Medical official path

Chapter 1168 Adjustment Team on

Zhang Yang said, "The death toll has not increased further. At present, it is mainly searching for missing persons. The final statistics will have to wait until they come out."

Gong Huanshan sighed and said, "I hope no more people will die..." In fact, even he knows that this hope is unrealistic.

Zhang Yang said, "What's the whereabouts of Secretary Xiang?" His mind gradually calmed down, and he had to be restrained before he found Xiang Cheng.

Gong Huanshan shook his head and said, "The stone sinks into the sea, and there is no news!" After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that his words were unlucky. He changed his words and said, "A special person has been sent to find him. According to the doorman, he left the municipal party committee at about 5:30 this morning, and then lost the news."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you checked the airport station terminal?"

There was a sigh in Gong Huanshan's heart. Zhang Yang's words clearly thought that Xiang Cheng had absconded for fear of crime. Gong Huanshan said, "A lot of things happened this night."

Zhang Yang said, "There are indeed a lot of things. Many people died last night!"

Gong Huanshan sighed and looked forward, fixed on Wen Guoquan and Zhou Xingmin in the distance.

Zhou Xingmin stood beside Wen Guoquan and self-criticized in a low voice: "Vice Premier Wen, I admit that there are omissions and mistakes in my work. As the governor of Pinghai Province, I should bear considerable responsibility in the Beigang tsunami incident."

Wen Guoquan narrowed his eyes, looked at the receding tide in the distance, and whispered, "What I don't like most is to hear other people's self-criticism. What does self-criticism mean?" It means that the mistake has been made and irreparable! The deeper the review. It often means that the more serious the losses are, the more people will be rejuvenated. In fact, we all know that now is not the time to be held accountable.

Zhou Xingmin nodded and said, "I just went to Beigang for inspection, and I also asked about the emergency treatment of Beigang. To be fair, Beigang has made full preparations for the extremely bad weather this time. The evacuation and mobilization work was also carried out in advance. After the arrival of the tsunami, the majority of cadres also showed a fearless spirit. Few people flinched.

Wen Guoquan said, "The natural disaster may be inevitable, but the man-made disaster can be prevented before it happens. What's the result?"

Zhou Xingmin didn't say anything. The lips are tightly squeezed together.

Wen Guoquan said, "At this time, the secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee actually evaporated from the world, and the tsunami took hundreds of lives. However, at the same time as the tsunami occurred, some people did not die from the tsunami. Who is taking advantage of this natural disaster to do whatever they want?"

Zhou Xingmin said, "I will definitely find out about this matter."

Wen Guoquan said, "There must be great governance after the chaos. This is a pain for Beigang, but I firmly believe that the future of Beigang will be bright and beautiful."

Zhou Xingmin nodded with emphasis, and Wen Guoquan's words showed his confidence in Beigang. Zhou Xingmin said, "According to the current situation. Comrade Gong Qiwei should have died in his murder. Before his death, he wrote a line in the car with a ballpoint pen - Xiang Cheng lured me... That is to say, Xiang Cheng, Secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee, arranged for him to transfer the commander of the Seamen's Club at that time. As a result, Gong Qiwei suffered an accident after

Wen Guoquan has heard Zhang Yang talk about this matter. He said angrily, "Find Xiang Cheng and let him explain this matter."

Zhou Xingmin said, "A lot of spearheads are aimed at him, but he disappeared at this time."

Wen Guoquan said, "Do you absconded for fear of crime?"

Zhou Xingmin said, "I always feel that this matter is very strange. Yuan Xiaogong, the former director of the Beigang Public Security Bureau, was also killed in Dongjiang last night. These two things happened by no means accidental."

Wen Guoquan said, "Rejuvenate the people, this matter must be found out. But we must pay attention to the ways and means. After experiencing this natural disaster, the hearts of the people have become fragile. We can't have more adverse things to affect them, do you understand?

Zhou Xingmin actually has the same concern. After experiencing this natural disaster, most people are in panic. If some shady stories in the system break out at this time, it will only affect the credibility of the government and make the citizens of Beigang lose their trust in the government, which is obviously what he does not want to see. Zhou Xingmin said, "Vice Premier Wen, don't worry, I will follow up on this matter in person."

Wen Guoquan said, "If everything is done by Xiang Cheng, what is his motivation?"

Zhou Xingmin said, "I'm a little worried about whether he is still alive!"

It turned out that Zhou Xingmin's worries were not superfluous. At 7:00 p.m. that day, Xiang Cheng's body was found at Xingang Pier, and Xiang Cheng's death was expected by many people.

In the small conference room of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Xingmin held the first meeting after the Beigang disaster. In the same conference room, because of the different hosts, the level of the meeting was obviously different.

