Medical official path

Chapter 1157 Calm down

Yuan and Sachiko did not show mercy to Zhang Daguan. The injured part of Zhang was really too obvious. He also felt embarrassed. He got a pair of sunglasses stuck on his face, afraid that his acquaintances would recognize him. He returned to the hotel from Qiuxia Ancient Temple. Zhang Yang took a shower, changed his dry clothes, and looked at the mirror Looking at the place where he was bitten by Yuan and Sachiko, he remembered the scene just now, and suddenly realized that Yuan and Sachiko had successfully disturbed his heart.

The lips were still a little painful, and the scene of kissing repeatedly appeared in my heart. The taste of the kiss was so familiar. At that moment, Zhang Yang really thought that she was Gu Jiatong, not because of the way Yuan and Sachiko deliberately dressed up today, but because of her every move and smile, which had made Zhang Yang unable to distinguish. The point of.

Zhang Daguan's pursuit of Wu Zhiying's fierce fight this time is not to deliberately against Yuan and Sachiko. As he said, the issue of principle cannot be ceded. This time, the matter was provoked by Japan. Whether the victim is his eighth uncle Zhang Zhanbei or not, as the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, he However, Zhang Yang did not want to make too much of this matter and attract diplomatic attention. His original purpose was to make the Japanese side bow down, find the murderer and let him take responsibility. Not only did Japan not take a cooperative attitude in this matter, but also behaved very rudely, and even put pressure on him through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Zhang Daguan He has always been an unyielding master. This time he wants to see who will bow his head.

Naturally, it will not be Zhang's official who bows his head. Wu Zhiying is bowing his head and suffering at this moment. He found that his bottom seemed to be a little bigger than in the past, and it seemed to be much darker. This may be what many men dream of, but Wu Zhiying did not think so. He realized that he might be sick. This thing was obviously not normal development, but swollen, and itchy and painful. This man began to suspect that he had a sexually transmitted disease. There is nowhere to tell such an unspeakable thing. Wu Zhiying wants to go to the hospital.

But Nakajima Kawata was not willing to let him go out at this time. Wu Zhiying had no choice but to confided to him the trouble he had encountered.

After Nakajima Kawata heard about it, his first reaction was that Zhang Yang tampered with Wu Zhiying's body. No wonder he released Wu Zhiying's body back without fear. And openly revealing his identity, Nakajimakawa couldn't help but think of the fact that he planted bone needles in his body. Zhang Yang clearly re-does his old skills. Nakajima Kawata looked at Wu Zhiying, and couldn't help but feel a little more sympathy in his eyes.

Wu Zhiying said, "Uncle Nakajima, I have to go to the hospital to see a doctor, and suddenly it's like this..."

Nakajimagawa sighed too much. He had already foreseen the outcome of this matter. Zhang Yang said that he would ask Wu Zhiying to apologize to him within three days. It seems that the foreshadowing is here. Although Nakajima Kawata guessed that Zhang Yang had tampered with it, he didn't break it. After all, he has experienced it. If he asks him how to know. Can't he tell all the past that he was at the mercy of publicity?

Nakajima Kawata arranged someone to accompany Take Nao Yingnan to the hospital and then went to the izakaya. The izakaya is opened by Mitsuruko, the wife of Yasushi Inoue. Japanese businessmen in Dongjiang often come here to gather. In a sense, it is more like a Japanese clubhouse in Dongjiang.

Inoue Yasushi and his wife were talking with Yuan and Sachiko. At this time, Yuan and Sachiko had changed into black kimonos and knelt there, looking illusory and thoughtful.

The arrival of Nakajima Kawata did not attract too much attention from Motowa Sachiko, which made Nakajima Kawata feel a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "Madam!"

Yuan and Sachiko just looked up at him at this time, smiled politely and reservedly and said, "Mr. Nakajima, please sit down quickly."

Nakajima Kawata sat down opposite her.

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "Where's Wu Zhiying?"

Nakajima Kawata said, "He was a little scared last night and felt a little uncomfortable. I had him escorted to the hospital for examination."

Yuan and Sachiko were a little unhappy and said, "Didn't you ask him to come and see me?"

Nakajima Kawata said, "He is indeed sick."

Onu Kamiyasu said, "Madam, Zhang Yang robbed him last night and threatened him. Wu Zhiying was indeed frightened."

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "You are as timid as a mouse!" She snorted with disdain, "I just want to ask him in person if he stabbed the worker?"

Nakajima Kawata and Inoue Yasushi looked at each other. Nakajima Kawata said, "Madam, we didn't know about this. We thought he was just here to play."

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "Does his father know about this?"

Nakajima Kawata said, "I haven't told Mr. Take Nao about this matter yet." He observed Yuan and Sachiko's face and whispered, "Madam, have you seen Zhang Yang? Have you discussed this matter with him?

Yuan and Sachiko frowned impatiently and said, "What do I have to talk to him about? It's too much of a deception for him to use such a means. Since I really want to distinguish between a winner, well, I'm not afraid that he will make a big deal out of it. Let's see who will suffer more losses in the end!"

Yasushi Inoue coughed and said, "But when Zhang Yang robbed Wu Zhiying last night, he took some very indecent photos. If these photos are published, I'm afraid it will affect Mr. Wu Zhi's image and even affect the face of our country."

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "In this way, it is still necessary to inform Ambassador Wu Zhi to let him know what happened."

Nakajima Kawata said, "In fact, even if Mr. Wu Zhi intervenes, this matter is not easy to solve. Zhang Yang caught Wu Zhiyingnan's handle. He is not so easy to give up. I think his purpose is to ask us to bow our heads and let Wu Zhiyingnan come out and admit that he did it."

Yasushi Inoue said, "Now things have gone to this point. It's not just Wu Zhiying's problem, but also about the face of all our Japanese businessmen in China. If he stands up and admits his mistake, it's equivalent to our Japanese lying."

Meihezi, who has never spoken, said, "If it is really done by Wu Zhiying, there is nothing wrong with him coming out and admitting his mistake. Even if we all defend him, we can't erase the fact that he did something wrong."

Yuanhe Sachiko sighed softly and said, "Mr. Nakajima, I don't think it's necessary to help him hide this matter. Report all the matter to Ambassador Wu Zhi to see what he means. Let's make a conclusion!"

I've been writing a little slow recently. I've been writing at night, and I've only written 2,000 words until now. It's too inefficient. I'm ashamed. Send it up, rest, reason with ideas, and try to write more tomorrow! RQ