Medical official path

Chapter 1062 Analysis of the Situation

Sitting in Yuan Xiaonong's villa, the four brothers of the Yuan family fell into a long silence. Yuan Xiaonong took the lead in breaking the silence and said, "To treat this kind of falling dog, you must fight to the end. You can't give him a chance to counterattack. Before, my cargo ship was investigated, and it was all

Yuan Xiaoshang asked, "What evidence do you have?"

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Do you still need to ask? Ding has been competing with us for territory.

The third brother Yuan Xiaobing said, "I also agree with my second brother. You can't show mercy to this kind of person. If you let him go now, when he recovers down, the first one to be bitten will be us."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "It may not be a good idea to force the dog into a poor alley, in case the dog jumps over the wall..."

Yuan Xiaonong disdained and said, "We have a stick to beat the dog. We are not afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry. Besides, Ding Gaosheng is now in our hands. He Ding Gaoshan dares to make a strange move. It will be him who will be unlucky."

Yuan Xiaogong coughed and interrupted the conversation between several brothers.

The three people looked at him in unison, waiting for the eldest brother to speak.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "People's courage is related to the situation. Once they are forced to a dead end, they can do anything crazy."

Yuan Xiaoshang nodded and said, "That's what I mean. Our brother doesn't have to fight with him. The first thing we need to consider now is to retreat."

Yuan Xiaonong was a little impatient and said, "Four, you have been talking about retreating all day long. Our brother is doing well. At the most popular time, there is still a lot of money to earn. Why do you want to consider retiring? Brother, there is still room for improvement. Do we have to throw away all the business of Beigang and go to a strange place to start over?

Yuan Xiaogong said, "If you have no foresight, you must have immediate worries. You can't see through the current situation."

Yuan Xiaobing said, "Brother, now everything is on track. Even if we quit, it is impossible to retreat. The fourth is too **."

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Lao Si, you were the most courageous among your brothers in the past, but since the great thing happened, you have become forward-looking. Do things timidly. What are you afraid of? When the sky falls, there are brothers to support you. Now that Everbright has gone to study in England, you should have nothing to worry about.

Yuan Xiaoshang sighed and said, "Second brother, can't you see that Beigang is facing a change?"

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Change? Beigang has never stopped changing.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Xiang Cheng still has a year to reach the point, that is to say, Beigang will definitely face the handover of power."

"How much does political affairs have to do with us?"

Yuan Xiaogong whispered, "This is a severe crackdown. On the surface, it looks like a public security rectification. But in fact, it was because someone angered Secretary Xiang. He lit a cigarette, took a sip, and exhaled a cloud of smoke. Just now, he said slowly: "I don't know how many people are thinking about the throne of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but within the scope of Beigang, there is the most hope to replace Xiang Cheng. There are only two people, one is Gong Huanshan, and the other is Jiang Honggang.

Yuan Xiaonong nodded and said, "Everyone knows about this. I heard that Xiang Cheng wants Gong Huanshan to take his place."

Yuan Xiaogong smiled indifferently and said, "Gong Huanshan is so obedient. Of course, Xiang Cheng wants to hand over power to him. Only Gong Huanshan, the secretary of the municipal party committee, can maintain Xiang Cheng's political dignity from being violated in the short term. If Jiang Honggang becomes the secretary of the municipal party committee, then Beigang Based on my understanding of Jiang Honggang, this person will never safeguard Xiang Cheng's political interests. What's more troublesome is that he and Ding Gaoshan are friends.

All the Yuan brothers nodded.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Two days ago, Jiang Honggang took the opportunity to go to Dongjiang for a meeting, attended Zhang Yang's sister's wedding, and contacted senior provincial officials in many ways, but he did not know that all his actions were under the hands of Xiang Cheng. Jiang Honggang talked loudly in front of Secretary Song, saying that the public security environment in Beigang was a mess, and the nonsense of implementing the rule of law in Beigang was naturally spread to Xiang Cheng's ears, so Xiang Cheng took the opportunity. There was a severe storm, and the first person he hit was Jiang Honggang's old friend Ding Gaoshan. Any political activity should have a certain economic foundation. Jiang Honggang's activities in the province are inseparable from the support of Ding Gaoshan. Xiang Cheng's fight is false, and it is true to fold Jiang Honggang's arm.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I thought Jiang Honggang could stand up for Ding Gaoshan, but now it seems that this person is overrated by me."

Yuan Xiaogong smiled and said, "It's not only us who overestimate him, but also Ding Gaoshan, and Ding Gaoshan also because of him."

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Brother, I still don't understand. Now Xiang Cheng wants to deal with them, which has nothing to do with us. Our relationship with Xiang Cheng has always been good. He will not deal with us. Jiang Honggang has fallen, and it is more likely that Gong Huanshan will rise to the throne. Based on our relationship with The world."

