Medical official path

Chapter 1163 Things are not human beings

In the same stage of impact, the Iveco obviously suffered a big loss. The car driven by Zhang Yang hit the middle of the body with the rear of the car, and the body overturned under the strong impact.

Qi Shan stopped the car and staggered out of the car, because when he crashed the car just now, his forehead hit the windshield, so he bled a lot.

Zhang Yang had jumped out of the cab, came to the front of the overturned Iveco, dragged the two people inside, controlled their acupuncture points respectively, picked up their collars, and threw them and the two attacking gangsters together.

Qi Shan wanted to walk over, but his mind was dizzy. He had to hold the pillar beside him and relied on the support of the pillar to not fall down.

The scene in front of him began to become blurred. He heard the sound of the siren, as if he saw people running around, and as if he heard the sound of Lin Xuejuan calling his name anxiously. In the end, his consciousness finally became chaotic.

When Qi Shan woke up, he found himself lying in the hospital. He exclaimed, "Xue Juan!" There is no one around.

Zhang Yang came out of the lounge next door. He smiled and said, "You're awake!"

Qi Shan was relieved: "Why am I here?"

Zhang Yang pointed to his head. Qi Shan reached out and touched it and found that his head was wrapped in thick gauze. He remembered the scene of being attacked by two Iveco at that time, and the scene where his forehead collided with the windshield. Qi Shan said, "It's okay, we are all alive."

Zhang Yang said, "I caught the four guys, and none of them escaped. Now they are all controlled by the Baisha District ** Branch, and Luan Bureau is interrogating."

Qi Shan said, "I don't know if their goal this time is still me?"

Zhang Yang said, "It doesn't matter who it is. The important thing is that we are all safe."

Qi Shan looked around. He didn't see Lin Xuejuan's figure, which made him somewhat frustrated.

Zhang Yang guessed his thoughts and whispered, "Lin Xuejuan sent you to the hospital with me. She grabbed your hand all the way in the ambulance. However, after coming to the hospital, she heard from the doctor that you were fine and she left. Maybe she didn't want others to see it."

Qi Shan squeezed his lips.

Zhang Yang said, "I really don't understand that you two love each other, why don't you clarify your feelings?"

Qi Shan said, "I have a headache and want to rest for a while."

Zhang Yang knew that he was avoiding this topic and said with a smile, "Take a rest. I'm next door. Just call me if you need anything."

Qi Shan said, "I'm fine. Go back and have a rest."

Zhang Yang said, "In the middle of the night, I'm too lazy to go back. There is a bed next door. I can make do with it all night. Besides, there is ** protection outside, and I can sleep at ease."

Qi Shan nodded. He saw the phone on the head of the bed and picked up the phone, only to find that the phone had been turned off.

Zhang Yang said, "Lin Xuejuan closed it, saying that she was afraid that someone would disturb your rest. She really cares about you."

Qi Shan showed an extremely complicated smile.

The results of Luan Shengwen's interrogation have come out. The four criminals confessed to the crime of attempted murder last night. They only said that they had received other people's money. Their goal was Qishan. After Zhang Daguan heard about it, he was a little lost in his heart. Unexpectedly, he was a supporting role last night. No Horn, the target of this murder is not yourself? Of course, Zhang Daguan will not really be disappointed by this kind of thing.

Showing more curiosity about this matter. There is a simple sentence that actually makes sense. There is no love for no reason in the world, and no hatred for no reason. Why do others murder you? The hatred of killing the father and the hatred of the wife, in addition, is a dispute over interests.

Luan Shengwen personally made a record for Qi Shan. He first showed the photos of the four murderers last night to Zhang Yang and Qi Shan for identification. After confirming that they were correct, Luan Shengwen said, "These four people are all employed. Have you seen them before?"

Zhang Yang shook his head, and Qi Shan also shook his head. He whispered, "Who hired them?"

Luan Shengwen said, "I'm also very interested in this point, but according to my interrogation, these four people obviously don't know the inside story. They just collect money to do things, and there is a separate contact between the boss and the employer behind them." He paused for a moment, stared at Qi Shan's eyes and said, "QI Shan, don't you know who you have offended?"

Qi Shan shook his head and said, "I don't know. If I knew who this person was, I would have taken revenge on him."

Luan Shengwen said, "It seems that you have a lot of enemies. I remember that not long ago, someone reported to the police that you were hiding drugs in Huiyuan Hotel."

Qi Shan said, "That matter has been found out. Someone else framed me."

Luan Shengwen said, "I want you to know one thing. If you don't find out your enemy as soon as possible, I'm afraid he will still attack you and the people around you. If you want to hide something, it's not good for you, so I think you should cooperate with our police."

