Medical official path

Chapter 1064 Tear the Gap Below

The rain kept raining in Beigang, which was a long rainy season for Xiang Cheng. The working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had been in Beigang for three days. Xiang Cheng thought it was necessary to meet Liu Yanhong. He took the initiative to contact Liu Yanhong, but Liu Yanhong rejected him on the grounds of busy work.

Liu Yanhong didn't see any big moves from her except for Jiang Honggang, who came to Beigang this time. Xiang Chengxin didn't know where Liu Yanhong was busy? Liu Yanhong's attitude couldn't help reminding Xiang Cheng of Zhou Xingmin. He was obviously unpopular in the eyes of these provincial leaders. In front of them, Xiang Cheng often suffered from white eyes recently.

Xiang Cheng had foreseen that the province would take action against Binhai. Jiang Honggang was double-regulated, and the position of the deputy [Shu] of the municipal party committee was obviously vacant. The province would send a new deputy [book] of the municipal party committee, and he could almost conclude that the new deputy of the municipal party committee was the successor Thinking of this, Xiang Cheng's mood is extremely depressed. As a Beigang Municipal Party Committee [book], he has no right to speak on the issue of his successor. Xiang Cheng feels more and more that he is old, and some things can't be retained. The idea of trying to help the palace and continue his power and influence seems to be Become a bubble.

Xiang Cheng felt a little regret. If it hadn't been for him and Gong Huanshan's rush to Jiang Honggang, maybe Jiang Honggang would not have happened. Facts that Jiang Honggang was not worried. Defeated Jiang Honggang and let Jiang Honggang expose too much, which led to Jiang Honggang's fate of being double-regulated, I'm afraid that there will be a more difficult role to deal with. Neither he nor Jiang Honggang is the winner in this political struggle. The province may have already planned it, and they are waiting for such an opportunity. Through such an opportunity, open the gap in Beigang and penetrate little by little. Finally, the comprehensive transformation of the management of Beigang was completed.

Liu Yanhong is actually not busy. In addition to Jiang Honggang, who came to Beigang this time, she also took time to have a good tour here. On the day Xiang Cheng called, Liu Yanhong went to Binhai and went to the Binhai Municipal Party Committee to visit the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Zhang Yang.

In fact, Zhang Guanren wanted to meet Liu Yanhong these two days. He was very curious that the matter of Jiang Honggang's double regulation was too sudden. Zhang Guanren wanted to learn something from Liu Yanhong.

Liu Yanhong took the initiative to come to the door, which made Zhang Guanren a little overjoyed. He got up and greeted him: "Mr. Liu. What kind of wind blew you here!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't you welcome me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Welcome. Welcome, warm welcome! Since I knew that you had come to Beigang, I really wanted to meet you, but I heard that you brought a task this time, and I was afraid that it would delay your work. Don't dare to disturb! Besides, you have come all the way to Jiang Honggang. The farther I hide, the better.

Liu Yanhong said, "What do you mean? Why do I listen to me like a plague and ridicule me? Believe it or not, I really gave you a double rule.

Zhang Guanren laughed and said, "Don't mind, even if you really want to double-discipline me, I, a county-level cadre, is enough for the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to deal with it. How can I use your cow-killing knife?"

Liu Yanhong said, "I still sarcastically when I listen to it. Zhang Yang, do you have a problem with me?

Zhang Yangle invited Liu Yanhong in: "I dare not say in the public, you are my superior leader. In terms of personal feelings, you are my elder sister. I only have respect for you, and I have no problem with you.

Liu Yanhong sat down in Zhang Yang's seat, and Zhang felt uncomfortable again: "Sister, you can't be equal to me. Can we all sit on the sofa? When you sit like this, I feel that this office seems to be yours. So what... Why do I feel so awkward?"

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "You really have a lot of things to do. Sit down honestly."

Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa: "You are called anti-guest, Liu [Shu], are you coming to me today for personal relations or for business?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Private sex, don't be afraid. I won't bother you."

Zhang Daguan grinned happily: "With my recent performance, you can't find me even if you want to trouble me."

"You are confident enough! Zhang Yang, I heard that you and Jiang Honggang are quite close.

Zhang Guanren sighed and said, "Sister, didn't we say we didn't talk about work?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Since you call me sister, can't I care about your social interaction? Don't think too much. I didn't mean to trick you.

Zhang Yang said, "It's not that Jiang Honggang and I are close, but that he is close to me."

Liu Yanhong said, "Does he want to have a good relationship with Song [Shu] through you?"

Zhang Daguan said: "Sister, you know everything. Don't ask. My relationship with Jiang Honggang has always been okay, but I have never been in collusion with him. Of course, I can't do anything. Now that they are double-regulated by you, you just do business. Don't think about getting any news from me. Come on, I haven't reported his situation to you either.

