Medical official path

Chapter 1147 Strange Death on

Zhang Yang said, "Xiang [book], I'm not low-key enough? The hard-working bonded area was excluded from the management in a blink of an eye. Even if I don't have credit, I still have to work hard, right? I want to ask, is the current bonded area part of Binhai?

Xiang Cheng sighed in his heart, what are you complaining about? I only complain that you have offended Song Huaiming. Now it's not that I want to deal with you, but that the No. 1 character in Pinghai wants to deprive you of your power. How can you compete with others? Xiang Cheng didn't feel gloating. Under the leadership of Song Huaiming, he also belonged to the category of people who were politically frustrated. He felt the same as Zhang Yang now. Xiang Cheng said, "Of course, the bonded area is part of Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "Since it is part of Binhai, I, the Binhai Municipal Party Committee [Book], don't even have the power to intervene. Do you think it's normal?"

Xiang Cheng said, "Xiao Zhang, don't have too many ideas. This is the arrangement of the superior leader. I believe there is still some reason."

Zhang Yang said, "Xiang [book], in fact, I know what's going on recently. Everyone knows in your heart that you just said that the public is public and private is private, but how many people can really distinguish it? I don't think even the Song [book] may be clear.

Xiang Cheng saw that Zhang Yang was full of resentment against Song Huaiming. At this time, it was not easy for him to interrupt. This does not mean that Xiang Cheng wholeheartedly supports Song Huaiming, but that he did not want to say it and did not dare to say it. For so many years, Xiang Cheng has never said bad things about It's very low. If others complain in front of you, you will agree with each other. Maybe the other party will sell you in front of a leader as soon as he turns around.

Zhang Yang said, "To tell you the truth, I have prepared for the worst."

Xiang Cheng couldn't help laughing when he heard what he said: "I'd like to hear, what's your so-called worst plan?"

"At worst, I won't do it. The world is so big that I can't have a place to live without me?"

Xiang Cheng heard from Zhang Yang's words that he seemed to have the intention to leave Beigang, and said silently, "In fact, no one can have a smooth sailing, whether in life or at work. If you want to make progress, the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter difficulties is not to retreat, but to head on. Only by facing the difficulties and treating the immediate difficulties as a life experience, can we continue to improve.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not willing to leave like this!"

Xiang Cheng picked up the teacup and took a sip and said, "This time I went to the capital to find the next stop?" Change it to the past. Xiang Cheng never thought that one day he would sit in such harmony with Zhang Yang, an arrogant junior, and talk to his heart.

Zhang Yang said, "No, complaining is not a complaining. I'm not a person who retreats from difficulties. I went there this time mainly to do some personal affairs. Xiang [Shu] won't you blame me?"

Xiang Cheng said, "Everyone has a bad time. Since you are not happy, you might as well give yourself a vacation and adjust it." Xiang Cheng seemed to be very considerate.

Zhang Yang said, "Thank you for your concern, although I don't want to care about it. But I don't care about the Binhai Free Trade Zone. I know some people don't want me to take care of it, but the investors rushed to me. If I don't come forward, they won't be interested in investing. It's not that I think highly of myself. I really can't do anything without me.

Xiang Cheng said, "I heard that something happened to Blue Star."

Zhang Yang said, "I also heard that Mr. Jin Shangyuan, the president of Blue Star Group, unfortunately passed away. There has been a lot of noise in Seoul recently, but this is their internal affairs, and it is not convenient for us to interfere. Just now, Liu [Shu] actually said that I abducted Jin Min'er. Do you think I'm angry?

Xiang Cheng said, "The clean person is clear. Since you haven't done it, don't be afraid of being told. I think this matter is also a little ridiculous. In just one week, how can you go to Seoul to take Jin Min'er away? Besides, you don't have your record of entry and exit." Xiang Cheng didn't tell the truth. In fact, he still had some doubts about Zhang Yang. This boy was crazy and could do anything.

Zhang Yang chatted in Xiang Cheng's office for more than half an hour before leaving. As soon as he walked out of the door, he received a phone call from Binhai Mayor Xu Shuangqi. Because he came by Xu Shuangqi's ride this time, Xu Shuangqi had to wait for him after the meeting.

Zhang Yang didn't plan to leave immediately. He said to the phone, "Lao Xu, you go first. I'll go back by myself later."

Xu Shuangqi closed the phone and said to the driver, "Let's go and take a look over there."

Xu Shuangqi's [book] is the former county party committee of Binhai [book]. After he was replaced by Zhang Yang, he went to the Beigang Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Now he is basically in a semi-retirement state.

When Xu Shuangqi came to Zan Shijie's office, he saw Zan Shijie painting traditional Chinese paintings there. Xu Shuangqi came to the painting plan and smiled and said, "Zhan [Book], it's so elegant!"

