Medical official path

Chapter 1261 Honesty is a kind of respect

Honesty is a kind of respect. Qin Mengmeng's words obviously shocked Zhangguan. It seems that he is not honest enough with Chu Yanran. Doesn't this mean that he doesn't have enough respect for her? The more the officials think about it, the more guilty they feel. But they can tell everything calmly. Will it be a blow Every time Zhang Guan thought about it, he became entangled.

The next morning, Zhang Yang returned to Binhai. An Yuchen went to Jiangcheng Airport to take a flight back to Hong Kong. Qin Mengmeng left a little later. She took Ding Zhaoyong's ride to Dongjiang and flew directly to the United States from there.

Zhang Daguan stayed in the capital for a long time this time, nearly 20 days. Although he handled official duties on the phone every day, as the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, he was still suspected of incompetence.

On the way, Zhang Yang asked Fu Changzheng to inform the Standing Committee to have a meeting at 10 a.m., but before he entered Binhai City, he received a phone call from Fu Changzheng. Fu Changzheng told him that Chang Lingkong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, learned the news of his return to Binhai and asked Zhang Yang to report to

When Zhang Daguan heard that the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee summoned, he naturally did not dare to neglect it. He also asked Fu Changzheng to cancel the meeting. He was a little puzzled. In addition to Fu Changzheng, these members of the Binhai Standing Committee knew that how did it spread to Chang Lingkong's ears so quickly. It seems that According to the small report, Zhang Guan felt a trace of displeasure in his heart. In fact, this phenomenon is very common. There are always some people who like to go to the upper line, and leaders often place some eyes and ears within their own control. These people can be used to accurately and timely understand the following situation.

Zhang Yang entered Chang Lingkong's office on time at ten o'clock. Chang Lingkong pushed off other receptions and waited for him there. Seeing Zhang Yang come in, Chang Lingkong stood up with a smile: "It's not easy to see you in Beigang. I thought you were going to stay in the capital for a long time, but you were already happy?"

Zhang Yang walked over and shook the outstretched hand of Chang Lingkong. He smiled and said, "Secretary Chang, it's a little unkind of you to say that. Who sent me to the capital at the beginning? Do you think I don't want to sit safely in Binhai and immerse myself in the construction of Binhai? Little Japan is making waves. Your leaders pushed me out to fight against Japan. I have won this battle now. I thought that all the leaders were going to hold a celebration banquet for me and welcome me back to my hometown.

Chang Lingkong laughed and said, "Yes, you have indeed made a contribution to Beigang." He pointed to the sofa opposite and motioned Zhang Yang to sit down.

After Zhang Yang sat down, Chang Lingkong's secretary came in and brought a cup of brewed tea, and then closed the door and went out.

Chang Lingkong came to Zhang Yang with his teacup and sat down: "Zhang Yang, you have handled the matter very well this time. It has solved a ** annoyance for our Beigang leadership team. During your time as the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, the achievements you have made are also obvious to all."

When Zhang Daguan heard this, he felt something was wrong. He blinked his eyes and said, "Secretary Chang, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Chang Lingkong sighed and said, "I just received a notice from the province to let you put aside the work at hand for the time being and go to Dongjiang to participate in a cadre rotation training class first."

"What?" Zhang's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his ears. He didn't seem to have done anything. The first thing he thought of was the word to unload and kill the donkey, but there was no reason to do such a thing. What's more, he just said that he was asked to go to Dongjiang for rotation. Is it necessary? I have been to the Party School of the Central Committee. What's the clue that can I take turns to train in Dongjiang?

Chang Lingkong thought that Zhang Yang didn't hear it clearly, and repeated, "The province asked you to go to Dongjiang to participate in the cadre rotation training class."

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it supposed to suspend me?"

Chang Lingkong said, "I don't know what's going on. Anyway, Secretary Song personally gave instructions. Zhang Yang, I don't think this matter is necessarily a bad thing."

Zhang Yang said, "What is the rotation training? How long is the rotation training?

Chang Lingkong shook his head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know. Anyway, when you arrive in Dongjiang, you will understand everything when you see Secretary Song."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Chang, you really don't know?"

Chang Lingkong said, "I really don't know!"

Zhang Yang said, "Did you tell me when to go there?"

"Immediately, it's better to leave today!"

Zhang Yang said, "But I just came back from the capital, and I didn't cover my chair with my buttocks. There are so many things waiting for me to deal with in Binhai."

Chang Lingkong said, "You don't have to worry about work. I will arrange someone else to deal with it."

Zhang Daguan looked at Chang Lingkong strangely. From Chang Lingkong's words, he felt that there must be tricks. Chang Lingkong did not know nothing like he confessed to himself. Maybe he didn't want to say it. It was inconvenient to say. Zhang Yang vaguely felt that this time was definitely not a good thing.

When he came out of Chang Lingkong's office, he happened to meet Mayor Liao Bosheng. Liao Bosheng was surprised to see Zhang Yang's expression: "Zhang Yang, when did you come back?"

Zhang Yang said, "I just arrived!"

