Medical official path

Chapter 1211 Fire Fire on

Du Tianye opened his sleepy eyes. There was already a fire outside, and thick smoke penetrated through the cracks in the doors and windows. He said in a shocked voice, "It's on fire!"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Du, put the quilt on your body, and I'll take you out!"

Du Tianye hurriedly covered the quilt on his body, and Zhang Yang hugged Du Yufeng like a zongzi. In Du Tianye's exclamation, Zhang Daguan rose into the air. He hit the tiles of the roof with his body and landed firmly on the ridge of the house. Looking around, the whole Zixiaguan was surrounded by fire, and How did the fire suddenly rise? He took a few ups and downs to the open area in the middle and put Du Tianye down. Without having time to explain to Du Tianye, he had jumped to the roof again. Although the fire sealed the doors and windows, it still did not spread to the roof. In comparison, the roof is a relatively safe way to escape. Of course, this should be guaranteed by Zhang's outstanding martial arts skills.

Zhang's magistrate has fallen on the roof of the next room. Before he could break the roof, he only heard the loud noise of the tiles around him. The two figures soared up from the room. Zhang Yang really saw it. It was Chen Xue who rushed up with Qiu Fengxian. Chen Xue handed Qiu Fengxian to Zhang Yang, turned around This time, she went to save Su Yuanyuan.

Zhang Daguan grabbed the frightened Qiu Fengxian and whispered, "I'll send you down!"

Qiu Fengxian hasn't figured out what happened. Her body has been picked up and thrown out by Zhang Yang. She screamed, but she felt the wind in her ear, her body crossed the smoke, and the flames under her feet were close at hand. Fortunately. He didn't burn her and waited for Qiu Fengxian to wake up. The buttocks had fallen on the ground, and Zhang Daguanren's throw was extremely ingenious. When he landed, he had cleverly turned the impact of Qiu Fengxian's body into invisible.

Qiu Fengxian sat on the ground. Fortunately, she was not injured. Du Tianye was not far from her and reached out and pulled her up.

Over there, Chen Xue has rescued Su Yuanyuan, and Zhang Daguan has concocted Su Yuanyuan in the same way and sent Su Yuanyuan to a safe place.

The mountain wind is very strong. The fire quickly burned with the wind. Zhang Yang and Chen Xue handed over their eyes. Chen Xue said, "I'm going to save Grandpa and them, and you can save the others."

In a critical situation, Chen Xue also had no time to hide her martial arts skills. She twisted her delicate body and leaped on the roof like a flat ground. As soon as she came to the room where her grandfather lived, she saw a large dark water tank below spiraling towards the fire, hitting the fire gate and squeaking! With a sound, the water tank was torn apart, and the water inside flowed everywhere. The fire in front of the door immediately weakened. At this time, a gray figure suddenly rushed into the room, but it was Li Xinyi, an old Taoist priest, who moved very fast. As soon as he entered the room, the two people rushed out of it. It was Mr. Chen Chongshan and Qiu Hesheng.

The three of them just left the room. A burning beam fell from the air.

When the old Taoist priest heard the noise, he raised his head and shouted that it was not good. He was sure to avoid this burning beam, but if he dodged, Chen Chongshan and Mr. Qiu Hesheng beside him were bound to suffer.

At this critical moment, I saw a figure flying in like a shock. The tip of the foot gently clicked at one end of the burning beam. The beam rotated like a windmill in the void, forming a huge wind and fire wheel in the night sky, hitting the wall in the front right, and the fire bursting everywhere. It turned out that Chen Xue was in an emergency and rushed to relieve the siege for them.

She fell beside her grandfather, took Chen Chongshan's arm, and said to the old Taoist priest, "Taoist priest, let's go to a safe place first."

The old Taoist priest nodded, and the two covered Chen Chongshan and Qiu Hesheng respectively and ran to the open area.

Qiu Zuodong and Qiu Qiming shared a room. They were also woken up by smoke. The room was full of thick smoke. The two could not tell the direction. Qiu Zuodong suppressed the tingling throat and shouted, "Qi Ming..."

Only when Qiu Qiming heard the voice did he know that his uncle was not far away from him. He couldn't make a sound. He followed his uncle's voice and grabbed his uncle's shoulder.

Qiu Zuodong just said a word, and if he wanted to speak again, he was so choked that he couldn't make a sound.

Both of them understood that if they continued to stay in the room, even if they were not burned to death by the fire, they would be choked to death by the smoke. The two stumbled forward. Qiu Qiming just found the location of the door and reached out to pull it with joy, but Qiu Zuodong held his wrist. Qiu Qiming looked puzzle Uncle..

Qiu Zuodong stretched out his palm and touched the door panel. The door panel has been burned to the people. This is the most basic common sense of escape. If it hadn't been for the obstruction of the door panel, the fire outside would have spread. If the door was opened, the two would definitely be buried in the sea of fire.

Qiu Qiming also touched the door panel and broke out in a cold sweat. When the two were looking for a way around like ants on a hot pot in the room, they heard a loud click from the roof, and a big hole was broken from the outside. The sunroof on the roof had the effect of a range hood, and the smoke suddenly pulled away The pungent smell of fireworks also seems to be a little lighter.

Qiu Zuodong and Qiu Qiming looked at the big hole. The two of them did not have the ability to jump up, but they also knew that the fire had not yet spread to the roof, and there would not be a big hole for no reason.

Zhang Yang's figure finally appeared outside the mouth of the cave. He jumped down easily, but in this moment, the fire had spread to the room. The reason was very simple. The big hole he broke contributed to the fire.

Qiu Zuodong and Qiu Qiming were smoked to tears, and they couldn't see who jumped down at all.

Zhang Daguan walked over, grabbed one in one hand, and shouted, "You two come with me!"

With the help of Chen Xue and Li Xinyi, everyone else has successfully moved to a safe place. Du Tianye found Su Yuanyuan. Su Yuanyuan, who was frightened, jumped into his arms when she saw Du Tianye and couldn't help sobbing.

Chen Chongshan was very calm. Although his cheeks were stained with a lot of soot, he was not panicked at all. He checked the number of people and found that three were missing. He said to Li Xinyi, "Zhaodong and they haven't come out yet!"

Chen Xue said, "Zhang Yang went to save them." She was full of confidence in Zhang Yang and believed that with Zhang Yang's martial arts skills, the remaining two people should be rescued safely.

Qiu Hesheng himself is not afraid of death. He is in his nineties and has never experienced anything. What he is really worried about is his family. Seeing that his son and grandson still have not come out, the fire in the room they live in is spreading the fastest. The whole room has been surrounded by fire. He can't help but worry: "Z Face..."

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