Medical official path

Chapter 1263 Breaking in one word

Jiao Naiwang said, "People's mentality will change in many times. Some people seem indifferent on the surface, but he may not think so in his heart. Once there is an opportunity, their ambitions will be exposed."

Gao Zhonghe said, "Lao Jiao, you are older than me. You see things more thoroughly than me, or you analyze."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Since Zhang Yang's question has been exposed, Secretary Song will show his attitude sooner or later. Even if he doesn't investigate, someone will naturally raise an investigation, so Secretary Song was the first to put forward a wonderful move, which is called taking the lead."

Gao Zhong and Lian Lian nodded.

Jiao Naiwang said, "Secretary Song asked Liu Zhao to deal with this matter, emphasizing that it should be handled impartially, but he should not believe that Zhang Yang will kill people. Anyone can talk about human feelings. Although he doesn't say anything, he can't help thinking about it psychologically.

If you were Liu Zhao, what would you do? Gao Zhonghe said, "If I were Liu Zhao, I would definitely not publicize this matter before the matter was investigated, and I would not let other departments interfere in this matter."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Secretary Song also thinks that Liu Zao will not be public. He thinks that Liu Zao will take care of his face and will treat this matter cautiously. There is no need for Secretary Song to explain that he wants to be open-minded and show mercy. Liu Zhao should also understand.

But Liu Zhao didn't understand. He recognized the four words to deal with them impartially, and his attitude towards Zhang Yang was to investigate to the end, and he hurriedly stuffed him to the Public Security Department before it was verified.

Gao Zhonghe said, "Does he want to shirk his responsibility?" Jiao Naiwang said, "But his behavior has shown his attitude. He didn't intend to save face for Secretary Song."

Gao Zhonghe said, "Before Zhang Yang was convicted, they did so, not for the purpose of Zhang Yang himself."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Who gave them the courage?" Gao Zhonghe picked up the glass and drank all the wine in one gulp: "I didn't expect anyone to be in a hurry to stand in line!" Jiao Naiwang said, "Wen Haonan's investigation team is a wonderful move. What happened to Zhang Yang will definitely be borne by Wen Haonan. For Vice Premier Wen, a godson and a son is a son, and the palms of his hands are full of flesh."

Gao Zhonghe said, "Wen Haonan has obviously been used."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Not many people dare to offend Secretary Song.

There are only a handful of people who dare to provoke the literary family.

Gao Zhonghe suddenly thought of a person.

He couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. He whispered, "I'm afraid we can't control this matter."

Jiao Naiwang said, "So the key this time is not the flamboyant case itself, but to stand in line.

The most important thing for us is to keep a clear mind and do our part well.

Gao Zhonghe heard the meaning of Jiao Naiwang's words. The work of the Public Security Department is his duty, and now there is a problem.

Jiao Naiwang can ignore this matter, but he can't ignore it.

Zhang Yang was arranged to stay in the Dongjiang Water Conservancy Hotel. Although he did not indicate that he would be double-regulated, in fact, Zhang's officials have enjoyed double-regulated treatment, restricted going out, and cut off all communication with the outside world.

Zhang's official regarded this as a rare opportunity for recuperation.

He has already had the end of this matter. He firmly believed that he would be fine. Sang Beibei was not dead at all, and no one could come up with her death certificate, so the police's accusation based on Chen Gang was untenable and untenable.

But Zhang Yang is not in a hurry to show his cards. At present, he can't confirm some things about why the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Department will attack him without mercy.

Their movements are vigorous and vigorous.

If Wen Haonan is expected to target himself, what about Rong Pengfei? This person who has always been a teacher and friend with him.

Why do you want to turn against each other? Does he do things impartially, or does he have other ideas? Is Song Huaiming in his current situation? The day after Zhang Yang checked into the Dongjiang Water Conservancy Hotel, Wen Haonan came to the hotel. When he entered the room, Zhang Yang was lying on the ground doing push-ups.

Wen Haonan's arrival did not interrupt his exercise. Wen Haonan pulled a chair and sat down behind him.

Zhang Daguan supported the ground with both hands and came to a difficult hand-down. From his point of view, Wen Haonan was upside down, and everything was upside down.

In Wen Haonan's view, only Zhang Yang's body is upside down, and the wèizhì is different, which determines that the scenery they see is different.

Wen Haonan said, "Good skills!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The body is the capital of the revolution, and you can't forget to exercise anywhere."

Wen Haonan said, "You will definitely have a lot of opportunities to exercise in the future."

Zhang Yang said, "The opportunity depends on yourself."

Wen Haonan said, "The province has set up a special task force for your case. I am the person in charge of this case."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you pay attention to principles in doing things now? We are brothers. According to the rules and regulations, you should choose to avoid it.

Wen Haonan said, "There is no such provision in the principle of circumvention, and we can't have any relationship."

Zhang Yang said, "Did you catch Chen Gang?" Wen Haonan smiled and said, "No one can miss the people I want to catch."

Zhang Yang said sarcastically, "It's the first time I've found that you are so confident, but it's easy for confident people to see their true self-confidence. I advise you to calm down and think about it carefully."

