rongtian took charge of the public security power of Xinggang District, only Cheng Yandong violated the rules. Cross-border case handling. Su Rongtian said, "Mr. Ding, I don't know about this. I'll ask you now. By the way, you should also inquire about what's going on in Binhai.

Ding Gaoshan frowned. He understood what Su Rongtian meant. Ding Gaoshan did not think that his brother's matter had something to do with Binhai. Binhai's last cross-border case had aroused strong dissatisfaction from Beigang. Zhang Yang is now the time to be proud of the spring breeze. There is no need to risk the world to do such a The Ding family and Zhang Yang also have no contradictions. Ding Gaoshan said, "Soviet Bureau. I'm just asking if this has anything to do with you.

Su Rongtian said, "Mr. Ding, I haven't heard any news about this matter before. Absolutely not." He affirmed another sentence, as if to increase the intensity of his speech.

Ding Gaoshan said, "Su Bureau. We are old friends. I still can't believe you. This matter is very strange. Our Ding family has always been law-abiding. I don't know how to offended the immortal, and I took my brother away in the middle of the night.

Su Rongtian said, "Mr. Ding, don't worry. I'll check it for you right away."

Su Rongtian put down the phone. No before he called to inquire, the bureau called and summoned him to hold an emergency meeting in the bureau. Su Rongtian looked at the time. It was half a.m., and the bureau actually chose to hold a meeting at this time. Su Rongtian felt that the rain was coming from the bottom of his heart.

All the bureau chiefs of the six districts of Beigang City were summoned to the small conference room of the municipal bureau. Director Yuan Xiaogong sat there in uniform, with his eyes so full that he could not find any sleepiness on his face.

The branch chiefs came to the conference room and sat down. From Yuan Xiaogong's serious expression, they realized that something big was going to happen tonight.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "I came to you tonight to hold an emergency meeting. In view of the deteriorating public security situation in Beigang City, we will carry out a surprise governance throughout the city tonight, which will be deployed by the municipal bureau. This is our temporary headquarters. From now on, everyone will obey my safety. Row. Coordinate and resolutely fight this arduous battle against Africa!"

Su Rongtian immediately realized that Ding Gaosheng's arrest was related to this operation, that is to say, Yuan Xiaogong had already launched an action before recruiting them here for a meeting. After they came to the conference room of the General Administration, they just made the action public. The branch chiefs looked at each other and found deep confusion in each other's eyes. Yuan Xiaogong did this as a sign of distrust to the group of branch chiefs. Was he afraid that someone would inform him?

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for most people on the Beigang Public Security Front. Under the deployment of Yuan Xiaogong, the Beigang Public Security Line dispatched and arrested a group of suspected criminals. That night, a comprehensive inspection was carried out on the entertainment centers of Beigang, which should be regarded as the largest in the history of Beigang. Once.

Chen Gang was woken up by urine in the middle of the night. When he was old, his prostate function deteriorated. He is now going to get up twice at night. Chen Gang looked at the sleeping female singer Dai Lin beside him, and there was a satisfied smile on the corners of his lips. Although this woman looked awe-inspiring and inviolable A ****.

Chen Gang quietly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to solve the internal emergency. Maybe it was some kind of feeling. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains and looked outside. Seeing the flashing police lights outside, Chen Gang couldn't help but be shocked. He immediately realized that it was an unusual situation. Then there was an idea to leave immediately, but Chen Gang immediately thought that this was Tianjie, and no one would check here.

** The woman had a dream.

Chen Gang frowned. He went back to ** and lay down, reached out and squeezed the woman's front chest. The woman who entered the dream pushed impatiently. Unexpectedly, such a action aroused Chen Gang's anger. He turned the woman around him extremely rudely and entered her without any warm-up. The woman opened in pain. He opened his eyes, and then changed into a flattering expression, stirling Chen Gang's desire with a moan, and Chen Gang's action did not last long. As soon as he moved twice, he twitched his whole body and hugged the woman tightly.

Dai Lin groaned endlessly, and her legs wrapped around Chen Gang desperately, as if to squeeze every drop of water in his [body]. Chen Gang gasped and broke away from her shackles and lay back in his position.

Dai Lin pulled out a tissue to cover between her legs and trotted all the way to the bathroom.

Chen Gang was a little uneasy. He got up and walked to the window again. There seemed to be more and more police lights on the street. Chen Gang finally decided to leave, and he quickly put on his clothes.

When Dai Lin came out, she saw that Chen Gang was already dressed. She was a little surprised and said, "It's so late. What are you going to do?"

Chen Gang whispered, "There's something urgent at home. I called here."

Dai Lin pouted her lips, walked forward naked, and put her arms around his neck: "What do you have to do now? I don't want you to go."

Chen Gang said, "I have arranged your business." Chen Gang didn't like Dai Lin's coquettishness. He had got what he wanted, and he also paid Dai Lin's reward. Everyone took what they needed and did not owe each other.

Dai Linjiao said, "I can't bear to let you go!"

Chen Gang scolded nonsense in the bottom of his heart. Just now, he clearly saw the disappointment in her eyes. When he was old, Chen Gang sighed in his heart that recently, his ** power in this regard has also begun to decline. It is not so much that he is looking for a woman for physiological needs as a psychological need. This is a kind of

Chen Gang walked very resolutely. This place on Tianjie is very secret. There are special elevators in and out of the way. You can only use it by swiping your card. Here, you don't have to worry about meeting acquaintances. When Chen Gang passed the corridor, he met a waitress. The light was a little dim At the end, I remembered to look back, but the figure of the waitress had already disappeared.

The surprise inspection that began overnight in Beigang shocked the whole city. That night, a total of 57 criminals were arrested and 17 entertainment venues were inspected. The police took away a total of 239 young ladies suspected of engaging in pornographic services, and 37 prostitutes were arrested on the spot. Six gambling dens covered up by game console halls were destroyed, and more than 5 million gambling funds were confiscated.

The Beigang police's operation has no sign, and the rectification is so strong and wide that it is unprecedented.

Ding Gaosheng was arrested not because of economic crime, but because of a criminal injury case three years ago. At that time, the two murderers were caught, one of whom insisted that he was instructed by Ding Gaosheng, and the arrest order was directly issued by Yuan Xiaogong.

Jiang Honggang couldn't sleep well this night. Ding Gaoshan called in the early morning to tell him about his brother's arrest. Jiang Hong first expected that this was not good. The public security rectification in Beigang was too sudden. Yuan Xiaogong did not move. As soon as he moved, he was vigorous, cracking down on criminal crimes and cracking down on pornography Gambling can be described as a multi-pronged approach. What is confusing is that there was no sign of all this before. Jiang Honggang thought that he was just being in the dark. It was impossible for Yuan Xiaogong not to pass through the city for such a big thing.

If this is the meaning of the city, it will have to make him think too much. Jiang Honggang couldn't help but think of what he said in front of Song Huaiming. He put forward the concept of the rule of law. He talked about the public security situation in Beigang. Have these things spread to the ears of the leaders of Beigang? The team represented by Xiang Cheng is using this way to give himself a head-on blow? Although Jiang Honggang promised Ding Gaoshan to ask about this matter, there were some difficulties in his words. Now he is in the limery. If he goes to Xiang Cheng, I'm afraid he will humiliate himself. ( To be continued)