Medical official path

Chapter 1226 Extraordinary Birth

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet my wife at the airport, which is in line with an old Chinese saying, where can we not meet in life!" He laughed.

Yuan and Sachiko didn't laugh. She didn't feel anything funny about this sentence. She whispered, "Mr. Xiao, where are you going?"

Xiao Guocheng said, "Tokyo!"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "It seems that we are on the same road!"

Xiao Guocheng said, "It's really the same way!"

Yuanhe Group's active concession is a pleasant result for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Japan no longer protested. Naturally, several foreign businessmen who protested in other joint protests were also scattered, and no one had the confidence and interest to make trouble. Seeing a disturbance, it has dissipated invisibly.

Beigang was relieved to hear the news from top to bottom. Chang Lingkong called Zhang Yang and praised him well. The mission has been completed, and you can have a good time in the capital.

Zhang Daguan has come to the capital countless times. He is very familiar with everything here and has long lost the interest of visiting the capital. The reason why he does not plan to go back for the time being is that there are a few things to do. The first is to attend Zhang Bijun's funeral, and the second is to understand that he was bewitted

It rained heavily on the day of Zhang Bijun's funeral. Because of Zhang Bijun's identity** and the gradual exposure of the crimes she committed, few people came to mourn.

As far as Zhang Ruirong and Chang Lingfeng are concerned, they don't want to have too many guests. Just quietly send the deceased away. No matter what she did in her life, since she has left, there is no need to investigate, and it's better to be grounded.

Zhang Yang braved the rain and came to the funeral site. He saw Zhang Ruirong crying while holding Zhang Bijun's ashes. Chang Lingfeng helped her aside and held an umbrella for her, but his body was already wet.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything and followed silently. Before long, he met the first group of guests, Xue Shilun and his daughter Xue Weitong.

Xue Shilun had a white flower on his chest. He didn't look in good spirits. Although Xue Weitong wanted to take an umbrella for him, Xue Shilun insisted on not using it and walked in the wind and rain.

Zhang's official finally saw Lao Xue's infatuation. Xue Weitong came to Zhang Yang's side and whispered, "The third brother is here!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Zhang Ruirong is my friend and colleague. I should attend her aunt's funeral."

Xue Shilun looked at Zhang Yang and didn't say anything.

A group of people escorted Zhang Bijun to the burial. Zhang Ruirong lay in front of the tombstone and kept crying. Zhang Yang put the flowers he brought in front of the tomb, patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry!" He also told Chang Lingfeng to take good care of Zhang Ruirong. He was the first to leave. The reason was very simple. Zhang Bijun's death had something to do with him. If Zhang Bijun knew that he did not want Zhang Yang to attend his funeral, and Zhang did not want to provoke the dead.

Xue Shilun sent flowers and looked at Zhang Ruirong, who was crying with pear blossoms. His heart was sad. The girl in front of him was also his daughter, but he didn't even give her a day of father's love. Thinking of Zhang Bijun, who had been sleeping underground, Xue Shilun became more and more sad. Zhang Bijun was single-minded about himself, and he didn't expect to receive such retribution in the end.

He said to Chang Lingfeng, "Take good care of Ruirong. If there is anything you can't do, just come to me."

Chang Lingfeng expressed his gratitude.

On the way back to the parking lot, Xue Weitong finally couldn't help asking, "Dad, do you know her well?"

Xue Shilun sighed and said, "It's the past. I feel very uncomfortable to see her ending like this."

Xue Weitong wanted to ask something more, but when he saw that his father was very depressed, he couldn't bear to continue to ask.

The two entered the car in the rain. Xue Shilun took a dry towel from the driver's hand and wiped his face. He whispered, "Fong Tong, call Zhang Yang. I have something to do with him."

Xue Weitong blinked, hummed, and then picked up the phone.

Zhang Yang did not go far. It was raining heavily at this time. After driving out of the cemetery, the automatic induction wiper swung wildly, but there was still no time to wipe off the rain pouring on the window in time.

After receiving a phone call from Xue Weitong, Zhang Yang said, "I didn't go too far. It's just at the gate of the cemetery."

Xue Shilun said, "Tell him to go directly to Fengyuan Villa."

Two cars arrived at Fengyuan Villa one day after the other. Strangely, it was still raining heavily just now, and now the wind and rain have dissipated.

Zhang Yang pushed the door and walked down. Seeing that Xue Shilun and Xue Weitong also got out of the car, he smiled and said, "Uncle Xue, hello!"

Xue Shilun nodded: "Weitong, you talk to Zhang Yang first, and I'll change my clothes."