Wen Haonan said: "What do you think about? As a policeman, what I should consider is to bring all criminals to justice.

Zhang Yang said, "It sounds very righteous."

Wen Haonan said, "Do you already know Chen Gang's testimony?" Zhang Yang said, "How much credibility can a ** official have?" Wen Haonan said, "Do you want to read Yuan Xiaoshang's testimony?" Zhang Yang said, "I'm not interested! Even if the whole world says that I killed people, I want to ask, where is Sambebe's body? Can you show me her death certificate? At present, you can't even confirm whether she is dead or not. How can you identify me as a murderer? Wen Haonan smiled and said, "Sure enough, his mouth is hard, and the body has been destroyed. The body has been thrown into the sea by you. Maybe it has already been rotten and has been eaten clean by fish and shrimp."

"That's dead without proof!" Unfortunately, we found two on-site witnesses!" Zhang Yang said, "There is no persuasive power in their words."

Wen Haonan said, "Let me tell you one more thing, Qin Mengmeng has admitted that she has an affair with you."

Zhang Yang was stunned when he heard the words. This matter was impossible at all. Qin Mengmeng should have boarded the plane to the United States, but Wen Haonan said, was Qin Mengmeng intercepted by him halfway? Zhang Yang said, "Do all police like to lie?" Wen Haonan said, "I forgot to tell you that Qin Mengmeng has been detained by the police for carrying illegal drugs on the plane."

Zhang Yang turned over and stood up, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at Wen Haonan aggressively.

Wen Haonan also stood up. He looked at Zhang Yang without fear, but put his hand on the handle of the gun at his waist.

In an instant, the room was full of the smell of gunpowder smoke. Just as the two were on the verge of breaking out, the policeman guarding the door hurried in. He said something in Wen Haonan's ear.

Wen Haonan's hand drooped down, and he heard the roar of Gao Zhonghe, the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, almost at the same time: "What the hell? What are you doing?" Gao Zhonghe strode in. He opened his eyes and looked angry. He pointed to Wen Haonan's nose and said, "Who gave you the order? Who gave you the power?" Wen Haonan was a little confused. He didn't understand why Gao Zhonghe's fire burned at him. For a long time, Gao Zhonghe has been very polite to him, and he has never had such an attitude today.

Wen Haonan said, "It's Secretary Song's instructions!" Gao Zhonghe said angrily, "I don't mean this. Wen Haonan, do you remember what your identity is?" Wen Haonan said, "I..." His current position is the director of the Public Security Bureau of Nancy City.

Gao Zhonghe said, "As the director of the Nancy City Public Security Bureau, you don't do your job. What are you doing here?" Wen Haonan said, "It was Director Rong who transferred me to the task force..." He was shocked by the momentum that Gao Zhonghe had never shown before, and the deputy word was leaked for a while.

Gao Zhonghe sneered and said, "Mr. Rong? Why haven't I heard of it?" The meaning is very obvious. There is only one director surnamed Gao in the Public Security Department, and there is no second director.

Wen Haonan knew that he had said something wrong. He coughed awkwardly and said, "High hall, you can go and ask for verification."

Gao Zhonghe said coldly, "Do you think you are important?" One sentence made Wen Haonan blush.

Zhang Guanren almost didn't laugh out loud. Gao Zhonghe has never seen him show his power, but if he doesn't show his power, you can't treat him as a sick cat.

Gao Zhonghe said, "I'll go back to your Nancy right away. There's nothing to do with you!" Wen Haonan looked up at Gao Zhonghe in astonishment. He immediately shook his head and said, "Gao Hall, I have been with this case for so long, you..." "This is an order!" Gao Zhonghe said in an unquestionable tone.

Wen Haonan was obviously angered by Gao Zhonghe's arrogant attitude: "Gao Hall, you can't do this. If you insist on doing this, I'd rather resign from you!" I approved it. I'll make up a complete written report later!" Gao Zhonghe didn't give Wen Haonan any chance at all.

Wen Haonan nodded hatefully and turned around and left.

Gao Zhonghe scolded in his heart. This bastard, I'm here to help you. I'm trying to remove you from the quagmire. How can't you fucking see the situation clearly? How much hatred do you have with Zhang Yang? After Wen Haonan left, Gao Zhonghe came to the wèizhì he had just sat down.

Zhang Yang smiled at Gao Zhonghe and said, "Gao Hall, there is no good tea here, so I won't make tea for you!" Gao Zhonghe said, "You can stand it. You actually did something to kill people and destroy corpses."

Zhang Yang said, "If you collude and are ready to frame me, we have nothing to say. See you in court. By the way, I will ask your son to be my defense lawyer."

Gao Zhonghe really can't laugh or cry: "Are you sure that my son wants to pull him into the water?" Zhang Yang picked up the towel and wiped his sweat, and sat down at the head of the bed: "In this room, there is surveillance everywhere, which makes people uncomfortable."

Thank you for your reward. The second update is sent. Please give me praise and encouragement! ( To be continued...) RT