Liao Bosheng said, "I thought you had gone to Dongjiang."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Yang felt more and more strange. Didn't Chang Lingkong say that the province had just notified him to go to Dongjiang? How to listen to Liao Bosheng's tone, as if he had known about this matter for a long time, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I just came back. I just heard from Secretary Chang about going to Dongjiang."

Liao Bosheng patted him on the shoulder and wanted to stop talking.

It can be said that Zhang Yang went to Dongjiang with full of doubts. Although he wanted to call Song Huaiming on the way to ask what was going on, he thought about it and suppressed the idea. Anyway, he had to go there. Whether it was a good or a bad thing, he had to face it.

Zhang Yang did not drive. He took the train that afternoon to Dongjiang. When he arrived in Dongjiang, it was already 10:30 p.m. On the way, Zhang Daguan had a lot of trouble. Although he had the idea of ending his career, this time he felt that he had become completely passive.

In the middle of the train, Zhang called Liang Chenglong and asked him to pick him up at the station. When Zhang Yang got off the train, Liang Chenglong was already waiting for him at the station.

Dongjiang was already very cold in mid-November. Liang Chenglong wore a black leather coat, which was very cool. He came to Zhang Yang and did a boxing on his shoulder: "You are not a thing. You tossed me in the middle of the night."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why not you, buddy, didn't delay the good deeds of you and your sister-in-law?"

Liang Chenglong scolded with a smile, "Bullshit, you, our old husband and wife are not so interested. Today's cooling down, who still thinks about that kind of thing?"

Zhang Yang laughed.

After leaving the station, he went to the parking lot. He got on the Land Rover newly bought by Liang Chenglong and found it. Zhang Yang said, "Why have you changed to Land Rover recently?"

Liang Chenglong said, "What era is it? Do you think everyone still recognizes abb?"

Zhang Yang said, "What?"

Liang Chenglong started the car: "It's a dirt hat, isn't it? Abb is the English abbreviation of Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW. You don't understand what I told you. After all, you are from the countryside and have never seen the world. As long as the two meet, they have to make fun of each other.

Zhang Yang was obviously not interested in bickering today. He adjusted the position of the seat and yawned, "Send me to the Huiyuan Hotel."

Liang Chenglong said, "What hotel are you going to? Come and stay at my house."

Zhang Yang said, "It's inconvenient!"

Liang Chenglong said, "What's the inconvenience? I asked Lin Qinghong for leave and said that you had to let me spend the night with you. She agreed.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not as good as breaking my sleeves. Don't ruin my reputation."

Liang Chenglong said, "I haven't seen you for so long. You've come all the way. We have to go out and have fun."

Zhang Yang was really not in the mood today. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, I've been on the train all afternoon. I'm tired, so I just want to find a place to sleep. I have to see Secretary Song tomorrow morning."

Liang Chenglong said, "Isn't he your old father-in-law? It's not the same to go to work and see it at home. Zhang Yang, I was tossed out of the quilt by you. Anyway, I'm not going to go back today. I'm going to drink!"

Zhang Yang really couldn't resist him. He nodded and said, "Well, listen to you. Why don't you call Chen Shaobin and others?"

Liang Chenglong said, "Chen Shaobin is not in Dongjiang. Zhaoyong is your brother-in-law. If he comes, we will not be comfortable."

Zhang Yang said, "Liang Chenglong, Liang Chenglong, do you still want to do something bad?"

Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "I don't want to do anything bad. I'll take you to the Blue Rubik's Cube to play."

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it closed there?"

Liang Chenglong said, "It's reopened. Compared with the past, it's much larger, and you can't be overwhelmed by the beautiful women in it."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not interested."

Liang Chenglong said, "If you're not interested, let's just go for a drink."

The two have come to the door of the Blue Devil's Cube while talking. Zhang Yang is no stranger to this place. In the past, the boss here was Liang Zi. Because she was involved in her brother-in-law's corruption, she fled in a hurry. The Blue Devil's Cube nightclub was also seized. Now Liang Zi has fled overseas.

Zhang Yang followed Liang Chenglong into the Blue Rubik's Cube. Sure enough, he saw a scene of warbler, swallow and swallow singing and dancing everywhere.

Liang Chenglong seems to be very familiar with here, and someone keeps greeting him.

Zhang Yang said, "I said that you are married and have children, and it's time to take care of it. It's better to come to this kind of place."

Liang Chenglong said, "There is always a scene in the mall. Now I understand the true meaning of life. I have passed through thousands of flowers, and the leaves are not touched, which is called a real man."

The manager on duty of the nightclub greeted him with a charming smile: "Mr. Liang, you are coming! I'll call Yanyan for you.

Liang Chenglong saw that Zhang Yang seemed to be a little unhappy. He waved his hand and said, "My friend and I just want to find a place to listen to music and chat, and choose a secluded place for us to sit. Give us a bottle of Louis XIII. Don't let people come and disturb you."

The manager on duty arranged for two people to sit down in the southeast corner of the hall. This seat is relatively far from the central stage, relatively secluded, and you can see the performance.

Liang Chenglong had the wine bottle opened and poured two cups, and handed one of them to Zhang Yang: "What's the matter? Do you feel like you're not in a good mood tonight?

Ask for help quickly. There is still one left to rush into the top three. Don't we even have a monthly ticket? RS