Medical official path

Chapter 1125 Suspected

Zhang Daguan pulled off the plastic bag at the first time. Sophie's head and neck were wrapped in plastic film, and there was an oxygen bag wrapped in it with her, which contained enough oxygen for her to breathe for an hour. Now the remaining oxygen is negligible, Sophie's hands and feet are tied, and she is in a If Zhang Yang didn't arrive in time, she would definitely die in her sleep.

Zhang Yang pulled off the oxygen mask on her face, poked her nose, and touched her pulse. He was sure that Sophie's vital signs were stable before she was relieved. Now that she was in a coma, she should have been injected with drugs such as hypnotics.

Zhang Yang did not forcibly wake her up. He took out the knife, cut off the rope that tied her hands and feet, and picked up Sophie and was about to leave here. Suddenly, he heard the sound of wheels coming over his head, followed by a rapid brake sound.

The noisy footsteps sounded above his head one after another, and Zhang Daguan immediately realized that someone was coming, and there were groups of people. According to the sound of footsteps, there should be at least ten people. From the outside, Zhang Daguan suddenly realized that it was a little unfortunate for this group of people to appear. He did not dare to appear rashly and shouted, "I have found Sophie!" The reason why he shouted like this was to tell the people above his position, and there was another reason that Zhang was showing his innocence in this way. Although he made a special trip to rescue Sophie, who can prove it to him now? Zhang Daguan must first state the reason why he appeared here to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As soon as Zhang Yang appeared on the bridge with Sophie on his back, he was surrounded by more than a dozen live-fired police. Almost at the same time, Wen Haonan and Li Wei drove there.

Zhang Yang handed Sophie over to Wen Haonan. Wen Haonan held Sophie in his arms and shouted, "Call an ambulance immediately!"

Zhang Yang said, "She's fine. She should have been injected with hypnotized. She will wake up after a period of rest."

Wen Haonan glanced at Zhang Yang coldly. He did not ask why Zhang Yang appeared here. He took Sophie and walked quickly to the jeep.

Li Wei looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically and sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't say anything and left with Wen Haonan.

Zhang's official was hung there, and he felt quite uncomfortable. He looked around, and more than a dozen policemen still pointed their guns at him and said angrily, "What are you doing? I'm here to save people. Why the hell are you shooting at me?

The policeman led by

said, "You must go back with us to investigate."

Wen Haonan and Li Wei have left by car. Obviously, there was no intention to help Zhang Yang explain. Zhang Guanren really couldn't laugh or cry. Unexpectedly, he came to save people and was regarded as a suspect, if he wanted to leave. Even under the gunpoint of more than a dozen people, he can escape calmly, but he obviously has no such a need. He is not afraid of shadows, and no one can put what he has not done on his head.

While driving, Li Wei quietly looked at Wen Haonan in the rear from the rearview mirror. Sophie slept soundly in his arms. Wen Haonan gently stroked her blonde hair.

Li Wei said, "Zhang Yang should have come to save people."

Wen Haonan whispered, "I know!" He paused for a moment and said, "Are you surprised that I didn't speak for him just now?"

Li Wei didn't say anything. He didn't speak for Zhang Yang just now. The reason is very simple. Emotionally, he should first stand in the position of the Wen family. Wen Haonan didn't say anything. If he came forward, he would definitely make Wen Haonan unhappy.

Wen Haonan said, "Since he can find this place, it proves that he has a lot of things that he hasn't told me. He wants to be a hero. I want to save Sophie alone and act as the benefactor of our literary family again. Let me have to bear his favor, hehe. Unfortunately, I don't need it. Whether he appears or not, I can save Sophie. He is not a savior!"

Li Wei wanted to say something, but he finally gave up the idea.

Wen Haonan said, "This man has a purpose to do everything. I'm not interested in his affairs. What he wants to do? Go and explain it to the police."

Zhang Guanren was taken to the Toyama Branch. Ren Zhenghao, the captain in charge of the operation, interrogated him. After confirming Zhang Yang's identity, Ren Zhenghao's expression calmed down slightly. He asked his men to pour a cup of tea for Zhang Yang: "Secretary Zhang, we let you come here mainly because there are some things

Zhang Daguan also showed considerable cooperation: "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask, and I will try my best to cooperate." This is not that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, but that Zhang Yang really doesn't have the need to fall out with the police. What happened tonight is indeed a little unfavorable to him. Zhang's official is silently sorting out the clues at this time.

Ren Zhenghao said, "How did you know that Sophie was hidden in the culvert of the arch bridge? How did you find her before the police found her?