Liu Yanhong said, "I'm very defensive. Do you know why Jiang Honggang was double-regulated?"

Although Zhang's official was curious, he said, "Officials are double-regulated, which is nothing more than economic problems and style problems. In fact, no matter what the reason is, it has nothing to do with me."

Liu Yanhong said, "He has a lot of unknown sources of property."

Zhang Yang said, "That's the economic problem. How many problems have been found?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Our comrade has searched his family in accordance with the relevant regulations. He didn't find anything special in his family, but he can't explain something clearly. His daughter studies art in France, and her annual tuition fee is 50,000 pounds, which is unaffordable with the salary of the couple alone. "

Zhang Yang said, "They can borrow it, and it may not be corruption." Zhang's official is really not a person who fell into the well.

Liu Yanhong said, "He said the same thing. He said that his daughter's tuition fees were borrowed from Ding Gaoshan, but the brothers Ding Gaoshan and Ding Gaosheng died. Now no one has provided evidence for him to prove whether he borrowed money from Ding Gaoshan or Ding Gaoshan bribed him and lent him the money."

Zhang Yang said, "There is no proof of death!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Jiang Honggang insisted that he had written an IOU at the beginning, but we asked the Ding family, and they didn't know what IOU at all."

Zhang Yang said, "Sister, I think this matter is a little strange. Jiang Honggang and Ding Gao Shan are old classmates. Even if Ding Gao Shan lends money to him, it is not uncommon. If Jiang Honggang really wrote an IOU, then didn't you wrong him?"

Liu Yanhong said, "An official, who relaxes his vigilance in terms of money, is definitely not a competent official."

Zhang Yang said, "Did Jiang Honggang fold in this time?"

Liu Yanhong said, "No matter what the result of the investigation is, Jiang Honggang's official career in Beigang has come to an end."

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't the seat of the deputy [book] of the municipal party committee vacant?" The one's eyes suddenly lit up.

Liu Yanhong caught something from his eyes and unconsciously smiled: "Zhang Yang, aren't you interested in the seat left by Jiang Honggang?"

Zhang Daguan said: "I'm still a little self-akoned. Just like me, there is no hope at all. Moreover, my interest in officialdom is getting weaker and weaker now. The more I watch it, the more boring I feel. Is it exciting to fight? It's better to do more business than to have time and energy.

Liu Yanhong said, "My consciousness has really improved. I'll tell you an inside story. Do you know who the province will send to replace Jiang Honggang?"

Zhang Daguan didn't know why he thought of Qin Qing first, but he immediately denied this possibility. At the beginning, he was transferred from Dongjiang to Beigang in order to avoid suspicion. The province would not put him and Qin Qing's partner who had an affair with him again.

Liu Yanhong said, "Gong Qiwei, Executive Vice Mayor of Nancy!"

Zhang Guanren couldn't help laughing when he heard Gong Qiwei's name: "Mayor Gong! Great, he is my old superior.

Liu Yanhong said, "This time it is the person designated by Song [Shu] in person."

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong came at this time, and he was a little ordered to be in danger. So, did Song [Shu] intend to let him take over Xiangcheng's class?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Zhang Yang, in fact, the province has been dissatisfied with the development of Beigang in the past two years. This time, Song [Book] is surprisingly consistent with Governor Zhou's steps. It seems that they are determined to change Beigang."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm from Binhai. It's too big for me to take care of Beigang."

Liu Yanhong said, "There are many doubts about the death of the Ding brothers. Now the only certainty is that they died of murder. Zhang Yang, do you remember what I told you before? There is a huge smuggling network in Beigang, and the Ding brothers are likely to engage in smuggling business."

Zhang Yang said, "You should hand this matter over to the [Police] Inspection Bureau for investigation."

Liu Yanhong said, "In fact, someone has already reported the existence of a smuggling group in Beigang, and the province has also sent a special working group to investigate, but no strong evidence has been found. There is an invisible protection net in Beigang, which is very good to hide the crime. Zhang Yang, I asked you to help me and try my best The truth of this matter, you should know that smuggling cases are often related to the corruption of the department and the connivance of officials. As long as we can find the fwark and lift them, these hidden evil parties can be exposed in broad daylight.

Zhang Yang said, "You still do ideological work for me when you come here this time."

Liu Yanhong said, "Zhang Yang, don't you understand the real intention of sending you to Binhai in the province? They want you to be a vanguard officer and open up a new situation in Beigang. Facts have proved that you have lived up to expectations. In such a short time, Binhai has been taken from Xiang Cheng's control.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Binhai is mine. I'm Binhai Municipal Party Committee [Book]. He is the Beigang Municipal Party Committee [Book]. Do I need to take it?"

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