Medical official path

Chapter 1184 On the Fishy Wind

Tian Xingrenxin said that you said it lightly. Why did you let me go to this kind of thankless thing? Why don't you lead the team there in person? Tian Xingren said, "But in case this matter is known to the Wen family..." In Tian Xingren's heart, the Wen family is unattainable.

Ren Congfeng laughed and said, "What is the height of the deputy [general]? Do you think he will care about this kind of thing? I believe he will definitely do business. If he knew about publicity, he would not agree with it. Xingren, the boss has given us a task. We must solve the problem of that house as soon as possible. Go quickly and try to do his ideological work as well as possible.

Tian Xingren couldn't help but have a fever on his face. It was true that he would not notice himself as a little man. He whispered, "Director Ren, if you can do his ideological work, how can we be pushed out of the door by him?" Up to now, the two cars in our demolition office are still detained at the door by him. Is this boy still a national cadre? I think he is simply a robber, a robber who is unsympathetic and undisciplined.

Ren Congfeng said, "Comrade Xingren, if he does not listen to the advice, we can only take some necessary measures when necessary. I believe you have the ability to solve this matter." In a word, Ren Congfeng made up his mind to push it to Tian Xingren.

Tian Xingren also understood Ren Congfeng's purpose. He said depressedly, "Director Ren, I just don't understand why I have to demolish this house. Is it really not possible to demolish this house in such a large scenic spot?"

Ren Congfeng said, "Don't ask me. I don't understand either. In a word, we will do what the superiors told us to do. We should unswervingly carry out the tasks assigned by the leader. They say dismantle it, and we will dismantle it."

Tian Xingren said, "Zhang Yang is not easy to mess with. What if he wants to fight violently?"

Ren Congfeng said, "Follow the steps step by step, how to do it in the past, and how to do it now."

Tian Xingren said, "I think it's not good to come forward in the name of the demolition office now. We must pay attention to a little strategy."

Ren Congfeng laughed and said, "You should have a lot of experience in this regard."

When Mr. Zhang was inspected around the Xiangshan courtyard before going to bed, he found that there was still a large tearing word on the wall with white and gray. Looking at the lame big character, Mr. Zhang really couldn't laugh or cry. If Mr. Tianchi had a spirit in the sky, he saw someone showing off his calligraphy, and I wrote such a lame word, I'm afraid I'll be furious.

Zhang Yang brought a bucket of water to brush off the disassembly. It was already 11 p.m., and there was no movement outside. In the wilderness, I guess the demolition office would not be so bored to come to visit at this time.

Zhang Guanren was calculating how to deal with the possible trouble tomorrow. He took a shower and was about to go to bed. Chu Yanran called and asked him about the progress of the matter. Zhang Yang told what had happened, and Chu Yanran laughed happily.

Zhang Daguan said, "What are you laughing at? My eyebrows are burning on my side, and you are still laughing. Ho, you really answered that sentence.

"What are you talking about?"

"The husband and wife were originally birds in the same forest, and they flew separately in the face of disaster."

Chu Yanran said, "You're talking nonsense. I'm going to share hardships with you, but my grandmother wants to accompany you. Also, my father said that you'd better solve this matter by yourself. I can't get involved. If I get involved, the more involved, the more chaotic it becomes."

Of course, Zhang Yang understands this truth. Song Huaiming saw what kind of problem there was behind this matter early in the morning. He would not make a public statement on this matter, so as his daughter, it is better for Yanran to draw a clear line with this matter.

Zhang Yang said, "Yanran, I guess I have to get mixed up for a few days here. I can't go back to accompany you right away."

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "You don't need to accompany me. I'm in Dongjiang. A big family is talking about short things from parents. It's uncomfortable for you to come here. When you're done, I'll go directly to Binhai. Grandma wants to have a look there."

Zhang Yang said, "Okay, I'll finish the things at hand as soon as possible."

Chu Yanran said, "I'm busy with you. My father told me not to disturb you."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "What else did he say?"

Chu Yanran said, "Didn't you say anything? That is to say, let me be less into your work.

Zhang Daguan's heart said that it's not that his father-in-law didn't let Chu Yanran get involved, but that he himself didn't want to get involved in this matter. This matter is really too **. If anyone gets involved, it involves the problem of standing in a team. Zhang Guanren is not afraid of standing in the queue No matter where, others will not pay attention. He hasn't attracted the attention of big shots yet.

Chu Yanran told him, "You must be calm when dealing with things, pay attention to the ways and methods, and don't use violence at any time."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I have a wife now. Can I still be like that young man in the past? Don't worry, put a hundred hearts on it.

