Medical official path

Chapter 1151 You Have Changed

Zhao Guoqiang's eyes were cold: "Go on!"

Hong Changhe said, "She... cheated my sister. I later learned that it was not her who saved me, but my sister. If my sister hadn't agreed to Chen Gang's request, I wouldn't have been released." When he said this, Hong Changhe's face was full of grief and indignation.

Zhao Guoqiang guessed what had happened and whispered, "What is the relationship between Chen Gang and your aunt?"

Hong Changhedao: "You should ask Chen Gang this question!"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Hong Changhe, you will be sentenced to several years for the crime of theft alone, plus the suspicion of murder, think about it yourself."

Hong Changhe said in a trembling voice, "I didn't kill her, I just took a watch."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "It's a pity that you don't count. There are only two ways in front of you now. One is to honestly explain everything you know and strive for leniency, and the other is to wait for the bottom of the prison. Where to go? You can choose for yourself."

Hong Changhe said, "If I explain everything, will you let me out?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "If what you said is helpful to the case, of course I will take it lightly on you."

Hong Changhe said, "Why should I believe you?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "That's why I don't want to talk about it!" You can wait to go to prison!" He got up and wanted to leave.

When Hong Changhe saw him like this, he couldn't help but panic: "No, don't go... I said, I said!"

Zhao Guoqiang sat down again.

Hong Changhe said, "My aunt and Chen Gang have maintained a romantic relationship for many years, but her relationship with Zhuan Shijie, the former secretary of Binhai, is also abnormal. I think this matter may be a love killing. When Chen Shijie was in power, my aunt treated him well, but now he has lost power. My aunt snubned him, so he was jealous and hated Chen Gang, so he forced my aunt to report Chen Gang. Take this as revenge."

Zhao Guoqiang frowned. The relationship between them was really chaotic. Chen Gang and Chen Shijie were all worms in the cadre team. There is nothing good.

Hong Changhe said, "When I had an accident in the past, my aunt went to beg Chen Gang, and then she took my sister to dinner. My sister kept crying when she came back. I knew that the old hooligan in Chen Gang must have ruined my sister, so he helped me. If I find a chance in the future, I will definitely kill the old turtle.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Is your aunt's official career closely related to Chen Gang?"

Hong Changhe nodded and said, "Chen Gang has helped her a lot over the years, and Zan Shijie has also helped her. In the past, when she was in Binhai, she was very popular. Later, when Zhang Yang went to Binhai, she became lost. After the last conflict with Zhang Yang, she had to leave Binhai. Zan Shijie couldn't help. Chen Gang was unwilling to help her, but only found her a spare job in the development zone. My aunt went to Chen Gang many times. Chen Gang has never been willing to help. Maybe because this incident made him angry, that's why he wanted to kill my aunt.

Zhao Guoqiang nodded and said, "Don't tell the second person what you told me for the time being. The more people you know, the less good it will be for you."

Hong Changhe said repeatedly, "I understand, I understand."

Zhao Guoqiang got up and wanted to leave.

Hong Changhe said: "Zhao Bureau, Zhao Bureau. When did you let me go?

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Stay at ease for a few days and wait until the matter is clear, and then solve your problem."


The news of Chen Kai and Xishijie came one after another. Chen Kai was found in a small town on the border between China and Myanmar. When he was found, he had been shot in a small hotel. As for Xige and his wife, they had left China and went to Canada before the police found them.

Zhao Guoqiang finally realized that the matter was much more complicated and serious than he thought. He interrogated Chen Gang again. Chen Gang did not know the news that his brother had died. In the past two days, he was always under high pressure, and his whole body was much older and haggard.

Seeing Zhao Guoqiang, he smiled bitterly and said, "I've already said everything I should say. What else do you want to ask?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "I'm not here to ask you anything, but to tell you something." He paused and said, "Your brother, Chen Kai, was killed in the process of absconding. His body was found in a small town on the China-Myanmar border, and his identity has been confirmed!"

Chen Gang's body trembled, and then raised his head. His eyes were full of shock and panic. After a while, he lowered his head deeply and his shoulders kept twitching.

Zhao Guoqiang could understand the pain of a person losing his brother. After Chen Gang's mood calmed down a little, he said, "There is nothing we can do in this matter. If you want justice for your brother, if you want to protect your relatives, I think you should say everything you know. . Only in this way can I help you."

Chen Gang raised his head again, with tears shining in his bloody eyes: "I have nothing to say. I didn't kill Hong Changqing. I have nothing to do with her death." He was not disturbed by sad emotions, and his mind was still calm. Zhao Guoqiang tried to uncover more secrets through this matter and use his brother's death to break through his psychological defense. Unfortunately, he was not so easy to deal with.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Secretary Chen, we all know that Hong Changqing's death should not be a simple murder."