Zhang's official can't explain clearly. He can't tell these policemen. By eavesdropping on the dialogue between Wen Haonan and Pan Qiang, he analyzed where Pan Qiang might be hiding in Sophie. Wen Haonan's departure without saying a word is equivalent to throwing all the problems to himself. If Zhang Yang tells the truth, it is equivalent to admitting that he has eavesdropped on Wen Haonan's phone call. However, if he doesn't tell the truth, he can't explain why he appeared on the scene. Zhang Daguan was in a dilemma After receiving the news, Pan Qiang appeared around here, so I came to look for it. Who told you the news? Who can prove it for you?"

Zhang Yang said, "There are many private detectives in the capital. As long as you pay a lot of things, you can do it."

Ren Zhenghao said, "Secretary Zhang, it is difficult to satisfy others with your answer. I hope you can answer my question seriously, which is good for you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You don't doubt that I have anything to do with this kidnapping, do you?"

Ren Zhenghao said, "I'm trying to find out the truth of the matter. Before the truth is clear, I have the right to doubt everything."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you see the oxygen bag in the culvert? If I get there a little later, she may suffocate to death. Although you have reached the bridge, from the bridge to the culvert, it's too late when you find her. I'm going to save people. There's nothing to doubt about this.

"According to me, Sophie was hijacked at the exhibition site of your Binhai Free Trade Zone."

Zhang Yang said, "This doesn't prove anything, Captain Ren. I appreciate your meticulous spirit of handling the case, but I have nothing to do with this robbery. You call Wen Haonan and I will explain it to him face to face."

Ren Zhenghao sorted out the documents: "Secretary Zhang, there is something I have to explain to you. Before this matter is clear, we are ready to leave you here as a guest for the time being and cooperate with our investigation at any time."

Zhang Yang said, "Are you going to detain me?"

Ren Zhenghao smiled and said, "If you think so, I won't object."

Zhang Yang said, "Well, I'll leave you my contact information. If you need to know the situation, you can contact me at any time."

Ren Zhenghao shook his head and said, "Secretary Zhang, we have mastered your contact information. I hope you can cooperate with our work."

Zhang Guanren sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, okay! I won't make it difficult for you. I only have one request. Give me a relatively quiet room. I'm a little tired and need a good rest.

Ren Zhenghao's attitude was quite polite: "Okay, I'll ask them to prepare the best room for you."

The so-called best room is nothing more than a small dark room of less than ten square meters. There is only one air window, and it is also full of iron lattice. There is a grass-green marching bed in the room. At least a senior official is a national cadre. The police did not embarrass him, but limited his

If Zhang Guanren wants to leave, the door and window lattice can't stop him, but now he has completely calmed down, and it's raining outside. If you come, you can rest for a while. It's going to rain. It's up to him to get married. Let's talk about tomorrow.

Zhang Guanren slept until nine o'clock in the morning. Ren Zhenghao came to open the door and told him that someone would come to visit him. Zhang Guanren yawned and walked out of the door. When he saw Qiao Mengyuan, he stood there.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'm embarrassed to say that I looked for you all night yesterday, and finally I knew that you were arrested by the police."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "I'm not a criminal. Why did they arrest me? Captain Ren kindly kept me to sleep here. He slept soundly, but the bed was a little small.

Qiao Mengyuan stared at Ren Zhenghao with some dissatisfaction: "Captain Ren, what crime did Secretary Zhang commit? You police can't detain people casually, can you?"

Ren Zhenghao said, "Miss Qiao, we just carried out the order and investigated the situation, and we didn't say that Secretary Zhang committed a crime! If Secretary Zhang could make clear what happened yesterday, we would have let him go long ago, but Secretary Zhang didn't want to say anything, so we had to..."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Have you checked it out now? Can he leave?"

Ren Zhenghao said, "The matter is under investigation. I think Secretary Zhang will have to stay here for more time." His attitude has always been very polite.

Qiao Mengyuan became angry as soon as she heard it: "Captain Ren, our country pays attention to the law. You can't detain a national cadre just by your words. Secretary Zhang went to save people yesterday. I can prove to him that what do you suspect? Do you want me to be detained as an accomplice?

Ren Zhenghao said awkwardly, "Miss Qiao, don't get me wrong. We are not specifically targeting Secretary Zhang, but our work procedures have always been like this, and we treat everyone equally."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'm going to take him away now. I'll be responsible for any problems."

Ren Zhenghao said, "Miss Qiao, I hope you don't embarrass me."