Medical official path

Chapter 1063 Before the Wind and Rain

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Uncle Xiao is very supportive of the work of the bonded area. Fortunately, the 500 million you provided for the launch of the bonded area."

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "Your Secretary Zhang and I are old friends. If our friends are in trouble, of course I want to help. But as you know, businessmen often have to be careful when they spend every penny. I don't invest blindly. I'm very optimistic about the prospects of the bonded area.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I heard that Uncle Xiao is interested in participating in the reconstruction project of Fulong Port?"

Xiao Guocheng nodded and said, "I didn't have much experience in the shipping industry, and naturally I'm not interested in it, but now that the Japanese yuan and the family take the initiative to cooperate with me, I naturally have no reason to refuse." Xiao Guocheng just mentioned a sentence like a dragonfly, and did not continue to discuss this topic. He looked at the time and said, "Let's not talk anymore. I have an appointment with Secretary Zhang. It's over."

Qiao Mengyuan sent Xiao Guocheng out of the office. She felt that Xiao Guocheng's visit seemed a little abrupt. She secretly wondered in her heart that Xiao Guocheng was just such a simple visit by the way? Why didn't he mention the Xingyue Group?

Zhang Yang and Xiao Guocheng made an appointment to meet at 10 a.m. When Xiao Guocheng came to his office, Zhang Yang asked Fu Changzheng to just brew the tea and sit in front of the coffee table, waiting for Xiao Guocheng's arrival.

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "I just went to Director Qiao's place by the way! I said hello to her.

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. He didn't know why Xiao Guocheng went to see Qiao Mengyuan. Invited Xiao Guocheng to sit down on the sofa, picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of tea: "Mr. Xiao, please have some tea!" Both of them behaved very politely in this environment.

Xiao Guocheng twisted the tea cup. He took a sip of tea and said, "I came here this time to learn about Fulong Port."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't ask Qiao Mengyuan. Now she is specifically responsible for this matter, and the tender is also handed over to her for drafting."

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "When officials reach a certain level, they will do nothing. They don't have to work, and everything will be left to their hands."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao is beating around the bush and sarcasm me. I can hear it."

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "I dare not. You are an official and I am a citizen. I dare not be disrespectful to you at all.

Zhang Yang said, "Although I am an official. But you are my creditor, and I owe you 500 million.

Xiao Guocheng said, "Then I dare not offend you now. It's the uncle who owes money. If I annoy you, you won't admit it. At that time, I can't find a place to cry.

The two laughed together, knowing that the other party was talking about jokes.

Zhang Yang said, "Two days ago, when I went to Baidao, Miss Xiao greeted me, saying that you cooperated with Yuanhe's family and wanted to take over the reconstruction project of Fulong Port and the future management rights."

Xiao Guocheng nodded and said, "That's good."

Zhang Yang slowly dropped the tea cup in his hand and said, "Mr. Xiao, there was no Fulong Port project in your investment intention before."

Xiao Guocheng said, "I had no experience in building and operating ports in the past, but the Yuanhe family cooperated with me. I have the ability in this regard. Now that I have an advantage, of course, I began to think about Fort Fulong.

Zhang Yang said: "The reconstruction and management rights of Fulong Port are now favored by many aspects. To tell you the truth, Singapore Star Moon Group has inspected and passed the investment plan. In these two days, they will send someone to submit the investment plan to me.

Xiao Guocheng whispered, "I hear you mean to open bidding."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I really can't do anything about the Port of Fulong. I have decided on a public bidding plan before. Now that the tendering document has also been completed, the bidding work will be carried out in the near future, and the specific work will be handed over to the China Merchants Office.

Xiao Guocheng said, "Now that it has been settled, we can only compete according to the rules. Xingyue is very powerful. I think our chances of winning this time are only half at most.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Xiao, it's not that I don't want to help you, but now Beigang is in the ** period. You must be very careful in everything you do, otherwise someone must poke you behind your back and do things randomly."

Xiao Guocheng couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Zhang, don't worry, I don't mean to embarrass you. In fact, I also agree with the open and transparent bidding form. Only in this way can people with intentions keep their mouths shut. Making money must be made in the open place, and it's the same." He took a sip of tea and said, "I just arrived in Beigang yesterday and found that the atmosphere in Beigang was a little wrong recently."

Zhang Yang said, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Guocheng said, "You haven't heard of the powerful and strict action in Beigang, have you?"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "How can I not know? Secretary Xiang is determined to rectify the social order in Beigang and fundamentally control the rampant crime situation in Beigang, which is a good thing.

Xiao Guocheng said, "In the past two days, the hotel service industry in the whole city has been almost checked, and even our Huaguang hotels have been greatly affected."