Xue Weitong took Zhang Yang around the villa. The air in the villa after the rain is particularly fresh, and behind it is the peaks stained with forests. It is not steep. Although it is not as thick and graceful as the mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, it is unique to the magnificent scenery of the north. There is a big river

The reception room of the villa is on the third floor. It is a sun room of about 60 square meters. There are a lot of green vegetation planted in the room. Looking up is the blue sky and white clouds. There is no cover in front of and left and right. The beautiful scenery of the mountains is clear, and the ground under your feet is also made of transparent ,

Zhang Daguan is surprised. Just in this sunny reception room, you can see that the owner is quite able to enjoy life.

Xue Shilun, who has changed into casual clothes, sat on a rattan chair, holding a cigar in his hand, looked at the Zhang Yang who walked in at the door and whispered, "This glass house has just been built. What do you think?"

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue's taste is absolutely superhuman." This sentence is absolutely heartfelt.

Xue Weitong said, "I don't like it. I always feel dizzy standing here. In a couple of days, I will ask someone to lay a floor on the ground."

Xue Shilun said, "My daughter always likes to make cows eat peonies."

Xue Weitong said, "Do you say that about your daughter? Damn it!"

Xue Shilun said, "You are afraid of heights. Go take a shower and change your clothes. Let Sister Zhang prepare lunch and leave Zhang Yang for lunch."

Xue Weitong turned around.

Zhang Yang heard that Xue Shilun should have intended to support Xue Weitong. Does he have something to whisper to himself?

Xue Shilun pointed to the rattan chair beside him. When Zhang Yang sat down, he lit the match and put it on the flame to light the cigar.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue is looking for me?"

Xue Shilun said, "It's not too important. It's just a casual chat." He spit out a cloud of smoke, and the hazy smoke still couldn't hide his sad eyes. He whispered, "Last time I went to Beigang, one was to worship Xiang Cheng, and another important thing was to see Zhang Bijun."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned and did not expect that Xue Shilun would take the initiative to confess this matter to himself. However, he turned to think that this matter is actually not difficult to understand. The matter between Xue Shilun and Zhang Bijun can no longer be called a secret. Today, Xue Shilun's attendance at Zhang Bijun's funeral is equivalent to public Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue has known her for a long time?" Although he had already positioned Xue Shilun as a conspirator in his heart, he still showed considerable respect on the surface.

Xue Shilun sighed and said, "If I hadn't left that year, maybe we would have become husband and wife..." When he said this, he closed his eyes and his expression was full of sadness. After a while, he paused and then said, "Few people know our relationship, and I don't want Tong Tong to know."

Zhang Yang said, "Since ancient times, all lovers in the world may not be able to come together."

Xue Shilun nodded and said, "I have been abroad all these years, and I have neglected to contact her. It can be said that I have never cared about her over the years. In my heart, she is still the simple little girl in those years."

Zhang Yang said, "According to me, she is suspected of treason!"

Xue Shilun opened his eyes and said, "Do you still remember what I said to you in Beigang?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Remember, you make friends and only judge according to your own standards!"

Xue Shilun said, "In my heart, she is always a good person. I don't allow anyone to speak ill of her in front of me."

Zhang Yang said, "Good or bad, now that she has long been sleeping underground, let's not talk about it, so as not to disturb her peace."

Xue Shilun said, "I heard that you were ambushed by the Japanese in Qingtai Mountain and the capital?"

Zhang Yang said, "This should not be news, and these two murders are not aimed at me."

Xue Shilun flicked the soot in the ashtray, and looked at Zhang Yang with deep eyes: "According to me, you and Yuanhe Group have formed a knot because of the matter of Fulong Port."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's also old news. Uncle Xue only knows one and doesn't know the other. Now that now, Yuanhe Group and I have peacefully resolved each other's disputes, and the problem no longer exists, and I firmly believe that Yuanhe Group has not reached the point of assassinating me."

Xue Shilun's expression was doubtful.

Zhang Yang said, "There are eight Japanese ninjas in Qingtai Mountain who set fire to Zixiaguan and plot to assassinate them. Their target is the Qiu family."

Xue Shilun said, "You mean Qiu Zuodong's family?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Xue Shilun said, "I've also heard of this statement. Some people say that the root cause of the assassination in Qingtai Mountain is still the election in Taiwan Island. In addition to Qiu Zuodong, Hong Enzheng's election has no suspense."

Zhang Yang said, "The news in Taiwan is being analyzed. I have read a report saying that this matter may have been done by Hong Enzheng's staunch supporter. It seems to be the same. The biggest suspect is Andeyuan." Speaking of this, Zhang Yang deliberately paused for a moment: "Uncle Xue, I heard that you seem to be cooperating with the father and son of the An family recently."

Xue Shilun asked, "Who said that? It's really ridiculous. I've always done business with dignity. How can I cooperate with such a person with a underworld background? He pushed the matter clean.

Naturally, Zhang Yang would not have been deceived by him. He whispered, "I also heard about it, but Andawen is really not a good guy. I have known him for so long, and I still know something about this person."

Xue Shilun put out the cigar in the ashtray and whispered, "Tay it and listen." RS