Qi Shan said, "I have always been very cooperative with the actions of the police, and I haven't hidden anything."

Luan Shengwen did not ask anything valuable from Qi Shan's mouth. When he left, Zhang Yang sent him downstairs. He happened to see Lin Xuejuan coming, smiled at Zhang Yang from afar, and then hurried upstairs,

Luan Shengwen looked at Lin Xuejuan's back and said, "If I'm right, she seems to be Huo Yunzhong's wife, right?"

Zhang Yang said, "She and Qi Shan are old classmates."

Luan Shengwen said, "I heard that Huo Yunzhong and his wife are getting divorced. I don't know if it has something to do with Qishan."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I seldom care about other people's emotional affairs. When did Luan Bureau become interested in these things?"

Luan Shengwen said, "The person in Qishan is not simple. Zhang Yang, we are old friends. I think it is necessary to remind you that it is better to stay away from him."

Zhang Yang said, "The words of Luan Bureau are very reasonable. If I hadn't watched the concert with him yesterday, I wouldn't have caught up with this big chase, but... Speaking of which, Qi Shan should thank me. If I hadn't been there yesterday, wouldn't he have died?"

Luan Shengwen said, "A person can't be lucky forever. When luck runs out, you will find that many times you still need to rely on experience to make judgments."

Zhang Yang said, "I've been unlucky recently."

Luan Shengwen said, "Then we need to be more careful."

Lin Xuejuan's arrival made Qi Shan very happy, but Qi Shan was an extremely restrained person. Even if he was happy, his face still did not show it. He just said flatly, "You're here!"

Lin Xuejuan nodded, saw the gauze wrapped on the head of Qishan, and whispered, "Does it still hurt?" Qi Shan shook his head: "I have no problem with this small injury."

Lin Xuejuan said, "Why is your life always full of risks?"

Qi Shan was stunned for a moment and soon understood that Lin Xuejuan's sentence included not only others, but also his husband Huo Yunzhong. Qi Shan said, "I like a comfortable life, but now I find that that kind of life is always far away."

Lin Xuejuan said, "That's because you don't know how to put it down."

Qi Shan looked at Lin Xuejuan's clear and sad eyes and said, "I can't let go!"

Lin Xuejuan's heart was as painful as being pricked by a needle. This pain quickly spread all over her body with her nerves. The pain was so painful that she could hardly breathe. She knew that it was herself that Qishan could not let go of, but it was not only herself that Qishan could not let go.

Qi Shan said, "I just found that there is no need for a person to ask for too much. If life gives me a chance to do it again, I will choose a simple, simple life, simple feelings, and a simple life. That's the true meaning of life, so that way I can find real happiness."

Lin Xuejuan said, "But you have chosen a complicated path."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "So I feel that I'm not happy, but I've been halfway through this road and want to turn back..." He didn't finish his words and looked at Lin Xuejuan quietly, as if he wanted to find the [answer] case from her.

Lin Xuejuan said, "There is no way back in the world, and no one will never change. When you think of turning back, things have already changed." Speaking of this, her nose was sore and she wanted to cry.

Qi Shan said, "Is there a lot to ask me? If you ask me, I won't hide it from you."

Lin Xuejuan shook her head: "I'm not interested in your business." After saying that, she put down the fresh huah brought by the bunch and turned around and left.

Qi Shan stared at her back, as if his blood had been emptied in an instant. What he had just said came from the bottom of his heart. If Lin Xuejuan asked him, he would not hesitate to confess everything to her, including what he had done before, including everything he had done, but she refused herself with a word of in no interest. I feel sad. He has wealth and everything he once dreamed of. He lacks to find that he is getting farther and farther away from his dream life. He doesn't even have a confidant who can tell his heart.

The fifth brother came in from the outside and came to the bedside of Qishan. He whispered, "Are you all right?"

Qi Shan shook his head and closed his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Help me go through the formalities. I'm going to be discharged from the hospital immediately."

Qi Shan's attack attracted the attention of many people, including not only his friends, but also some unexpected people. When Qi Shan was about to leave, Huo Yunzhong arrived, and Huo Yunzhong put on his police uniform again. From his dress, Qi Shan had understood that he had been reappointed. It seems that the previous crisis is over.

Huo Yunzhong's eyes did not show too much hatred and anger, which surprised Qi Shan. He took the initiative to say, "I have finished talking to Luan Bureau. I'm about to be discharged from the hospital."

Huo Yunzhong's eyes stopped on Qi Shan's injured forehead, and then sat down on the chair by the bed. ( To be continued.