Medical official path

Chapter 1232 Moth to the fire

Qin Zhentang said, "Zhang Yang, for the sake of the Wen family, I'll give you face. Now you leave obediently, I just think I didn't see you, otherwise..."

"What else?" Zhang's face suddenly changed, like a layer of cold frost in a cage.

Qin Zhentang and Zhang Yang are not the first time to fight. He has learned Zhang Yang's strength. Of course, he knows that if there is a conflict, he will suffer a lot. He nodded to Zhang Yang, pulled out a search warrant with a bright red seal from his pocket, and shook hard in front of Zhang Yang: "Please take a look. Clear, although I don't have to explain it to you, I'd better not interfere in the military's affairs.

The official Zhang looked at the search warrant contemptuously and said disdainfully, "It's useless for me to take this search warrant. I'm not a soldier?"


"What are you? If you want to search the house, it's easy. You have to ask the local police to come with a formal search warrant. Who do you want to get such a piece of broken paper to fool? When will everything in the capital be under your control? When did you soldiers have the power over the local government?

Qin Zhentang was stunned by Zhang Yang's question. He blushed and said, "I'm chasing the criminals inside us."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Who are the criminals inside you? Me? Or someone in this room? By the way, you are looking for He Yumeng, He Chang'an's daughter, but he is an American. You are an officer. Although I don't think you are not good, you can't forget that your every move represents the image of the country. I don't know what He Yumeng has done, but a large group of soldiers like you Have you come here to arrest people and ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for instructions? Please use your brains to catch small personnel, but if your behavior affects the relationship between China and the United States, it will be troublesome.

Qin Zhentang was really stunned. He got the news. He Yumeng is Qin Mengmeng. So he came to arrest her. In his opinion, Qin Mengmeng was a soldier before she fled. Even if she was sent to the military court, it was reasonable, but Zhang Yang did not take his routine and pestered him, and now he actually took out Sino-US relations to intimidate him. Although Qin Zhentang had begun to hesitate in his heart, he could not retreat in front of so many people. He angrily looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll arrest you first."

Zhang Daguan laughed. He still didn't flinch and picked up his mobile phone and made a slow phone call. He said to Qin Zhentang, "It seems that we have to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to judge."

Zhang Daguanren called directly to the office of Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan heard that Zhang Yang called him. Although he was unhappy with this boy, he was still picked up.

Zhang Daguan briefly said what had happened in front of Qin Zhentang.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but have a headache after listening to it. This matter is not a big deal, but He Yumeng's identity is an American, which has become a huge trouble. Zhang Yang said something right. If this matter is not handled properly, it is likely to cause diplomatic disputes. If Chen Xuan doesn't know about this matter, he will ignore it. But since Zhang Yang complained to him, he couldn't help but say something. He asked Zhang Yang to give the phone to Qin Zhentang. Chen Xuan and Qin Hongjiang have known each other for many years and are familiar with the sons of the Qin family.

Qin Zhentang took the phone and said a few words to Chen Xuan. He nodded and returned the phone to Zhang Yang. He pointed to Zhang Yang and said, "You are awesome!"

Although Qin Zhentang withdrew from the villa, he did not leave the Greenfield Court, but let people surround the floors of Villa 77.

After Zhang Yang asked someone to close the door, he went to the basement to invite Qin Mengmeng out. When Qin Mengmeng learned that Qin Zhentang came up to arrest her, she couldn't help but feel a little flustered. She didn't want to implicates Zhang Yang because of herself. She whispered, "Brother Yang, why

Zhang Yang said, "Since he dares to come to arrest you, Shiyou** has found out your real identity. As long as you go out, it is like flying a moth to catch fire. It will be difficult to escape." Speaking of this, a bold idea suddenly came up in Zhang's mind.

Qin Mengmeng sighed and began to regret a little. She should have listened to Zhang Yang's advice at the beginning, but now she has been surrounded by people. I'm afraid it's difficult to leave the Green Wild Court.

Zhang Yang walked a few steps back and forth in the room and whispered, "Qin Zhentang will not stop here. We must leave here immediately."

Qin Mengmeng sighed and said, "How to leave?"

Zhang Yang looked around and said, "I think of a bad idea! Maybe it can help you get out of trouble smoothly!"

As night fell, Qin Zhentang was still sitting in the military jeep. Zhao Quanzeng, an officer responsible for checking the movement outside, came to the car and said to him, "Coloned Colonel Qin!"

Qin Zhentang said, "How's it going? What's going on inside?