Chu Yanran said, "It's strange if you can change, but ah, what you just said is right. Now you should think more about me before doing anything."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I know!"

The two chatted for a while before reluctantly hung up the phone. As soon as Zhang Daguanren climbed to **, he heard a slight movement from outside. It was quiet in the middle of the night. In addition, Zhang Daguan was overpowerful, and he immediately realized that he quietly got up from **. Did the demolition office take advantage of the night to Take action?

Zhang Guanren picked up a ash pole. If they didn't teach these guys a lesson, they didn't know how powerful they were. Before he walked out of the door, he heard a ping-pong sound from outside, but someone threw stones from outside, one of which happened to hit the window and smashed the glass.

Zhang Daguanren was really angry. He roared, opened the door and rushed out. As soon as he rushed out of the door, he heard the sound of the motorcycle starting. The two motorcycles carried two people each and fled down the mountain.

Zhang's official did not catch up. He picked up the hand lamp and shone around him. He saw that there were many white lacquered demolition words on the wall. Zhang's official was really laughing and cry. Unexpectedly, these demolition guys really had a way to play the guerrilla tactics to the fullest.

Zhang Guanren is too lazy to continue to erase the words on the wall. Let's wait until dawn tomorrow. Therefore, he came up with an idea to take pictures of all the actions of these bastards in the newspaper and expose their behavior.

Not long after Zhang Daguan returned to the room and lay down, there began to be noise outside again. Someone shouted to him through the microphone: "Comrade Zhang Yang, as a national cadre, don't you feel ashamed to fight against national policies and hinder national official affairs? Are you worthy of the title of Communist Party member?

Zhang Daguan sat up. Next to Mary, these grandchildren's tricks were really endless. They even used the tricks of shouting to the enemy before liberation. This is called psychological warfare. Since they can't conquer themselves by force, they use the method of spiritual warfare to interfere with their sleep and put themselves in a high degree of fatigue. Among them, the attack is really insidious.

Zhang Daguan heard the sound of the motorcycle outside again. He was a little inflamed and grabbed the ash pole. This time, even if they ran away on a motorcycle, they must be chased and repaired them severely.

Zhang Daguan walked to the door. Before he got to the gate, he smelled a stench. He immediately guessed something. I x, these grandchildren really did everything. He did not choose to go out of the gate this time, but jumped into the wall. Through the moonlight, he saw a large pool of yellow and white things that had been knocked down at the gate. Zhang Daguanren was completely pissed off. A motorcycle roared there in the distance. There were two people on the motorcycle. They were playing hide-and-seek with Zhang Relying on this motorcycle, he thought that it was impossible for Zhang Yang to catch up with them.

Seeing Zhang Yang standing on the wall, the boy riding a motorcycle banged the accelerator loudly, clearly demonstrating to Zhang Yang. Zhang Daguan jumped down from the wall.

When the motorcyclist saw Zhang Yang jumping down, he immediately fled to the mountain road in the distance.

Zhang Daguanren just let them go. By his means, it was not easy to deal with these two gangsters. He picked up a brick, huh! The ground was thrown out, and the bricks aimed at the rear wheels of the motorcycle.

I only heard it! With a sound, the rear wheel of the motorcycle was hit, and it immediately deviated from the original direction. The driver desperately tried to pull the handlebar back to the road, but he still couldn't control it. The motorcycle bumped into the big tree next to him, and the two fell to the ground screaming.

Before they got up from the ground, Zhang Yang had come to them and raised the white wax pole in his hand! The sound hit the driver's helmet, which made the man's eyes full of stars. Although there was a cushion of the helmet, he was still dizzy. He staggered and stood up like a drunken man. He wanted to run away. He crashed into the tree again in a panic and fell to the ground.

Zhang's official couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, he was such a stupid thief.

Another boy sitting in the back seat also got up and wanted to escape. Zhang Daguan's white wax pole stretched out, wrapped around his calves, and tripped the guy to the ground.

Looking at the two guys who were wailing on the ground, Zhang's popularity disappeared a lot. He pointed to their faces with a white wax pole and said, "Fuck me a guerrilla? Don't pee and see your virtues.

The driver covered his head and was still dizzy. In addition, the slightly fat young man said, "This big brother, you... You misunderstood. We passed by, and we didn't do anything..." Before he finished speaking, the white shadow shook in front of him, and the ash rod hit his head firmly, which made the pain so much that he put his hands Screaming.