Yuan Xiaogong frowned because of the second brother's words. He was the most confused among the brothers. Yuan Xiaogong said, "Do you think Gong Huanshan will be able to take over smoothly?"

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Jiang Honggang, a competitor, has been defeated, and his future is naturally bright."

Yuan Xiaogong shook his head and said, "I don't think so!"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Big brother, I think this matter came suddenly and strangely. When Jiang Honggang went to the province this time, his rule of law remarks could not be said to everyone. He should think of the consequences."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Jiang Honggang seems to be just false now, but this time it is really strange. How can the conversation between Jiang Honggang and Secretary Song come out? He won't talk nonsense himself. The only possibility is that Secretary Song deliberately revealed it. If so, what is the purpose of Secretary Song?

Yuan Xiaoshang whispered, "Big brother, you mean that Secretary Song just wants to use this matter to provoke contradictions within the leadership of Beigang. Once the political disputes in Beigang become clear, he can justify and step in."

Yuan Xiaogong nodded slowly and said, "When Governor Zhou came last time, I had a sense of ominous. Now it seems that the province is very dissatisfied with Beigang. Believe it or not, the political situation in Beigang will change in a long time."

Yuan Xiaonong looked confused. Naturally, he couldn't figure out the truth in it. He only felt that the pool of officialdom was really unfathomable.

Yuan Xiaobing said, "Brother, we all listen to you. You can do what you want."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "When the typhoon comes, it's better to go out less and do less!"

Yuan Xiaogong's real words can only be said to Lao Si. On the way to Yuan Xiaoshang sent him back, Yuan Xiaogong said, "I'm afraid we don't have much time left."

Yuan Xiaoshang nodded: "No matter how they fight, we don't want to participate in it."

Yuan Xiaogong squeezed his lips and whispered in the dark, "Under the nest, do you have a complete egg?"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Then it depends on whether there are any birds breaking out of the shell in time and flapping their wings and flying high before the nest is over!"

Yuan Xiaogong's deep eyes flashed two rays, which were full of hope that only the two of them could understand.

Ding Gaoshan slowly put down the phone. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. After getting the consent, Ding Lin came in from the outside. Her health had never been very good, and her pale face always gave people a sick feeling. Ding Lin said, "Dad, my second aunt just called to ask about her second uncle. She found

Ding Gaoshan said, "Didn't you ask her to leave it alone?"

Ding Lin said, "Dad, after all, they are husband and wife, and it's normal to be nervous."

Ding Gaoshan said, "It's okay!"

Ding Lin is a little uncertain: "Dad, do you mean my second uncle is all right?"

Ding Gaoshan nodded and said, "The police have found out, it's just a misunderstanding. Your second uncle will be back by tomorrow at the latest.

Ding Lin said happily, "Really?"

Ding Gaoshan smiled and said, "Silly girl, how can I lie to you?" He motioned his daughter to sit down beside him and whispered, "Have you contacted any freshmen recently?"

Ding Lin said, "He said he would come to Beigang at the end of the month."

Ding Gaoshan said, "It's good to come back. With so many things, I really need to share it alone."

Everyone needs to share. No matter how strong you are, if no one shares it when you are in pain, then you will only suffer more. If no one shares it when you are happy, then your happiness will be halved.

When Chu Yanran left Binhai, she hugged Zhang Yang tightly, as if she wanted to melt herself into his arms. Zhang Yang gently patted her on the shoulder and said softly, "Dwar, if you really can't bear to part with me, don't go."

Chu Yanran said, "If you can't bear to part with me, why don't you just quit your job and come with me!"

"Isn't that forcing me to eat soft rice?"

Chu Yanran said, "Didn't you say you didn't care about anything for me?"

Zhang Daguan said, "You don't care about anything, but you can't eat soft rice. If you eat too much soft rice, men will become softer and softer. If I am soft, will you still like me?"

Chu Yanran blushed and felt that a part of this person was about to move again. She said coquettishly, "Even if you are a eunuch, I like it."

Zhang's face was unbelievable: "Dwar, you've reached this level."

Chu Yanran said, "You think everyone is like you, and your mind is full of ugness."

Zhang Daguan said, "If you really like the eunuch, I have to commit suicide. In the face of such a lively beauty, there is nothing I can do. Do you want to suffoze me to death?"

Chu Yanran said, "Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, should you check it?"

Zhang Yang said, "What should I check?"

Chu Yanran said, "You don't think you have a great interest in this aspect. A medical disease is an addiction in this regard. I think you are."

Zhang Daguan laughed.

Chu Yanran said, "What are you laughing at? I think you are!"

Zhang Yang said, "Then I'll check it. Do you think if I really get this disease, how should I treat it?"