Zhao Quanzeng said, "Four people said they wanted to leave. I checked carefully, and there were no He Yumeng and Zhang. The two are He Yumeng's bodyguards, and the other two are nannies here. When it comes to Zhang Yang, Zhao Quanzeng also hates his teeth. This is not without a reason. When Zhang Yang went to the Qin family to ask for Qin Huan, he once kicked Zhao Quanzeng away with one foot. In front of so many soldiers, Zhao Quanzeng, who had always taught about his excellent kung fu, lost his face. There

Qin Zhentang frowned and thought to himself, what on earth is this Yang doing? Before he came here, he was already clear about the situation here. There were only four people in the villa except He Yumeng and Zhang Yang. Now all four people have left, that is to say, only Zhang Yang and He Yumeng are left in it. Does he want to play the trick of leaving the mountain? That's not right! These four people alone can't lead themselves away!

Qin Zhentang thought for a while before saying to Zhao Quanzeng, "Let people keep an eye on those four and see where they have gone."

After Zhao Quanzeng ordered him to go down, he returned to Qin Zhentang and whispered, "Colonegue, why don't you rush in and arrest them all?" When he spoke, he deliberately put his hand on the pistol at his waist. He was reminding Qin Zhentang that the gun was of course in our hands. Although Zhang Yang's martial arts are strong, no matter how powerful he is, he can't beat the gun. They have more than 20 people and more than 20 guns. Are they afraid of an unarmed Zhang Yang?

Although Qin Zhentang also thought so, he considered more problems than Zhao Quanzeng. Some things could not be done rashly. Zhang Yang just used the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put pressure on him, and Chen Xuan, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, also greeted him. If he still rushed in, he would definitely expand the impact of this matter. Qin Zhentang Understanding that the main purpose of his coming was to arrest He Yumeng, not to cause too much unnecessary trouble, he whispered, "Wait a minute, I'd like to see what he can do." Qin Zhentang believes that it is difficult for Zhang Yang to fly out of his control even if he inserts his wings in the current situation. What he has to do now is to be more patient and must not act rashly. Once he attacks, he must catch He Yumeng. As long as he is caught by him, he will take the initiative.

Zhao Quanzeng said, "Are we just waiting like this?"

Qin Zhentang thought for a moment and said, "I cut off their water and electricity first. I'd like to see how long they can stand it!"

The room suddenly turned dark, and Qin Mengmeng subconsciously let out a delicate cry.

Zhang Yang's eyes quickly adapted to the darkness. He sneered and said, "In addition to this bad technique, Qin Zhentang is really a person who can't get on the table."

Qin Mengmeng said, "It seems that he already knows my identity." He was secretly guilty, and he obviously brought a lot of trouble to Zhang Yang. Now Qin Zhentang has besieged the villa. Except for the gate and the back door, there is no other road to connect with the outside world. I'm afraid it's difficult to get out today. Thinking of this floor, she said again, "Brother Yang, you go. I caused the trouble by myself, and I will solve it myself."

Zhang Yang smiled in the dark: "What's the matter? Can't you trust me?" He stretched out his hand and patted Qin Mengmeng gently on the shoulder and said, "The water and electricity are cut off, which has helped us a lot."

As time went by, Qin Zhentang looked at his watch. It was already midnight. Since the four people left, there was no movement in the villa. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang was so calm. Qin Zhentang must wait. What he wants to catch is He Yumeng, not Zhang Yang. As long as Zhang Yang leaves here, he will search here without scruples.

Zhao Quanzeng came to him again to report routinely, "Coloneal, there is still no movement inside. I don't think they will do anything unusual tonight."

Qin Zhentang said, "Keep a close eye on him. Don't let He Yumeng leave."

Zhao Quanzeng nodded, and then asked, "What if Zhang Yang leaves?"

"The reason why he stayed proves that He Yumeng is in the villa. He dares not leave. If he knows that he leaves, we will go in and arrest people."

Zhao Quanzeng said, "This man is really a trouble!"

Qin Zhentang suddenly found that the window of the small building was shining. He was surprised that they had cut off the water and electricity of the villa, but this light? It didn't take long for Qin Zhentang to make an accurate judgment. It was firelight, not electric light.

The villa caught fire, and the fire spread quickly. Almost in an instant, the whole building burned, and the three-story building caught fire almost at the same time. Obviously, the fire was not an accident.

Only man-made arson can make multiple fire points burn at the same time.

Zhang's official clicked Qin Mengmeng's acupuncture point and let her enter the turtle breathing state, so as to ensure that she could temporarily sleep and not be choked by the thick smoke. Before the arson, Zhang Yang had called 119 and reported the fire first.

So when Qin Zhentang found that the villa was on fire, the officers and soldiers of the nearby fire detachment had arrived, and they dispatched two fire engines.

Qin Zhentang was about to make the decision to rush into the fire. At this time, he heard the sound of the fire siren and saw the heavily armed fire officers and soldiers enter the scene.

Qin Zhentang understood that the fire in the villa was released by Zhang Yang. He deliberately created chaos and took advantage of the chaos to take Qin Mengmeng away. ( To be continued.)

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