"Simple or complex has nothing to do with me!" Chen Gang's tone was very resolute.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "If I hand over the tapes and diaries I found from Hong Changqing to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you should know the consequences."

Chen Gang said, "If you make a mistake, you have to be responsible for your own behavior. I admit that I can't control myself in the relationship between men and women. Even if you don't hand over these things, I'm ready to admit my wrong behavior to my superiors."

There is really not much way to face the experienced Chen Gang and Zhao Guoqiang.

Zhang Guanren looked at the location of the Golden Shield Hotel from the telescope. Sang Beibei said, "Don't worry, there is nothing unusual. The police are very closely protecting Chen Gang."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know if Chen Gang has been recruited?"

Sang Beibei said, "What are you recruiting? Are you afraid that he will tell you about your murder of me?

Zhang Yang said, "Aren't you alive?"

Sam Beibei said, "Listen to what you mean, you seem to want me to die!"

Zhang Daguanren shook his head with a smile: "You are so beautiful, how can I be willing to..." His words were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but it was a call from Zhao Guoqiang. Zhang Yang made a silent gesture to Sang Beibei and connected the phone.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Secretary Zhang, where is it? I have something to talk to you about.

Zhang Yang said, "I'll go to the bureau to find you?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "No, you go to Li Ji's private dishes on Fuchun Road. I'll buy you a drink at 6:30."

Zhang Yang came to Li Ji's private dishes on time. Zhao Guoqiang had already ordered the dishes and waited for him in the small room. Zhang Yang walked in, and Zhao Guoqiang greeted him warmly, "Please sit down!"

The official Zhang sat down and looked at Zhao Guoqiang curiously and said, "There is a good feast, but there is no good banquet. Shouldn't Zhao Bureau give me a Hongmen banquet today?"

Zhao Guoqiang smiled and said, "Don't care whether it's a Hongmen banquet or not. If it comes, you can rest in peace." He poured wine for Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang picked up his glass and said, "Well, even if it's a sugar-coated shell, I'll take it off, and I'll beat the shell back to you."

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhao Guoqiang said bluntly, "Chen Kai is dead. The body was found on the China-Myanmar border. He should have wanted to escape to Myanmar. Someone must have stared at him for a long time and looked for an opportunity to start on the way."

Zhang Yang slowly put down his glass and whispered, "Does it have anything to do with the mysterious phone call you received last time?"

Zhao Guoqiang said, "I also think so. Since the person who called me is so clear about Chen Kai's escape route, he may find Chen Kai before the police and attack him."

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. He picked up the bottle and filled the glass in front of them.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Mr. and Mrs. Zan Shijie have left the country and are currently in Canada. I'm trying to get them arrested through diplomatic relations."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It's useless. There is no extradition treaty between our two countries."

Zhao Guoqiang said, "You have believed that Chen Gang did not kill anyone from the beginning. You have been clear about the relationship between Chen Gang and Hong Changqing for a long time. You know a lot of things, but you always have reservations in front of me. What are you calculating in your heart?"

Zhang Yang smiled and picked up his glass and touched him. He looked up and drank it all.

Zhao Guoqiang said, "Do you remember in Nancy? At the beginning, we joined hands to crush the corrupt group led by Xu Guangran. I know how you are. You are not a person who tolerates evil. What are you worried about now? Why can't you tell me honestly what you know?

Zhang Yang said, "People will become different. My situation has been very different from that when I was in Nancy. I admit that there are indeed a lot of shady stories in Beigang, but I don't want to stay here anymore. I will leave in a short time."

Zhao Guoqiang's eyes showed a lost light. He squeezed his lips and said, "You have indeed changed, lost your sharpness and enthusiasm!"

Zhang Yang sighed, "The officialdom is really not a place for people to stay. The longer you stay, the more depressed your heart will be. Maybe everyone has a great wish to change everything, but in the end, they have to bow their heads in front of reality. People outside will never know the darkness in it."

Zhao Guoqiang believes that Zhang Yang's depression is related to his recent situation. His breakup with Chu Yanran made him lose Song Huaiming's favor, and his bad relationship with Wen Haonan has led to the gradual distance between him and the Wen family. For Zhang Yang, this period is undoubtedly his political low tide. Zhao Guoqiang said, "Do you really want to be a deserter?"

Zhang Daguan said meaningfully, "I just want to be quiet!"

Zhao Guoqiang stared at Zhang Yang's face and was silent for a long time before he said, "You have changed!"

The writing has been relatively slow in the past two days. It is the beginning of the month. Isn't it sad at the critical moment of the competition for the monthly ticket? It's a bottleneck. Don't give me support because of the slow writing. More support for octopus can get through this difficult period as soon as possible. I need your support RQ