Zan Shijie looked up at Xu Shuangqi, smiled, and added two more strokes to the picture. Then he put down the brush, went to the pool to wash his hands, and invited Xu Shuangqi to sit down on the sofa. From Xu Shuangqi's position, he happened to see the banner on the opposite side with the five characters of leisurely seeing Look, you can really see the small mountain bag in the south from here. Xu Shuangqi said, "Pick chrysanthemums under the east fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely. Do you plan to be a hermit? "

Zang Shijie made him a cup of tea with his own hands, and he picked up the big teacup on the table and took a sip: "I've been a hermit for a long time!"

Xu Shuangqi laughed. Throughout the ages, he has often become a hermit, politically unsolicited people. At present, the current Shijie does belong to this type.

Zan Shijie took out a box of Zhonghua, but Xu Shuangqi took out a box of Marlboro: "Draw this, it's exciting."

Zan Shijie shook his head with a smile, and still pulled out his Chinese sip between his lips. Xu Shuangqi took out a lighter to light it for him, and he also lit a Marlboro. The two smoked a few cigarettes, and the air in the room was full of the smell of tobacco mixed together.

Zang Shijie said, "Why do you want to come to see me today?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "On the way, Liu [Book] of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection remembered it and held a small meeting for everyone."

Zhao Shijie's eyebrows moved. Since he came down from the position of Binhai's leader, he was far away from the power center of Beigang. He would not know such a thing. Yan Shijie said, "The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is still so caring about Beigang. Has anyone made a mistake again?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "It's nothing. It's just an emphasis on discipline. It should be aimed at Zhang Yang. He left without saying goodbye before and couldn't get in touch for a week. Some people said that he went to Seoul. Anyway, he was stared at by his superiors."

Zha Shijie also heard about Zhang Yang's recent troubles. He sighed and said, "Ten years of turning from Hedong to Hexi, no one knows what will happen tomorrow." He is talking about publicity, and he is also talking about himself.

Xu Shuangqi said, "I don't think he will stay in Binhai for a long time."

Zuo Shijie didn't say anything, but his body leaned towards Xu Shuangqi, indicating in this way that he wanted to hear the [answer] case.

Xu Shuangqi said, "He and Song [Shu]'s daughter have broken up, and naturally they have lost their favor. Now the management of the bonded area has been withdrawn, and the relationship between him and Gong Qiwei is getting worse and worse, and now it is quite bad."

Zha Shijie said, "Trees move to death, people move to live. In his current situation, it is wise to leave early. He came to his inner thoughts from Xu Shuangqi's expression. Zhang Yang's arrival had made Xu Shuangqi give up on his official career, but recently, his superiors have been giving Xu Shuangqi power and his ambitions began to sprout. It can be said that Xu Shuangqi is the one who is most looking forward to Zhang Yang's departure. Only when Zhang Yang leaves can there be a vacancy in the position of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, and he can hope to fill the vacancy.

Xu Shuangqi said, "Zhan [Shu] Ji, according to you, who is more hopeful, the mayor of Gong and Vice [Shu]?"

Zhan Shijie took a look at Xu Shuangqi. Xu Shuangqi's words were the same as those without asking. The whole Beigang has seen who is Xiang Cheng's successor. How can Xu Shuangqi not see clearly? Ask knowingly? I don't think so. People in the officialdom face the problem of standing in line almost every once in a while. People like Zhan Shijie, who have been excluded from the central power circle, may not need to consider it for the time being, but Xu Shuangqi otherwise, he must make a choice between Gong Huanshan and Gong Qiwei.

Xu Shuangqi's question made Xun Shijie a little unhappy. It should be said that he touched the scene. He was also a figure of the weight in those years, but now, in a blink of an eye, he has become yesterday's Huang Huā. There are talented people in the country, a new generation replaces old people, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach. There is no doubt that his officialdom road has entered a dead lane, and he can't see hope.

Xu Shuangqi came to ask about the plan this time, but Xan Shijie had an indescribable sense of loss. He thought for a long time before saying, "Shuangqi, this game of chess is not something you can control. If I were you, I would rather be a bystander than be a pawn for others to control."

This is the hottest season in Beigang. In such a season, people's hearts are easy to become impetuous. Zhang Daguan is sitting in the office, blowing the air conditioner and tasting tea. This guy has been leisurely since his return to Seoul. In the eyes of others, he has restrained a lot recently. He is rarely seen in public, and even on local TV news.

But some people are destined to be unable to keep a low profile. Even if you hide, others can find you. Jin Min'er's affair did not end because they fled from Seoul. Jin Chenghuan pursued Zhang Yang through diplomatic channels.

Quan Zhengtai was accompanied by Bai Zhijun, a special agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Binhai City. This time, he was entrusted by Jin Chenghuan to investigate Jin Min'er's disappearance.

These two can be said to be Zhang Yang's old acquaintances. When he killed all sides in New York State, Bai Zhijun was a staff member of the New York State Consulate. As for Quan Zhengtai, he has a deep understanding of the inside story. ( To be continued...)