Medical official path

Chapter 1130 On the Seedling

When they came to the Xishan Horse Farm, the veterinarian had already dissected the horse. The horse was bought by Zhai Mingwang with a lot of money. Today, he was inexplicably shocked and died inexplicably. Zhai Mingwang was also extremely distressed. Zhang Yang came twice, and two horses died here. This

When the horse master saw Zhang Yang coming, he quickly came over and said with a bitter face, "Mr. Zhang, you said you asked me to feed it the star grass, but not long after the horse ate it, it began to collapse and foamed at the mouth. When the veterinarian came, it was dead."

Zhang Daguan said: "The star grass is not toxic. How can it lead to the death of this horse?"

At this time, the veterinarian in charge of dissection also said, "This horse should not have died of poisoning."

Zhai Mingwang said, "This horse has always been fine. How can it suddenly die?"

Zhang Yang came to the horse's body, looked carefully, opened the horse's eyelids, and saw that the horse's pupils were extremely scattered. Zhang Yang frowned. Although he had excellent medical skills, he did not study deeply in veterinary medicine.

Chen Xue endured the smell of blood and came to Zhang Yang. Her snow-white slender hand gently pressed against the horse's forehead.

Zhai Mingwang looked at them and felt a little strange. Is it possible that these two are animal protectionists and feel very sad to see the horse racing dead?

Convinced that the horse racing was dead, Zhang Yang told the story before and after, mainly to excuse the horse master, which had little to do with the horse master.

He and Chen Xue left the racecourse, returned to the car, and said, "That racehorse should have been frightened to death."

Chen Xue nodded and said, "What can scare it like this?"

Zhang Yang said, "This matter is very strange. Today, when Liu Danchen was riding a horse. The horse was suddenly frightened. Fortunately, I pulled the reins in time, but this should not lead to the death of the horse race. I asked the horse master to feed it star grass because it had a calming effect, and I didn't expect it to aggravate its condition.

Chen Xue said, "That horse should not be sick. I just checked its meridians. The blood vessels in its brain are twisted and burst, which should have been specially stimulated.

Although Zhang Daguanren is good at medical skills, he still can't detect the meridians of a dead horse. From Chen Xue's words, it can be inferred that she is better than her own perception.

Chen Xue said, "Don't forget that I have practiced the seal of life and death, and my perception in this regard is better than that of ordinary people."

Zhang Daguan laughed dumbly. I didn't expect to be classified as an ordinary person by Chen Xue.

Chen Xue said, "As you said, this horse was frightened because of Liu Danchen?"

Zhang Yang said, "I also don't understand. Liu Danchen is obviously a beautiful woman. Is Ma'er's aesthetic taste completely different from ours?"

Chen Xue said, "Animals often notice something that humans can't perceive. It may not be because of Liu Danchen. Is there anything special at the scene?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "Let's go, take me to Liu Danchen to see her!"

Zhang Daguanren bought some fruits and took a bouquet of flowers. This time, he went to Liu Danchen to visit him, which was famous. Today, Liu Danchen was frightened at Xishan Horse Farm. If you are reasonable, you have to come to visit.

Chen Xue and Liu Danchen have never been ignorant in their lives. Although they were a little presumptuous in the past, Zhang Daguan helped her think of a reason, that is, Liu Danchen's fans.

Liu Danchen is a popular flower, considering her outstanding contribution to the Beijing Theater. So the courtyard approved a house with three bedrooms and one living room for her. She didn't expect that Zhang Yang would come to see her, let alone that there would be an extraordinary and beautiful girl like a fairy.

Zhang Yang introduced with a smile, "This is my good friend Chen Xue. She is your fan. I heard that I was coming to see you, so I offered to come together."

Chen Xue smiled and gave the bouquet of carnations in her hand to Liu Danchen: "I like Miss Liu's performance very much. I heard Zhang Yang say that you were scared today. So come here to have a look.

Liu Danchen said, "Thank you!" She invited the two of them to sit down.

Zhang Yang looked around the room and said, "Do you live alone?"

Liu Danchen shook her head with a smile and said, "There is also a distant aunt of mine. She came here to help me and take care of my diet and daily living. I just went out to help me buy wonton."

Zhang Yang said to Liu Danchen, "I'll help you diagnose your pulse!"

Liu Danchen said, "I'm fine. I was a little scared when I was overturned by the horse race at that time, and now I have calmed down." However, she still handed her wrist over, stretched out a finger and put it on her pulse. She felt that Liu Danchen's pulse was stable and there was no difference. Then she nodded and said, "It's best to be fine!"

At this time, the door rang gently, and a middle-aged woman in her forties came in with a food box.

Liu Danchen hurriedly pulled his hand away.