The mayor of Beigang, Gong Huanshan, is now the de facto leader of Beigang. In the past, he always dreamed of sitting in this position, and today it has finally come true, but Gong Huanshan does not have any happiness and excitement as he wants. On the contrary, he feels sad and frustrated. Gong Qiwei and Xiang Cheng left one after All power and responsibility fall on him. In his opinion, the responsibility is greater than power. Gong Huanshan is not optimistic about his future, or it can be said that from the beginning of his reaching the peak of the political stage in Beigang, he is destined to go downhill. Just as his position is not the initiative, he can't help but to step down.

Several members of the Standing Committee of Beigang came to attend the meeting, the main leaders of the counties and cities under Beigang.

Before the meeting, Wen Guoquan and Zhou Xingmin had exchanged views on the current situation in Beigang for a period of time, and now they should have reached a consensus.

Zhou Xingmin said: "Yesterday night, Beigang suffered the worst weather since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Typhoons, hail, rainstorms, earthquakes and tsunamis came one after another, causing serious damage to the people of Beigang. After the disaster, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council highly attached great We inspected the disaster and expressed our condolences to the people in the disaster area. During this period, we have seen the sincere dedication of the majority of party members and cadres. Here, on behalf of the superior departments, I would like to express my hard work to all the party members who are sticking to the front line of the Beigang disaster relief, and I would like to express my

There was a burst of applause at the scene, which was not enthusiastic, because everyone's heart was filled with sadness, and Governor Zhou's warm words could not make everyone excited.

Zhou Xingmin invited Wen Guoquan to speak.

Wen Guoquan looked around the crowd. His voice was not loud, but he was very strong: "I believe everyone knows what happened in this day and one night. Beigang has suffered the biggest disaster since the founding of the People's Republic of China. To be precise, we The number of deaths has been confirmed to be 547, and 265 people are still missing so far. The relevant search and rescue work is still continuing. This is a sad day in Beigang and a sad day for all Chinese people. We are saddened for the people who died in this disaster, and we will always remember this One day."

Wen Guoquan paused for a moment and said, "Don't forget the teacher of the future. Remember that today we should not only remember the pain of losing relatives today, but also remember what shortcomings we have in dealing with the disaster when the disaster comes. Through this painful experience, we should understand how to avoid the biggest in the face of such a sudden natural disaster. Casualties, reduce losses as much as possible. No matter how strong the storm is, it can't destroy the will of the nation. I believe that this disaster will not defeat the strong people of Beigang. I also believe that the majority of party members and cadres in Beigang can lead the people here out of the haze of the disaster as soon as possible. Here I assure you that the party and the country will give the strongest The strong backing of Beigang!"

There was warm applause at the scene.

Wen Guoquan's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and there was no smile on his face from beginning to end: "The big waves began to see gold, an unprecedented storm, let us see many good cadres who put life and death and put the interests of the people first, and also exposed some evils to the light of heaven. Next, I don't want to hold anyone accountable today. I just want to declare my attitude that Beigang will never become a breeding ground for evil. The party will not agree, the state will not agree, the people will not agree, and I will not agree!" His words made the whole conference room buzz.

Zhou Xingmin was the first to applaud, and many people applauded together.

After Wen Guoquan's speech, before the end of the meeting, he got up and left. Everyone got up to see him off. Wen Guoquan waved his hand and said, "Zhang Yang, you can take me to the airport."

Zhang Yang didn't want to get too close to Wen Guoquan in front of everyone, but he was named in public, so he had to follow him honestly.

On the way to the airport, Wen Guoquan said, "You have to be mentally prepared." Although he was not clear, Zhang Yang had understood that he was reminding himself to be mentally prepared to take responsibility.

Zhang Yang nodded: "As the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, I should bear the main responsibility."

Wen Guoquan looked at Zhang Yang and whispered, "Actually, you are not suitable to be an official."

Zhang Yang said, "I was very interested at the beginning, but now I'm even a little tired of myself."

"What are you tired of?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's cruel. I witnessed the death of too many people around me."

Wen Guoquan said, "There will be sacrifices for any cause. Instead of being sad for the sacrifice of friends, it's better to do more to prove that their sacrifice is worth it."

Zhang Yang nodded heavily: "I understand!"

Wen Guoquan said, "After your godmother knows about Beigang, she is actively organizing fund-raising in the capital. If you have time, you can go to the capital. I think it is necessary for our family to have a good talk." He naturally used the title of family without any pretentious elements. His words warmed Zhang Yang's heart and made Zhang Yang begin to reflect on his attitude towards Wen Guoquan and his wife during this period.

Wen Guoquan did not touch on too deep topics. He saw that Zhang Yang was very depressed at this time, and the few words he said were euphemistically encouraging Zhang Yang. RQ