Zhang Yang remembered that Xiao Guocheng not only has a golden harbor, but also a nationwide Yijia chain. It seems that Xiang Cheng has violated his interests this time. No wonder Xiao Guocheng has complained. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The fire at the gate affected the pond fish! Mr. Xiao should not be unable to see through the real situation.

Xiao Guocheng sighed and said, "This is the difference between officialdom and shopping malls. Few people in shopping malls will do things that are harmful to others, unless two people have insoluble hatred, and in officialdom, even a small conflict of interest, may lead to a storm. I heard that Jiang Honggang is for the position of secretary of the municipal party committee Zi and Gong Huanshan fought very hard.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't know much about the superiors. I haven't even been busy with Binhai recently."

Xiao Guocheng laughed and said, "Secretary Zhang is really rigorous and speaks well." In fact, he knew Zhang Yang's temperament and knew that he was a good thing. This time, he was also quite surprised by Zhang Yang's calmness.

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that I'm rigorous, it's that I don't have time to get involved in their affairs. Some people want to pull me in. Although I have experienced a lot of political struggles, there has never been a time I fought for power for no reason."

Xiao Guocheng looked at Zhang Yang with a smile and said, "Business people are looking forward to a stable and united environment."

Zhang Yang said, "So I put the stability of the social order in Binhai first place." He took a sip of the tea ceremony: "Mr. Xiao is also very interested in politics!"

Xiao Guocheng said, "I'm only interested in politics related to myself."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

It rained in the afternoon of Beigang. The weather was gloomy and the rain continued. In such a weather, it was easy to breed sadness, but Ding Gaoshan did not have any sadness in his heart. He stood opposite the gate of the Sanhe Detention Center and looked over there. The small door opened. Ding Gaosheng came out of it. He escort The policeman said something, then raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked across the road. Through the hazy rain and fog, he saw the eldest brother standing there. Although Ding Gaosheng could not see his eyes at this moment, he felt the eldest brother's care and concern for him from the bottom of his heart, Ding Liang was a little sour, and he quickly walked into the wind and rain.

Ding Gaoshan did not move his steps from beginning to end. It was not until his brother came to him that he smiled.

Ding Gaosheng said, "Big brother..." There were two crystals in his eyes, and he couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

Ding Gaoshan stretched out his hands, patted his brother on the shoulder, and whispered, "It's okay!" A sentence that is okay contains too much meaning.

Ding Gaosheng wanted to say something, but he heard Ding Gaoshan say, "Let's talk about it when we get in the car."

Sitting in the black Mercedes-Benz of Ding Gaoshan, Ding Gaosheng said, "Brother, I'm worried about you."

Ding Gaoshan smiled indifferently and said, "Family, never talk about two families."

The car started slowly, and Ding Gaosheng looked at the other party's detention center through the window stained with rain.

Ding Gao Shan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Say goodbye to me forever!"

Ding Gaosheng said, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Ding Gaoshan nodded, took out a box of cigarettes and handed them to him. Ding Gaosheng lit the cigarette and took two inhals. The space in the car was suddenly full of the smell of tobacco. His nerves gradually relaxed with the smoke. He closed his eyes slightly tiredly, raised his head and leaned on the headrest, and whispered, "Yuan Xiaogong deliberately messed me and took personal revenge!" I must settle this account with them!"

Ding Gaoshan said, "No wonder they are unclear about the situation."

Ding Gaosheng was a little stunned and said, "Brother, it was Yuan Xiaogong who ordered me to be caught!"

"Do you think you would have come out so easily if he hadn't said something?" Ding Gao Shan's eyes seemed a little uncertain in the smoke. He shook his head: "Our brother is not afraid of anyone, but the war is not good for anyone. The end is that both sides will be defeated."

Ding Gaosheng didn't say anything, squeezed his lips, and agreed with his eldest brother's words in his heart.

Ding Gao Shan said, "I mistakenly estimated Jiang Honggang's ability, thinking that he was a material and a strange commodity, but now I find that he is just a loser! Jin Yu's external failure is among them!"

Ding Gaosheng looked at the eldest brother puzzledly. I don't know why the eldest brother suddenly hated Jiang Honggang.

Ding Gaoshan said, "This time, the severe crackdown in Beigang is started by Xiang Cheng. He wants to give the restless Jiang Honggang a horse and let him be honest. The fire at the gate affects the pond fish. We are just implicated by Jiang Honggang. This person is unbearable. If something really happens, he dare not Because of his brother's incident, Ding Gaoshan is extremely cold to Jiang Honggang.

Ding Gaosheng gritted his teeth and said, "There is really no good thing as an official!"

Ding Gaoshan said, "Yuan wants to take this opportunity to get rid of us. Ha ha, delusional. They think we are really soft persimmons. Who wants to pinch it twice?"