The middle-aged woman's eyes were extremely sharp. At a glance, she saw that Zhang Yang was diagnosing Liu Danchen's pulse, and there was no smile on her face.

Liu Danchen said, "Auntie, you're back!"

The middle-aged lady looked at Zhang Yang coldly and looked extremely unfriendly. Then her eyes fell on Chen Xue's face again. She whispered, "I didn't know there were guests at home."

Liu Danchen said, "Secretary Zhang and his friends, I mentioned it to you."

The middle-aged woman nodded.

Zhang Yang got up and said, "It's time for us to go too!"

Liu Danchen hurriedly got up to see him off. He smiled and said, "You'd better stay and have a rest." As he passed by the middle-aged woman, he glanced at her and saw the middle-aged woman with silver earrings and a strange pattern on the back of her neck.

Zhang Yang and Chen Xue returned to the car, and Zhang Yang whispered, "This woman is very strange."

Chen Xue said, "Have you noticed the tattoo on the back of her neck?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I was about to talk about it."

Chen Xue said, "That kind of tattoo is common in the Miao people. Although she doesn't wear much jewelry, it's all silver jewelry. I have seen some information about the Miao people. Liu Danchen's nanny should be the Miao people."

Zhang Yang said, "Miao nationality?"

Chen Xue said, "The Miao people also have several branches. The woman's face is gloomy, and she is not a good person at first glance."

Zhang Yang said, "Is she a worm?" Zhang Daguan suddenly thought of Xiao Guocheng. At the beginning, Xiao Guocheng was begged by a woman named Dao Mingjun. Is there such a terrible figure around Liu Danchen?

Chen Xue said, "I don't know, but the woman gave me a bad intuitive feeling. We can make a inference that the reason why the horse was frightened to death was to perceive something frightening?

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "This matter is indeed strange. She is just Liu Danchen's nanny, but just now I noticed that Liu Danchen seemed to be quite nervous when facing her. It is reasonable that the master would not do this to the nanny." His eyes flashed with excitement.

Chen Xue seemed to guess his intention and whispered, "What do you want?"

Zhang Daguan looked up at the light in Liu Danchen's room and whispered, "I'm going to see who this woman is?"

In the dead of night, Zhang Daguanren was dressed in black, with a silk stockings, and a classic night dress. He came to the dormitory of the Beijing Theater again. For him, the wall of the Beijing Theater was empty. The man flew over the wall, quietly came to the downstairs where Liu Danchen lived, climbed up like an ape along the drainage pipe In front of the window of the residence, I saw that the curtains were closed, and there was a faint light in the room.

Zhang Daguan put his ears against the wall and listened to it, but he heard a hoarse voice chanting words, as if he was reciting some kind of mantra.

After a while, I heard Liu Danchen's frightened voice and said, "Auntie, what do you...what do you want to do?"

The hoarse voice said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Liu Danchen said, "But why do you get so many bugs?"

"I got these bugs here to help you cure your illness."

Liu Danchen said, "I'm not sick at all. I've always been fine."

The woman sighed and said, "For so many years, if it hadn't been for me, how could you have lived until now?"

Liu Danchen said, "Why was the horse suddenly shocked today? Is it because of me?

"Don't think too much. That has nothing to do with you. Go to sleep and sleep well. After waking up, you will naturally forget everything.

Zhang Daguan listened carefully. The woman's voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect. After waiting for a while, he could no longer hear Liu Danchen's voice. He heard the footsteps in the room and seemed to come in the direction of the window.

Zhang Daguan quickly turned over and leaned against the outer wall, but saw that the window was pushed open from the inside. The woman poked out her head and looked around. She was sure that no one was there, so she closed the window again.

After a while, she heard the sound of closing the door and saw the woman walking out of the stairs with a basket in her hand. She walked to the direction of the shed, pushed a moped to put the basket in it, and rode out of the door.

Zhang Guan was secretly surprised. Where on earth is this woman going so late? He did not follow the woman, but sneaked into the balcony. The door of the balcony to the room was closed from the inside, but it was not locked. The training received by Mr. Zhang in Guoan was not in vain, and it did not take much effort. He opened the door and crept in. The room was dark and the window The house is closed, and there is no air conditioning in the room. Such a summer is quite hot.

Liu Danchen lay in **'s light clothes, seductive and exquisite curves. Zhang Daguan took a look. It seemed that she had fallen into a deep sleep. Zhang Yang was worried that she would wake up and reached out and clicked her sleeping hole.

There seemed to be nothing strange in the room. He listened carefully to the movement in the room and found that there was a rustling sound from the bottom of the bed. He leaned over and looked under the bed, but saw a lot of pots and jars under the bed. The rustling sound came from inside.

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